Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 125: 4.39

Chapter 125: 4.39

Anyway. Now it was too late to back up and say 'oh, by the way, I'm actually the top agricultural student of Beijing's leading science university.' The only thing he can bank on is meeting this new transmigrator and convincing her to use the agriculture system. 

And in order to meet the new Pan Shuchun he needs to rope Tang Muxin into this.

But right now his character shouldn't know that the original Pan Shuchun has been replaced so it wasn't like he could say it so frankly. Luckily, with everyone around in the carriage being noisy, it wasn't the best time to do any telepathic communication so he had some time to think about it. 

Tang Muxin also knew this, and decided to go chat with the people more familiar with the capital to determine whether this was a new or old change. 

Steel straight man* Duan Mengyao: 'Maybe.' 

He was mainly busy in the army and never appreciated women's clothing so he really wouldn't know.

*Steel straight = Stupid straight. Describes the typical type of straight dude who doesn't care about clothes or won't notice his girlfriend had a haircut etc.

Tang Muxin: '...' 

Villainous cut-sleeve Yan Huizhong, ignoring Tang Muxin's questions and turning to Ye Cheng: 'It seems the fashion has changed, do you want to go buy some new clothes after unpacking?' 

Even though he was confused at how the conservative style changed so quickly, imagining Ye Cheng in some of those more... progressive clothing suddenly made things more acceptable.

Doesn't really care about anything but money and animals Ye Cheng: 'Eh... Do you think this means the fabrics we brought would be sold for higher or lower than expected?'

Tang Muxin: '...' 

She turns back to Jin Bao. Even if it was a bit noisy it's probably better to talk it out now ah.

Jia Hyson, excitedly peeking outside while cuddling Da Gong: 'Ahhhhh Brother Gong, you would look so good wearing that!' ()

Da Gong: 'Cluck?' ( )

Jia Hyson: 'Yes! The most handsome!' (,,,> <,,)

Da Gong: 'Tsk.' (,, ,,)

Tang Muxin: '....' 

It's so lonely being competent. _(:3)_

Unfortunately her core personality was more of a godly teammate and a barely passable team leader. As long as she's directed and instructed she can show off her OP spy skills in investigation. Due to her upbringing and Jia Hyson's manipulations which indirectly hindered what little sense of independence she was meant to grow into during the story, she was naturally quite passive when there was no pressure to force her into a situation and tended to feel uncomfortably anxious starting new things without some assurance. 

To be fair, most people were like that though ah.

Of course, unlike most people, Tang Muxin is blessed with a lucky protagonist halo and a lucky dragon mascot. Even though she decided to procrastinate investigating until she discussed more with Jin Bao, that didn't mean the investigation was willing to wait. 

Entering the Fairy Garden Inn, everyone was stunned at the interior. It was hard to tell whether it was Jia Hyson and Tang Muxin, the modern day transmigrators, or the native ancient men, Duan Mengyao, Yan Huizhong and Ye Cheng, that were the most suprised.

"I heard this was the most romantic inn to bring people to but this is beyond my expectations," Yan Huizhong couldn't help but mutter out, deeply impressed. 

Even though it was bright outside, once you step into the lobby of the large inn, it was like entering a secret forest party in the evening time. The windows were covered with heavy curtains with only a sliver of light leaking out, the main lighting was produced by rows of small hanging lanterns with simple inked flowers decorating the surface, making enlarged flowery patterns with its shadows. 

From the mossy green fabric mats, the cleverly carved wooden furniture in the shape of large mushrooms, flowers and insects, and the lovely painted ceiling of a twinkling night sky, everything was very fun and interesting but without crossing to gaudy and over the top. It was definitely not something an ancient person who views the lobby as a stop and go point, would design. 

Jia Hyson personally felt it was a bit childish in design but then again, an ancient person may not feel comfortable nor understand the beauty in a super modernist look either. Not to mention this sort of playful set up would definitely attract not just couples but families and young people. 

