Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 148: 59

Chapter 148: 59

AN: As a fan project our fanartist empress noc is going to try make a fan webcomic of this story~ the new cover here is actually the cover for the webcomic! Ahhhhh thank you so much for the love and support noc~! Love ya~~!

You can find the prologue under the same name (Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a beta?) in under the artist sachime. Think of it as one super fanart. It's more a side thing so don't rush noc ah~ it's super amazing what she's offered to do and we should give thanks here as a paragraph comment ok~! THANKS NOC!!


Twenty years later Jia Hyson descended from heaven through a lightning bolt.

Even though he had been insanely nourished by the mystical environment of heaven his foundation was beyond poor living on earth and there was no strength to open the gates between worlds himself. Hence why he had to rely on mother and father dragon to create a lightning token to allow him easier access between the worlds.

Speaking of heaven- it was really beautiful ah. It was like everything was under a filter, the colors were vibrant, nature was abundant and lush, things randomly shone and sparkled

Jia Hyson admitted his artistic heart was completely moved. He could stare at a tree for hours, his eyesight seeing the iridescent shimmer, the strange insects and birds and other wildlife that will stop by it. Even though nothing was as grossly exaggerated in a lot of fantasy novels such as a tree filled with feathers, or a lake of gold, just these small changes, tweaking the colors and adding a few strange illogical features were enough to really bring a strong magical and fantastical atmosphere.

Not to mention the literal dragons.

Yeah Jia Hyson's mouth twitches as he recalls the country bumpkin like reaction seeing so many dragons around. While it wasn't as populated as humanity, there were at least two to three thousand. Many younger dragons liked to retain their largest forms as a show of dominance and strength to others so it was indeed very eye opening.

Even father dragon did not show his true size. This was mainly because he was older, it was better conserve energy with a smaller size and he had no desire to preen and peacock around. Therefore when he first came down to earth, even though he was so pants-wettingly huge it was really only 60% of his form.

Jia Hyson who had only been a few metres long at the time: .Embarrassing. Too embarrassing.

He's always advocated that size doesn't matter but fuck the truth is it does fucking matter at a certain point ok??? This is clearly that point!!! It was like comparing the length of a button to an anaconda ah!

Bebe: this is still about dragon size right?

Fortunately, fortunately, the elder dragons were all especially doting toward the younger generation. Not to mention this lost child that had been severely wronged. The leaders of the black dragon and red dragon tribe, on behalf of their predecessors who have been stripped of their titles, were especially full of great guilt and repentance at how greatly malnourished the little dragon was.

Even if they didn't do it personally, as leaders they were responsible for this pot to carry and would carry it to the end. It could be said that the children of their own tribes were no longer their babies and all the love went into the small golden dragon.

Red and black dragon youngsters: : )

The black and red dragon ex-leaders who had been responsible could be said to be very greedy and ambitious but they had a line in their hearts. They came to scrape their heads on the ground in front of Jia Hyson to meekly beg for forgiveness.

Of course, Jia Hyson wasn't so petty. He was a kind and loving dragon with only cuteness in his heart. So he shot them with the highest power of [Cutie Beam] that he could muster while forgiving them and they have been his adoring slav- fans ever since.

In fact he was a little cruel in the beginning after getting acquainted with these old dragons, tyrannically asking for hard to get things or bothering them with unreasonable demands. However after his initial vindictiveness was satisfied Jia Hyson was too lazy to deal with them anymore.

Unfortunately just because he was too bored of abusing them that didn't mean the old dragons weren't bored of being abused. In fact these two ex-leaders were very eager to come to his cave and eagerly ask if he needed anything else.

Ex-leader of the red dragons: "Xiao Bao, I have finally bought the rare patterned variant of the purple breath ice flower from the Southern Mountain Cliffs. It would be my greatest joy to raise it together with you."

Ex-leader of the black dragons: "I have failed in my task of finding the legendary underground glowing lake that contains the nearly extinct rainbow shimmer fish that you wanted to see Xiao Bao! Please! Begging you to punish me like before!"

Jia Hyson: '' It seems something has been awakened.

Bebe: '' Bebe has traveled thousands of worlds and this is the first time Bebe's image of the great and mighty dragon has been so irreparably shattered.

Father dragon: '!!!' These old perverts!

Mother dragon: '!!!' How shameless! At the very least she will only accept an 100 year age difference ah!! Not these twelve thousand year old scum!

it should be noted that father and mother dragon were the same generation as these twelve thousand year old scum, in fact, father dragon was a bit older.

To be honest Jia Hyson was a little amused but overall he had been very resistant after some time. The old ex-leaders were not very interesting, brainlessly doting, making conversation was hard and there was too much guilt in their eyes to be comfortable with.

However at this point he had only been in heaven for a short period and many of the 'younger' dragons looked down on his malnourished state even if they secretly thought him quite cute. Not to mention they had been repeatedly stressed beforehand to be gentle, to treat Jin Bao well, by the elders, emphasizing how fragile the golden dragon leader's son was. This either caused dragons to want to avoid the trouble, become disdainful at such weakness or directly become rebellious and jealous because of this insistent nagging of their elders.

In short, it was like meeting your parent's business partner's child and being forced to become friends with them. The other child is very loved, very weak, they don't play the games you play, there is no topic they can share- awkward, it's really too uncomfortable.

Even the adults and elders did not know how to treat this abandoned pitiful child who had to live in the slums of earth full of evil humans. While the birth rate is bad the dragons that are born are all healthy and nourished thanks to the environment. They've never seen such a sick seedling before.

The children are usually rambunctious, fit, strong and large, suddenly there is a timid, cute miniature version of their children. Like a teacup poodle among wolves. The adults were full of worries and the majority of their conversations with Jia Hyson consisted of 'How are you?', 'Are you feeling okay?', 'Did X bully you?', 'Is it too hot?', 'You are so small have you eaten yet?'

