Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 169: 19

Chapter 169: 19

Reminder: Due to WN censorship your comments might be auto deleted if you use certain words like sexy, sex, sxy, lmao, ass, die, BL etc- I have a list in the auxiliary chaps if you wanna check it out~ it sucks I know qwq


"Come on, Kylan," Kylan's sister, Olivia, impatiently crosses her arms, eyes flashing red in irritation, but she quickly covers it with her oversized brand name sunglasses. "Get in the car. You like cars; look it's even a Bentley." The last word was said with great pride as if she was the one who had pieced together the elegant dark car herself.

Kylan sullenly stares at the car, silver eyes gloomy and not enthusiastic at all.

How could he be? This was a car that belonged to the man his sister was mistress to. No matter how good-looking the car was, the reason for its presence was too shameful.

He wanted to impulsively yell and shout at his stupid sister. Kylan knew she was often at bars living off men but to actually run into the arms of a married powerful man and ruin a marriage should he praise he for being so capable or praise her for being so stupid and vicious?

Olivia could see her little brother's disdain and rolls her eyes, "Oh, don't pull that face with me, the food you eat and the clothes you wear, isn't it all thanks to me?"

Kylan grinds his teeth and lowers his head in a silent acquiescence. It was true, he hated his sister's choices. Still, he also relied and depended on her to live better, furthering his self-loathing insecurities. "Olivia, that's one thing, but this is too much" he mutters weakly. "That's a married man.."

"Not in a week, he isn't." Olivia puffs her chest out and smiles before quickly frowning as she checks the time with her new diamond-studded watch, "Now seriously, get in the car. I want his family to have a good impression of us. It's going to be an uphill battle in this regard, and I don't need you pulling me down."

"You don't need me to pull you down," Kylan sneers.

Olivia chokes at such derision, she was about to say something, but she glances at the driver's seat. Her eyes start to redden and water, "You, don't you remember when our parents left us? I had to drop out of middle school and start working multiple jobs just so you could be well fed. Do you think taking care of you was easy? I know it's the easy way to rely on others, but we could barely afford meat before then. Don't you think I wanted to be something else? But I couldn't, could I?" She wipes the tears forming and threatening to fall from her face, "I finally found someone. Yes, the circumstances are bad, but I love him, and he loves me; why do you have to ruin it?"


"Please, Kylan just get in the car. For me? Please?"

In the end, Kylan still had feelings for his cheap sister, and his heart couldn't help but soften defeatedly under Olivia's misery-coated words. He hesitated and sighed as if he could take away this uncomfortable, stuffy feeling in his lungs by doing so. Still, he couldn't say anything as his sister starts to shed more tears. No matter what he was still a teenager that had yet to be completely beaten down by the adult world and the reason for that was indeed undeniably his sister.

Despite her various and numerous flaws, Kylan knew his life would not be better without her. It was Olivia who shouldered the burden of raising him, who worked long nights, and insisted that no matter what he would get an education and they would always have meat at least thrice a week on that rickety table they had collected together from the trash. When he got beaten up the first time, she immediately left her job and rushed to scold his bullies violently, and got fired as a result. But even then she didn't blame him at all and even praised him for 'taking the punch like a man,' making him feel a little better about the situation.

She was the one who gave him the warmest blanket with no holes and got him a library card for his birthday when they couldn't afford to pay for his schooling for a year.

Even if she was vain, impulsive, and an idiot. Even if she was always looking for the easiest way out, becoming more shallow-minded and her morality was getting worse and worse

She was his only family.

And he was her's.

Kylan got into the car.

After the confrontation with Prince Silas, things hadn't changed much.

Jia Hyson had been a bit wary at first but in the end, even if someone decides they want to diet and lost thirty kilos in a month, it really is easier said than done. Prince Silas had become a little more active, but it could be said the improvements, while visible, were much like how an ant on a piece of paper was visible. Jia Hyson didn't deny it was there, but it was very small.

It can't be helped, even if you disregard that the sole personality flaw of Prince Silas that was repeatedly emphasised in the original story was laziness, there was also a legitimate reason for his tendency to emulate a sloth.

That was because of Prince Silas' unique power.

Like Alaric's Icy Kiss and most other prominent characters, Prince Silas also had a named power. It had a simple name, but the weight of it could really not be underestimated even among other vampire kings. It was also why the third prince Kieran dared not make any big moves and possibly why the second prince Damien lacked such ambition.

Give and Take.

The ability to take away people's skills.

Of course, not only could he take, but he could naturally also use the taken person's skill. The only restriction to it is really Prince Silas' own ability to control it. After all the requirements and limitations of the power are unchanged. But such a restriction was really nothing because Prince Silas was a genius among and above his peers.

And just like the name of the power suggests. Taking away powers and using it for himself was just one half of the already overpowered ability's function.

Prince Silas could also give the skill away. To anyone. Literally anyone.

There is a dog in the coven who can breath fire. It's not even a vampire dog. Just one lucky bitch who was at the right place at the right time. Now she's living the high life in the coven as the old alpha dog in the area with her four favourite handsome mates and litters of puppies that had already grown up with their own families.

This dog was the latest to be on the receiving of the 'give' part of Silas' abilities, and everyone wanted to be the next lucky bitch.

Having more than one power in a vampire is rare. Having three or more is considered unthinkable. Therefore Prince Silas' Give and Take, which could swap a bad power for a better one or bestow people a second, possibly even third, power, was something everyone deeply desired.

Unfortunately, Silas was lazy, with no opportunity or reason that would move him. It was also a smart move as well, after all, such a power was something to be awed and treasured but once used wrongly it becomes something to be feared. After all everyone wants to be powerful and beautiful, nobody wants to be the one who lost their ability. If they think the gun could be raised at them there will be a lot of panic

But the main thing was laziness. Jia Hyson didn't really know much as the restrictions and problems of the royal family's powers were kept a much closer secret, but he knew more than the common vampire. Such an amazing ability, there was either strict requirements or a trade-off that made it difficult to use wantonly.

The main requirement for Give and Take was that Prince Silas must touch them for a set amount of time to temporarily take their skill. To permanently take it away, there were multiple means. The best and official way is for the other to voluntarily hand it over. The most permanent way is to hand it over and then die. However, another way is to forcibly take the skill and then kill the other party.

