Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 173: 23

Chapter 173: 23

Feeling much better, Jia Hyson returns to the living space to see Prince Rigel sitting on his bed and touching the sheets with an expression of disgust. Seeing Jia Hyson's reappearance he immediately lifts his chin disdainfully.

"What is this?"

"Those are one thousand thread count silk sheets," Jia Hyson reports, "It is the standard for most beds here."

"Disgusting." Rigel's fingernails sharpen and he easily slices the sheets. Jia Hyson's eyes widen slightly in surprise.

He knew in the plot that Rigel was hinted to have multiple abilities but it wasn't expressly stated due to the fact, for the most part, he was either disguising his true personality with Jessica Fang or he was letting others do the work for him before he finally kills himself for the ritual. Seeing this, it seems the other having multiple abilities was basically confirmed.

To be honest, Jia Hyson was very curious about the other's abilities, after all, this was a big villain that was a little poorly utilised in the plot. Still, he stifled this curiosity in favour of acting servile and subservient. "I'm sorry to hear about your displeasure your highness," Jia Hyson smiles, "I will contact Principal Matthews and try arrange new sheets. What do you want? Two thousand thread count? Ten?"

Prince Rigel gives Jia Hyson a look of extreme judgement, "Are you a fool? I want cotton sheets with a thread count of four hundred, I will accept no lower than three-fifty and no higher than five hundred, and it must be single ply yarn." The blonde vampire immediately listed his demands with the confidence of someone ordering their favourite specific and needlessly complicated drink at their local coffee chain.

After processing the words, Jia Hyson was really surprised. "Four hundred thread count? I thought-"

Prince Rigel laughs brightly, his white teeth bared into a smile. It was hard to tell if he was aggressive or not. "You thought I was some rich greenhouse flower* that wants ten thousand thread count silk sheets spun from gold?"

*someone sheltered from the outside world

"Yeah." Jia Hyson nods seriously. He really did think so.

Prince Rigel: '' What happened to being polite?

Jia Hyson also realises he slipped up and immediately puts on his professional tour guide smile. "I meant, yes, I agree that I thought so but I am deeply ashamed at my prejudices, your highness."

Prince Rigel: '..' So in the end, you're still going to agree huh?

Prince Rigel laughs angrily and then proceeds to lecture Jia Hyson about the best sheets to pick.

"It is a common misconception to associate higher thread counts with better quality. In fact, anything past five hundred, much less one thousand thread count, means there's a higher chance the threads are poorer quality. Many bedding brands, in order to get a higher thread count in their sheets to sell at higher prices, will use multi-ply threads, which are threads with multiple strands of yarn in them." Prince Rigel snaps his fingers and a glass of water appears in his hand. He takes a sip to quench his throat before continuing, not caring he was revealing another power his and continues his talk. "Now, what is the problem with multi-ply threads, you ask?"

Jia Hyson: ""

"Well, that's easy. It's like the difference between a solid thick plank of wood and sticks wrapped together so it made the same size and shape as the plank of wood. Using this logic, I can explain why single-ply threads are more durable, last longer and generally higher quality as a result."

Jia Hyson: "Are you don-"

"Brands can fluff up thread counts by making a sheet of three hundred thread count two-ply sheets and market it at six hundred thread count, or just use lower quality fabrics that naturally have thinner threads."

Jia Hyson: "Should I be writing this down or-?"

"Therefore, higher thread count does not equate better quality. Good fabrics will have thicker and stronger threads which means lower thread counts. Anything above five hundred thread count should be considered a little suspicious unless the fabric is Egyptian cotton where the recommended count is four hundred to seven hundred threads- if that is available I would prefer this at six hundred thread count, Alaric- and those above one thousand are quite questionable."