Jia Hyson really and sincerely wanted to say to them all- "Fuck, so naggy, are you all my next door neighbour aunties?"

Of course he was thin-skinned and always preferred showing a kind, gentle but witty image especially to elders. Jia Hyson knew the power of networking and as a 'foreign' weak dragon it was very important to be liked by people that could protect him. However his mind was dying internally inside at the constant boring 'How's your day been?' conversations he was forced to endure. Can't do it. So irritating.

Therefore in a strange turn of events, if he wasn't with his parents, he ended spending most of his time with the ex-leaders of the red and black dragon tribe where he could be as tyrannical and lively as he wants. The old dragons were half outcasts as well which meant there was less communication with the other dragons, allowing Jia Hyson to let go of some of his worries about being caught and ruining his cute sweet baby image.

However after the initial fun, the ex-leaders were a bit boring too. Want to ditch them. However it seems upon some reflection it's really too difficult to change friends now. He's now become the strange little dragon who befriended his kidnappers.

He was too lazy to try talk with the arrogant youngsters who looked down on him, no patience with the adults and elders who treated him like a fragile eggshell, and his dragon parents were busy as the leaders of the dragons, and also tended to act similar to the other doting adults.

In the end, he looks left, right, and finally could only helplessly settle for the masochistic ex-leaders who he had crudely called Grandpa Red and Old Man Black. Jia Hyson felt like he had messed up a little. In such a relatively tight knit community full of bias, if he didn't put the effort to branch out more in the beginning and create a lot of good impressions then his social circle becomes too small and he can't be a slag man at all!

How can you avoid someone when they know where you live? How can you ghost when your the biggest piece of gossip since the last scandal- which was also about himself and his disappearance into the human world.

Jia Hyson is a bit depressed. This lifetime was spent like a salted fish, it seems he lost a bit of foresight and intelligence while lazing about for so long.

Fortunately Grandpa Red and Old Man Black were very talented dragons and good teachers. At the very least they were useful.

Father dragon and mother dragon were more interested in playing and enjoying their time with Jin Bao, wanting to make up for all the lost years they had apart, and could not bear to even scold him harshly. Teaching Jin Bao was a bit difficult for them.

Golden dragons had natural luck and it was easy for them to learn most spells by stumbling about and successfully casting it by chance after gaining a bit of insight. But Jia Hyson it turned out was not very good at learning. After all he relied a lot on the innate skills of his dragon body and didn't actually develop a proper understanding of how to utilize his powers further. In this sort of situation where the baby is actually a bit untalented and the luck seems to fluctuate Aiyah, mother and father dragon not only struggled to teach but also struggled not to burst out crying at how wronged their baby was.

In the end any serious advanced lessons were reluctantly handed over to the ex-leaders who had become so close with their son, under the guise of compensation for letting their child fall so behind. Unlike the golden dragons who were so hatefully lucky they probably would always pull SR+ cards in a gacha game, the other tribes actually worked to become talented and strong.

And as the leaders of the most powerful tribes that had been originally candidates alongside Father dragon to become dragon leader, of course they had both had not only talent, but the hard work and foundational knowledge to excel so far.

To be honest Jia Hyson did understand how their world views must have been distorted by jealousy and unwillingness resulting in them stooping to the crime of baby kidnapping in the past. There's no worse aggravating feeling then working hard, being pressured by family and friends alike to be the best, struggling to learn, understand and train in all aspects- but then the stupid neighbours kid who was born with the luck of thirty protagonists strolls along and easily does everything you took years to figure out but twice as good. It's probably what P*kemon gym trainers must feel like when they get absolutely decimated by some twelve year old kid.

While Jia Hyson wouldn't kidnap a baby in that situation probably he's pretty confident that he would at least definitely want to either fuck that annoying neighbour kid and break his heart and ruin his body with pleasure, or, you know, just kill them.

Bebe: 'Host. Why you like this?'

Jia Hyson: 'Come on, who doesn't hate being compared to that 'other child' as a kid? Like if you never thought about choking someone to death when you listened to 'Oh, you know, Xiao Ming won the piano competition yesterday, he is one year younger than you, started same time, so how is it you can only play W*nnie the Pooh after two years of lessons ah? You go reflect on yourself and practice some more!' then you are a liar.'

Bebe: 'You took piano for two years and can only play W*nnie the Pooh? Tsk, aiyah, piano lessons aren't cheap you know.'

Jia Hyson: (A sad slow rendition of W*nnie the Pooh on the piano plays in the background)

Training took a long time. Mainly because father dragon and mother dragon insisted on taking their baby Jin Bao to explore and play, the dragon aunties and uncles were distressed at his lack of friends around his age, and Grandpa Red and Old Man Black didn't want to be the strict ones so they often let him take various breaks to relax and have fun.

Jia Hyson could confidently say that it was probably the most lax and low pressure education he had ever received. After all because of his previous malnourishment he was not considered eligible to take over any big leadership roles, there was a lot of guilt involved with his situation and therefore the only expectation he had was to be happy and learn the very basics of being a dragon. And even if he didn't learn anything, Jia Hyson suspected that nobody would care anyway.

However while he was quite lazy, Jia Hyson also didn't like being completely incompetent in the eyes of others. He was thin skinned and cared quite a bit of his reputation. While it was okay to be a cute baby now, it would be too shameful to not know how to do anything as more time passed by.

Soon his dragon dances were worthy of sincere applause, and while his spells still were a bit mediocre they were passable and most of the problems attributed more due to his stunted growth rather than a lack of learning. In fact, Grandpa Red and Old Man Black had sighed and told him bitterly that his learning ability was very strong and if it wasn't for them, they were sure that he could've been a little genius.

