Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 150: 1

Chapter 150: 1

In the Overseer Administration that was specifically in charge of Beta Systems, Overseer X sighs as he looks at the newest data.

"This Host is really hardcore ah," He comments mildly, "But this should produce good results once implemented."

Overseer X taps his fingers on the desk idly in thought. Because of preference and the beauty of being rich in money and power, he could afford to wear his ideal physical form all the time. In fact most systems on higher levels prefer to wear physical bodies therefore it wasn't too strange to look at.

It just happens that his ideal physical form was a handsome human male body, strong and masculine that looks particularly good looking in a suit- and the head of a striking antelope head. And glasses. Not because of any eye problems. Merely aesthetics.

If Jia Hyson saw who the famed Overseer X who was Bebe's commanding supervisor he would definitely say in his heart-

Ah. This deer is not the only one who is horny. (,,,,)

And then Bebe would probably punch him in the face for being so rude to someone who was essentially his manager boss supervisor person but silently agree. Overseer X was definitely one of the most attractive Overseers, in fact, many systems had secretly gotten together and compiled a list of sexiest Overseers, from Overseers A to Z, the Assistant Overseers Aa to Zz, and even the intern Overseers a to z.

A serious system was a sexy system, and Overseer X, while a little strict, was clear to all to be very serious and hardworking as well as understanding and is willing to lend a hand or offer a word of advice despite his busy schedule. Plus, he looked really good in his suit In fact, if it wasn't for the antelope head that turned off a decent amount of systems, Overseer X would have definitely ranked higher than #6 on the most attractive list.

Bebe still resents that Overseer Z, that fucking edgelord, keeps getting top three each time the list is refreshed while it's favourite Overseer X has never hit top five.

Overseer Y who was passing by, peers at the documents at Overseer X's hands. As Overseers their reading ability is inhuman and can process information faster than your average system. Even though there was over a hundred years' worth of data it took barely a few seconds to take it in and make Overseer Y laugh.

"Your Beta Systems always have such eccentric hosts." Overseer Y comments, "This one seems to specialise in comedy and unexpected twists? That's pretty good, the few Beta system hosts you have tend to be more cliche, though the stability of their success isn't something to complain about-"

"En," Overseer X nods in agreement, "Sometimes a wild card is needed. This Host Jia Hyson was registered as a risk given his mental issues and morality just fall short of the acceptable threshold but I'm glad I took the risk. Besides System Bebe is a good match ah."

"Aiyah, System Bebe is so cute though," The other Overseer sighs, "Such a hardworking little system. I admire that after it's initial dream of going into R&D failed so tragically, System Bebe had quickly bounced back and became a little rising star in the general system department and now has become a specialised system so quickly. Tsk, there's no hiding talent, it will always shine anywhere eventually."

Overseer X sneers, "System Bebe wasn't compatible with R&D anyway, the silly little thing only wanted to join to follow that idiot Overlord."

Overseer Y tusks, "You say idiot, but despite his various and numerous, personality flaws, Overlord Li Jun is really a genius that may actually step over the line from Overlord to Prince level. If he really manages to successfully revamp and overthrow the previous skill point system that so many hosts have complained the redundancy of, then it's practically only a matter of time ah."

"Tsk," Overseer X couldn't say much to that, "It is good, many people have been demanding an overhaul over the skill point system." He says neutrally, but his tone was neither positive or negative.

After all, he valued the little system Bebe quite a bit and personally picked it to join the Beta systems which he oversaw among a few other specialised systems. Even though he was cold, he was quite protective of all the systems under his hand, preferring to handpick and cultivate carefully. System Bebe was someone he had his eye on since it was undergoing education.

Thinking of how such a good seedling had been taken away by Overlord Li Jun to R&D where it wouldn't be very suitable in, Overseer X had been a little dissatisfied but took the news gracefully. Fortunately System Bebe left R&D and chose to proactively intern as a wide array of general system roles, which made Overseer X quite pleased. A good work ethic like this was what he appreciated the most.