The innkeeper was an older woman who was wearing a stunning set of robes with simple white inner garments that contrasted with the deep emerald green outer robe decorated with outlines of various tropical looking leaves and vines in gold. Her face didn't have much make up but there was an interesting, fantasy-like golden painting of vines trailing down from the corner of her eyes like peacock feathers. Not only did it give her a mystical effect, but it also covered up her crows feet making her seem a bit younger at first sight. Very fairy like. 

Jia Hyson: 'I would totally ask her out ah.' 

Bebe: 'She's like mid to late-fifties. In this time period she's probably somebody's grandma.'

Jia Hyson: 'Hey, I'm just saying, if grandpa is out of the picture, I wouldn't mind being someone's-'

Bebe: 'Don't finish that sentence.' 

Jia Hyson: '-granddaddy.'

Bebe: '...' _

"Hello young immortals, welcome to the Fairy Garden Inn, I am Fairy Elder Vine Flower." The older woman greets politely, her face not showing a hint of embarrassment addressing them as immortals or her very fairy-like name. It seems they're really playing up the role play aspect here ah. 

Most likely she must be the innkeeper's wife or relative. Not many older people around this time would be willing to act like a fairy after all, they're more face-saving unless it involved their direct interests. 

Ye Cheng who had strode confidently to the forefront to speak faltered, for once a little embarrassed to speak. "Uh yes, um, thank you, ah Fairy Elder." He stutters. "May I ask how much for a room? We need at least three rooms but two rooms are also possible."

Fairy Elder Vine Flower glanced down at some writings on her desk before smiling wider, "You're in luck sirs, we have quite a few people checking out today. We have available a deluxe couple room which is 1200 copper a night, two normal couple rooms at 750 copper each, four deluxe single rooms at 650 copper, and five normal single rooms at 500 copper per night."

Ye Cheng: '' 

If anyone could look into Ye Cheng's heart right now they would see a thousand galloping mud horses* running through.

*Pun, means fuck your mum. Essentially he's swearing at the situation.

Even though the history made up by the author was a bit messy, at the very least the exchange rate was a bit easier to understand as it more or less follows the Ming dynasty. 

In the Ming dynasty they had copper coins and silver as their main currency. There was also paper money (kuan) but mainly that didn't catch on well due to counterfeiting. The majority of the country generally relied on copper and silver to run the economy. Before the year 1840 the government of the Qing dynasty set the official exchange rate between copper-alloy cash coins and silver sycees  at 1000 wn* for 1 tael** of silver before 1820, but after the year 1840 this official exchange rate was double to 2000 wn to 1 tael of silver. Currently it was only 1000 wen to 1 tael. 1 kuan was the equivalent to 1 tael.

*copper coins

**an ingot of silver about 40g

However that wasn't the main point. 

The main point was the price was too expensive!!!

Just the cheapest single room was 500 copper. A well off farming family during a good harvest can earn about 50 silver a year in these times, maybe less given the increasingly bad harvests in the past few years. So ten days of staying the cheapest room of this inn would be around a yearly farmer's wage. On a good harvest year. 

It should be known 1 dou (10 liters) of good rice was roughly 110 copper pieces. You can eat for a long fucking time with 10L of rice, some more savvy families can make it last half a year if they really stretch it. 

Even if Ye Cheng felt like he was a bit rich now, they hadn't exchanged their products for money yet and had only a few taels silver and some copper at the moment. No, even if they exchanged some items now and gained a bag full of silver taels Ye Cheng would feel distressed. 500 copper for a cheap single room! The other inns he went to, the most expensive inn asked to give 250 copper for the best room. 500 copper... Why don't you just cut off his flesh instead ah? 

"Is food provided?" He weakly asked. Sometimes the price is higher because of this service. If so he would thicken his face and ask to drop it for a cheaper price.

"We do have something called room service where we can provide your meals for an extra 55 copper per room." The fairy elder replies with a smile, "With this service we provide you a menu and you can order whatever you want."

She pauses for a moment before adding, "The 55 copper is paying for the option of room service by the way. You do have to still pay for whatever meal you order. Don't worry though, the meals are much cheaper than outside meals and we guarantee the best quality. Our lamb dishes especially is-"

Ye Cheng: '....' This is daylight robbery. 