The reason for such a brutal option is that it was possible with enough willpower that the other party could slowly take their power back after a period of time like an invisible tug of war. This was discovered after Prince Silas had taken a criminal's power which was the valuable power of using their blood to draw a door into existence. The criminal was imprisoned for 80 years because his crime was not too big but at the same time breached a lot of people's privacy and secrets.

However, the criminal had a good head on his shoulders, having both smarts, courage and willpower, and an unwavering determination and stubborn mindset that made it difficult to deal with. Nobody thought it was an issue but during the fifth year of confinement Prince Silas who liked to use this power to get to other places faster, found that the fail rate in creating the door was not only higher but exerted both more energy and blood. After this observation, Silas experienced headaches and even more fatigue than usual, and it had caused great panic among the higher ups.

In the end while they suspected the criminal, they were still unwilling to kill unnecessarily so they could only keep a closer eye on things. Then one day Prince Silas fainted in the middle of classes and the criminal disappeared with a red door in his prison as their only explanation. What was more damning was after mentally trying to reconnect to his powers for five years straight, the criminal seemed to have upgraded and no longer needed the blood requirement to use his ability.

This could be considered an unforeseen disaster and opportunity. The powers they were given were mysterious and random, and Prince Silas' powers were more or less unprecedented.

While it was unfortunate the criminal escaped, their crimes were not enough to warrant a death sentence and were not a huge danger to society as a whole. Therefore the discovery that one could upgrade their powers far outweighed the costs to many vampires. This produced an impromptu trading service where Silas would essentially be rented out to the noblest and richest vampires.

Both parties would benefit. Silas would gain a new power and insight into their strengths and weaknesses as well as exercise his adaptability. At the same time, the vampires who donated their powers would train themselves to not be so self-reliant on their abilities and try 'reconnect' to their power to stimulate an upgrade. The only problem was the fatigue and mental toll on Silas' end.

Of course, it wasn't impossible to gain resistance and some immunity to these problematic side effects if properly practised and trained. After all this was Silas' own personal power. While it was more difficult to comprehend compared to other powers, as long as he put in the work and effort to properly grasp how his powers work, it could be improved. Unfortunately he was really also just that lazy.

In Silas' opinion he was already always tired and lethargic anyway, what was the point of a little more or a little less?

But now this opinion had been overturned.

While it was not obvious to outsiders, the eldest prince of the Golden Rose Coven was mustering what limited energy he had to try to improve not just his field of knowledge but his own powers.

Silas was determined to work harder and become a more energetic person. Every time he noticed his motivation leeching out again, Silas would become invisible, watch Alaric and Mr Garth on their dates, and regain his fighting spirit. At the very least, he will fully utilise the power of youth to slap Darrian Garth in his old man face!

Mr Garth: As a teacher and loyal subject of the coven, I'm happy the crown prince is interested in improving himself. As a boyfriend and a man in general the feeling is really mixed ah.

Jia Hyson was fairly patient and while he personally didn't believe Silas was doing much, he at least could see the attitude of his had shifted for the better and was pleased by it. After all, in the original story it was of course the male lead Prince Damien who became the leader of the coven in the end.

But is that really for the best?

Once the plot ends, reality and logic will start to take place. After meeting the other, Jia Hyson has determined Damien's character was at heart, a romantic and a dreamer. The ambition wasn't big and to be frank, in the story he was a real stupid love brain*.

*only thinks about love, love conquers all, love will get you through any troubles

It wasn't that he wasn't competent, or didn't have any traits a good ruler should have, but he was soft-hearted, a little too poor in communication and Jia Hyson could bet his entire shelf of knee length socks that he would surrender the coven if Jessica Fang got taken hostage by an ambitious enough vampire.

Bebe: 'Damn, you're confident about that. You love your knee length socks.'

Jia Hyson: 'I just bought Pokechu ones, and even though I have no suitable outfit to pair with them I'll still die for those socks if I have to.' Hellmo.gif

Bebe: 'The price of fashion.' Hellmo.gif

Jia Hyson did not have the fervent nationalism Alaric had toward the Golden Rose coven, but he lived here long enough that at the very least he felt he might as well help within his power. Besides, Prince Damien was not ambitious and only became the leader due to various factors in the plot forcing him to be.

While the process gave him a decent amount of character growth in terms of handling responsibility and not running away from things when it gets difficult and so on, that didn't mean he still wanted to be burdened with this sort of thing. Not to say Silas particularly wanted it either, but at the very least Silas' only big problem was laziness and was really suitable everywhere else.

As for Kieran well Jia Hyson actually thought he was not bad but that was it. Not bad.

He was above average, his sociability is quite high and his power was fairly useful. But the problem was his personality was slick and full of flaws. It was like the third prince had swallowed up his elder brothers' ambitions and none of their patience. Tempering such character flaws, especially now when it's fairly well established and rooted, would require a lot of pain and hardship.

it's definitely a backup plan Jia Hyson wouldn't mind keeping.

Speaking of this back up plan, Prince Kieran who had been walking some distance away with a book in hand noticed Jia Hyson and was already jogging in his general direction. Jia Hyson, who had now fully established his new personality in the hearts of the majority of the people he had interacted with, doesn't hesitate to gently smile and wave.

"Prince Kieran, is there anything you want from this humble servant?"

Prince Kieran smiles and laughs, "Alaric, there's no need to act so distant, we're friends aren't we?" However he was indeed young, the prince couldn't completely hide the arrogance and pleasure at this formal acknowledgment of his status.

"Of course," Jia Hyson purposely loosens his body language a little, happy to play along. Since he was interested in keeping Kieran as a possible back up, and the vampire's level was quite incomparable to himself, Jia Hyson felt there was nothing wrong in cultivating a good relationship with the other. Besides, he found the other quite cute ah.

Jia Hyson: 'Hmmm, if I could describe it, it's probably like a leopard watching fierce little house cat try to act big?'

Bebe: 'It's more like the hidden secret villain watching the first dungeon boss act like hot shit, but that works too.'

Jia Hyson: 'Damn, is that what you think of me?'

Bebe: 'That depends what you think that means.'

Jia Hyson: 'Mysterious, powerful, great clothes and incredibly sexy.'

Bebe: 'Then absolutely not.' _

Jia Hyson: 'Boo. So mean.'

Bebe: ''

Jia Hyson: ''

Bebe: ''

Jia Hyson: 'But I like it~'

Bebe:' THERE IT IS.'