He didn't dislike Overlord Li Jun, while the other was annoying he also admired the overlord's ability and talent in R&D. He was just a bit resentful at how he wasted System Bebe's time.

Tapping his fingers on his desk in a faster rhythm, Overseer X changes the subject. "While I like the changes of this story, it's a bit difficult to implement it in reality ah. I might have to implement higher-level measures."

With tacit understanding, Overseer Y also moved on. Thinking about how drastically the story changed, Overseer Y's expression became a bit complicated. "Brainwashing? Do you think the story is worth the paperwork to go through that?"

Overseer X rolls his eyes, "Don't be so dramatic. You didn't read the author's situation, right? I think we can do it like this-"

Tang Muxin woke up and scratched her head, feeling something was off.

Wiping the sleepiness from her eyes she blinks slowly and surveys the room, her facing deepening in confusion the more she looks.

Isn't this her old childhood room?

But that can't be, her mother has sold the house a year ago and she, herself was living at the relatively poor conditions of the factory dormitory.

Touching the soft mattress that was a bit worn but still very comfortable, she rubs against the soft covering she liked the most to sleep on during the colder months and then pinched herself.

"Ah!" So painful.

However seeing she hadn't woken up, she immediately jumps out of bed and grabs the phone charging on her desk. Seeing the lock screen she sees the date and falls silent.

It was the wrong month.

Opening up the calendar app her growing suspicions were finally confirmed.

She was reborn.

However, the time was not very long. She was nineteen years old, turning twenty soon. Now she is roughly only fifteen. So the time she came back was only four years ago.

Tang Muxin: What is this garbage stingy rebirth, fuck.

Cursing silently she tries to walk around and get some clues on exactly what stage of her life was at. After all, unlike in the stories, she couldn't just magically pinpoint where she was in her life just by seeing a date. She couldn't remember what she cooked last night and was supposed to eat today, much less what appointments and conversations she had on XXth day, XXXXth year.

Her room was messy and cluttered, and to be honest she was still unused to it. However, seeing this made her filled with a sense of sadness and nostalgia and she couldn't help but reach out and touch every little thing.

In the end, she finds her laptop in her school backpack. She recalls how when she was younger, she really wanted to get a new laptop and complained about it constantly. However, who knew later on when everything had changed, it could be said one of the few things she had that was still the same was this laggy old laptop.

Opening it she logs in and immediately was hit with a word document filled with words. On the top in bold and way too large font was the title: The Amazing Transmigrated Journey of the Mesmerisingly Divine Good for Nothing Village Girl.

Tang Muxin: .


Oh, the cringe hits hard.

There is nothing worse than being faced with your fourteen-year old's artistic talents that you had once been so proud of. Especially when what you had been once proud of was a cliche, shitty story where you put yourself as the OP protagonist.

Massaging her forehead she scrolls through it and sees it is not even half-finished yet. At least now she has an idea at what point she was at.

She was late but not too late. Somethings were salvageable.

Tang Muxin thought she had a happy family. They were neither rich nor poor, and she looked up to her father the most. In her eyes, her father was the one who gave her gifts and played around with her and defended her against her nagging mother who constantly scolded her about grades that were just under average but still stably passing.

In short, it was a fairly typical household.

Then one day her parents got divorced and her father left the house.

It was like the sky was falling for Tang Muxin.

Her mother was angry and didn't want to tell her anything, saying that they had some differences and simply couldn't stay together anymore. Tang Muxin had been angry and confused, constantly questioning her mother, asking why they had to divorce, why they couldn't work things out, why, why, why.

Finally her mother screamed at her and they argued before she ran into her room and cried.

At that time she called her dad.

Her dad was distressed hearing her sad voice. With a coaxing voice, he calmed her down and spoke softly to her, very different to her hysterical mother. Tang Muxin who was very emotional couldn't help but ask her dad at the time- "Why couldn't I leave with you?"