Jia Hyson didn't mind though. He just wanted to learn enough to save face. Once he was satisfied with his current aptitude and his special dragon skills increased by a few levels he was no longer so zealous in the pursuit of learning. After all these were skills the body already had, not ones that he gained himself, so other than the few randomly selected skills he can take away from this world, the rest wouldn't serve much use to him in the long run. It was better to relax and be happy.

The only skill he did focus on improving was his transformational skill.

He already had the [I can't believe it's not human] skill which works for any body he has in future worlds that isn't part of the human species. However the catch is that it's a skill that unlike [God's Scribe] or even [Burger Prince] which carries over through different worlds at the same level, the level of [I can't believe it's not human] will refresh and Jia Hyson would have to re-level it up all over again, usually with different techniques suited to the world.

For example when he was Bai Li Wei, he was able to sufficiently become more and more human by levelling it up the skill via the channelling and manipulation of yin energy, and only by become more powerful and proficient utilising this negative energy was he able to present a better appearance of humanity. If he directly became a nature spirit or an angel in his next life then the same techniques and skills may overlap but the previous yin energy used to power the skill cannot be used at all ah.

If one wanted to change the diesel in their car to petrol they have to not only flush out all the previous diesel from the car but also even probably go so far as to swap the engine entirely. It's a similar concept really.

Therefore Jia Hyson was very interested to absorb this knowledge on dragons' spells in transformation. In the second world as Bai Li Wei it was fairly straightforward as he was a human ghost who retained all physical human qualities with only a few changes in coloration and some other aspects, therefore it was mainly a matter of power to supply the transformational change. Now that he is in a completely inhuman body, of course there's a lot more to consider with complete body alteration.

Fortunately Jia Hyson has experience as a human and has a background in biological science that he had supplemented over years of *cough* self-education.

Bebe: He means he murdered and fucked a bunch of people like a sick pervert and is very familiar with how the human body.

Therefore after learning the suitable spells, listening to the lectures on what he should expect, the pitfalls and mistakes he could make, how to reverse the spell, and so on, Jia Hyson was not so unexpectedly quite good at the art of transformation and body manipulation. Things like shortening his horns in order to elongate his claws into sharp blades or hardening his muscles, changing the colours of his scales, he slowly learned bit by bit until he could finally attempt humanisation.

Don't think that even though he was talented and gained a lot of experience that he could achieve a perfect transformation during his first attempt. It took Jia Hyson a good nine months give or take to fully change into his human appearance and maintain it for a few minutes.

Jia Hyson could probably describe the experience simply as something similar to trying to hold water in your hands for the first time. You had to make sure that there were no gaps in your hands lest anything slip through your fingers and once you figure that out you must maintain that position. Tightly holding your fingers together, trying not to relax for even a moment because no matter how perfectly you cradle the water in your hands it will still ruthlessly escape the moment you loosen up. You needed constant practice and self-awareness until it becomes subconscious muscle memory, and only then would things become much easier.

Still, even though it was a very tiring and hateful practice, Jia Hyson felt it was really worth it.

Then he saw his fully human appearance in the mirror and collapsed.

Fuck! Was this the infamous so-called legal shota?!

He has clearly been in the world for nearly 80 years and his human form looked more in line with maybe a fifteen or sixteen year old. Flawless skin like a newborn that had never touched any oil or dirt, a short but slender frame that still had the softness of youth but hints of maturity that indicated he was not a child anymore, and a face that clearly held a roundness of squishy baby fat. His slanted eyes which seemed to follow him in every world was less pronounced but still present giving his large eyes a sleepy and coquettish appearance that would make any granny wish to coax him with candy when they saw him.

If there was one word to describe him it would be:


He was super cute.

Jia Hyson stares at his appearance a little complicatedly. Well he did say he had always wanted to try his hand at such a taboo, with him being the younger one in the partnership. Besides in ancient china the legal age was significantly lower, where marrying age was around 14, maybe even 12 depending on where you lived.

Bebe: No no matter how you look at it, isn't Bebe's host the pedophile if he hooks up with a human?

Well, to be honest all quick transmigration hosts were pedophiles with that mindset really ah. It's not good to think too much into that.

Anyway, that really wasn't the problem he had honestly, what really made him feel a bit of despair was He stares at himself harder.

Ah. So cute.

He was really so cute.

Too cute.

To the point there was very little sex appeal under the overwhelming cuteness.

In fact he was so cute even Jia Hyson couldn't muster much arousal looking at such a cutie. And he once gotten hard over a plush rabbit toy.

Jia Hyson: In my defence-

Bebe: My host pleads the fifth.

Ah, he felt so regretful. Dragons when they're human should be sexy big beauties, or muscular, domineering nobles. But because he requested to become the cutest in the world it was clear the request was taken extremely seriously.

One couldn't understand it without seeing his appearance first hand. Jia Hyson feels like Jin Bao was very attractive. After all this body was such a cute young man, pretty face, bright golden eyes, silky black hair while he was a bit too childlike for Jia Hyson's liking he would definitely consider it if he confirmed the other party was legal.

But in reality though, he couldn't muster that feeling up at all, the moment he saw his reflection it was like most of his sexual musings were wiped away with cotton candy, and the remaining unseemly thoughts feeling gross and sticky.

Jia Hyson's face became a little bit ugly. As a proud pervert he didn't enjoy how his mind seemed to be forcibly cleansed like this. While he wasn't particularly interested in pursuing anyone soon after Da Gong's death, he's still going to be around for another century or so. He's not delusional enough to think he's going to be faithfully mourning that long and will eventually wish to find some short term companions to sleep around with. But how could he do that when his body generated nothing but pure cute energy? How could he not get excited by himself?

