Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 36: 2.20

Chapter 36: 2.20

( Warning- some scenes of ****. I mean, you guys seem pretty cool with all the messed up shit that comes with horror genres but like now there's a **** scene so like yeah I just realised I should probs say this shit beforehand but you guys were so cool with torture sooo. Yeah. **** scene. Not MC though don't worry. )


Zhang Wei sobs wretchedly as he continues to paint his wall red. He tries to ignore the screaming behind him, tries to stay as inconspicuous as possible. He just needs to keep painting he has to keep, keep painting.

His fingers tremble as his blood soaked nails paw at the grey walls of the basement. Soon the liquid begins to dry and Zhang Wei squeezes his eyes in despair before turning around and dragging his body toward the middle of the room where a naked body lay on the table. The body was splayed out and the torso had been clumsily cut open, the skin and ribs were cracked open.

Zhang Wei's hands trembled but he forced them to still. He couldn't afford to lose a single drop of blood because of his own disgust. Slowly, but without any of the hesitance he had shown in the beginning, he dipped his hands into the pool of blood that was now soaking the man's organs. The body shook and Zhang Wei almost flinched but once again forced himself to stop just in time.

"P-please" A hoarse voice whispers softly, sounding on the edge of death but firmly in a space of pure suffering. Zhang Wei ignores it.

Pulling his bloody hands out, he remembers how scared and nauseated he had been the first time he had done this. How foul it felt, how it made his whole body want to retch but now Zhang Wei looks at the blood on his hands like it's the most precious thing in the world.

Carefully he quickly went back to his side of the room and continued to paint the wall before the blood dries once again.

Hurry, hurry, before the others finish before him. Hurry before it's too late.

All he needs to do is keep painting. Painting, painting, Zhang Wei smiles through his tears, he must keep painting.

Xiong Ting cries until her makeup had run down her face in a messy and unflattering manner as another cultist rams his naked body into her own, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh was heard among the wailing and despair. The two ghosts, one female, one male watches on with a sardonic smile on their attractive faces.

"Aiyah, all you do is cry, cry, cry, do you think the boy you kidnapped a year ago and humiliated also didn't cry?" Xia Cuifen sneers, "Come on, the men here are getting soft with your shrill voice, if you don't finish soon you'll end up punished ah,"

She shudders, instinctively glancing at the other woman, Wu Xiaoli who was laying equally as naked on the floor, on her back twitching like a dying bug on her last breath. Her pretty plush mouth was bruised from abuse and drooling heavily and her tears had long dried from her eyes. Who knew what Wu Xiaoli was seeing now but occasionally she would mumble soft almost incoherent protests and whimper pathetically. For fun the male ghost had gone to find disgustingly slimy, rotting mould and other substances to plant on top of the young lady, even placing beetles and bugs to explore her body thoroughly.

The same could be said for the other men who had been 'punished'.

Currently, there have only been three people who had came out of their 'punishments' and were still recovering. They refuse to tell anyone what they saw and had become very eager to follow the rules of the game afterwards. Xiong Ting had experienced firsthand how brutally enthusiastic they were, violating her with a desperate ferocity.

Still Xiong Ting bites her lip and tries to muffle her noises, she doesn't want to be like Wu Xiaoli. Not to mention, she senses that the ghosts were particularly hostile to her and Wu Xiaoli, as if they bore a special sort of resentment toward women especially.

Bai Honghui clicked his tongue, "This is getting boring," he complains as he watches the women being humiliated for the nth time. Wu Xiaoli had barely come back to reality before she was pounced on by an impatient older man. Some had already been using her mouth in their haste to finish their roles. Because everyone was relatively quiet they all heard the ghost and became very frightened doing their best to try abuse the women more.

Xia Cuifen stares unfeelingly at the scene of writhing bodies with faint disgust and agrees, "Mn, everyone's so dirty now, their genitals will probably be rotting and festering in a few days. I want them to stick around to feel that pain ah so we can't be too brutal right now."

The cultists all shudder, especially the women. All the mold and rusted objects, the insects and rats that the ghosts had rubbed over the punished people... not only was it disgusting there was a good chance they carried harmful diseases. Wu Xiaoli who had recently regained her senses also paled. She had been the one who had been played with the most, her lower body almost unrecognizable and could be mistaken as from a dead whore's in a dumpster.

Bai Honghui clicks his tongue again, "Our torture room is so boring. Zhou He came up with the redecorating plan after teacher mentioned how nice it would be to get some color in the basement and Xu Xia is already terrifying on her own."

"Well what else can we do? My speciality is illusions ah," Xia Cuifen retorts seemingly bores as she watches one man kick Xiong Ting in the stomach. Another man who had just recovered from his punishment had gone into some sort of rage and was now pushing down another man to **** him. "Our physical strength isn't as good and I think playing the long game is very good. They'll quickly dehydrate and starve and then who knows what will happen," she chuckles. "Everyone else will soon finish their games and then it'll be their turns to be bored. They'll have to turn to us for entertainment."