Her father paused and finally, he said in a tired voice, "I wish I could've brought you too." He then proceeded to tell her a bit about the divorce. While it wasn't specific, compared to her mother's complete shut down she was very satisfied.

"I didn't want to, but your mother insisted on this divorce. I haven't been coming home a lot, and there have been some financial issues you don't know about Well, she really couldn't stand it and I respect her opinion."

Tang Muxin felt her heartache for her father, and she held resentment for her mother's selfishness. But what could she do? Her father also insisted she stay with her mother, after all her school was nearby, he didn't want her to suffer with him and he wanted her to be by her mother's side. "I'm sure she's also having a tough time," Her father had said softly and Tang Muxin was so sad, silently scolding her dad as a fool to care when clearly her mother didn't seem to care for her husband of so many years at all.

So things continued like this. Tang Muxin lived with her mother but it was a house now filled with cold violence or arguments, and at the same time she constantly kept in contact with her gentle father. To also deal with the stress of the divorce at the time she decided to start writing, putting herself as some over the top super cool and competent protagonist as if to compensate for the lack of control in her life.

One day, about a year and a half after the divorce her mother who had found a job as a receptionist came back and told Tang Muxin she had met someone and was considering a romantic relationship with the man, however only if she was comfortable.

Tang Muxin was shocked.

In retrospect maybe she should have seen the signs, after all her mother was in a better mood the past few weeks and their interaction, while still awkward, was no longer cold or grating, and there was nowhere to pick a fight.

But to find another man? So fast?

The fifteen-year-old Tang Muxin who was close to her father didn't think about how one and a half years was actually not a short time at all, and only felt great betrayal. On some level she still had the expectation they would get back together. So hearing this she nearly lost it.

To be honest Tang Muxin doesn't remember anymore exactly what she said but she vividly remembered the blinding emotion of rage and hatred directed at her mother. She was shouting, swearing and crying. However, she couldn't for the life of her remember the face her mother must have made at the time.

In the end, her mother rejected the advances of the man and continued to work as a receptionist. However she was older and had been a housewife for a long time, the pay was not good and the hours were long, but it was the best job she could do without physical labor being involved.

Tang Muxin who originally felt a little distressed at the time seeing her mother work soon took it for granted and sneered. After all when she talked to her dad about money he admitted he also was tight on money since after the divorce he had changed jobs, and could only afford to send a few thousand yuan to the family every month or so.

Distressed sometimes Tang Muxin would send some of her pocket money to her father in hopes he can find a good job again. She didn't want him to suffer because of her mother's selfishness.

The financial situation of the mother and daughter was really not good and in the end Tang Muxin dropped out before entering the last year of high school, at seventeen. Her mother had been so disappointed she had stayed in her room the entire day and didn't talk to Tang Muxin at all. Tang Muxin who had also been uncomfortable with dropping out couldn't help but hate her mother even more, if the divorce hadn't happened wouldn't their situation have been fine? Why did her future have to be affected like this???

In the end, she could only swallow up all this resentment and started to work. However maybe because of how she lived her temper wasn't good and she was fired by a few jobs before she finally calmed down. Now a year had passed, she was eighteen, a dropout and now had a history of being fired for her attitude.

So she ended up as a factory worker. The hours were long, the labour tiring and the pay was average, only 2-3000 yuan a month. Still, it was enough and she also finally got to move away from her mother.

Hearing that she finally got a stable job as a factory worker, her father called her and treated her to dinner. It was simple and cheap but it warmed her heart. Compared to the stilted phone call from her mother, Tang Muxin felt incomparably happy.

To show her filial pity she sent a percentage of wages to her father who was suffering. He had told her he wanted to send it to her mother to support her, but Tang Muxin firmly refused, saying this is the money she gave to him which he accepted emotionally.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be a good father ah." He choked back a sob, "Muxin, you're really a good girl."