Jia Hyson: 'Fuck. Doesn't this mean that I can't even masturbate??'

Bebe: 'You can just touch yourself without looking at or thinking about what you look like?'

Jia Hyson: 'Fuck. Doesn't this mean that I can't even masturbate??'

Bebe: _

Fortunately, after some consultation, Jia Hyson had been constantly been reassured that after a while this 'pure' aura on his body will soon fade. In fact, because of the dragons' long lifespan and rapid early development it is actually hard for them to tell ages between each other. Don't look at Jia Hyson this sickly seed of a dragon, most baby dragons can already swallow baby earth whales after a few years of being born. Not to mention the popular ability to change size has also muddied the waters further.

Generally it's because of this long lifespan that nobody puts too much emphasis about generation gaps or age differences between romantic relationships. In their opinion the most important thing is getting a baby or two in their lifetime. However they mainly still have their bottom lines.

Just like humans who in ancient times did not understand human biology well and had a very low legal age of adulthood, dragons a long time ago also had similar thoughts. Back then many had the belief that younger dragons must be more fertile, and there were many cases of minors under fifty years old being taken advantage of!

To be fair, there were some truth to it, but it came at the cost of harming the young dragon's body and there were also issues with the more powerful dragons forcing the weak youth to surrender their bodies to them. If it was consensual it was considered fine since after thirty years most dragons have a sense of right and wrong and self-awareness of the world, but the main problem relied on the physical strength differences of ages.

Old dragons who have no baby are desperate to mate and produce something, with the belief of younger is more fertile and also the fact that younger dragons were weaker and less well-trained, there were many who didn't hesitate to pick these soft persimmons, even some especially lascivious ones creating a harem.

However every young dragon was the baby of an old dragon somewhere, and a lot of outcry and fighting had been made. But what could they do? They gave rules, enforcing them with punishments and even death if necessary, but the world they lived was so wide, and there was no greater yearning than to produce offspring in their species so there were even many sympathetic supporters and fellow dragons who banded together to hide their misdeeds.

In the end, the leader of the white dragon tribe who was incredibly skilled with spells finally determined a solution.

Using a complex array, and the cost of his own energy and lifeblood, the white dragon leader simply cursed the water in the rivers of their land with a curse of purity.

This curse is not strong but it's easy for a dragon to catch. Simply put, the moment a baby dragon comes and tastes the water of heaven for the first time they will be cursed with this purity curse, where nobody will be able to look at them with sexual thoughts even if they had such inclinations. It is only after the young dragon experiences a certain number of heats induced by hormones, the curse will slowly flush out, become negligible and won't negatively affect the dragon in the future. By then the dragon is theoretically able to fend for themselves and do what they like.

Jia Hyson: 'Damn, that's pretty good. Can we buy this?'

Bebe: 'Unfortunately the knowledge of this curse died with the white dragon leader, he didn't want people to learn it only to determine how to counteract it. From the [World Encyclopaedia] it seems this white dragon's life was a quite tragic and explains why he was willing to risk his life to create this curse ah. Because of his great contributions and merits, we can only respect his wishes and not steal his spell.'

After a pause, Bebe adds, 'We do have similar products but to be honest we don't have anything like this spell currently. It really is rare for someone with such magical powers and abilities to create something like this at such a large scale.'

Jia Hyson sighs. Well, at the very least, he can be assured that it was just this curse and not the system screwing with him.

It was with that thought in mind Jia Hyson put down most of his worries and played around. After nearly twenty or so years having gone by in a flash, Jia Hyson couldn't help but finally worry about the state of the companions he had left behind and decide to return again.

He brought a lot of good things to surprise the group.

However it turns out he was the one who was most surprised.

Standing in the middle of familiar people who looked like had only aged a few years after nearly two decades, was a tall, muscular young man. He had strong features, at least a head taller than Duan Mengyao who, while now a little shorter due to his middling age, was still at an imposing stature. His brows were thick but straight and well maintained, and his hair was long and glossy, tied up in a high ponytail. With a muscular build and healthy wheat tanned skin the man who looked a little on the plain and simple side become much more handsome.

But what made him particularly striking was his light silver eyes.

Jia Hyson's heart thumped.

The silver eyed man's eyes brighten at the sight of the now rather gigantic dragon and raised his arms with a faint smile yet, to Jia Hyson, it was so blinding it seemed to sting his eyes.

"Little worm, I'm back."

Jia Hyson: '' Well, it was undeniably his silly rooster.

Even though he knew he should be upset that the other still called him such an ugly nickname, Jia Hyson could only grin stupidly. Diving from the sky he transformed into a human and threw himself into the other's arms. However even if Jia Hyson was overwhelmed with joy he couldn't help but scold fiercely as he hugged the other tight.

"You're so late! You broke your promise! I'll eat you!"

Da Gong hugged him back, vehemently kissing the top of Jia Hyson's head as he spun the other around. Seeing the human form of his little worm he was secretly very happy. Still so small and cute.

"En, I'm sorry. This one will never break his promise again, okay? If not, you can eat me, I won't resist."

Jia Hyson felt very sour at his domineering rooster's gentle acceptance and pinched him fiercely on his waist. "Tsk, who wants to eat you again."

"You're right," Da Gong nods and rests his head on the top of the other's head, stroking his back soothingly as he ignores how his shirt was getting damp and how his own eyes were prickling. "I don't want to be eaten. I want to stay by your side for as long as I can and this time I will wipe all the tears away and make you smile."

Jia Hyson uncontrollably lost it and cried in the face of Da Gong's firm and sincere words that straightforwardly pierced his heart. However this time, finally, Da Gong was there to wipe them away.


