Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 30: 2.14

Chapter 30: 2.14

With the fragile relationship between tormentor and tormented temporarily stabilized thanks to Jia Hyson, the turn of conversation inevitably turns to his situation. Or, well, Bai Li Wei's.

Because Bai Li Wei's story was much more straightforward in it's tragedy, with a clear victim and clear villains. If the four ghosts' story was of vicious dogs biting at each other, then his was a story of a baby puppy getting kicked on! It was easy to win everyone's sympathy and outrage. Xu Xia, who holding onto his arm possessively like a really clingy girlfriend, was especially enraged on his behalf!

"Those perverts must pay!" She vows furiously, the other three for once in agreement with her, nodding with equal feelings of indignation. They could all relate in some way to his tale. Dead before the prime of his life. Backstabbed by those he trusted. Trapped, tortured and humiliated while tied up in a dark room. How can they not feel sorrowful and heartbreak?

Jia Hyson watches the four unite against a common enemy with great satisfaction. Maybe one day Xu Xia's dream of being friends with everyone again may come to fruit after all. Meanwhile he's earned himself some very loyal subordinates willing to fight for his cause.

However, one of his new subordinates was unfortunately a very needy yandere who was very unhappy about the idea of him leaving the house.

"No! I want you to stay here too!"

Jia Hyson sighs, Xu Xia had wasted no time in acting out a tantrum and it was in front of everyone too. Really giving this friend no face ah. "Xia Xia please, I promised Li Guiren I would come back and I need to go out to get my revenge as well. Plus, you guys finally came to an understanding after all this time. Don't you want to talk a little with your old friends?"

"I don't want to!" Xu Xia shouts with a red face her neck bleeding furiously, "They're all bitchy, two-faced meanies! They'll bully me and call me names if you're not here to be my friend! All three are so small hearted it's a wonder they hadn't died earlier from lack of proper blood circulation!"

Jia Hyson: '...' Why does this scene feel a little familiar?

The bitchy, two-faced, mean bullying ghosts with small hearts: '...' This character change is too fast, too hurtful for our hearts QAQ

After much more back and forth, with Jia Hyson promising that he'll visit constantly and plans to live in the house in the far future, they all begin to patiently wait for Li Guiren to come back and pick him up. While they do so, the three basement ghosts begin to practice what they've learnt again, re-energized by the environment. Xu Xia, who was essentially the boss of this place, had absorbed much more energy and had learnt the basics of tangibility in order to force herself out of the mirror every night so not only was she full of spiritual energy she had the strength to use it as well. If Jia Hyson had to fight Xu Xia he really wasn't confident on coming out on top.

Luckily all this girl wants is friends.

Which begs the question, why would she try and help the protagonists in the future? After all, Jia Hyson was completely sure this woman was indeed the Mirror Fairy now.

After giving Xia Cuifen, Bai Honghui and Zhou He some exercises to do, Jia Hyson takes the opportunity to chat with her. Of course Xu Xia was delighted at the action, from her perspective it was like he was also quite possessive of her friendship as well, shooing the other three away in order to deepen their bonds privately. She glances at Jia Hyson's face and flushes, giggling a little nervously as the ever flowing blood dribbles out of her neck like it was also very shy.

It was a pity malevolent ghosts like them generally had a very low libido, after all, not only are they filled with yin energy which is based on coldness and darkness, very different to the fiery passion of lust, but to become such ghosts they must have undergone great traumas. These sort of things leave something in their mentalities which makes it difficult to muster up feelings of joy not to mention arousal.

Xu Xia could feel joy because the main anguish, regret and obsession that led to her suicide- friendship- had been unexpectedly given to her like a meat pie falling out of the sky. Maybe if she was still alive she would want to try pursue Bai Li Wei romantically but now all she can think about is that it is very good to have such a good-looking friend, much better looking than her past friends anyway, and worrying about how to solidify their friendship to best friend status.

"Xia Xia, if there was a group of um, teenagers that suddenly came in to this house and tried to do the demon ritual..."

Xu Xia gave him a funny look, "What a strange question. Before I died I threw the book into a small auction house's backyard. The country is big, the people are many, what are the chances of that thing coming back?"

This woman clearly doesn't read a lot of mystery or horror. The criminal always comes back to the scene of the crime.

"Well if I was the book, I would come back," Jia Hyson offers up with a shrug, "this place is now brimming with negative yin energy, it would make it easier for it to live and cast curses and such."

