Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 26: 2.10

Chapter 26: 2.10

There wasn't much to be done just hemming and hawing however. Theories were just theories. Questions were just questions. One needed action for answers. Or google. But that unfortunately won't be around for a while which was quite a scary thing in itself. Jia Hyson had never really wanted to be put in a world where he was older than google. Like. He doesn't know what's up with the technology situation in this world but he saw a phone booth while Li Guiren biked here and there was actual young people lining up behind it. Ugh.

Forget vintage he's going to be a literal antique when the plot finally arrives. Literally, literally. How depressing.

"You've been here often?" Jia Hyson asks a little doubtfully and disapprovingly. However it wasn't as if he didn't believe Li Guiren, he had a feeling this kid was more rebellious and adventurous than he had let on to him, but it was a little hard to swallow for a man who had been around during the age of helicopter parenting. His mother was a bit of one too, well, in certain areas anyway.

Bebe: 'What areas?'

Jia Hyson: 'You know, when I first traveled overseas for a university course unit or cooking or going out with friends. She was pretty chill about sex though as long as I didn't get any girl pregnant and I had to live together with her for at least two years before marriage so I'm sure. Other than that she told me to go wild but don't drink at clubs. Which was redundant because it turns out most night clubs are either loud and sucky or pretentious and boring.'

Bebe: 'She didn't know you were bi?'

Jia Hyson: 'Nah not at the time. Well, when she found out about me liking guys as well it hit her pretty hard but after a while she accepted it as long as I was happy... and I had to promise to wear a condom and never get a tattoo or any piercings, which, is the same stuff she said when I was a teen and I don't like needles so whatever.' _()_/

Bebe: 'She sounds like a good mother.'

Jia Hyson: 'Yeah, you know, I still remember her last words to me when I left for Sri Lanka on my own for my first internship.'

Bebe: 'Oh?'

Jia Hyson: 'I think her exact words was... be careful not to get r*ped, mummy will bail you out of jail no matter what and if all else fails wear a condom lol (). Yeah, she was really into safe sex.'

Bebe: '...' Bebe takes it back, host's mother was also whacked in the head ah. 'What about your father?'

Immediately Jia Hyson's voice went cold, 'Who cares?' Because of the experiences of this current world and his skills [Psychotic Break], [Malevolent Intent] and [If Looks Can Kill], Jia Hyson's ability to subconsciously exude a terribly intimidating murderous intent had become quite formidable.

Bebe, who had never been on the other side of such killer intent felt frightened and chose not to pursue such obviously complicated manners anymore. Since the information he had gotten before getting hosts were more superficial and skin deep for privacy reasons (or it would have long known about his host's true personality before they met) it didn't have too much information on Jia Hyson's past that couldn't be found in his technological footprint. It can bring up his host's previously deleted dev*ant art account or birthday photos from F*cebook but it wouldn't have known the stories behind them. However, despite photographic evidence it seems it's Host has some very severe issues with his father? Ah, it's okay, Bebe can wait till the next world to ask... when host is less... murder-y QAQ

"I found this place about two weeks ago," Li Guiren admits truthfully after some hesitation. He felt a little guilty from keeping it from Wei who he considers his best friend. Wei was always very caring, when he told him about how he punched a kid on the playground Wei immediately asked if he was okay instead of scolding him like dad or Auntie Shen. Of course Wei did also scold him a little about recklessly fighting in public but that was different! It made more sense than the adults' shouting and Li Guiren could sense the thought and care put into the lecture, it made his chest itch as if a kitten was scratching gently at his heart.

Bebe at the time: 'Bebe doesn't know what to feel.'

Jia Hyson: 'Come on, do you really think I hadn't done other shit than what my police records say? () Even if the kid won't be my direct accomplice, I should at least teach him the basics of living life!'

Bebe: 'Okay, Bebe knows exactly what to feel now.' ()

Just as he expected, Wei made a very discontented 'hmmmm...' noise like a teacher who found his favorite student didn't do this week's homework or a dissatisfied lover ready to give the cold treatment. Even though he didn't know why he thought of the latter impression Li Guiren instinctively felt himself break into a pile of nervous sweat at the thought despite never having a lover. Somehow... he felt such a sound from his favorite doll spirit was not good ah?