Undressing the other carefully and slowly like unwrapping the most precious gift, silver eyes stare deeply at Jia Hyson's body being slowly revealed to his intense gaze. Jia Hyson couldn't bear it, blushing he squirms subconsciously under such a look, torn between wanting to hide and wanting to be completely exposed by the other.

In the end, Jia Hyson felt it was much more exciting to be coquettish and shy.

"Da Gong.." He looks down before looking up with a blush dusting his cheeks, giving an expression of timidity and anticipation. Shifting a little, he takes one of Da Gong's larger hand which was about to unravel his inner robe and pressed it to his warm cheek. Nuzzling into it he presses a soft trembling kiss, "It's a bit embarrassing Be gentle okay?" He whispers.

Da Gong: '' ( ) Steamedchicken.jpeg

With a 'tsk' Da Gong pulls the other up from their back so Jia Hyson's sitting on his lap, and ruthlessly presses his mouth against Jia Hyson's own, invading and devouring the taste of that sweet tongue of his little worm with his own. His gentleness was pierced easily but such a soft, coaxing look, revealing the fierce domineering rooster in heat. Clumsily the slow, careful unwrapping became a scene of tearing off the clothes in excitement.

The stimulated Da Gong was a little upset at how his romantic considerations had been thrown away. He lightly nips the other's bottom lip in petty retaliation. His worm was so bad! Too seductive!

Jia Hyson gasps under the onslaught, passively letting himself be attacked meekly for a while before smiling as he uses his old slag skills to not only defend his mouth but make a big counterattack. Soon the fierce strength of Da Gong weakened as he was pushed back by pure technique, making him struggle a little before being forced to passively gasp under the smaller body. Even though he had stripped Jin Bao's upper body, Da Gong who had become dazed under such pleasurable kissing could only dumbly cling onto the fallen clothing, unable to press on.

Jia Hyson chuckles as he pulls back to let his cute rooster take in some much needed oxygen, enjoying how the other's cheeks were now flushed and panting heavily. Aiyah, he really forgot how much he loves to devour these cute inexperienced virgins. Kekekek.

Seeing the cheeky and triumphant smile Da Gong felt his feathers ruffle agitatedly but at the same time he helplessly could not get angry. His little worm was too cute when he smiles! Besides. It wasn't like he didn't hate the submissive feeling ah. Blushingrooster.jpeg

"Baby, be gentle," Da Gong touches his tingling slightly swollen lips before looking at Jia Hyson, with his watery eyes and the deep flush on his handsome features he looked like a wronged and pitiful daughter in law, really invoking a desire to bully and conquer. His usually cold voice was hoarse and with a slight hint of teasing complaint, hitting everyone who hears such a seductive voice 1000 points of damage to the heart. Jia Hyson couldn't help but stare in a trance, eyes dilating at such a tempting appearance.

Damn, what a fast learner!

Jia Hyson swallows hard.

Very good! He likes this bullied appearance a lot!

Jin Bao's body was small and thin with some baby fat, however he was a still a dragon. It was easy to suddenly push the larger muscular man down onto the pillows, presenting the scene from before in reverse, with Da Gong now laying down with wide eyes as the cuter Jin Bao traps his head between his arms. Of course the size difference made it difficult to replicate entirely so the dragon chose to sit on the other's stomach as he did so.

Like a beast Jia Hyson leers down at the beauty, his delicate fingers stroking the younger man's check before trailing down to the neck, lightly circling around the bobbing Adam's apple before moving further south to pull off Da Gong's robes and reveal a large and perfectly sculptured chest.

"Brother Gong, when you were a rooster I loved touching your breast, I thought that there were no chest that could be so juicy and plump ah," Jia Hyson grins lewdly, as his pig trotters* started to caress and massage the other's upper body shamelessly. "Who knew it would also be the same when you became human hehe."

*perverted hands

Bebe: what happened to being coquettish and shy? What happened to shame? What happened to human decency?

The system who glanced over while playing games couldn't help but be speechless and silently spit at it's host. No wonder he nearly failed the white lotus acting test and was recommended remedial lessons, this man has no patience, no stamina, bah! Slag man! Peh!

Jia Hyson who couldn't hear his un-cute system's thoughts suddenly felt like he was extremely angry and invigorated. Later on he will prove firsthand how much stamina he really had.

For now though he focused on enjoying Da Gong's body. Maybe because of the past self's phoenix blood, his skin was actually very fast to regenerate. While other more moderate and severe injuries were just a little quicker to heal than usual, surface injuries were very fast. Therefore Da Gong's skin was always very good, and never too rough to touch which is rare for big men in ancient China.

It also meant the man was a little sensitive.

Jia Hyson: The body is full of muscle but still has a soft and bouncy feeling, not too hard that it can't be pinched, and the man is very responsive and lively. Not to mention the specimen is young, energetic, easy to tame and adaptable. Truly an A grade man.

Under Jia Hyson's admiring and passionate gaze, Da Gong squirms with a warm face. His chest was constantly touched and groped making him feel excited but also a little humiliated. But in the end he was still a very instinctual person and couldn't stop himself from arching his back shyly and pushing himself to those sly hands, gasping when they get particularly naughty as they knead his nipples and pinch them.

"You-" Da Gong groans but couldn't bear to slap the other's wandering and mischievous hands off of him. Instead he clenches and unclenches his fists tightly as he strains not to do any big movements.

Jia Hyson noticed the stress and leans down to kiss and like Da Gong's collarbone and nape, delighting in the way he trembled and jerked under his soft ministrations. While his hands continued to fondle the other relentlessly Jia Hyson kissed up his neck, under his ear and finally giving him a long and passionate kiss that made the other gasp and writhe underneath his smaller body.