Xu Xia nods, that those make sense. She felt a little interested in exploring this hypothetical yet silly topic. As adults most conversations were about gossip, work, politics or dry anecdotes about their week, this sort of childish 'what if' scenarios felt very lighthearted and casual in comparison. A friend is someone you don't feel burdened or anxious talking to, but a good friend is one you can talk about strange, crude and silly things- so does that mean they're already at the good friend stage?!

Aiyah this is going so fast! What to do, her heart's not prepared! (/*)o

"Well," she clears her throat making a large clump of meat and glass splutter out of her neck unattractively, "Well I suppose if they came here to do the ritual I would stop them!"

Jia Hyson gives her a puzzled look, "Stop them? Why? I thought you would be happy to have more people around Xia Xia,"

Xu Xia shakes her head adamantly, "Wei Wei, having more people in the house isn't what I want. If anything it is counterproductive, I already have my hands full with those three, why would I want to suddenly have to deal with a bunch of unruly youngsters that still reek of milk?" Frowning she also adds in a thoughtful manner, "Also, if they do the ritual again, wouldn't those three take the chance to get stronger and overthrow me? Or worse, team up with the new ghosts and tell them terrible lies about me? No, there really are no benefits to more people, only more problems."

So, the reason why Xu Xia helped the protagonists wasn't out of the kindness of a fairy but the old man mentality of getting the kids off her lawn? There were other considerations too but it was essentially because she had no desire to house a bunch of random teenagers in her property. Plus since they were already a group, a clique, the chances of making friends with them would have been small anyway making them even more undesirable to have around.

Jia Hyson felt the edges of his mouth twitch. It turns out the original story was less a tale of a kind fairy defending from evil cult bullies but more like the Hidden Area Boss versus the Dungeon Bosses. Aiyah, what should he do? He really, really likes this sort of twist. It would be a shame to throw it away.

They still have decades before the plot finally kicks off, but right now he has one of the main players of the game in his grasp- the Mirror Fairy. It is important to have some sort of idea how the story should end and to work up to. If he doesn't have a set goal now, how can he know what shape he wants his characters to be molded into?

Bebe: 'The moral of planning ahead is good, the intent behind it is bad and the Host's choice of words is psychotic. Overall, Bebe rates this as a fart.'

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe... you've gotten more cynical. Where did my little ray of sunshine go?'

Bebe: 'It died.' _

Jia Hyson: '...' We really need to get out of this world as fast as we can.

The Skill Upgrade World has given him many special skills and skill points, even giving Bebe an energy boost, but the cost to their sanity was not low. No wonder it was an optional task viewed with caution even with hosts with higher tiered systems. Fuck, even his dick doesn't work anymore. The QT BL stories certainly never wrote about this!

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe, I'm really scared that if we end up in a Palace Intrigue World I'll end up as an eunuch. The characters I'm always in are way too real.' As Adrian he had to struggle through the unfashionable life of a part-timer till he broke through as a small model, and even then he had to practice like crazy to slowly get to a good stable position. Now as Bai Li Wei he had to go through the flames of hell before making it as a small ghost and cultivating slowly to get to a point which can only be called Above Average. Where the fuck was his smoking hot golden thigh? His secret identity as a prince's love child? The hidden bloodline power? An OP system? Wuwuwu other QT protagonists are such lucky fucking bastards!

Bebe: 'Hehe.' Bebe has noted down your suggestion. Please look forward to the results in the future.

Jia Hyson: (|||)'Ah? I think I just felt a chill down my back? But? I'm a ghost?'

Bebe: () The host is not the only one who has blackened. Bebe learnt new things too~

A few hours after the sun had risen, a sweaty little Li Guiren had rushed back into the house, his black little eyes sparkling in agitation. He's never been so far away from Wei for so long, Auntie Shen was too busy with the priest to notice he had came back and dad hadn't even come home to not notice him. It had been a while since he felt so lonely again.

He doesn't ever want to feel that again.

"Xiao Ren?" Jia Hyson calls out in surprise as the little boy runs down the stairs into the basement. Because of the mold and decay, Li Guiren in his haste failed to steady himself and slipped just before the final few steps. "Xiao Ren!"

Without thinking, Jia Hyson stretches out his hand and his hair quickly lengthens, running to catch the boy at a speed superior to his own. However it wasn't fast or strong enough to stop the fall, only pad it somewhat so the damage is minimum. Jia Hyson tried to use his [Psychic Terror] in an attempt to at least soften the blow to the reckless child's head.