Hurriedly he began to explain, "I didn't tell you because, because I want to surprise you! And, and to say I just found a house without exploring it myself would be really boring so I thought if I looked around a bit then I'll tell you later but then I thought maybe there was something in the nearby forest that I could get you for a gift except there wasn't any nice flowers and when I came back I was really tired and then I guess I just forgot and, uh,"

"Enough," Jia Hyson shakes his head helplessly. Li Guiren was cute but damn he was one chatty kid. Maddy would have had a run for her money if she faced off with this kid. Even when her brown hair turned white as snow she could still chirp like birds in spring. Luckily she was cute even as an old lady so Jia Hyson never kicked her out of his and Drake's expensive as fuck house.

Jia Hyson takes a peek at the gloomy, moldy and broken exterior of the house that will be where he lives in the future... ah, really misses that expensive as fuck house! Even the doll room had special ventilation and temperature control to minimize mold and insects and such! Wuwuwu he'll never do a Skill Upgrade world again!

"I'm sorry," Li Guiren immediately apologizes with a wronged face that looked pathetically adorable on his face.

Jia Hyson laughs dryly, "Don't pull that on me, I'm the one who thought you that trick," however it really was too effective, even his disgruntlement of not being told had faded but he would still be strong! After all, this kid really traveled off far into the middle of nowhere! Went into an abandoned house! Even explored unknown possibly dangerous vegetation where snakes and all sorts of poisonous things could be hiding! Where was his sense of danger ah?! His father needed to at least instill the basics of danger awareness because damn if he has to do it himself! "What if there was a killer or a rapist hiding in the house? What if there was a diseased animal? Or you fell and got injured due to the weak floorboards? If I don't know where you are how can I help you when you're in trouble!" He began to nag ruthlessly and incessantly.

Ah, didn't he do this to Maddy and Drake as well? What Beta system, more like Babysitting system...

Bebe: 'There actually is a Babysitting System, I can offer a transfer...'

Jia Hyson: 'Hahaha yeah right, you're stuck with me baby, ( ) muah~,'

Bebe: QAQ

Li Guiren hung his head down, feeling very wronged. After all, in the end, his adventure was very useful to Wei wasn't it? So it was a good thing he came here! But at the same time he felt a little pleased at the attention and care as it was clear Wei was worried for him. After all, if he didn't care why would he scold?

If Bebe heard this it would despair at how once again it's host has awakened another person's M side. First the supposed domineering scum male lead and now a cute rebellious dumpling. Really... too terrible.

After a few minutes of nagging, Jia Hyson finally was satisfied when Li Guiren tearfully promised to do his best to always tell him where he's going. If the kid ever goes missing who knows if his father, who's frequently away for days if not weeks, or Shen Wan who may not necessarily be listening, would remember his last location? Those incompetent horror movie mob characters can't be relied on okay?

Once the promise was made to his satisfaction, regally Jia Hyson demanded to be shown around like a rich person at an open house. However once they stepped in Jia Hyson immediately ordered the child to stop.

There were ghosts in the house.

It was a strange feeling. Jia Hyson came from a world without the supernatural or where people with psychic powers or auras existed. Sure he had written those sort of worlds but it was with the knowledge of previous stories to back him up. A killing aura is not something that actually exists in his reality yet he and everyone else in that world who reads fiction can more or less describe it as something filled with pressure, dark, scary and so on.

When a person is described to sense a ghost there is almost always a cold chill, hairs stand up from the back of their neck and they involuntarily shiver. However as a ghost himself, it would be strange to hold the same reaction. A human is half yin, half yang, with men generally being more yang and women more yin, however compared to a ghost made of pure yin energy of course they would feel the difference should they sense it. A ghost touching another ghost should not experience the same cold temperature if both of them become tangible and touch.

...Jia Hyson isn't sure if they can touch when they're in their ghostly form but the point should still be valid anyway.

However because they're non-corporeal they are more sensitive to changes in the atmosphere. That's why Jia Hyson could somehow feel the presence of these other ghosts and he's sure those others also sensed him. If he was forced to describe it, the best way to explain it was possibly like how bats echolocate yet not. More subtle? And he can feel it faintly with his whole body? But it's more than changes in the atmosphere as well, maybe it can be seen as fluctuations in the reality itself? Like the spirits didn't belong in the living world so their very existence disrupts the reality around it which is what Jia Hyson is feeling. Again very strange. He would strive to write down the feeling later.