Sure enough the capital was really on another level. 

No, no, even if they could afford a few nights stay with their current savings and they could earn more later it's still better to just go to a cheaper place to stay anyway. They plan to buy a shop in the capital which would require a lot of money after all. Until then it's better to still be a bit frugal. 

"Let's get one deluxe couple room, the two deluxe single rooms and one normal room then." Yan Huizhong said before Ye Cheng could shamelessly say they got the the wrong place and leave. 

Sensing the gaze of Ye Cheng, Rich City Boy Yan Huizhong smiles and reveals his true colors with one sentence, "The price is pretty good, cheaper then expected. We can probably stay for a week."

Ye Cheng: '...' 

If Yan Huizhong had a romance-based system he would have definitely have heard something along the lines of [Ding! Ye Cheng's favorability has dropped 10 points. Refuel!]. 

However he also wasn't wrong. As a prince, even an unfavored one, he has experienced a lot of high quality things. The rich and noble will buy things at prices that commoners cannot comprehend. Their mentality is the rarer, unique and more expensive must be the best, they can show off their money and status through what they buy. 

Even if they actually aren't doing very well, a noble wife will still try to maintain face by purchasing what other rich ladies do. And the rich ladies will not shame their families by buying anything cheap in order to avoid gossip.

For example it's common for the women of the high society to say things like, "Ah, I was shopping with the young wife of the Xuan family and she didn't buy anything with us. Said she wasn't interested. Isn't that saying that she thinks what we bought isn't good in her eyes?"

Then another person will say, "It can't be, Miss Xuan bought some things with me a few months ago, me and you, we like the same things and go to the same shops. Miss Xuan is also like this, so it's unlikely that she was really uninterested."

Finally a third person may interject, "Aiyah, it couldn't be she couldn't afford it right? I know prices have gone up a bit recently but..."

From A to B to C the ladies more or less conclude in their hearts that this Miss Xuan has become stingier and the Xuan family may be experiencing some turbulent times they aren't aware of. 

The worst case is that the more vicious women or women who have enmity to Miss Xuan may spread this 'newfound knowledge' to their husbands with pillow talk. Listening to them balabala, the husbands may not take it 100% seriously but at the very least everyone would think twice about associating with the Xuan family in a 'better safe than sorry' mentality. 

The ones who trusted their wives more may choose to be decisive and cut off the Xuan family in their dealings. Then other men who see this will remember what their wives said and will feel like there indeed has been some problems with this family and will be more cautious and distant. The Xuan family of course would suffer from this, and could essentially fall into the trap of a self fulfilling prophecy. 

In short, the mentality of those born rich is to spend to save face, while the poor is to spend enough not to starve. It is hard to bridge this gap in thinking, even if a rich person falls from grace or a poor person flies up like a pheonix, there will always be something in their hearts, whether it be insecurity, arrogance, the cherished memory of their past prideful states or the bone deep fear of being unable to make it through winter, that will make it impossible to truly emphasize with each other's thoughts. 

Yan Huizhong knew this inn was really a good thing. Plus he's seen what products they've kept to sell in the capital and he was confident they could rake in a killing with only a few of those items much less all of them. It's fine to splurge.

Before the Fairy Garden Inn was also quite popular, especially for couples, known for good discreet services and a romantic scenery as the rooms overlook a large courtyard full of vibrant flowers that one could reserve for a short period of time to walk around and have tea in. 

However business is brutal and soon there were many inns with a garden or flower gimmick. Not to mention the owner was actually a widow and her daughter had previously offended someone high up, so their business had taken two big hits. 

He knew the widow would not close shop so easily, and with less business there would be less customers despite being a good quality inn which was why he had wanted to come here in the first place. Who knew that the widow had redecorated and made an unprecedented comeback. 

The new look was very both amazing and never been done before. Yan Huizhong who had been shocked by this design concept genuinely felt that the person behind this Fairy Garden Inn was very ingenious and he would like to recruit them if he could in the future. But if there was so many available rooms left it meant that word of mouth had not taken full effect yet and they were lucky enough to come here before the inn became red*. 