Thanks to his quick actions, there was no loud bang or cracking sound of a little boy's bones breaking on cement, just a muffled thump and a soft groan of surprise and pain. Jia Hyson was on him in a second. "You stinky child! Don't your teachers tell you to always watch your step? Didn't I tell you to be careful going down last time?!" He scolds angrily.

Li Guiren sniffles, looking up at Jia Hyson pitifully, "Wei Wei," he calls out in a soft warble, "it hurts, wuwuwu..."

This kid! Jia Hyson helplessly goes fully corporeal and picks him up, hugging him comfortingly. "You..." he struggles, irritated at how his cold heart melts so easily for this little idiot, "of course it would hurt!"

"Wuwuwu..." Li Guiren buried himself into Jia Hyson's cold embrace, greedily taking in the comfort even if it was a little chilly to touch. In contrast, Jia Hyson who had only really ruffled the boy's hair or pat his cheek, was shocked at how hot the boy was. For a moment he thought Li Guiren was suffering from a fever until logic kicked in and Jia Hyson remembered that it was his own temperature that was abnormally cold and that people with strong yang energy generally ran hotter.

Well, the heat wasn't that bad. Just a little uncomfortable. Jia Hyson cuddles the child tighter, unsure if he'll able get the opportunity in the future. After all, the more stronger a ghost becomes, the denser the yin energy making his presence even colder and as Li Guiren grows up, his yang body will be strengthened and most likely will produce an even higher internal body heat- touching each other would be very difficult then. Especially so for himself who know has bad memories in regards to heat.

Jia Hyson: 'Aiyah, even if I could get it up, I wouldn't want to stick anything inside anything anymore. This is really too terrible ah.'

Bebe: 'Please abstain from filthy thoughts while holding a child Host.'

Jia Hyson: 'You... you know I'm not a pedo right?'

Bebe: 'Please abstain from filthy thoughts while holding a child Host.'

Jia Hyson: QAQ

"I'll be seeing you all later," Jia Hyson finally turns to the ghosts. Xu Xia was trapped back in the mirror but since she was no longer so ostracized her figure was now present in the mirror. Li Guiren craned his neck to see her, interested at this new ghost before promptly ignoring her in favor of nuzzling the cool, smooth skin of his Wei.

Xu Xia: '...' Suddenly feel like I've been snubbed, what to do?

"Xiao Ren, can you walk now?" Jia Hyson asks while he walks a little jerkily up the stairs. It had been a while since he had been affected by things like gravity and weight, his sense of balance had been degraded over time making his movements extra slow and careful. His doll body was carefully carried by his hair and placed into Li Guiren's arms so in a way it was a scene of Jia Hyson carrying Li Guiren who was carrying Jia Hyson.

It was a little funny thinking about it.

"En," Li Guiren says reluctantly, knowing that this answer would mean parting with Wei. However, he was aware that Wei couldn't possibly keep holding him once they officially left the basement. Even though the whole house was rich in energy, the basement was the strongest given it was where it all originated. Even humans can tell subconsciously from the difference in atmosphere. Not to mention, the basement was completely sealed off from sunlight, and Wei was always much weaker in daytime. Still, very unhappy.

Jia Hyson could see the reluctance on his face and smiled amusedly. Such a sticky cute child, it really is a pity he had to be picked up by someone like himself.

Bebe: 'It really is a pity,'

Jia Hyson: '_ Oh shut up.'

Back in the Shen residence Li Guiren, who had been all caught up with Jia Hyson's night adventure during the bike ride home, quickly snatched some rice crackers from the kitchen and quickly scurried back to his room like a small mouse. Jia Hyson was then carefully placed on the corner or his bed where all the pillows and the blanket had been pushed toward, like a fragile egg in a nest of... well in a bunch of pillows and blankets.

Even though he couldn't feel it, his heart at least felt very comfortable. Once again, Jia Hyson felt his affection toward the boy rise two notches. Aiyah, this kid is so cute, Drake really would have... he forces the thought to fade away.

"Wei, Wei," Li Guiren's big black eyes look at him imploringly. "You, you really plan to live in that house in the future?"

Sensing this conversation was a little serious, Jia Hyson reappeared onto the bed. Snatching one of the pillows he adjusts his position so he was hugging the softness to his chest. Though he couldn't take in much sensation other than temperatures what little he can feel, he enjoyed, eyes curving up in satisfaction at holding something both so soft and at a manageable temperature for him. He looks at Li Guiren who's face had flushed cutely.

Unable to help himself Jia Hyson pokes the child's chubby cheek, already forgetting the question he was supposed to answer. As his finger presses against skin, Jia Hyson's eyes light up at the feeling. The temperature.. the soft springy elasticity... it's exactly like a freshly steamed dumpling!