Excitedly once he sensed the other was out of breath again he pulled away, sitting firmly on the other's tense stomach. Da Gong, despite being breathless and dizzyingly aroused, immediately moved his hands to steady Jia Hyson's waist, worried he would lose his balance and fall off. Moved by such sweetness, Jia Hyson decided he couldn't wait any longer.

Leaning back he lifts his hips up and pulls down his pants revealing to Da Gong's wide silver eyes, two slim, hard, and dripping pillars* between his legs. Kicking off the last of his clothes, Jia Hyson strokes his two cocks with a lustful and confident smile. "I'm sorry Brother Gong, you ask me to be gentle but I can't hold back. Who told you to be so seductive?" He says arrogantly, scooting back to purposely rub at a certain erect thing under his butt.

*Most reptiles like snakes have two dicks- aka: hemipenis

Da Gong: (,,,,) !!!

His worm was too assertive and lewd, it seems he could only reluctantly bear this burden ah.

And if anyone else dares to offer to share such a sweet burden with him- heh, they might as well offer to share their neck with a knife instead.

Seeing how this is how they were going to play, Da Gong wasn't dissatisfied at all. His little worm was also a man. Da Gong felt that taking the woman's role in the relationship was a bit embarrassing. It can't be helped he was a feudal rooster in a feudal man's body.

To him, the fact his little worm volunteered to bottom without hesitation showed the other clearly loved and valued him a lot.

Jia Hyson: ()

Therefore he would do his best to let Jin Bao have a sense of control over his own body and not feel pressured into anything. Da Gong thought that he would do his best to make things good for his little worm but would not resist either if the other wanted to take the lead as well.

Da Gong recalls Yan Huizhong telling him how good it was when Ye Cheng was aggressive their first time, but inevitably he was clumsy and shy, it only took a bit of stimulation before the other faltered. Yan Huizhong who was now a shameless old man, lowered his voice and told Da Gong the best thing was seeing Ye Cheng try so hard to take him in before giving up, begging him with watery eyes and saying it was 'too much'.

Listening to his husband talk such matters to his chicken son, Ye Cheng smacked the other and scolded him, reminding him what a beast Yan Huizhong had been, insisting on going many rounds and various positions until the poor naive virgin Ye Cheng's lower body practically collapsed the next day. In fact it was a bit exaggerated but between Yan Huizhong and Ye Cheng, of course Da Gong believed his past owner.

Under Da Gong's condemning eyes Yan Huizhong swore it wasn't his fault he lost self control, if there was a man who could stop himself after his lover said he was too big then they were a better man than he. Da Gong looked at Yan Huizhong's still pretty androgynous face and sneers, swearing he would definitely be a better man than him.

Ye Cheng silently looks away, fiddling with his hair in guilt. Recalling when they were younger and Yan Huizhong had been drugged, seeing the usually proud prince so desperate and needy.. how Yan Huizhong had gotten impregnated their son that night he also thought he was not a strong man either ah.

Originally Da Gong looked down on Yan Huizhong for not controlling his lower body but now that he was in this situation he could no longer be so judgmental.

It turns out self control was so hard!

Ah! Ah! He really wants to force his adorable teasing little worm down onto the bed, watch him writhe and squirm under his touches and then devour him whole like the evil rooster he is! He wants to assert complete dominance, to completely and utterly ravage Jin Bao until he's nothing but a sobbing blushing mess.

And Jin Bao! Da Gong always knew he was a shameless flirt when he was a little worm but now that he was human he was even more shameful. His self control had took several hits under the mischievous dragon's abilities.

Under Jia Hyson's barrage of dirty words, Da Gong's dick strains in his pants, wishing to break free from its confines and directly penetrate the teasing body of the smaller youth. He glares at his naughty little worm, trying his best to convey how little patience he had right now.

However seeing the desperate glare only stokes Jia Hyson's sadistic desire further.

He had completely forgotten the coquettish, innocent appearance he wanted to use beforehand that would stoke a man's simultaneous desire to both protect and ruin. The fact Jia Hyson had almost completely let go of his persona spoke a lot on how comfortable and excited he was with Da Gong.

"If you don't say anything soon maybe we'll just continue like this ah~" Jia Hyson blinks his eyes innocently as he pinches one of Da Gong's dark nipples while lightly circling the other, causing him to shudder under the different stimulations. "Hmm~ I wonder if I can make you finish just by playing with your obscene chest.."

His golden eyes darken with desire, and was a bit tempted to ignore his previous promises and just fuck his handsome doting rooster that submissively and trustingly hands him so much control to him.

Ah, he really wants to abuse this beautiful man.

"Nghnn" Da Gong's thick cock trembles and he can feel a growing dampness between his legs indicating his excitement and frustration. "You" He flushes with shame, after all he wasn't a very talkative person, and begging was even rarer than crying for him. However he really felt desperate, the sensations he was receiving was both unbearable and not enough. "Let me, let me love you."

Jia Hyson leans down and kisses Da Gong's pectoral muscles lightly, and shifts his hips so he was grinding against the hard shaft of the person below him. "I think you can do better then that." Jia Hyson sadistically criticizes, "Brother Gong you need to be more specific ah~ I want to know what you want to do to me. Every. Little. Detail." The last three words were emphasized as he suggestively moved his body lewdly on the other.

Da Gong felt he was going to go insane.

With some hesitation he begins to shakily plead, to his surprise and mortification he found each naughty thing spilling clumsily out of his mouth was making his temperature rise further and further. "I want- mhn, stop it, I- please, let me thrust my cock into your, hnn, tight little hole"

Hearing his usually stoic man talk so dirtily, how could Jia Hyson not be affected. Biting his lip, his initial teasing action of rubbing his body up and down Da Gong's became more energetic and excited under such stimulating words. His two dicks were dripping pre-cum, making slick noises as they slid erratically, wantonly rubbing against Da Gong's groin, stomach and abs. "Hnn, yessss." He softly hisses, his breathing getting faster just like the movements of his body.