*In Chinese entertainment when an actor becomes in the red it means becoming hot/popular/trending etc.

Once the customers pour in, the price of a room will of course rise. Even if the owner is not greedy for money and won't change the room cost, there definitely would be limited opportunities to come back here. As a prince who is about to go do all sorts of fighting in the palace he will not have much time to wantonly indulge in enjoying the accommodations of such an interesting inn for a while and most importantly, for Ye Cheng who wishes to start his own business he will also never have the chance to enjoy this place before it becomes a tourist attraction.

Generally the most expensive places start off at a few taels for a night's stay so this was genuinely a good price. In fact Yan Huizhong had been previously very shocked at how cheap other places had been on the journey. 

Of course, then he actually entered the rooms of those places and he was no longer so shocked. _(:3)_

Even Duan Mengyao who was a bit more conservative silently agreed with most of Yan Huizhong's outlook. His father was a drinker that likes to collect bottles worth thrice the price at minimum and his mother loved jade. He had also been numbed to these so called 'sky high' prices that commoners had. However he did still retain his memories when he had amnesia, and how his past self also felt that five hundred coppers was indeed a lot of money. 

As wandering merchants they had more potential to earn money than farmers but the amount they needed for living expenses was conversely very high. Especially given they needed to consider both human and animal needs plus carriage maintenance. Not to mention Tang Muxin had expressed interest in medicine early on, first explaining how she learnt a bit from a loyal servant, and then later citing the little dragon had some hereditary knowledge and wished to further sharpen her abilities, which also required a lot of money. 

So back then the profit was actually not high, at the very least, it was pretty high to Ye Cheng and Tang Muxin and past Meng Meng, but to the current Duan Mengyao and Yan Huizhong it could barely be considered small change.

Poor commoners Ye Cheng and Tang Muxin who only earns less than small change: '...Peh, evil rich people, peh, peh, peh.' 

Ye Cheng was very dissatisfied at Yan Huizhong, but after so many weeks spent with this man, he knew that the other wouldn't pit him like this. Besides He looks around at the rather magical setup that seemed like straight out of a folktale. He had to admit he really did want to try staying here for a few nights. And the placement of the inn was very convenient. And they were planning to have a good time before everyone seperated

But the price is still so

Ye Cheng glanced at the overly beautiful face of Yan Huizhong looking up at him expectantly. In the ambiguous dim romantic lighting, the prince's attractiveness index had gone up by 20%. 

Ye Cheng: '' 

The stingy merchant who was finally won over by beauty sighed and took out his money pouch. "So five days for one deluxe couple room, two deluxe single rooms and one normal roo- wait. Isn't there something off about booking these rooms?"

Duan Mengyao enters the room with his bags, and only lets himself admire the clean and attractive room for a few seconds before getting to work. Pulling out a scroll of paper, inkstone and brush, he quickly grinds the ink and uses it to write a short perfunctory message on the paper. 

Satisfied with his note he slips out of his room quickly. 

He doesn't want to waste too much time on this when he should be trying to woo himself a fianc with the limited time he has right now after all.

Meanwhile, Tang Muxin drops off her share of bags and goods into her room and looks around the place with a feeling of faint delight and unease. Sure enough this was the work of a modern day person. 

However she never had held the feeling of 'Since I have transversed here I must be the main character beloved by the heavens, bow down under my pomegranate skirt,' and didn't actually feel too threatened about the existence of a fourth transmigrator. She only felt worried about if this person would be hostile. 

After all, even though she doesn't hold much delusion of being a main character, whose to say this unknown one will be the same. Pan Shuchun the original protagonist does a lot of important things, it wouldn't be good if it would be disrupted if the unknown transmigrator had plans to steal the spotlight. 

Aiyah, who knew transmigrating would be so complicated?

She should go find Jin Bad and discuss things now.

As she walks to the door, something catches her eyes and Tang Muxin does a sudden double take. 

