Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 14: 1.13

Chapter 14: 1.13

Jia Hyson, in a rare act of self-control, did not touch even a hair of Drake's body that night, much to Drake's grievous disappointment. He was genuinely afraid that if he succumbed to his lust, not only will the sex god male lead awaken but what little of Drake's IQ would disappear in the process as well.

He sighs. There was still a few more weeks to go before he should leave the show. This was truly going to be a trail of restraint for him. After all, it was easier to go vegetarian when there wasn't any meat in the house.

Bebe: 'This goes against the rules but I can slip you a low-grade purity-enforcing pill for Host, if Host wants? Free of charge,' (-)

Jia Hyson: 'Haha, it's okay, the abstinence play is... not bad.' ()

Bebe: () '...F*ck you.'

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe, baby, I'm flattered but I have a boyfriend now,'

Bebe: ( ` ) 'Ahaha Host is so funny, come here, Bebe promises not to beat you too hard ah,'

The next morning, Jia Hyson wakes up a little earlier than usual, pressing a quick, affectionate kiss onto Drake's forehead before he heads to the kitchen. Generally he prefers to stay in bed a little longer and read some online novels he downloaded on his phone but this time he has a task to accomplish.

Usually before nine, few people would be out of their rooms. Daniel, and occasionally Drake, would be the only ones crazy enough to go out before dawn and... Ugh, jog outside. Like barbarians. However during times of anxiety, stress or joy, Maddy has been noted to go down to the kitchens earlier than usual to cook. After a few weeks most people have caught on to this habit of hers, and considering it was elimination day many people wouldn't be surprised to find her in the kitchens until it was time to leave.

Because of the early morning and everyone's acknowledgment that this was just how the young girl copes with stress, generally everyone leave's Maddy alone during this time. It's not like people haven't tried to accompany her, however the more she's absorbed in cooking during this period, the less aware she becomes of the world outside the kitchen. It was a habit even Jia Hyson couldn't shake out of her. You give her a cookie, she'll bite it. You pass her a spoon, she'll try taste what's on it. You pass her a cup, she will try to drink from it. Honestly, it was like Maddy was asking to go get drugged.

Which makes sense given the original story. But still. In reality it really was annoying. And a little concerning.

"Shirley," Jia Hyson greets softly as he enters the kitchen, making the woman almost drop her mug in fright. As expected, she was creeping up to Maddy, who was in the midst of a cooking frenzy, with a mug of juice. It was a little clever, after all by using a mug it would be harder to see any strange inconsistency in the beverage and the juice would minimize the taste of the drug.

Jia Hyson pauses for a second to contemplate this. Didn't Shirley seem a little too prepared? It couldn't be she had experience? The story never described how anyone got the drugs in detail but in Shirley's case, she couldn't have gotten access so quickly unless she already had them somewhere on her person.

He gives her an odd look, seeing Shirley in a whole new but equally unflattering light.

Jia Hyson: 'I hate that the only thing in this story that goes against gender norms is that it's the women who are packing the date-rape drugs instead of the men.'

Bebe: 'Hey... the men could also be hiding drugs, you don't know.'

Jia Hyson: _

Seriously, were the security checks and police clearance documents for decoration? This world is too dirty!

Bebe: 'Didn't you go to jail for drugging someone in your original world?'

Jia Hyson: 'That's different, I just used the drug he was going to use on me, that's just called karma.'

Bebe: 'They said the man accused you of throwing him in your basement, naked, aroused and covered in beetles.'

Jia Hyson: 'Yeah, and those beetles never recovered. I had to go ask for an extension at the science office and get new beetles!'

Bebe: ...Damn, his superiors were right, this Host may be one of the most capable but he is also all sorts of psycho

Bebe looks at the strings of code and data that made up Jia Hyson's criminal record. It wasn't long. Three reports of unusual assaults involving drugs in similar cases to what they had talked about just then, two acts of murder in self-defense and then five counts of public indecency for sex outdoors. However, while data alone can't tell someone everything about a person, it can certainly suggest a lot of things.

"A-Adrian?" Shirley grips the cup in her hands so tightly her fingers turned bone white. "What, what are you doing up so early?"

Jia Hyson puts on a faint smile, "It's my first elimination challenge, I was having trouble sleeping so I figured I'll just get up now."

Shirley awkwardly laughs, "Yeah, I totally understand, I'm the exact same."

Acting like he had just noticed her drink, Jia Hyson peers over at it curiously, "What is that? Apple juice?"

"Um, it's apple, beetroot and carrot, really good for you." Shirley gives him a coy self-deprecating smile. Jia Hyson silently shakes his head to himself, her acting is decent but she wasn't as good at playing innocent like the white lotus girls, "I made it for Maddy, you know, as an apology."