Encouraged by his little lover's obvious arousal, Da Gong continued to speak, his large hands reaching around to knead the other's plush butt and push it harder against his own strained dick. "I want to fuck your cute little virgin ass," he coughs, blushing even harder, but the way his hands began to pull apart Jia Hyson's cheeks and his own hips began to thrust upwards betrayed his eagerness and growing confidence, "Want to, mhn, make you beg stretch that naughty hole around me, nghn, and mark you deep inside so, ah, so you will forever know you're mine"

His low usually quiet and restrained voice was now roughened with lust, scratched at Jia Hyson's sensitive ears and made him feel itchy and impatient all over. Feeling his own self control slipping, Jia Hyson pushes three of his fingers into his mouth and coats them with his saliva. Once sufficiently lubricated he reaches back and presses them against his aching asshole.

Da Gong groans at the sight however he only spread apart Jia Hyson's bottom and watched hungrily. Other than it was obviously possible and the general direction of where things would go, Da Gong didn't have a good understanding of homosexual practices. His little worm was very smart and knows his own body best, so while he was incredibly impatient and yearned to just push his lustful little worm down and shove himself forcefully into his wanton body, he forcefully suppressed his wild instincts to observe how the other prepares himself.

However seeing Jin Bao's pretty thin fingers insert themselves inside his own body, slowly relaxing the muscles and moving back and forth at an increasingly confident pace the slightly sloppy sounds and the gasping breathy moans that Da Gong strains to listen to like the most enthusiastic student and the way the pair of cute pink little dicks quiver and twitch with each movement Da Gong felt like he was experiencing what people describe as a stroke.

He had always been domineering and fearless in the face of danger and troubles. But right now, it was taking an embarrassing amount of willpower and concentration not to faint. His face was hot, his mind and ears were buzzing and his entire body felt giddy and trembling.

Da Gong had never been more and less aware of his immediate surroundings. It was like he could feel each drop of hot sweat and splashes of pre-cum dripping from his little worm with great sensitivity but at the same time he felt almost like in a dream like state, detached and unable to feel anything was real.

Jia Hyson was also nearing the end of his patience. He could feel the way Da Gong's muscles tensed and strained, the repressed dominating desire in the face of being considerate, and it filled his heart with a spicy sweetness.

To Jia Hyson, he is the type who values sex a lot in a relationship. In his opinion, the difference between having a platonic love with a friend or family and a romantic love, was sex and sexual attraction. In a similar thought process, he believes on some level that sex is one of the best ways to communicate about each other.

If the other person only focuses on their own pleasure without noticing their partner's discomfort then it indicates a rather selfish nature. If a partner is frigid and faintly repulsed to more intimate things there may be an underlying problem they need to sort out with some discussion or the relationship is cooling.

Jia Hyson has slept with a lot of people and he finds that the enthusiasm he has in sleeping with his partner is more honest and straightforward than thinking with his heart. If he likes, even if the other person is not very good he will still enjoy it. If he is tired of them he will be too lazy to do anything with them. And if he is disgusted, forget sex, even listening to their voices will make the back of his neck feel like it's being tickled by the scratchy legs of a cockroach.

While his strike zone for people is quite wide, he still has a lot of preferences. For appearances there are many preferences. But in terms of a sexual partner, he had to say, his favourite is the ones who have a preference to be dominant in bed but is willing to be pushed down and played with, easy to follow along and adapt to Jia Hyson's sexual whims and plays, while also be willing to think actively on ways to improve the sex.

Bebe: 'Wow, if you take out all the sex parts that's essentially the ideal office worker isn't it.'

Jia Hyson: 'Oh god, Da Gong in a suit, I think I'm actually going to cum.'

Bebe: ''

Jia Hyson wasn't joking. It was a really beautiful image hehehe.

Bebe: '...'

"I'mnghnnn, ah, ready," Jia Hyson bites his lower lip as he pulls his fingers out with a sloppily obscene sound. "Da Gong- ah!?"

Da Gong, entranced, curiously touches the wet, twitching hole with his thick fingers. "Soft," he mutters, a little surprised as he rubs the slick entrance. He cocks his head like he used to do when in thought as a rooster, fascinated as he mimicked Jia Hyson's previous actions. Because his fingers were bigger the sensations and stretch were much more intense making Jia Hyson gasp and steady himself by putting his hands behind him and leaning back, pushing his hips forward and giving Da Gong better access and completely exposing his most private areas.

Jia Hyson was so excited and ashamed at everything he had to offer being under such intense scrutiny from his soon to be lover. "Ah~ don't look~ it's so embarrassing~!" He cries out as he sway's his hips, his horny body unable to stop itself from moving back and forth, shallowly thrusting Da Gong's fingers further into his own slutty hole.

"You're so cute." Da Gong can't help but praise sincerely as he spreads his fingers inside Jia Hyson in a scissoring motion, fascinated by the stretching of the other's rim. With his free hand he couldn't help but reach up to touch another sensitive part of his little worm. With his larger size he could easily grasp both of the slender drooling pillars and fiddles with them, marvelling at the slick, smooth feeling of the heated skin and the throbbing and curves of the genitalia.

"Mhn-Da Gong!" After so long of teasing and being teased, he was suddenly being attacked at both his front and back. Jia Hyson threw his head backward and shuddered, hot, white viscous liquid spurted and dripped all over Da Gong's fingers.