Tang Muxin felt touched and a surge of motivation and responsibility filled her. She got better and better, her youth gave her an advantage over the other older workers and her skilled, nimble fingers were praised by the bosses. Soon she could send more and more to her father, while occasionally sending some to her mother, proud to finally do her part.

While life was a bit hard, she really thought she could bear it, and soon life will give her a sweet date after eating so many bitter fruits.

However, sometimes people will only live with nothing but bitterness to eat.

By chance, Tang Muxin's mother found out about where her daughter's money had been sent to and completely broke down.

When Tang Muxin finished a long day of work she was greeted by her hysterical mother's phone call and learned the truth of the matter of the divorce.

For the second time in her life, she felt the sky fall around her.

Her father who said he loved her, who told her that it was her mother who couldn't take the relationship anymore and divorced him, how he was helpless and couldn't send much money to support them- it turned out he had a second family outside.

He never lied in fairness. He just never told the whole truth.

He loved Tang Muxin- just not as much as he loved his mistress and his illegitimate son.

Her mother really did choose to divorce him- but who wouldn't after finding out?

He couldn't send as much money as he wanted to- but that's because most of his wages were controlled by the mistress now.

Tang Muxin didn't believe it at first and accused her mother of lying.

Later on, her mother left the world. It turned out she had been very sick and had forgone medication due to long term depression.

When Tang Muxin heard, her first instinct was to still call her father. However, he didn't pick up.

Instead, her old schoolmate who had gone to D*sneyland recognised her father and took a photo of him and his new family asking her if this was her dad. In the photo her dad was wearing a silly M*ckey Mouse headband, a pretty older woman was hugging his arm intimately, and behind them was a handsome teenage boy around her age holding hands with a little girl who should be in elementary school looking incredibly happy and joyful.

Tang Muxin had never felt so incredibly stupid.

It turned out her mother didn't say anything about the divorce to protect the father's image in her daughter's heart.

It turned out that while she was berating and scolding her mother about finding another man one and a half years after the divorce, her father's second daughter with the mistress had probably already been born.

It turned out while she had been working so hard at the factory, going home with aching fingers and back, eating only bland meals, her poor father had a nice warm home to go back to, a good job, and a full stomach every night.

Hahahaha. It turned out her father was a scum man. It turned out she was a stupid white eyed wolf.

The regret overwhelmed her but unfortunately, there was no such thing as regret medicine in the world.

But now

Tang Muxin jumped out of her musings as the door to her room was knocked upon.

"Muxin, I have something very important to tell you. Can you come down.please?"

Her heartbeat quickly. Her mother's tired voice which she once thought was so annoying now had become the most nostalgic and beautiful sound. But what made her heart pound so hard was that her mother during this time only said these words so gently once, and Tang Muxin still has a somewhat vivid recollection of it.

She slightly panicked. It turned out to be this time? Ah, ah, it was too soon. She hoped to maybe have a few more weeks to acclimate and slowly change her attitude for the better. But it seems that this rebirth was even stingier than she thought.

Once she comes down her mother will talk about herself considering accepting the pursuit of a man. This was probably one of the biggest turning points of the relationship in her original life.

Taking some deep breaths she pats her chest and mentally readies herself the best she could before walking out. This time, this time she will be better and support her mother and her happiness.

The man who pursued her mother turned out to be a sickly boss that often had to make appointments at the private medical building that her mother was a receptionist at. He had been attracted by her gentle and patient personality, and they often chat in the waiting room. Because her mother needed more money she usually took very late shifts so the rooms were usually quite deserted so it was easy for the boss to make small talk with her, only standing aside patiently when she needed to do her work.

In the end, after seeing her melancholy look and understanding the ins and outs of her past relationship he told her that he needed to skip his two appointments next week. It turned out during that time he had talked to his son seriously and after getting his approval did he return and straightforwardly proposed his romantic intentions to Tang Muxin's mother.