Jia Hyson and Prince Kieran were both people who could socialise. While Kieran was not as skilled, he was pretty talented and witty in the art of conversation. It was not difficult to exchange pleasantries and small talk. After they discussed the book Kieran had been holding, the possibilities of modernising the extensive royal library, as well as some gossip about the head librarian having to leave their position due to their only daughter marrying into a family of Arabian oil baron vampires... they finally moved onto the main topic Kieran had probably came for.

In all honestly, Kieran actually had wanted to breach the topic sooner, but after a few encounters with Alaric, Kieran found he always got more or less sucked into their conversations unwittingly. It was only when he noticed how far they had strayed did he finally remember what he came for. "Speaking of love matters, my eldest brother has suddenly become a little motivated. Do you think it's because he finally found someone he wanted to impress?"

Kieran's thoughts were quite simple and straightforward. He only had a fighting chance for the throne under the condition that Silas was a completely lazy and unambitious prince. Seeing the other get an interest in learning again filled him with a sense of crisis and confusion. After all even the emotional pleas from family, allies, and loyal servants did not move Prince Silas into getting out of his coffin to work hard and shoulder his princely responsibilities, it was hard to imagine what could have served to trigger the other in this way.

If family and friends couldn't do it, then wouldn't it be because of a romantic interest then?

Tapping his chin, Jia Hyson responds dismissively, "Silas? Other than myself there really is no one else that comes to mind. There hasn't been any new vampires that have visited and met Silas recently either, sorry." Heh, even if he was fine with maintaining a good relationship, he would be stupid to tell the other. A back up plan was only a back up plan, you can exert some energy to keep it viable, but there's no point if you compromise his more important options as a consequence.

Kieran frowns but easily accepts this. He didn't consider Alaric as an option at all. After all, if his eldest brother really fancied the other he would have been motivated ages ago in his opinion. If he really did become interested in Alaric now after only a little change despite having years and years of having the opportunity to know each other wouldn't that be a bit scum? Despite his own jealousy Kieran respected his eldest brother a lot so he naturally did not think down such a path.

Unfortunately, objectively, a person who could be so cold toward the responsibilities of ruling and his own parents' hopes to be capable, was already more than a bit scum.

Seeing that he got his answer, albeit one he didn't particularly want, Kieran made his excuses and left. Jia Hyson did not stop the young prince and continued on his way.

Pulling out his phone, he texted Mr Garth.

[Hey cutie, you free tonight?]

[SmokingHot: Hey icing sugar, I'll be a bit late but should be back before midnight. Keys in the usual place if you want to wait.]

[wtf is this icing sugar??]

[SmokingHot: I thought we were just calling each other cringy nicknames]

[Lol bastard]

[SmokingHot: That's better darling dearest <3]< p>

[SmokingHot: Anyway, not that im complaining, but you usually don't visit in the middle of the week, what's up?]

[You forgot to tell everyone that class was cancelled when you went on whatever mission thing you went to, so I went to collect everyone's comic assignments for you baby cakes :D]

[SmokingHot: . . . ]

Jia Hyson chuckles.

[Don't worry hot stuff, I'll just drop it and go. We can make a date night out of reading those things later this week instead~]

[SmokingHot: So in the end I can't get out of marking either way huh]

[What about if I wear that game character's outfit you like?]

[SmokingHot: Depends, which one?]

With some thought to the options in his closet he finally decided on one he could probably put together on relatively short notice.

[Uhhh, that blonde rogue magician character that can do fire magic.]

It was a character that had a purple and red layered dress with a glittery torso and paired with a blue and purple silk cape. With her relatively short dress, thigh high socks, rather energetic personality and powerful fire magic, the character became quite popular among the gamer circle.

Suddenly Jia Hyson's phone vibrated noisily. It was a call from Mr Garth. Smiling, he answers it and puts the phone to his ear. Immediately the gruff voice rumbled through the line. "Throw in the underwear I bought you, and you've got a date, sugar plum."

Jia Hyson couldn't help it. He laughed. "Sure thing, sexy."

He could hear the older vampire's rough but warm throaty laughter quietly echoing into his ears.

This sort of life was pretty good.

Kylan was faced with glamour that he had only seen once when he had snuck into a movie theatre. If what Jasmine had shown him was the glitz and glam found in television, his sister's lover had the visual strength of a blockbuster movie.

The beauty and shine of the dazzling hotel from before could not help but be compared with the majestic castle he was walking toward. It was undeniably a beautiful mastery of architecture; however, it was gothic in style and intimidating, with a strong aura, unlike the hotel, which was more accommodating and flattering.

While in awe, Kylan silently felt the hotel was much nicer. His silver eyes glanced at the doormen, who stared down at the brother and sister with cold, assessing eyes. At the very least, the staff at the hotel were much more hospitable.

As they silently walked through the halls, Kylan's eyes flickered everywhere, taking as much information as possible. Even his sister, who was usually quite blindly optimistic and chatty, was clutching his hand nervously for support, the sweat in her palm truly betraying her nerves despite her previous callous attitude. It was this weakness shown to him that made Kylan's lungs become stuffy and depressive once more with complicated emotions.

He wanted to protect his sister when he was younger, but as they grew older and older and she changed slowly into someone so similar yet so different to the sister he loved, he found it harder to find the urge to want to help and pay her back. It made him feel guilty and self-loathing, making him feel ugly and pathetically ungrateful.

Wasn't it his fault that she became like this? Maybe she wouldn't have struggled financially as much if he wasn't there. She would still have a decent job, work hard, and lived proudly. Furthermore, even if she became someone that he didn't like, a gold digger, a person who uses sex for money, and now a mistress, for these big things, Olivia never forgets to bring him along even if she had become increasingly neglectful.

"Miss Laframboise, this way," A servant gestures to them however the perfunctory attitude was clear as day. Kylan had always been sensitive to these sorts of emotions since he was a child and his unhappiness in being there rose up by 20%.

However, as he glanced at the pale servant's elegant and flawless appearance, he had to admit the overall level of beauty of the people here was much higher than in the hotel. It was almost unnatural.

They enter a large room surrounded by varying hostility from some of the most beautiful people Kylan has ever seen. It was not exactly an ego boost.