The presence of the other ghosts were quite weak, barely a ripple in the realm of reality. If Jia Hyson was more experienced with sensing various things he might have missed it, like missing the leaves for favor of looking at the trees. However Jia Hyson was still wary.

He was a new ghost, just under a year old really so maybe he was not as sensitive or maybe the other spirits are able to mask their presence somewhat. This was another's territory and while it would be one day he his own as well, currently he was just a small outsider intruding. The powers of ghost were not simple and he still has Li Guiren to consider. Therefore it was best if he sounds them out first.

"Xiao Ren," Jia Hyson calmly says to the boy, "there's other spirits hiding around here. I can't stray too far from the doll so I'll have to ask you to carry me," the last part was said apologetically and embarrassedly. As a last resort he can inhabit the doll's body again to move around but how long would that take? Not to mention the energy usage... no, no it would be better to save it for skills like Hair Control. Offense is the best defense anyway. "Be careful of the floorboards and if I say to stop or leave the house, you stop or leave immediately okay?"

Li Guiren nods seriously, "Un, whatever you say Wei," even though he felt very unwilling he understood that he wasn't going to be able to do anything against ghosts. Even Police Detective Xi on tv wouldn't be able to fight ghosts! How on earth could he?!

Slowly they crossed the large entrance foyer and around the rickety staircase before passing into what looked like some sort of lounge area with battered moth eaten couches that are barely staying upright among various items that once could've been considered antiques but now can only be described as moldy pieces of junk. Jia Hyson thinks he can spot a Ming vase that was practically half dust and mourns at such a waste of good objects all for the sake of atmosphere.

Why did no one steal anything? Did the ghosts scare them off? Was it all haunted? Because if it was the latter they could just sell it off can't they? Like damn. He was thinking about doing it himself. There was probably something around this large place that hadn't completely lost his value right? Ah, ah, if he can raise the dumpling to make money wouldn't that be very good? Slap the cultists into bankruptcy would probably be pretty good too right?

Bebe: 'Host... please don't change the genre...'

Jia Hyson: 'Ah, but the most horrifying thing in this world is the greed and selfishness of man no?' (-)

Bebe: '...This System cannot argue with that.' After all, it's greedy and selfish host was quite horrifying to be around. ()

Jia Hyson: ...Even though his system agreed with him why does he feel so angry?  _

Finally they stopped at a large bookcase where Jia Hyson senses the 'ghostly resonance' the strongest. He gives the dusty bookcase a judging look. A secret entrance behind a bookcase. Wow. How original.

Unlike Jia Hyson though, when he was told, Li Guiren was very excited. "A secret entrance! Cool! Police Detective Xi also finds many of these, don't worry Wei! I'll find the way in!" He declares confidently, thumping his little puffed up chest before circling around the bookcase like he had been injected with chicken blood.

It was a little unfortunate that there was no secret convoluted way to get into the entrance like in the child's favorite television show. It was an old house and while the owners had been rich they weren't stupid rich. Even Jia Hyson had wanted something like this when he was younger when he could afford to buy two houses with his royalties of his second fantasy book known as 'Seilic: The Wave before the Highest Tide' that had surprisingly become a big hit among the older adults. However when discussing the price for renovating a house to include such complex trapdoors and secret hiding places Jia Hyson was quickly enlightened towards the cruel merciless reality.

By the time he could comfortably afford to pay such expenses, Jia Hyson had lost interest in the idea and felt it rather frivolous to invest so much in a house he would definitely get lost and die in.

However, after a few minutes of watching the kid futilely yet still determinedly try and find some sort of switch or mechanism in the old bookcase, Jia Hyson couldn't help but take some pity on him and invisibly pushed the furniture to the side after Li Guiren knocked against the left side lower corner of the wooden frame. His black eyes were bright with joy as the bookcase slowly moved aside. This little dumpling was so excited he jumped up from where he had been crouched down before and waved his hands around victoriously.

"I did it Wei! I did it!" He shouts, his milky young voice sweet and full of happy laughter, "Did you see that Wei? Did you?"

"Un," Jia Hyson and Bebe both silently chuckled. In such a dreary world their dumpling was particularly very pleasing.

Appearing fully again Jia Hyson gives Li Guiren a soft, indulgent smile, rubbing his head affectionately, "You did very well Xiao Ren, I'm very impressed."

Li Guiren beams.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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