Da Gong blinks in surprise, his forefinger and thumb subconsciously rubbing together as he feels the warm sticky essence in his hands. He felt a little regretful that he couldn't recall every single detail of the moment. Ah, what a pity, fortunately he had plenty of opportunities to supplement the image in the future. Thinking of this he smiles wickedly, as he licks his sticky fingers coated in cum.

Jia Hyson who had to rub the haze of bliss from his eyes saw such a vividly perverted expression on the usually calm expressionless face of Da Gong shudders.

"Da Gong, you're too bad," he complains breathlessly, completely ignoring who was really the 'bad' guy here. "I wanted" He blushes, "I wanted to do it together." Jia Hyson mutters, genuinely bashful having to admit something so sappy.

Da Gong: '' His little worm was really going to be the death of him.

Snapping under the cuteness, Da Gong finally took control and revealed his true nature. Wiping his cum covered hand on the sheets and pulling his other hand's finger out of Jin Bao's hole, he pushes the smaller body of his little worm back and then reaches down to fully pull off his pants to expose his large throbbing member, which slapped upwards, hitting the front of Jia Hyson's dicks.

Jia Hyson gulps, his own hemi-penis dripping as Da Gong's big, but not so black, cock grazes against them. Jia Hyson thought his own size was not bad, around five inches, but against nearly eight inches that was almost as thick as both his dicks together, Jia Hyson suddenly felt like the 'little worm' nickname Da Gong likes to still call him now had a very special meaning.

Jia Hyson: I should really get him to stop calling me that now. _

Da Gong: My little worm (,,,,)

"Ah.. how is everywhere of you so cute?" Da Gong looks incredibly pleased as he touches the two little 'little worms', purposely pressing and rubbing them against each other as well as against his own cock making Jia Hyson groan and writhe with embarrassment. "They're so small I could just swallow them whole," He teases with half seriousness. After all they were really not very wide in girth, it seemed it really wouldn't be too hard ah.

Thinking of the unique situation of having double the pleasure from getting two of his dicks sucked on, no, maybe triple the pleasure if he get's fingered as well, Jia Hyson licks his teeth and silently decides such a big size difference wasn't too bad ah.

His thoughts were quickly brought to reality though when he felt his hips be lifted up effortlessly and a hot protrusion slowly push inside him causing him to gasp and grasp at Da Gong's chest, steadying his body to be penetrated. "Aahh.. Nghnmm."

Da Gong was undeniably big, and Jin Bao's body was not. Jia Hyson wasn't a size queen and had always had a slight fear of his ass being literally broken- thanks hentai- so he was usually more careful when faced with anything over six and a half inches. If he wasn't very confident that his dragon body wasn't ten times better than a normal person's Jia Hyson would have strongly insisted on preparing himself more.

Silently he swore as beads of sweat rolled down his back as he forced himself to relax his body. It's okay, he can persevere for a little bit.

Seeing the strain on his little worm's face, Da Gong who had been immersing himself in the pleasure his dick being tightly squeezed by a warm and slippery heat immediately became distressed.

Flustered, he instinctively tries to sit up to coax the other with kisses. However because of their positioning with Jia Hyson leaning on Da Gong's lying down body with his hips trying to slowly move downwards and accommodate the length inside him, his movement of sitting up only served to slide Jia Hyson's body further down faster.

"Ah, ah, nhm, Da Gong you-" Jia Hyson pants angrily, trying to suppress the 'you motherfucking chicken sausage of a man' from coming out of his mouth as he finds his body suddenly taking in all seven something inches of Da Gong's manhood up his ass. However even though it was a shock and faintly painful, the way his erect hemipenis' were twitching and drooling out excitedly betrayed his true feelings.

Da Gong was both concerned and amused by the other's contradicting body language. Since he was already sitting up anyway he merely continued what he had planned to do and showered his little worm in affectionate and ticklish kisses where he could reach before finally passionately kissing Jin Bao's soft trembling lips.

Feeling Da Gong's presence so overwhelmingly intensely, Jia Hyson suddenly felt a bit emotional as tears sprung from his eyes as he kissed back. Something that had always been a bit tight in his chest ever since Da Gong had gotten injured, that had gotten even tighter when he left, finally seemed to have completely loosened and disappeared.

From Da Gong's beating heart, the way his stomach and chest muscles undulate, and the very prominent body part shifting inside him, Da Gong's heat, his body, his taste and smell- Jia Hyson can finally be completely reassured that he was really here. That he was really back, alive and healthy.

Da Gong also was not unmoved, the tight heat that gripped him so fiercely as if reluctant to let him go, such ecstasy he had never experienced as a rooster, filled him simultaneously with a sense of drunkenness and sobriety.

He is naturally calculative and to achieve the best outcome in his calculations he can be abnormally cruel, both to himself and others. Now that he had pulled off his biggest gamble he had made in this lifetime he has no regrets for what he did but that didn't mean he didn't feel any reluctance or fear when he chose this plan. In fact he was greatly uneasy and unwilling to leave his little worm, he didn't know how long it would take, if maybe something went wrong, or his little worm will no longer have him in his heart when he came back.

These anxieties and insecurities Da Gong purposely pushed down and ignored, but even when he came back he worried that his friends and his little worm would resent him, hate him for doing such a thing. He admits he deserves it, but that doesn't mean he doesn't secretly fear it.

Now that he was so intimately connected to his little worm, those feelings had eased a lot, and Da Gong wrapped his arms around the small slender body tightly as he starts to move, initially hesitant before he confidently picked up speed under his lover's encouraging reactions. The night air was filled with the sounds of ambiguous cries and moaning that lasted till the early hours of the morning.

Da Gong smiles as he holds his little worm under his arm who was nuzzled into his chest, their bodies entangled and exhausted in the best way.

This time, he will not let go so easily and let him cry on his own again.

He will be with his little worm forever.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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