Count Vericus, who was chatting with a tall and domineering-looking woman, immediately stopped when he saw the brother and sister. Kylan self-consciously looks down and tugs at the hem of his slightly worn out clothing, while Olivia touches her hair, a little worried about her own appearance in comparison to the other women here. Because of this, they completely missed the way the count's eyes linger on Kylan before he breaks into a smile and walks over.

"Olivia, my darling," Count Vericus greets, giving the young lady a hug and then a kiss in greeting, "I'm so glad you're here."

Olivia blushes, "Kristoph, I'm so glad to be here."

They held hands and looked into each other's eyes lovingly for a few seconds before Count Vericus broke away first and turned his gaze to Kylan. "And this is your beloved younger brother right? What was his name again?"

"Kylan," Olivia smiles and pats her brother's head with a wide smile. Kylan winces at the slight heaviness to her pats, knowing this was her way of warning him not to go out of line.

With a forced smile, Kylan puts out his hand in greeting, "Hello."

Count Vericus takes the hand, shaking it enthusiastically, "Greetings Kylan, it will be lovely to get along with you in the future. Please, as my future brother-in-law, make yourself at home here." The handsome older man raises his voice as he says the last few words. While Olivia had an extremely flattered look, Kylan could feel the room get a few degrees colder in response.

Kylan: '' I would rather crawl into a hole and die to be honest.

Count Vericus led them around to greet the members of his family. Because Kylan was just the very young brother-in-law of the future new mistress of the Vericus family, he was let go after the initial introductions to mingle by himself while his sister conversed more with the elders and her fiancee.

However, at the same time, Kylan was just the very young brother-in-law of the future new mistress of the Vericus family. A mistress who was literally a mistress and also was a poor human- therefore, he was pretty unpopular, so not many went up to talk to him.

Kylan didn't mind. He was content to wander around, stealing food and sipping his orange-based mocktail that he had been offered, his silver eyes looking around and subconsciously processing the visual information in his brain. Suddenly he stops his meandering pace and rushes up to grab a young man who was playing with his phone by the wrist.

"Where did you get this photo?" Kylan urges, eyes wide and unable to move away from the familiar beautiful girl.

"Ah?" The young vampire was shocked at the surprising strength of the human. However as a haughty noble the surprise quickly turned into dissatisfaction. "Are you sick? What are you grabbing me for?"

Kylan realises his impulsiveness was a mistake and lets the other's arm go. After a deep breath he tries to calm himself as best as he could, "Sorry." He straightforwardly apologises, "It's just that wallpaper on your phone"

The vampire who originally didn't want to acknowledge such a basic and half hearted apology immediately perked up as Kylan explained himself. He didn't even question how a human could've possibly seen the image on his phone at the distance Kylan did. "Oh! You're also a fan of Jasmine? Hehe, your tastes are pretty good."

Nothing felt quite as good as finding a fellow 'comrade' that shared the same hard-to-explain interests as yourself. The young vampire found Kylan to suddenly be quite pleasing to the eye.

Kylan felt like there was some sort of misunderstanding, but seeing that the vampire was willing to open up and also seemed to know Jasmine, he quickly calculated the benefits and played along. He nods his head and curtly replies, "Yeah. You too?"

"I've been a fan of Jasmine for about six months now." The vampire confesses, "Jasmine's writing style is a bit cutesy, but it's amusing and interesting, plus that face and that body! Ah! So pretty and sexy, it's hard to believe Jasmine's male."

Kylan, who had been nodding along, froze.

Kylan: ???

Excuse me. Who's a male???

Prince Silas was too lazy to knock and engage in pleasantries just to grab a book from the royal library. He had started actively reading more online and offline. His online reading mainly was for stories and some interesting, current event articles he had noticed while scrolling. Meanwhile, his offline reading was more purposeful about his own culture and coven's history.

Unfortunately, the new librarian of the castle library was very chatty. Without Alaric to protect him, Silas found he was often being followed around and flattered constantly.

At first, Silas was too lazy to deal with it. After all, he dealt with Alaric's most nagging period for so long that he didn't feel like it was a big deal. However, he quickly determined it was two very different situations.

Alaric, both before and now, had always been quite blunt and was willing to honestly nag while still maintaining his respect toward their status. Even though the execution had changed, the heart was the same. But the new librarian was only full of hot air and slick words that made him feel oily and greasy.

Once again, he misses Alaric, who once used to be glued to his hip. Since he had confronted the other, he hadn't considered that ousting Alaric's romantic life out into the open, Alaric could now meet up with his boyfriend with less burden. Now, if Alaric had a date, he would happily and flagrantly decline hanging out with Silas, indeed the antithesis of the saying, 'bros before hoes'.

Thinking about Alaric's chain-smoking old and used up manwhore of a 'boyfriend' Prince Silas can't help but grind his teeth and touch his throbbing forehead. Darrian Garth. That fucking bitch.

But seething about Alaric's choices in lovers could be done at a later date. Right now he needed to take a certain restricted book about the theories behind vampiric powers from the library to read. Alaric and himself already had plans for a 'study date' discussing various topics together and he wanted to brush up on his historical theories.

Taking a deep breath, Prince Silas doesn't flinch as he experiences the strange feeling of water pouring over him when there wasn't any, and sneaks into the library quickly. With his superior physical attributes, it was not difficult to stride without a sound, coupled with this power it was very difficult to detect him unless you were an incredibly powerful vampire.

Entering the library, he rolls his eyes as, of course, the new librarian wasn't at the library front desk as he should be but was instead playing on his computer sitting on one of the various study desk tables that was situated in the middle of the library. It meant that his little pilfering adventure had just gotten a bit more inconvenient.

This invisibility skill is borrowed from a young noble vampire who was unsatisfied with his abilities. In fairness, while it was true invisibility that even cameras and infra-red could not pick up on, it only works if one completely holds their breath. Therefore it wasn't the best power in the world but the use was simple and convenient enough that Silas liked it a lot. Plus as a royal vampire he could hold his breath for a pretty lengthy amount of time.

However when he silently passed by Silas absentmindedly took a curious glance in the other vampire's direction and almost let out the air held in his mouth as he saw what the new librarian was staring excitedly at on the screen of his computer.

Wasn't that Alaric???

In a skirt???

Prince Silas completely threw away any mind for theories and books and instead stared fixedly at the screen, leaning as close as he could get away with. Even though his sight was extremely good, he still couldn't believe his eyes.