His smile turns gentler and warmer, like he was truly moved by Shirley's sad attempt at passing an olive branch. If you were going to make a drink as an apology clearly it should be hot chocolate or something that would feel like it took a little more effort to make. Even a martini would be better. "That's great, but it isn't good to hand Maddy things while she's in that state."

Immediately Shirley turns anxious, "But the juice won't be good if we wait too long." She explains, distressed.

"That's fine, I'll drink it then," Jia Hyson magnanimously offers. Internally he was bartering with a certain stingy system.

Jia Hyson: '400 p, can we do 400p?'

Bebe: 'Don't try and bargain with BeBay, BeBay will not budge. One mild impurity cleansing pill is 500 p.'

Jia Hyson: 'Wuwuwu but that's half my p! Bebe you bastard! You cheap, cheap bastard!'

Bebe: 'You can convert your skill points to p remember?'

Jia Hyson: 'But it only goes one-way! BeBay is too awful! Dislike!'

Bebe: 'You're awful! Your sister is awful!'

While he was coaxing an increasingly wary Shirley, Jia Hyson reluctantly bought the cleansing pill that would get rid of the aphrodisiac once he drank it. Apparently it would get rid of some other impurities in the body as well, but compared to a normal cleansing pill, it was like scraping dirt off the road with cardboard. On the positive side, the effects were quick and relatively painless in comparison.

While the exchange for the pill was finished, the exchange for the drink was less successful. The more Shirley resisted, the more serious Jia Hyson became. First he acted puzzled but soon his face turned suspicious, making Shirley even more frightened.

"Adrian please, there's really no need!"

"Shirley," Jia Hyson says coolly, "What's in the cup?"

"Nothing!" She finally snaps, "I already told you it's nothing!"

"Then you wouldn't mind if I drink it then?" He reaches out to take the cup only for Shirley to harshly pull it away, eyes bright with panic.

"No! You can't!" She shrieks.

Jia Hyson gives her a moment to catch her breath, glancing at Maddy who still hadn't noticed anything wrong as she continues kneading dough. He should really go take her to a psychologist about this. It really was truly concerning. "Okay then," He says, backing off, hands raised in surrender. "If it really means that much then I guess I'll just-"

Before he finishes his sentence he lunges toward her. Shirley who's been in more than her fair share of cat fights had already sensed something was off and kept a good grip on the drink. It was one thing to let her dispose of it herself but if Adrian gets hold of it he can ask someone to check the cup for drugs and confirm his suspicions. Soon the pair were playing tug of war for the drink, already half of the juice had sloshed out during the fight, where the liquid touched his skin Jia Hyson could feel it tingle with heat. It only made him even more determined to snatch the mug.

If he takes it and makes a fuss about what Shirley has done he can provide a precedent for stricter regulations in this godforsaken television show. It would be better if he drinks it himself, with the pill he can vomit it out and pretend to have an adverse reaction to the drug, making the crime seem much worse. Even if he drops out today, the repercussions would make it harder for anyone to drug Maddy afterwards.

But damn, this girl was strong! Was this some weird indirect way of the Author God stepping in to try inject more drama into this scene? Unless Shirley was also secretly a professional weightlifter as well as a drug peddler he really doesn't see why getting the cup was so hard. Honestly he was surprised the mug hadn't straight up broke by this point.

Deciding he might as well take advantage of this stalemate, he opened his mouth to speak, "Give me the cup," he grits out, "If you do I'm sure everyone involved will try to settle this quietly."

Shirley laughs coldly, "F*ck you, if you wanted to settle this quietly you would have let me take back the drink."

"You're right," Jia Hyson agrees just as coldly, "You tried to drug a fellow contestant, I would be insane to let you stay here." At these words he gave one final tug using a ridiculous amount of his strength, however, unexpectedly, Shirley in that moment had slackened her grip.

Surprised by this, Jia Hyson couldn't stop his momentum and the force made his fingers slip, throwing the cup behind him and making a sharp crashing sound as it hit the floor. He wasn't too concerned about the cup breaking, it could just serve as further evidence for Shirley's guilt. He looks at her and sees her face go even paler.


Jia Hyson: ()

Sharply turning around, he sees his man, his head dripping wet and face frowning. When Drake sees Adrian, face pink and panicked, he subconsciously licks his lips as he looks greedily up and down at his body, licking some of the drugged juice in the process. Jia Hyson wishes he could slap the stupid out of that pretty head of his, clearly all that sperm was clogging up all his higher brain functions.