Tang Muxin's mother had a similar mindset to him and also asked him to wait until she told her daughter. Both were single parents who valued their children's emotional mindset, especially since they had experienced divorce once. Therefore as mild-tempered people whose relationship is not yet so ambiguous yet, they were willing to ask for the child if they were ready for their parents to take that step.

Tang Muxin's mother knew her relationship was not very good with her daughter and it had worsened after the divorce but she still had expectations in her heart. After all ever since she had met this man her temper and mental state had become much better and the fighting between the mother and daughter had eased a lot. Unfortunately in the original life, her daughter was destined to unhesitatingly destroy this expectation, cursing her out as unfaithful, a whore and all sorts of other cruel things said in the heat of the moment.

In the end, Tang Muxin's mother with her head down and a pale face declined the man's pursuit and they regressed to acquaintances.

However now it was different, Tang Muxin had solemnly asked if her mother would really be happy. After seeing her mother nod she had kept silent for a few minutes before acquiescing quietly.

"Well," Tang Muxin had said mildly, "As long you're happy, then try and I I will also try to be better too. I didn't support you divorcing, and I should have been more understanding and- well, but it's been so long now. The point is, it's ok mum. Don't just live for me, live for yourself."

Tang Muxin's mother had cried at that. It was the most her daughter had said to her for a long time that wasn't accompanied by a sour face and resentful eyes as if looking at an enemy. Hearing that her daughter really supported her, that she understood and cared it was enough for the stuffiness in her heart to fade somewhat.

They were still not perfect people. Tang Muxin was stubborn and a bit narrow-minded, and her mother had a temperament where she liked to take a lot of things onto herself and not communicate her troubles well. Plus Tang Muxin had inherited her relatively blunt and harsh mouth from her mother too, making their relationship quite rocky. But they would get better.

Now with Tang Muxin's blessing, her mother tentatively started a relationship with the sickly boss and became happier and happier. She was still a nagging mother, but without the numerous filters covering her eyes, Tang Muxin was no longer so uncomfortable and obediently read. After all, she didn't want to live the life of a factory worker again. It was best if she could learn as best as she can, do her best to distance herself from her cheap father who had often coaxed her to take a break, have fun as a schoolgirl should, and subtly villainize her mother.

This time she would no longer be a bad student, even if she drops out she will drop out with good grades!

After a few months, her mother finally brought her boyfriend over.

Tang Muxin who really didn't pay attention to her mother in her last life finally met the man who fell for her mother and was shocked that her mother managed to attract such a good looking and rich man. Even in his forties, his skin was good and his face was handsome albeit a little gaunt. He was in a very expensive tailored suit and his golden watch had diamonds on it. On his neck was a gold chain. It was like the man was trying to be subtle but still couldn't help but scream how wealthy he was.

Tang Muxin: Oh, is this the infamous nouveau rich?

Despite the first impression, the man was thoughtful and clearly doting toward her mother. It seemed that his biggest flaws were that he does like to show off his money a bit too much and was sickly, but overall there was very little to complain about. He was really a good guy. Even if he was a divorced man with a son, Tang Muxin couldn't imagine he didn't lack admirers. But in the end, he was interested in her Tang Muxin's mother.

It turned out her mother shines so brightly, however it was she and her father that was completely blind to her good qualities.

Tang Muxin's mother and her boyfriend were not young and after a few months more they decided to live together as a trial run. Tang Muxin and her mother moved to an empty house the man had bought so both families had relatively equal ground. The man also insisted to give the deed of the house to her mother as a housewarming gift.

Sickly Boss: "Please, it's the least I can do."

Tang Muxin and Mother, who just bought a houseplant: ""

The man was really rich, he was the boss of a rising company that made popular cup noodles. It wasn't as fancy as a big domineering CEO but the amount of money could really not be underestimated.

This was also the first time Tang Muxin had met the sickly boss's son. And when she did she immediately fell into silence.

"Muxin, this is Jia Xiaosi's son, Jia Hyson."

Tang Muxin: "" What a strange name, it brings the flavour of green tea into my mouth*.