With almost no hesitation she rushes to the bathroom and sees a somewhat primitive but clean bathtub with a shower head. 

Tang Muxin: '..'

Well. Having a soak first wouldn't hurt ah.

Besides, Da Gong probably wouldn't be too happy for her to steal Jin Bao so soon after arrival anyway. 

Yan Huizhong was really a sneaky bitch though. He even knew how to butter up Da Gong now. 

"It's really nice that Yan Huizhong suggested to give us our own room ah." Jia Hyson comments as he lays splayed out on the soft cotton bedding, enjoying it deeply. 

"It would have been better if the selfish human didn't give us the common single room though, tsk," Da Gong struts around Jia Hyson as he surveys the room critically. Because the bed and quilt was unprecedentedly bouncy, it looked more like the large bird was hopping in circles around the dragon, looking quite cute in how serious he was. 

"I suppose it's pretty good though." Da Gong amends as he finally gets tired of looking around and sits by his little worm's side. Jia Hyson instinctively curls his body around the rooster, giving him a lazy full body hug. Because he's longer and bigger, he could easily encircle the rooster now. Da Gong lowers his head and nuzzles his face against Jia Hyson's smooth scales. "Just the opportunity to be alone with you would make even the cheapest room worth it to me."

Jia Hyson: 'Oh my god I think my scum heart is being whitewashed and I believe in true love again.' ( > < )

Bebe: 'Fuck, Bebe also believes in true love again. If Da Gong drops you do you think he wouldn't mind a system as a companion instead?' ( )? 

Jia Hyson: 'Roll home wrecker! We don't need a little three here! Roll!' (`)

Meanwhile, the other animals who were kicked out by Da Gong to go live in the barn: '...' 

Meanwhile, the other animals who were kicked out by Da Gong to go live in the barn: 'Woo! The boss is gone! It's time to play!' ()/ (o) ()/

Little Fatty sits on a warm patch of hay and watches all the animals party it up in the barn. Even though they weren't living with their human and rooster masters, the area they were placed into was warm and spacious and the food given to them was abundant and delicious. As simple animals they were already very satisfied. 

The three mice babies, Heng Kai, Heng Dishi, and Heng Jian who had been playing tag around the barn ran to Little Fatty pantingly and with bright eyes. Little Fatty patted all three of them praisingly before sighing a little as the mice cuddled up to him so affectionately. 

Maybe it was because the big boss and small boss truly did not look like the kids, and he himself did, the little mice were very fond of him and often spent more time with him then their 'parents'. Even when given the opportunity to join the big and small boss in their own human room, the trio declined with the excuse that the barn was bigger and Uncle Fatty would get lonely. 

Little Fatty had been deeply moved but a little complicated at the same time. Such sweet kids, it's a pity they don't seem very filial to their parents. 

"Uncle~" they squeaked cutely, "Uncle~ tell us another story okay~?" (..)(..) (..) 

Little Fatty chuckles, "Okay, okay, ah, let me tell you again about how back in the village, the big boss-" 

Seeing how obediently they snuggle up to his chubby body, Little Fatty felt very content. Even if they weren't his kids, they were so good he doesn't mind pretending he was raising them as his own ah. 

Bebe: '...Hehe.'

Those three mice were influenced by Slut Hyson and Domineering CEO Gong. Those kids knew how to sell meng and act silly and sweet but who knows how black they were on the inside?

Speaking of silly sweets and black insides, a certain black bellied scheming prince had pulled down a certain stingy scheming merchant onto the hotel bed in a certain deluxe couple room.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time," Yan Huizhong hoarsely murmured as he wraps his arms around Ye Cheng's neck. 

"Funny," Through his flushed cheeks, Ye Cheng grins brightly, "So have I." 

They didn't know who moved first but quickly they began to slowly but passionately exchange kisses. Both were a bit tentative. After all they had a lot of theoretical knowledge from observation and books, but not so much physical experience. However both were smart, adaptable people and quickly they began to figure out the mechanics and things suddenly went from sweet to spicy.