"Ah, Jasmine is so cute," The new librarian sighs as he checks the newest updates to the blog. "Really can't believe this human could look so good, even in women's clothing.. tsk I would love to bite her and turn her."

Prince Silas was half tempted to bang the man's head onto his laptop but he diplomatically chose not to. Partly because he still wasn't finished comprehending the visual information on the screen and partly because the new librarian's father was a very important and loyal noble that supports the royal family and also was a senator in the human world.

Suddenly the new librarian scrolled down and Prince Silas gasps incredulously as he saw the other on a bed, sitting and facing the camera with his knees being hugged.

Even if the new librarian was probably hired via nepotism and other shady reasons, his abilities were not lacking, and he immediately whipped his head the moment Silas let his breath go. Unfortunately Silas was faster and in that split second used another power that made his body become as malleably thin as paper and slicker than oil, as well as his own incredibly powerful natural physique as a royal vampire, to increase his speed and dive under the table where the librarian was sitting.

Taking advantage of the other's wariness as he searched vigilantly around him but not below him, Silas held his breath again and once again became invisible to the eye.

The crown prince sweats a little. To be honest, activating two powers at once was still quite straining for him. Especially since he had only recently restarted his training exercises again, which had dropped once he felt dissatisfied with both the progress and felt the inconvenience outweighed the results. Once again he was reminded of Mr Garth was his near perfect control of his abilities and grits his teeth in annoyance.

Using both his paper thin ability and invisibility, he slid carefully out once the new librarian finally let go of his worries and turned his attention back to the computer. Silas also silently joined in with a hand over his mouth to try to stifle and calm his breathing. However even though he mentally prepared himself, the prince still felt the urge to react when he saw the photos on the computer once again.

Alaric was staring at the camera with a soft and dreamy look as he wore a mint rockabilly party dress inspired by the retro 50s and 60s with a few added accessories to give it a more 'princess' vibe making him look like a very sweet and spoiled princess. However, this little princess was a bit of a lewd one as while he had his knees together, his ankles were spread apart, giving everyone a small window to the sexy black panties and the curve of the model's ass.

Silas had rarely seen an Alaric with a button out of place, his impression of the other vampire was that, while he had become much more gentle and softer, still retained his uptight and formal core, which can also be partially reflected by the fairly conservative clothing he wore. Seeing this really almost made him seriously doubt whether this was Alaric or not.

However, while he admits now he may not have known the other as well as he thought, Silas was still pretty confident he was one of the closest people to Alaric and vice versa. At the very least, while Silas had a bit of hesitation, he was eight to nine points confident this was Alaric.

Alaric may have been wearing some makeup that made him look a little different from usual, and the gold tresses falling naturally from his head almost made Silas fall into skepticism again, but that face and those bright icy-blue, slanted eyes that pierces his heart could not be denied.

Watching as if he was a thirsty man in a desert who suddenly saw a small television that was running solely drink ads on loop, Silas quickly found he was unable to stay there any longer for various reasons. Silently, with one hand over his mouth and one hand awkwardly over his crotch, he slips out of the library.

It seems he had a different thing to research on tonight.


"See this coding? This will allow us to generate an algorithm that will determine which viewers are of the fan quality and perversion you want with a 97.8% success rate, and offer them a link to allow them to enter the site. If they turn it down, they will be offered again in two weeks or they can click the tick box that will never let them see this message again." Bebe excitedly explains as it highlights the coding in bright blue colouring.

"Bebe has also installed an anti-recording bug into the site so nobody could screenshot or video you. Even if they try to take videos by using their phone camera Bebe has input a visual modifier to the screen pixels that will purposely distort those recorded images when process through another machine."

Jia Hyson looks at all the effort Bebe had put into this private camboy site and fell silent.

He couldn't bear to tell his sweet summer child of a system that he probably was only interested in playing around with the camboy thing for like a few weeks before getting bored of it and moving on to other things.

After all, it was more of an interest and a kink than a passion of his.

Just something he wanted to try out but also something he couldn't see himself seriously getting into. _(:3)_

Bebe: Suddenly feeling a sense of overwhelming frustration.

After adding some minor details and planning a date he was most free, Jia Hyson finally got his wish and become a small private camboy for his own pleasure.

As he sat on the bed, wearing a cute frilled short skirt and simple blouse and cardigan, Jia Hyson couldn't help but smile nervously as Bebe wirelessly turned the computer camera on. Quickly he touched his hair, this time he changed it with [Hair Control] so it was in long wavy light pink hair styled in twin tails.

"Hello, hello~" Jia Hyson self-consciously tugs down his skirt nervously as he smiles shyly. After all this was really a first for him and he was both excited, anxious and embarrassed. "Welcome to my private site, thank you very much for being such loyal fans. I'm very new to this so please be kind to me ah, I'll be in your care~"

[DarkKnight1047: Jasmine! Hi!]

[SadCat69: Damn I can't believe the link actually worked. I really thought it was a scam but I still wanted it to be true and YES YES YES!]

[JasmineLover<3: YOUR SO CUTE!!!!!!!]< p>

[JasmineGarden: *You're]

[Anon125890357: Bruh]

[Money4Days: Hey, hey, isn't there usually a donate button somewhere? I wanna be the first.]

[DrFeet: I love you Jasmine!! Show feet? PleadingFace.jpeg]

[Anon9059218493: I'm such a fan! You're even prettier than your photos!]

[CrossdressingTwinkFan: You're so sexyyyy]

Seeing all the replies and praise in real time, Jia Hyson swallows heavily as his face and body heats up. "T-this, thank you, thank you ah," He shifts his legs, trying to hide his excitement. "Um, user Money for days, this site does not offer a payment system. I, ah," Jia Hyson scratches his chin shyly, "I am just doing this for my own pleasure, I don't want it to be considered a job or anything, sorry."

[JasmineLover<3: Ahhhhh! So cute! cute!]< p>

[CrossdressingTwinkFan: What do I do, before I didn't want to donate, but now that I know it's all free I want to donate so badly]

[Money4Days: I wanted to donate but now that I know I can't I want to sponsor <3 You're not looking for a sugar daddy, baby?]< p>

[DrFeet: Show feet pls]

[Jasmine you're so pretty I'm dying ahehdkgkwna]

[SadCat69: Holy shit! You actually did all this and it's free?? As a poor man I kneel before my angel!]

[Anon34691753: As a poor man I kneel before my goddess!]