*Hyson is a type of green tea, always remember the author fucked up picking the name and now we rolling with it. Tears.jpeg

Jia Xiaosi smiles as he pushes his extraordinarily handsome son toward Tang Muxin, "You can also call him Jin Bao, it's our baby name for him hahahaha. Ever since he was born he really has been our little golden baby."

"Aiyah," The young man slapped his father's shoulder irritatedly, "Don't teach people all these embarrassing things about me, are you really my dad?"

"Yes, yes, our Jin Bao is so good. He's a model and was ranked class grass, school grass and T university's male god." Jia Xiaosi, no, Overseer X, smiles indulgently.

Jia Hyson, no, Jin Bao, no, to be more exact, Host Yang Jinhai of the Supporting Male Lead System grins narcissistically, fulfilling the character framework he had been provided. "Yes, that's more like it."

He looks at Tang Muxin as his handsome face dazzled her eyes as he grabbed her hand and shook it enthusiastically. "Sister Muxin, my dad is a bit dull but don't worry he's very rich and I am very handsome. We will not harm you mother and daughter at all. In fact, even though my dad's job is a bit boring I am sure I will bring colour to your lives with my good looks. In fact, my dream is to be the most popular man in china, to be known as the Beauty of the Books, and be rated top male god three years running on Duzhe!"

Overseer X: "" This host seems to have interpreted the character a bit annoyingly but overall it's passable.

Tang Muxin: "" Can she exchange stepbrothers, please?

Living with the Jia family, Tang Muxin found herself having the family she had yearned for since the divorce. In fact, it was much livelier and more exciting.

Jin Bao did not lie and really did bring a vibrant energy to the household that neither Tang women were used to but didn't hate. Jin Bao was chatty, vain, and very open and communicative. Despite his childishness, he was very intelligent and Tang Muxin felt like she could chat with him about anything while he will joke, he will seriously consider her words and give advice the best he could or help her research more.

In fact with Jin Bao there as a mood maker and mediator, the tensions between mother and daughter had eased considerably. If nothing else they can chat over the silly antics of Jin Bao and some of the shows he had acted in which lead to talking about the show in general.

Tang Muxin had become very attached to her handsome brother, she had heard people talk about their brothers as if they were annoying and smelly and mean but it was like this brother was born to cater to her whims. While that was a bit exaggerated it was true that Jin Bao could be considered her best friend and was very close and considerate to her.

However while initially, she held some romantic thoughts they quickly died as he was also very open about his sexuality. Still, she really became a bit of a bro-con, enjoying the sunniness of her cheerful narcissistic brother. Her mother and Jia Xiaosi were also very gratified to see them get along and their family life was good.

When her mother got married she smiled so brightly that Tang Muxin's eyes watered under such a sight.

A few years had passed and Tang Muxin was nineteen again. Of course, in this life, she didn't drop out of school thanks to her step-father. She worked hard and experienced a lot of fun things at the same time. While she didn't make a big counterattack to become a top student her grades were praiseworthy enough to soon be admitted into a first-rate university where she will go pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. After all, during her past life as a factory worker, she had handled a lot of similar things and she found it quite enjoyable when it didn't consume her entire life.

As for her real father after he found out his daughter became the daughter of a rich man his passive communication become active as he sold bitterness and played a one-man tragedy. Tang Muxin who had ignored him finally couldn't take it and showed her mum.

In the last life communication was their biggest downfall. This time, Tang Muxin, under the encouragement of Jin Bao, and her mother, with the support of Jia Xiaosi, soon opened up to each other and were no longer so reluctant to hold everything in. Her mother in this life knew about the communication between her and her father, but while uncomfortable she still couldn't bear to deny her daughter her biological father's affection.

Divorce was hard, and for a rather timid woman like herself, it was probably the fiercest and most decisive thing she had ever done. However, when seeing the state of her daughter she had always been filled with doubt and worry about doing the right thing. Even if she knows she is in the right, it felt like nobody thought so. In part, this is her fault for not communicating but even the shared friends between her husband and herself defended her husband.