Jia Hyson: "No, for real, you should consider making slides-"

"Really, at most, the higher the thread count the less breathable it is, which is good for retaining heat if you live in colder areas. However, as vampires we are not too picky on temperature, so the main thing should be comfort and quality. Cotton and single-ply is simple but soft, durable and reliable." Prince Rigel takes a deep breath, another sip of water, and finally looks at Jia Hyson with a haughty look completely different to his bright enthusiasm when talking about bedsheets. "I'm done now."

Jia Hyson was both speechless and amused. It turns out Prince Rigel was interested in these sort of things? It was a bit strange but at the same time, not unexpected given that the pay-off to those mysterious abilities of his was that he had to endure long periods of sleep. Still, Jia Hyson couldn't help but find this gap* a little cute.

*character gap- an unexpected difference to their usual character, usually that makes them usually more endearing (which would be called gap moe)

Childishly, the prince had spouted any knowledge he had on the subject just to prove he was someone educated about this topic. Once he was done he looked like a proud cat that seemed to silently demand for praise.

And, to be perfectly fair, Jia Hyson had to admit he was really knowledgable.

"This sort of marketing trap by bedding companies is really insidious." Jia Hyson can't help but agree honestly, "I humbly take back some of my previous preconceived notions of you, your highness."

Prince Rigel: ''

Seeing the polite smile still on Alaric's face, Rigel found it a little different from before. There was still that distance, the same gentle civility, but the slight trace of timidity was gone, giving him a sense that the subservience shown to him now was more a thin veil where a poisonous snake lazily hid behind. Occasionally the snake will spit some venomous words but quickly hide back behind the veil of politeness, content just to see his surprise.

Could it be, now that he was in the comfort of his own little nest, the other vampire felt more confident and subconsciously revealed some of his more genuine personality? If that was the case it was a little stupid.

Well, it didn't matter much. Even if the other was a little rude, he was a little endearing this way. Just a little.

Feeling uncharacteristically a little generous, and a bit refreshed after speaking about a topic he was interested in, Prince Rigel leans back on his bed and continues to absentmindedly tear the bedsheets into smaller strips of fabric as he casually speaks, "You know, as payment for being my guide, I suppose you can use my name to get yourself the same orders of sheets as myself."

"Mm.. but I also have cotton sheets." Alaric answers as starts looking for Principal Matthew's contact number on his phone. "I don't know what my thread count is though but I'm pretty happy with it."

Prince Rigel narrows his eyes, "But didn't you say that every student has these?" He question accusatorially. His good mood instantly chilling. He disliked being taken a fool of the most.

The other vampire snorts softly, as if unable to sense the other's souring attitude, covering his face as his bright blue eyes seem to sparkle with amusement, "Yes, as a default. Students with more privileges are free to replace the sheets thought most people choose not to. I just didn't like the current bedding so I simply changed it to fit my own needs."

"Hmmm.." Prince Rigel hums, the coldness he felt immediately melted at the answer, returning back to his good mood, which had even improved somewhat from before after seeing the flash of a smile, Alaric had tried to hide from him.

Alaric was fairly attractive, especially in this manner, he had to admit. Not as good-looking as himself, of course, but nonetheless, it was not terribly hard on the eyes. Honestly, Rigel felt it was more a pity for Alaric to hide in that restricted and boring shell he seems to enjoy hiding behind, especially when he could be so much more. Then again, it was a pity for all vampires who choose to hide behind their exhausting righteous moral code. "Then that's fair enough, then I wish to see what sort of fabric you used."

Alaric smiles politely, "That.. sure, I will be happy to go get- ah???"

Prince Rigel wilfully waves the other off, already doing as he wished as he stood up and took a step forward.

His vision blurred and suddenly, he was standing in a clean and modern bedroom painted in light, pastel blues and greens. The bed was king-sized with white sheets and dark blue and green pillowcases that matched well with the room. There was a large metal bookshelf of books, trophies, photos and little trinkets, a large mirror and a modern study desk with sheets of homework scattered around, the only thing messy and out of place in the room.