Too cute!

Poking and pinching happily, Jia Hyson was really contemplating lightly slapping the cheeks to see if they would bounce before his hands were unceremoniously slapped away. "Ah!"

"Wei!" Li Guiren's cheeks had gone from a faint pink to a bright red under his ministrations. His black eyes faintly wet from pain and indignation as he pouts in a manner that made his cheeks puff up like a pissed off hamster. "You! You!"

Seeing this sort of flustered appearance, his dumpling looked even more like a dumpling, a freshly steamed prawn one. Ah, really want to bite. Jia Hyson laughs softly, his voice rasping a little like burning autumn leaves but the fondness is can be clearly heard.

Hearing the sound, Li Guiren's anger deflates somewhat. It seems Wei can be unexpectedly very childish? Liking soft things and such... however no matter how cute he finds it, Li Guiren felt that his cheeks definitely had no need to suffer for it! It doesn't matter how slender or pretty those pale, slim fingers were, Wei's hands were filled with strength and his nails are sharp and long okay?! Wuwuwu he needs to get rid of his baby fat immediately!

"Sorry Xiao Ren, what was the question again?"

"I was asking you if you're leaving me!" Li Guiren shouts.

Jia Hyson instantly understood. Li Guiren was very dependent on him as a role model and sees him as family. Of course it would be very distressing to hear that he wanted to leave and live somewhere else. Unfortunately, there was a plot that will need to be fulfilled and raising a little human in the murder house would be deeply counterproductive to his needs.

'Bebe give me an estimate of the number of years before the story is meant to start,' he asks Bebe.

'Fifty-two years.' Bebe promptly replies, 'Li Guiren would be approximately fifty-eight years old by then.'

The answer appeased the guilt in his heart somewhat. Over fifty years. That was a long time. Li Guiren would definitely be less attached to him once he reached adulthood. And while Jia Hyson didn't feel great about that thought for reasons he refuses to look into, he is glad at least he will not have to separate from his dumpling too soon.

Children were easy to break and stain, to twist and warp, if Jia Hyson broke this precious friendship so abruptly and quickly who knows what sort of resentment would fester? He once dated a fan and when he said he was too busy with his new book to continue their relationship she ended up burning down a bookstore during the first day of the story's release! What if Li Guiren would end up burning down the Demon House?

Aiyah, even though he can't imagine his dumpling doing such a thing now... the horror genre was full of white-eyed wolves, unstable people and, even more terrible, the teenagers groomed by the villains that yearn for a 'normal' life. Those ones are the worst since they have both power and knowledge of how to bring their 'mentor' down. As an evil ghost, he can't afford to give out any long term trust to humans okay? His non-life depends on it!

Bebe silently listens to Jia Hyson's internal monologue silently. Before, it's Host had been deeply unwilling to part with the boy, even warning the child in concern over his possessiveness, but now after a night submerged in potently high yin energy his attachment to Li Guiren had wavered enough to hold a seed of doubt. Subconsciously, it's Host was giving himself a deadline with Li Guiren.

Bebe isn't sure what to do with this information. After all, it also agreed objectively with it's Host. Li Guiren was an unknown factor that was useful now but not necessarily in the future. It decides to keep its silence.

"Of course I'll stay with you," Jia Hyson smiles at Li Guiren, "How can I possibly leave such a cute little child all alone?" He pinches Li Guiren's cheek, softer this time, making the skin tingle but not painfully.

Li Guiren slaps the offending hand away but also much softer this time, the action half-hearted at best as he gazes into his ghost friend's eyes, "You really mean it?" He insistently asks, even though the words felt genuine and the smile was still full of fondness he couldn't help but feel something was a little off. "You won't ever leave me?"

"Of course not," Jia Hyson lies sweetly. It was the first lie he had ever given to the boy.

Li Guiren felt something twist uneasily inside his chest but in the face of Wei's sweet smile, that focused gaze like he was the only one in the world he could rely on... he ignored it.

He ignored it because he was too afraid of what he may find if he didn't.

Li Guiren smiles, "Okay. I believe you,"

It was also the first lie he had ever given to Wei.

Decades in the future Bebe will reflect about this moment and wonder if things might have been different if it hadn't stayed quiet.

Maybe Jia Hyson would have noticed his attitude changing because of the exposure to all the negativity and yin energy and actively tried to keep his humanity. Maybe it's Host would have become less callous about life and the people around him. Maybe, maybe...

Maybe he wouldn't have died the way he did.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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