Things like, 'He's a good man, are you sure you're not mistaken?' 'Isn't divorce too much? Think of your child, having a single parent is no good.' and even the blaming 'Why didn't you notice and stop it sooner? Maybe you could have changed things so it wouldn't have turned out so badly.'

People were funny that way. Sometimes it is very clear who is the victim and who isn't, yet it is like the world is blind and a straight line becomes a blurry one.

So even though Tang Muxin's mother didn't want to let her daughter talk to such a fucking piece of shit, she also didn't want to be a cruel and heartless mother and ruin the past memories with that scum. Now that she knew they had been communicating she also swallowed that pain and allowed it.

Still, she was a little secretly happy knowing her daughter did not pay much attention to the cheap scum man and over the months turned years of being supplemented by sweetness, her anxious heart finally felt settled and assured.

Now that she saw the slag ex-husband pestering her daughter with various lies, her heart was stronger than ever and she was firm in her beliefs on who was more right or who was more wrong. Bluntly she finally had told Tang Muxin the truth, and they both broke down and cried, hugging each other and finally moved on, blocking and deleting the scum man's number and never seeing him again.

They were very happy, but it may not neccessarily the same for their ex-husband slash father who now couldnt enjoy the extra pocket money of his daughter and slowly felt the suffocation and dissatsifaction of his mistress being so controlling over his money.

Anyway, coming back from the wedding Tang Muxin and Jin Bao happily went back home with a lot of wedding cake and leftover food they took from the reception. Their parents had left on their honeymoon immediately and it was also a vacation for both of them, with Jin Bao purposely asking for a few weeks to be cleared from his modelling and acting career.

They spent their days like happy, fat salted fish. Watching shows, going out to play, Tang Muxin showed off her famous handsome step-brother to her classmates while her step-brother preened like a peacock, it was great.

Then as the days drew nearer to start university, Tang Muxin began to clear her ratty old laptop. Call her silly but after so many years she was a bit attached to it. Even if she complained about it, when offered to buy one she hesitated and finally declined. With her own money she saved up to fix it up a bit but that was it.

Now that she was entering university she decided it was a good time to do some spring cleaning on her laptop. Her step-brother, hearing the tap, tap, tapping of her laptop was immediately attracted and knocked on her door asking to come in.

Jin Bao had strangely perceptive ears. Tang Muxin didn't know why but he liked the sound of her typing on her laptop the most, he could hear it from any part of the house.

Of course, when she yelled at him about throwing clothes around and not doing the ironing it was like he was deaf and dumb. _

Inviting him in she continues to go through her old files. Finally, she finds her half-finished story- The Amazing Transmigrated Journey of the Mesmerisingly Divine Good for Nothing Village Girl.

"What's that? Story? Can I see?"

"Fuck!" Tang Muxin turns her neck to see Jin Bao suddenly behind her, looking at her computer screen intently with excitement. "Dammit Jin Bao, you scared me- also none of your business ah."

"Tsk, don't call me Jin Bao, it's so embarrassing." Jin Bao scowls before immediately focusing back on the file. "Hey, hey~ you can write? Sister Muxin can you put me in there, please? Make me super handsome and awesome and the most popular man, no the male lead!"

Tang Muxin's mouth twitches, "But I'm the female lead in there," she points out.

Jin Bao falls silent before sighing, "Well, definitely don't make me male lead then, ew, gross. That's like... a dragon fucking a rooster weird."

Tang Muxin: This mother fucker.

Originally she was going to tell him she had no intention of restarting this shitty cringe part of her past but now she changed her mind. New life, new start, why not a new story?

And if that new story had, say, a smart-talking, narcissistic dragon that eventually fucks a rooster- well that was merely a flash of inspiration ah. ()

Things have changed so much.

Now Tang Muxin was truly grateful for how everything turned out.

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