The angelic-looking prince with a devilish personality tapped his chin thoughtfully as he surveyed the place. "Somethings not right.. it's really too dull and boring" Maybe if he had just met Alaric he would accept this was his bedroom, but less than day's interaction and provocation was enough to tell him that the other was not as composed as he would like to seem.

Not as refined and upstanding, nor so pretentious and submissive, Rigel was now very interested in fully breaking open the other's weak shell and seeing what hid underneath, seeing if it would be truly as interesting and lovely as he suspects.

Of course, if he was disappointed well, then that's something Alaric should worry about, not himself :)

Looking around, Prince Rigel's eyes cast his gaze to the large closet. Such a large closet, it wouldn't be strange if there were a few secrets inside.

However, in the end, he ignored it in favour of circling the bed. To be honest, there was just something strange about it. Vampires enjoy sleeping in enclosed spaces, this is a natural instinct which helps them minimise the chances of being hit by any unexpectedly strong morning sun. Even if they are no longer so vulnerable to the sun, it is still something long ingrained in them.

While most vampires are taught and encouraged to slowly wean themselves off the habit, the Eclipse Coven that advocates the encouragement of letting their primal and natural instincts run unrestrained, still strongly preferred coffins for sleeping in. In fact, while a lot of the very 'pro-human' covens like to deny it, there were many vampires who still disdained resting on human bed, and would use a coffin when they could. Probably only the Golden Rose Coven were the most 'true' to the cause, like the little golden children they were.

But Prince Rigel didn't believe that Alaric was such a good child. He could tell he was different, how different though was still another matter.

Squatting down, the blonde vampire touches the bedside frame. Unlike the bed he was given, Alaric's bed was like a velvet box with a mattress on top of it, with only a small amount of space between the floor and the frame. Prince Rigel's own was a standard bed frame that one could easily wriggled underneath if needed.

Tilting his head, Prince Rigel knocks on the side of the frame quickly with the back of his hand, moving up and down the frame before smirking. He knew there was something in there. While he was not very familiar with the concept of storage beds, he understand the concept of hiding in plain sight. The problem was that at first sight, the entire boxy frame underneath the mattress really seemed like one fairly solid piece.

Rigel clicks his tongue with some dissatisfaction. When he teleported to Alaric's bedroom, he also made it so time slowed down a little, but that didn't mean it would stop. He probably could only afford a minute or two before Alaric finally reacts and realises where he had gone.

Kneeling on the floor he splays his hands on the velvety fabric covering the frame and drags his hands across the surface. Prince Rigel felt the soft and smooth material very comfortable to touch and was almost distracted several times as he became a little entranced by how the velvet would change to a darker shade depending on the direction his hand brushes through it. It was not his first time handling velvet but the velvet covering Alaric's bed frame was really beautifully patterned, a dark blue base but with smudges of lighter tones and whites, like an artistic interpretation of the hazy night of winter.

"He does have good taste," Prince Rigel admits to himself with reluctance and a bit of happiness at finding a fellow hedonist. It is not that nobody seeks enjoyment, in fact it's the opposite. Vampires live for so long, of course they wish to live a good and comfortable life. The problem is that over time it had become associated with luxury and status. Simple was no good, and the more you can brag, the better.

In this way, even real vampires cannot escape from the business vampires of society. With their coaxing words, discounts and deals, they lull you into a thrall that can make you nearly ignore the sharp, hungry biting as they suck away the money from your person. Even when Rigel was younger he did not underestimate a salesmen's mouth. After all, those bold enough to make business with his coven were also bold enough to swindle if they sensed weakness.

Prince Rigel also has some of this mentality, but in his opinion, it is good to be get what they say is the best, but it's better to get the best instead. Having only a gold plated surface is worthless, if he wants gold he must have solid gold. In fact his favourite is hidden gold, the fun in having to dig and discover the shining metal underneath the dirty rocky substrates, was very amusing. It's even better if it was right beneath people's notices so he could flaunt it as well.

Thinking of this his silver eye looks at Alaric's bed brightly.