[WantACuteMaleWife: As a poor woman I kneel before my wife!]

[DarkKnight1047: As a poor- wait wtf something is wrong with upstairs]

[WantACuteMaleWife: Hehe, young man you still have not seen the world yet, ladies can also appreciate beauty. My Jasmine is so cute I also want to bully him ok~? ]

[ElegantWaterfall: +1 this lady also wants this]

[HottiesInSkirts: +2 this lady also wants]

[TrapSupremecy: +3 this man also wants]

[BeMyBaby2468: +4 tf are you doing joining in?]

[CrossdressingTwinkFan: +5 we are all equal in our wish to see a lewd Jasmine okay? ]

[SadCat69: +6 I'm just lonely :3 ]

[DrFeet: +7 show feet]

[JasmineLover<3: +8 thank you so much for that contribution to the conversation _]< p>

[Anon9732695: +9 omg so cute where do you get the emoji thing??? ]

[JasmineLover<3: +10 the site offers it in corner of chat box ) it's really interesting very different to usual emotes]< p>

[Anon19838702: +11 wtf happened to this chain this is a mess]

Jia Hyson with his vampire abilities could easily read the small and fast moving chat box and laughs under his breath. It was a bit cute. After all everyone was screened through Bebe's algorithms and they were all fairly restrained due to the novelty of the new site.

Even though there was no pressure, Jia Hyson still inexplicably felt it. After all, he had always been a bit thin skinned and sensitive to the public, and Alaric's need for praise also meant he got more hurt from being insulted, therefore it was more important to have a smaller, more supportive group than a large and potentially more toxic one.

Since that was what he wanted Jia Hyson figured it was best to come out fairly clean and lay out his intentions to avoid any uncomfortableness.

Looking at the camera, Jia Hyson coughs, and then begins to talk with some timidity trembling in his voice making him even more like a delicate little animal. "I, I also want to say, this is free because it's solely for my own interests. That, that means that I'm not doing this to cater or sell to you guys anything. I currently have a boyfriend." He looks with wide blue eyes to the camera and sincerely says, "Therefore you can imagine whatever with my body but please don't hold any expectations for my heart ah."

[JasmineLover<3: Damn was I rejected by my goddess on their first sex stream?]< p>

[TrapSupremecy: Don't worry Jasmine my dick has no heart it only wants body :3]

[HottiesInSkirts: Eh? Boyfriend?? No way this must be a lie! QwQ]

[Anon08184245: Lmao boyfriend? Sorry I'm out.]

[. Left the chat]

[.. Left the chat]

[ Left the chat]

[SadCat69: I'm legit just here to see what you look like under those clothes hehe don't you worry about those delusional guys. ]

[BeMyBaby2468: Your so cute! It's ok, it's ok, as long as your boyfriend doesn't mind I won't mind. It was brave to admit it!]

[WantACuteMaleWife: It's ok it's ok as long as you break up with your boyfriend I still have a chance right? ]

[Money4Days: Lmao I also don't mind]

[DrFeet: As long as you show feet I don't mind <3]< p>

[Money4Days: Damn foot dude you're so persistent. ]

Seeing the potential boyfriend and girlfriend powders* leave after finding out he wasn't taken Jia Hyson felt only uncomfortable for a moment before he quickly readjusted his mindset and heaved an internal sigh of relief. Short term pain was better than long term problems. With that out of the way he can play without too much worries.

*powders = fans. Girlfriend powder is a fan who fantasises being one day the lover of the other party. Many idols have this and is why they enforce the rule to not date as they selling the 'dream' to fans.

Unbeknownst to him, though, across the screen, there were two new boyfriend fans who made it past the algorithm that didn't leave and instead chose to sit in their seats with clenched jaws and various crushed items due to their equally as clenched fists needing an outlet for their emotions. However that was beyond his knowledge and therefore still none of his concern.

Instead he happily begins to chat with the ones who stayed for a bit, greeting them and answering any questions they wanted to ask.

[DrFeet: Feet?]

"Haha, maybe," Jia Hyson teases.

[DrFeet: ,,0w0,,]

[ElegantWaterfall: You do not deserve to use such a cute emote out of all the people here.]

[DrFeet: ,,UwU,,]

[DarkKnight1047: Does your boyfriend know you do this?]

Jia Hyson smiles and flushes shyly, touching his blushing cheek cutely as he tilts his head, "He does. Actually, he's probably watching in chat right now. Hi darling~"

[Anon90143890149: Hi baby <3]< p>

[DarkKnight1047: Hi hotstuff]

[WantACuteMaleWife: Hi wife~~]

[SadCat69: Greetings my beloved]

[Money4Days: Salutations paramour ;p]

[TrapSupremecy: Ohayo my onahole*]

*if you don't know this I don't want to explain what it is :3

[CancerStickAddict: Fuck off.]

[JasmineGarden: Fuck me]

"Well I think I found which one my boyfriend is," Jia Hyson sighs, "Honestly, so obvious." However, he didn't bother to point out who exactly it was and watched as the chat descended into a strange game of detectives and mind games for a minute, while occasionally fuelling the fire.

However, quickly, everyone got a bit bored once it was clear they weren't going to find Jasmine's boyfriend hidden in the chat. Jia Hyson also wanted to move on. Coughing lightly he looks into the camera with his big blue eyes and lightly smiles, still maintaining a quiet and shy personality to the camera. "Well, I suppose I want to start.."

[WantACuteMaleWife: WOOO!]

[Money4Days: Yessss I'm so excited >w<]< p>

[TrapSupremecy: My dick has been hard for so long]

[Anon74718983: FINALLY]

Bashfully Jia Hyson lies on his back, propping a pillow under it. Hence, his face is still visible as he slowly spreads his legs for the camera and reveals the bulge in his panties under his skirt. Immediately the chat barrage went haywire. Even the silent users had posted a series of some form of [!!!!!] to express their feelings.

Jia Hyson's eyes flutter closed, focusing on the sensation of his own hands running up and down his chest before moving down to lightly stroke his inner thighs, teasing the audience who were waiting with bated breath for the main event.

The idea so many people were staring at him lit his nerves up excitedly. In such a stimulating mindset, his body seemed to become more sensitive to his touch. The sliding of fabric that glides over his skin as he moves and even the coolness of the air he felt hyperaware of.