Maddy, who had finally put her buns in the oven finally looked up to notice the train wreck happening in the kitchen. "Whoa, what happened here?" Jia Hyson also wants to slap the stupid out of her pretty head as well.

"Shirley tried to drug you with something," Jia Hyson quickly explains as his mind quickly turns at the sudden appearance of Drake. Picking up the larger pieces of what remains of the cup, he passes it on to Maddy. "Go get someone to look over this quickly, Drake.. swallowed some accidentally." He glowers at Drake who didn't even have the decency to look ashamed.

Actually. Drake looks a little excited.

Jia Hyson glowers at him even harder. They have an hour and a half before the elimination challenge. The show won't call it off even with the scandal, instead they'll probably exploit this into one dramatic turnaround so the loser of the challenge stays in the competition last minute as they reveal that Shirley is being kicked off. Luckily Drake wasn't participating and he only swallowed a little bit of the juice so it shouldn't be too bad, but if Jia Hyson remembers the storyline well enough the first wave of the aphrodisiac hits the hardest.

He could always hand Drake the pill he got but then he would have to answer for having such a suspicious pill in the first place.

Jia Hyson: Wuwuwu my 500p was wasted _

Does this unforeseen boon fall under the male lead halo? Because Drake is certainly getting lucky today.

Maddy also notices Drake's excitement and gives the man a disgusted look before solemnly nodding to Jia Hyson, leaving quickly to get a head start. Shirley snaps out of her daze just as Maddy runs out of the room, frantically she chases after her. Jia Hyson couldn't be bothered to follow, he has faith in Maddy's halo which seems to be stronger than ever, instead he focuses on Drake who's halo is as perverted as ever.

Drake looks on at Jia Hyson expectantly, his face slowly turning pink and his breathing subconsciously becoming heavier as the small traces of aphrodisiac kick in. However, Jia Hyson forced himself to be firm. "Wash off first, I'll meet you in our room," he says in the sternest voice he can muster. After all, Drake was still covered in juice and that is not the sort of food products Jia Hyson likes to use in the bedroom.

At the order, Drake practically flew away in his eagerness. Jia Hyson could feel the edges of his lips curl up involuntarily at the enthusiasm. Ah, he really is so cute. If he hadn't had to compete today Jia Hyson would have happily licked off the aphrodisiac on Drake's face and commenced a long day of rolling around together on the bed.

Heading into the bedroom, Jia Hyson wastes no time in kicking his fellow chefs out. He was even thoughtful enough to throw out some of their clothes so they could head straight to the showers and change.

Lex stares in disbelief as Adrian haphazardly throws the clothes he took out for today at his face after pushing him wordlessly put of the room. Daniel was no better, in fact he had still been asleep at this time.

"Sorry, there's been a situation," Jia Hyson apologizes but the eagle-eyed Lex could tell that he was not so secretly amused at this situation. "Maddy baked... something, why don't you guys go take it out of the oven before it burns?"

"You," Lex struggled to vocalize the emotions he was currently feeling right now. Usually he was very eloquent but what came out of his mouth was, "You, I.. What?"

Daniel mumbles incoherently but the indignance in his voice was plainly heard to everyone there. He really felt like the bad karma he had gotten playing around with girls beforehand had taken physical form in the shape of this damned couple. How else could he explain why he, a handsome, fairly rich and charming man like him is in this sort of terrible predicament?

Before Lex could finally formulate his words properly and Daniel could fully wake up, a freshly washed up Drake trampled over them to get into the room, slamming the door shut in front of the battered pair and locking the door without even a look back.

Daniel and Lex: ... QAQ why are we being bullied like this?

Drake gazes at Jia Hyson with affectionate and want, as he forces himself to stand still, practically vibrating in place. Jia Hyson inwardly praises his training methods but he knows the restraint his cultivated for both of them would probably be destroyed today. After all, both of them were hardly vegetarians, they'll be very unwilling to go back to their scarce diet once they've tasted steak.

With a helpless sigh, Jia Hyson opens up his arms, "Come here darling,"

Needing no further prompting, Drake embraces him, kissing Jia Hyson hungrily like a man starved for days. Jia Hyson couldn't help but gasp at the feeling of small fireworks hitting the back of his head as he was being kissed. Even though they've done this many times by now Jia Hyson still couldn't get fully used to such a fantastical feeling. Absentmindedly he truly despaired, this body is now used to the abnormal pleasure only Drake's body could provide and was probably forever ruined for other men and women now. It really was a waste for humanity.

Bebe: 'You're a waste! Your sister's a waste!'