Feeling his way around the sides, he tried to find a way to determine what was inside the bed. Without any thought to his distinguished status, he began to energetically rub the corners of the frame in hopes of finding any possible hidden openings. But other than the hair-thin space that naturally happens when two sides are pushed together to form a corner, the Eclipse Prince who had some skill in reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance*

*recon is to gather information, and anti-recon is to know how to counteract and prevent information gathering from recon.

His flawless and smooth skin wrinkles as he furrows his brows in frustration, but he was unwilling to stop playing with this puzzle in his hands. Unfortunately, he had been asleep too long and was only accustomed to coffins, therefore he really didn't have knowledge about the changes in bed trends and the different tricks one could use with them.

In the end, he gave up for now, clicking his tongue again as he runs over the bed sheets that was folded neatly on the mattress. It was soft and good quality, but there was a faint layer of dust on it, solidifying his previous guess. Unfortunately, it could not be confirmed today.

Prince Rigel looks at the corner of the bedroom wall thoughtfully, considering whether he should plant a bug or not. But then he quickly dismisses it. Even if his elders wanted him to do such a thing to gain insider information about the Golden Rose Coven, Prince Rigel held only half of their enthusiasm. For him it was more important to pursue his interests and enjoys entertainment. It would not be as fun if he cheated.

Just as he was about to leave he noticed hidden behind the pillows was a little green ball. Curiously he reaches out and grabs it, pulling out a small and very soft round, depressed penguin looking creature. Squeezing it, his eyes light up.

So soft!

Prince Rigel was taken with it immediately. While he was still a bit dissatisfied that he didn't figure how to unlock whatever mechanism that would reveal whatever was inside Alaric's bed, the vampire felt this wasn't such a big loss with the soft doll. Stepping forward his vision blurs again.

He came back to the main living space and saw the distorted and dark expression on Alaric's delicate face, and his mood felt even better. With a smile he waves and shakes the palm-sized plushie in his hands, "This is quite cute; I will be keeping it." He announces cheerfully.

Alaric seems to be rendered speechless by his show of power. However, other than the faint eye twitch, there was no other indication Alaric would verbalise his confusion and ask for any clarification.

Rigel was once again surprised by how the other had restrained himself from questioning him so far, even when he was clearly flaunting multiple abilities.

The prince felt it was both refreshing and a shame. After all he liked seeing the fear, envy and curiosity burning through a vampires eyes whenever they saw it, giving him a sense of superiority and happiness. But at the same time, he felt those people were so boring and easy to provoke. Enjoying the process but disdaining those that fall right into his expectations, he was just that unreasonable.

Meanwhile, Alaric had quickly collected himself and forced a smile on his face, once again distant, polite and gentle. Maybe it was because his senses was a bit warped but he found such repressed expressions a bit disgusting. "Go ahead, I'm flattered you like something of mine so much. However please refrain from entering my room without permission, it is not becoming of a vampire's dignity much less a royal one."

Prince Rigel hums, neither agreeing nor disagreeing and taking great enjoyment as Alaric's jaw muscles tighten and his blue eyes seem to be barely restraining the murder that threatened to overflow in his heart. It seems that the personal space was a reverse scale*?

*Legend is every dragon has a reverse/inverse scale. It is said that if you touch it, you will bring down the dragon's wrath upon yourself. Essentially its a topic that would make the other person extremely pissed. Not really the same as triggering as this is more toward provoking the emotion of rage than fear/trauma.

Squeezing the green penguin plushie, and rubbing it with his thumb, Prince Rigel chuckles.

Ahaha, it's so fun to be irritating.

"Anyway, what is this?" The Eclipse Coven Prince questions as he once again shakes the green toy in front of Alaric, completely uncaring of the other's obvious annoyance. He was very used to such looks, though it is the first time he has seen someone so restrained about it. Not to mention holding such a pure sense of dissatisfaction, with little disgust or fear. "I would like more."