[WantACuteMaleWife: Ahhhhh, he's getting hard! Fuck Jasmine is really a guy!]

[Money4Days: He's not the only one getting hard, this is so hot.]

[HottiesInSkirts: TAKE OFF THE PANTIES!!!!]

[CrossdressingTwinkFan: This is not what I expected to do at 7am but I'm not complaining :3]

[SadCat69: Bruh that's nothing I'm watching this at work at Soupway :3]

[JasmineLover<3: Dude wtf I just ordered from Soupway pls tell me you're joking]< p>

[SadCat69: :3]




[DrFeet: feet QwQ]

Teasingly Jia Hyson finally touched the edge of his panties. He had specially bought some cute but simple white underwear with a floral lace waistband, and a little purple bow in the middle. It showed off the curves of his thighs and butt, but it left a bit to the imagination, sexy but innocent. The small but growing wet spot from his erection pushing inside the underwear further provoked a taboo feeling that could excite many looking at it.

He pinches the edges of his panties, pulling it outwards and teasing the viewers who could only see a little more exposed skin before letting it go and covering himself once more. Afterwards, he hooks his middle finger around the waistband. He slowly pulls the underwear down, exposing a pale hipbone. At the same time, his other hand rubs his dick, precum spreading further out onto the fabric lewdly.

He tugs the waistband further, revealing not only a hipbone but even his dark pubic hair was exposing itself, a literal carpet leading the audience to what was to come. But as everyone leaned in to see Jasmine finally display his hard cock to the camera, the cross-dressing vampire smirks and drags his panties back, hiding what nobody wished was hidden.

[TrapSupremecy: Cockteaseeeeee]

[Dandelion: Sexy]

[Money4Days: You're so hot.]

[TrapSupremecy: Im clse]

Soaking in the praise, Jia Hyson cruelly doesn't let them get what they want and instead entertains them and himself by touching all over his body instead. Getting on his knees and facing the camera, he smiles playfully before sitting back toward his ankles, and slowly unbuttons his cardigan.

With a soft and coquettish voice, Jia Hyson shyly tells the camera, "Thank you chat, it's so embarrassing being looked at butnhgnnn.. knowing you're all watching" He shrugs off his unbuttoned cardigan revealing the two hardened nipples poking through the thin blouse. The fabric did very little to hide the small pink peaks that were so lewdly crying for attention. "It makes me so happy"

Bebe: This is so cringe.

To be honest, Jia Hyson also felt embarrassed as he said it, but with his already aroused state it once again only fuelled his lust even more, giving him the conflicting feelings of wanting to cover his face in shame and wanting to do even more humiliating things. He bites his forefinger, relishing in the sharp pain of his teeth and letting the sharp sensation cut some of the excitable, almost ticklish giddiness bubbling inside him as he pushes his chest up toward the camera and begins to rub one of his nipples with his free hand.

At first he just gently circled the outline, making it seem even more prominent before he uses his thumb to brush against the tip. "Nghnmm" Jia Hyson's feet curls and instinctively bit down his finger a little harder. From tentative moments to becoming bolder and wanton, Jia Hyson soon was tugging at both his tits sluttily as he pants and groans.

His knees push and rub together as his erection bulges up prominently under his short skirt, threatening to lift it up completely. Such a sight full of erotic contrasts was incredibly arousing.

Jia Hyson glances at the chat as he mercilessly pinches and rubs his chest and pauses, "Lift ah.. lift up your shirt and skirt?" He swallows dryly, "..En."

He lets go of his sensitive nipples and slowly pulls up his blouse to reveal his chest in its flushed entirety. The cool air hits his skin and makes it prickle, once again a reminder to his self exposure.

Putting the lifted hem of his blouse into his mouth to continue to leave his trembling pale chest exposed to the camera and the people watching through it, Jia Hyson tentatively and teasing plays with his skirt, acting indecisive on whether he should show what shouldn't be shown. Only when the chat hit a new fervour did he finally stop playing with them and slowly lifts up the skirt and cupped his dick lewdly, further shaping the damp panties around it.

Giving it a squeeze Jia Hyson groans with pleasure, "Ehngn.. I'm, ah close.." He confesses before his hands began to rub his erection through his panties, the soft fabric of the underwear shifting and dragging against the sensitive shaft and tip as well as the pressure of his hands was irresistible. Soon Jia Hyson was thrusting his hips uncontrollably as he fucked into his hand on camera.

As he felt he was about to tip over the edge, he felt something was a bit empty and subconsciously moved one of his hands from his dripping cock and touched his chest. The slick from his excitement coated his fingers and quickly cooled in the open air. With the slightly cold touch of it touching his erect nipples, Jia Hyson found himself throwing his head back and moaning as he immediately came.

Jia Hyson: '' Could it be, because of his own playing around, he had developed a body that needed the cold to ejaculate?

Falling to his back and lying onto the bed, his hips continue to jerk weakly upwards as he cums into his sticky underwear.

Breathing heavily Jia Hyson gives himself a minute to catch his breath. "That.. hah that felt really great."

[Anon0458019905: I came twice this was great]

[Money4Days: I want to donate 500$ that was so hawt]

[HottiesInSkirts: Bruh @Money4Days are you a pay pig*? but I also agree :3]

*financial domination kink- generally men who enjoy the humiliation of sending women/men money without getting anything in return I need one tbh kek- ofc now with all the scammers its def not safe anymore sadge


[JasmineLover<3: My keyboard is a mess now haha]< p>

[Anon103055389: LOVE YOU]

[Dr Feet: Pretty great, needs more feet.]

Jia Hyson, who lifted his head up from where he was lying down, saw the chat barrages and smiles, his chest still undulating a bit unsteadily as he came back from his initial orgasm high but the heat in his body had yet to cool. "Hehe, did you think I was done yet ah~?"

[JasmineGarden: Damn, round 2 huh]

[ElegantWaterfall: Thumbs up]

[SadCat69: so cute]

"Mnhnm.." Jia Hyson hums as he shifts his legs apart to reveal the now soaked garment covering his most secretive places. "But first, I should take these off they're so dirty and sticky."

Unhurriedly he reaches under her skirt and finally pulls down the thin fabric down to his knees, exciting all the viewers. However, much to their dismay, both the the positioning of the underwear had more or less completely covered what they had been waiting for since the start.