Ignoring his system, Jia Hyson focuses on giving as much as he was taking with Drake. The pair molded together perfectly as they wrapped around each other, Drake's large hands were brushing down his waist before cupping his ass, meanwhile Jia Hyson was also busy admiring his man's musculature with his own hands. He couldn't help but drool a little, in his original world, top quality goods like this was truly a rare find. Even with his influence, looks and charm, Jia Hyson had only sampled three other people of similar heaven-defying physiques and only one of them was any good in the bed.

Feeing quite excited, he pushes Drake to sit on the bed. Sliding downwards, Jia Hyson kneels on the floor, between the man's legs and unzips his pants, impatient to fish out his prize. Drake of course wouldn't dream of stopping him, watching breathlessly with dark eyes. Jia Hyson had always teased him, at the most he had stroked him through his clothing, this was going to be the first time his erection would be directly touched. He groans deeply as cool, long fingers curl around his heated length, pulling it out of his pants.

Jia Hyson was absolutely fascinated by Drake's manhood. He had already determined that certain points of the original story were maintained when turned into reality like having 'kisses so fiery that they invoked fireworks ' or 'Maddy cooks in a daze, at this point not even the sky falling down could snap her out of making scones at this time', and generally these points were related to the character themselves. However, it was still mystifying to see such a aesthetically pleasing... Look, it's not like genitals are usually ugly per say, but, when written in certain books their appearances can be exaggerated to be more appealing to the readers.

However seeing it in person felt a little baffling. It was like there was a Instagr*m filter permanently stuck down there. Even his hand, which has always been beautiful let's be honest here, somehow looked even better wrapped around Drake's hard shaft. Was it the largeness that made his own hand seem so slim and arousingly delicate? The contrasting skin tone that made his milky skin look even softer? It was the strangest sexual illusion Jia Hyson had ever seen, and he had dated a magician before.

He had almost forgotten about his lover who was panting and writhing under his ministrations, too engrossed in ceaselessly stroking and twisting and even lightly scratching the steadily leaking shaft attached to said man. Of course with the package being as pretty as the bow, how could his attention not drift upwards to watch Drake's face twist in frustration and ecstasy, his skin pinking gorgeously in exertion. "Ah, Adrian," Drake's voice was hoarse and wrecked. He was already in a state of constant sexual frustration, and the aphrodisiac had done nothing to curb his own restlessness.

With a smile, Jia Hyson waits until Drake catches his eyes before dropping his head down to gentle press his lips onto the head, softly kissing the leaking tip. Incited by Drake's expression at the act, Jia Hyson could feel his own arousal throbbing with need as well, however he'd always been a strong advocate of foreplay and manfully ignored his own needs to continue indulging his lover's. He goes even further, pushing the head of Drake's arousal past his lips to suck lightly on it.

Jia Hyson: _!?!

"Adrian?" Drake, after throwing his head back and immediately ejaculating at the sensation of Adrian pleasuring him with his mouth, quickly noticed that Adrian seemed to freeze. "Adrian, are you, hah, you alright baby?" He felt both embarrassed for finishing so soon and guilty for not warning him.

Jia Hyson pulls away, swallowing the milky liquid down before staring at Drake with a strange look in his eyes. It wasn't because Drake finished so fast, honestly Jia Hyson was impressed he lasted this long considering everything, but it was because, because,

Because he tasted too sweet!

Jia Hyson was shocked! He doesn't like to read the sex scenes in the original story because Maddy started in them which was beyond not cool so he'd never gotten a proper understanding to the style of erotica written. However, he knew that there were going to be some unrealistic aspects written since they reflected in reality via Drake's sexual prowess and the fact that the author was probably a young girl who hadn't actually had any sexual experience before, but it's suddenly occurred to Jia Hyson that there was probably a lot of food metaphors going on in there.

Licking his lips, Jia Hyson can once again taste the strange but undeniable flavors of white chocolate and something like slightly burnt salted caramel instead of the usual salty bitterness that he had expected. Well, Jia Hyson is going to be developing some deeply, deeply unrealistic expectations for the future worlds now. He felt a little torn, on one hand, he could really get used to this, on the other, it had taken him a long time to get used to the usual unsavory taste, he really didn't want to have to lose that resistance he built up.

Absentmindedly, he wipes some of the thick white substance from the edges of his mouth, sucking it off his fingers again. It really does taste pretty good, but it was a little too sweet.

Only when he notices a certain deflated part rise up again in front of his face does Adrian snap back into reality again. Damn, already? This beast has no refractory period!

"Baby, come up here," Drake coaxes earnestly, pupils blown wide in his lust, "It's my turn to make you feel good now okay?"

And how could Jia Hyson say no to that?

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