Alaric glances at the toy and hesitates, "This is one of the characters from the Sum*ikko Gur*shi Super Mini Mochi Mochi Plush* line. It's not too difficult to acquire, but I got this from Japan so it's both expensive and takes a while to come."

*Sum*ikko Gur*shi Super Mochi Mochi Plush is real and I WANT. My fav is Penguin? (not the same as Real Penguin) and I recently learned Penguin? has identity issues and struggles with it's identity (implied it used to be a kappa but thinks it's a penguin but also doesn't feel it is is a penguin and struggles with this). I also like shy Neko who has body insecurities, and I want Tokage, one of last dino pretending to be a lizard to avoid being hunted. I also like Jinbe-san, but he's not part of that group.

Prince Rigel was a bit embarrassed hearing this. After all he wasn't familiar with asian countries at all, and his information was especially outdated. "Japan? That is the samurai country right?" He looks at the tiny and cute plush in his hands, "Things have really changed a lot."

The younger vampire did not take advantage of his embarrassment and once again maintained a professional demeanour.

"Don't worry, your highness, I will do my best to try catch you up on any topics you feel you are lacking in. Even if we are covens not on best terms, I don't see a reason why I can't help you in this matter. If it turns out we're not suitable, then I will arrange a more suitable guide for you." Bowing his head down as a faint show of submission, Alaric clearly speaks, without even a tremble in his words. Like a strong beast that bends down not because it was beaten to do so, but merely because it wants to.

The blonde prince stares deeply at Alaric. He can understand why this vampire was considered so suitable to show him around. Thoughtful, and able to swallow down grievances. Yet, he was not timid and could even be a little fierce and bold in his own way.

Prince Rigel still was not sure if the other would be as interesting as he had hoped. But at the very least, he did not believe there was any other vampire here that would interest him half as much.

He flashes a beautiful smile, but his silvery eye bleeds into a blood red, the colour as deep as his voice was light and airy.

"You may raise your head."



Authors Note:

This partly became a rant about thread counts (WHICH ARE SO SHOCKING???) and a very Rigel centric chapter ah oops. Back to JH next time ah~

Also finally got a chapter a week again owo yayyy soon to be back on track hopefully~

I would also like to welcome my cute nine newbs to the server- Tetra, Leefiredragon, Holyfather, Aqua Rain, lovetoread19, Shang-Chi, screwnosimpseptembersora, SR, Omega Turtle ~ some are more active than others but hopefully they will all soon assimilate them all into the cult *cough* lmao jokes, we aren't a cult (if we were, we would be way richer orz).

As for why there's only nine newbs and not ten, it is because of a misunderstanding which I will clarify now. If any of you do leave a comment I do take offence at, and then insist on asking for forgiveness with a variety of apologies and excuses, and I say I partially forgive you but I'm also blocking you on discord? That means please refrain from joining my server when I open it. Like bruh I blocked you. I don't know if you legit thought it was ok or it was another of your 'jokes' But stop it. This is unfair to the readers who want to join and unfair to me who wants to let things go but you keep insisting on showing your face in front of me even more.

I choose to limit the people entering the server because its very active there and we like the small and intimate vibe of knowing most people and having fun there. Also it can be tiring to constantly give welcome speech etc lmao. Anyway I limit because I want, and I can chose to not allow people I don't like in as well. It's my server, and my choices. Just because you can get over 50k people into a server, doesn't mean I want that. I will not open the server again until November, and I'll probs give 5-10 slots. HealingMoon if you have any decency, do not take a spot again. I dislike disliking my readers but I'm beginning to be really disgusted by this behaviour.

Anyway~ Halloween is approaching~ I will try to post the Hysonrella extra chapter by Halloween as a bonus for ya'll. Right now I don't have anything I wanna recc very hard rn except maybe check out VIVINOS channel on youtube~ ahhh so beautiful~ and Wizards with Guns channel is also hilarious hehe.

As usual support and love me~ And this author shall do her best. Hopefully the commentor drama ends now and we can have shorter ANs about other topics~

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