[Blueball69: WTF IS TRAP JESUS]



[Anon743874981: YEAH, TRAP JESUS]

[MaidenlessButNotTrapless: JASMINE PLS]



[WantACuteMaleWife: I WANNAA SEEEE]

"Hehe, okay, okay~" Jia Hyson reaches down to idly tug on his dick that was already stiffening again. Then, to everyone's surprise, and one particular viewer's extreme delight, instead of using his hands, he shifted his knees together, rubbing his legs so the panties moved further down his legs. During the movements, one could occasionally see the other's cock, balls and hole underneath the shifting skirt, making one swallow and want more.

Once the panties were hung around the other's calves, using his feet, he hooked the waistband fabric and pulled it down in a fairly smooth and sexy motion.

[DarkKnight1047: Fuck]

[TrapSupremecy: Ah shit did I just develop a foot kink]

[ElegantWaterfall: Im super mad at how hot that was]

[Money4Days: Hey foot guy, anything to say?]

[JasmineGarden: @DrFeet?]

[Anon50948901: Feet dude?]

[DrFeet: ]

[DrFeet: I came ,,UwU,,]

[DrFeet: Watching this during my hospital shift was worth it]

[WantACuteMaleWife: ]

[ElegantWaterfall: ]

[Anon3080939: ]

[SadCat69: ]

[Money4Days: wait are you an actual doctor?!]

[DrFeet: ,,UwU,,]

[JasmineLover<3: oh HELL NAUR]< p>

Jia Hyson did not know that his chat had gained a sudden distrust toward the hygiene quality of hospitals. After kicking off his panties, he spread his legs wide, exposing everything to the camera while continuously stroking his cock. Using his free hand, he lightly rubbed his twitching horny hole, already wet from the constant slick and cum dripping down from his dick.

Using two fingers, he spread his cheeks to show the viewers his most private place, groaning as the shame of doing so mixes with the pleasure he was receiving from his trembling cock. "Ah, nghnn... please" Jia Hyson mutters as he stops playing with his dick and instead wholly focuses on his ass. "I'm so horny, mhn.."

Pressing a finger inside, he groans vocally, a slightly hoarse, unmistakably masculine noise full of lust and desire. The contrast of such a sexy male voice coming out of someone who at first glance, looked like a beautiful and pretty girl immediately stoked the flames of everyone even higher. After all, if they were specially invited to this site, there was no doubt they were more or less confirmed to be very interested in this sort of niche.

Jia Hyson quickly escalated from one finger to three fingers moving in and out of his ass. Still lying on his back, he had raised his hips up and maintained that position in an erotic show of core muscle strength, in order to better allow the camera to have a clear view of his hungry slutty lower mouth swallow down his fingers greedily while his dick bounces and slaps against his stomach obscenely.

He was ready to cum, he was so close. With a flushed face, Jia Hyson changes his position, flipping onto his stomach with his ass raised and facing the camera he sped up the pace of his fingers fucking himself and also wrapped his other hand onto his flushed and leaking erection, ruthlessly tugging at it, wanting to completely humiliate himself as he shows everyone what a lewd bitch he was as he milks himself dry in front of everyone.

"This, I, mghnnn-!!!" Just imagining the many eyes watching him with lust and derision produced a strong wave of lust that hit him hard. Jia Hyson gasps with tears in his eyes and shoves his fingers in deeply, pounding against his prostate, while his other hand painfully pinches the tip of his cock, inciting him to begin shooting his cum onto the bed. "Ah! Ahh! Ahh"

The sheer rush of pleasure made his whole body twitch and shiver. His dick visibly jerks as it continues to pump out semen and his hole opens and closes, fluttering around his trembling fingers.

He felt so used and filthy. Jia Hyson couldn't stop grinning pervertedly with a dazed and flushed face. It was quite amazing.

His body seemed to agree as he endured two orgasms in a row and then a third as Jia Hyson quickly began to stroke himself again, ignoring the almost overwhelming painfulness of touching his oversensitive cock and pumping out one last sticky load that made his legs clench together and himself sob loudly.

After riding it out one last time, he wiped his hands on the ruined bedsheets and smiled at the camera. "Thank you for watching I, uh, hope you enjoyed it. Maybe I'll do this again some other time."

[MaidenlessButNotTrapless: THAT WAS AMAZING]

[JasmineGarden: I love you!!!! THANK YOUUU]

[Money4Days: If I could give you 5000$ right now I would do it, you were so incredibly hot]

[DrFeet: Thanks for the feet]

[HottiesInSkirts: JASMINEEEEEE]

[TrapSupremecy: I came so many times bruh you're so sexy]

[JasmineLover<3: I will forever be a fan!!!]< p>

[SadCat69: This was so hot]

After turning off the livestream Jia Hyson was still full of excitement and energy and couldn't stop himself from touching himself again.

Bebe was speechless. This guy was really insatiable.

After orgasming for the fifth time, Jia Hyson lay on the bed and lazily cleaned himself up before finally going off to sleep in a good mood.




Little Theatre:

Jia Hyson: And now the Jasmine camboy site is finally up and running!

Bebe: Don't worry host, Bebe made sure only your most loyal and sexually interested fans can access the site UwU

[CancerStickAddict has entered the chat]

[PrinceOfSleep has entered the chat]

[SlumDogNoMillionaire has entered the chat]



AN: I have been gone for a while but I brought yall 10k chap so forgive me? (cute pleading face)

Tbh smut is really a- I take forever or I get a sudden burst of inspiration with no in between lmao, half the smut scene was probs written today :D I have witnesses cuz I sometimes stream my writing (@loreili and @suzami can back me up ah~)

Um, tbh I had a bunch of things to say but its been so long since I update I legit forgot rip. Imma regret that when I do remember lmao.

Also I have added stripe to my kofi so this should give more options if you don't have Paypal :3.

During this period, I have read Saving the Tragic Adonis (istg the most meh ending ever but the JOURNEY from pain and angst to loveliness was so good), After I possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis (similar to Tragic Adonis in certain ways but much fluffier and lighter and happy happy) and Cub Raising Association (its a cub raising story, super hella fluffy, cotton candy level, great for mindless fluff lovers, romance was kinda GARBAGE tho damn).

Now I'm consuming Transmigrated As a Villain, I rely on Sandsculpture to Survive and I'm only like chap 30 but its funny and I really like it rn ,,UwU,, plus pseudo-incest kekekekek

See ya soon hopefully~

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