However when, Yan Huizhong's hands moved down suggestively Ye Cheng's spine, the younger man had to quickly break away from their entanglement with a gasp. "Wu- wait, you're legs... can you even?"

A very stiff and hard thing that clearly wasn't his own was forcefully pushed and grinded against his groin, silently agreeing that indeed Yan Huizhong certainly can. "What do you think?" The prince smiles with a dark glimmer in his eyes. No matter how logical the question was, which man would like being questioned about his ability in that area at such a pertinent time?

Ye Cheng sits up and glances down, his wheat coloured skin paling a little. "This, haha," He laughs awkwardly, "maybe I should take the lead Huizhong? After all, you're still injured, and I don't think you could actually"

"You're right," Yan Huizhong flushes and looks down with a sad, insecure look, "I-I suppose I won't be able to do much with these legs of mine. Even though the only thing that can give me any sensory feedback is my dick and nothing else, I'm sure that I can at least still try bring one of us some pleasure with this body of mine."

Ye Cheng: '..'

He narrowed his eyes, "I'm pretty sure Tang Muxin helped a lot with the nerve damage and your legs have improved quite a bit since the start?"

Yan Huizhong blinked his pretty eyes and pouted innocently, "Do you want to go see her now and ask then?"

Ye Cheng: '.....'

"Fuck!" Ye Cheng once again lost to the beauty and began to aggressively strip on top of the prince's body, "When your legs are fully healed then you have to let me top then okay?" He points harshly at the other's chest.

Yan Huizhong didn't feel any pain at all and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, yes, yes, whatever you say baby."

Ye Cheng: Hehe.

Ripping off the robes and revealing the tender white skin of the scholarly villain prince, Ye Cheng went and showed him the power and might of the commoners.

Viva la resistance! 


Pan Shuchun frowns as she sees her lighting shake on the ceiling of her room. It seems that they need to put thicker carpeting or something to avoid any future customer complaints. Unfortunately she wasn't actually an architect and didn't know how to fix this sort of problem other than more carpets or construct a better building. 

Still, these new customers did buy a lot of rooms- even one just for their pets apparently. The owner had told her they were probably merchants who had just arrived into the capital. 

Not only were they decently wealthy, they also seemed to be fairly new to the capital, at the very least their connections were probably shallow if they wanted to stay at the previously declining Fairy Garden Inn. Her advertising work has barely started so she was positive these out of towners wouldn't have been aware of the revamping of this place, so Pan Shuchun was fairly confident of her deductions. It would be good to try see if they could make a connection with them tomorrow. After all, even though their statuses are not high, it's easier to converse that way.

"System, remember to wake me up at 6:30am okay?" She orders as she walks to the bathroom mirror and begins her evening beauty routine. There was still a bit of the day left but she was feeling lazy. Work can wait for now, all she wanted to do was spend the rest of today in bed drawing up some new designs for her store. Maybe read a little. Snack on some fruit from her space. 

Just imagining it makes her smile.

World's consciousness who has been reduced to an alarm clock: '' 

[Host, it's been four weeks since you've done a task-]

"Tsk," Pan Shuchun clicked her tongue as she started to wash her hands, "Look at how good I'm doing, why would I need to do your shitty tasks of wooing men and acting like a bimbo ah?"

Looking at the bronze mirror she gently pulls down her left lower eyelid and pinches something in her brown eyes. Carefully she slides off her contact revealing a black iris, dark and yet entrancing like the night sky. 

"Honestly," She continues, "You know that in my original world I was in my late twenties right? Do you know how humiliating some of those tasks you wanted me to do ah? Do you?"


"Tsk," Pan Shuchun pulls out the contact lens from her right eye, uncovering a piercing silver iris. 

Splashing her face with water she looks back into the mirror and gives it the middle finger, her black and silver heterochromatic eyes flashing in irritation as she sneers, "Fucking misogynist system."

Little theatre:

Jia Hyson: 'Okay, who saw THAT coming?'

Bebe: 'Not me.'

Da Gong: 'Neither.'

Tang Muxin: 'Yeah who would have thought Ye Cheng and Yan Huizhong would actually do it in this chapter?"

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