Bai Honghui laughs softly as well. He had always admired Xia Cuifen for her long term planning ability and even after death it still was as well-honed as ever. They exchange evils smiles. Even though their relationships had been filled with dog blooded drama and messiness when they were alive they had been improved vastly after death. It was almost ironic how they were all better friends dead than they were alive.


Jia Hyson uses his claws to tear off the lower jaw from the Indoor Hat Guy's head. Indoor Hat Guy has not only been revealed to have a hobby of sleeping with various wives- including some of the other cultists' own wives- he's committed fraud, took bribes, covered up crimes... Hat Guy did a lot of bad things. Of course it wasn't like the others were that innocent either, some people could only spit out these stories because they were the bribers in question!

After tearing the jaw Jia Hyson stripped him naked before plunging his bloodied claws into the man's stomach. Feeling the warm organs swishing around under his fingertips he tunes out the garbled scream and recalls when he was still in university doing dissections to understand the body systems of various animals. He had been very good at the dissections and had been a decent visual learner so he grasped the basics of things after a while despite his poor memory. He still remembers the insect's malphigian tubules in the digestive system, it was like, the one thing he could remember about it. Ah it made him want to retest himself again.

"This is the stomach," he whispers loudly into his victim's ears as he lightly squeezes against the organ. Because he was well-trained in the ghost arts by now he can make his arm less tangible while still retaining some solidity in his hands therefore other than the initial breaking of skin from the outside there was no huge internal damages yet. "Um, I think this is the liver? The liver is closer to the back right? Or was that the kidney? Well this is definitely the small intestine though"

"Oh god," Someone murmurs.

"Thank god it's not us," Another mutters.

Jia Hyson plays a little more, rearranging and moving around the organs without damaging them too badly nor separating them. Well. He does squish a kidney with his hands. You only need one of those after all.

At least. He's fairly sure it's a kidney.

Look, he can't see it so he's allowed to make mistakes okay?!

Eh, whatever.

He even gets to try doing that alien thing where his hands push against the internal walls of the man's body cavity so everyone could see there was something pressing up inside of him before a claw bursts out of his chest, just above where the previous hole was. After that Jia Hyson wastes no time and starts tearing the skin up and letting the relatively intact organs start to spew out, scratching them and piercing them playfully until the Hatted man's insides is just a mutilated mess.

Jia Hyson: 'Hehehe you really get to try new things in this job ah,'

Bebe: *vomiting noises*

Jia Hyson: 'Oh my god shut up Bebe how are you still not over this by now?'

Bebe: 'Bebe is sensitive.' Bebe also isn't an abnormal freak like Host but Bebe isn't dumb enough to say that. ()

After finishing, Jia Hyson turns to the four 'winners' who he had already singled out beforehand for best snitching. "Have you guys decided who to vote for?"

The four nods, "Luo Gui,"

The handsome young man in a green tang suit who stood between Liao Zhiqiang and Small Glasses paled immediately. However it was in hindsight the more obvious choice. No one had said anything about Liao Zhiqiang so there was no need to kill him off and Small Glasses was just a heir to a big hospital so the influence he had was not necessarily as intimidating as others. However Green Tang Suit Man, Luo Gui, was different. He came from a very powerful family and the threat he made if he came out of this alive was nothing to scoff at. Better to bury him before they get buried first.

Jia Hyson nods in acceptance and before Green Tang Suit man could properly react, he uses his hair to encircle him, quickly trapping him in an elaborate cage of hair. It was really impressive. Very bird cage like. Very creepy. He silently decides he will practice making more, the idea of someone waking up to an elaborate birdcage in the dark only to touch the edges and slowly realises it's made of hair Wouldn't that be quite chilling?

"Great, we'll use him for the next game," He beams while Green Tang Suit screams for mercy as he tries to break open his cage. The four winners refuse to look at him the guilt more pronounced inside them as they see their fellow cultist waiting to be slaughtered. Green Tang Suit has no intentions to ease any of that mental anguish either, with red eyes he hurls various provoking words at the four, essentially saying how heartless and so they were and tries to bring back memories of the good times they shared etcetra.

Of course even if they change their minds they couldn't stop what they've done anyway.

Jia Hyson patiently gives Green Tang Suit a few minutes to break down and rage, lowering the mood and morale of the room even further before he floats over to the door and opens it a crack. With a sarcastic bow he gestures for the four to leave however unexpectedly someone closer to the door takes their chance to dash out and escape the room. They must have waited for this exact moment.

"Hahahaha!" The successful escapee shouts, "I'm free! Fuck you Bai Li Wei! Fuck all of you!"

Immediately the door shuts and everyone instinctively looks at the ghost's face for his reaction. Jia Hyson however showed a face of calmness and even a sliver of amusement.

"Why are you look at me like that?" He asks serenely, "It's those four that should be worried, I said only four people will leave after the first game, now that someone has left, there can only be three more to follow."

Yin Pengfei gasps for breath in the hallway, his heart thumping furiously but he couldn't wipe off the smile from his face. Free! He was free!

He looks up and around, since they entered the house time has obviously passed and the sun has long set. The hallways that he had previously dismissed disdainfully were now intimidating and frightening in the dim light of the moon. Still, he couldn't afford to be afraid now, what if Bai Li Wei came after him?

Thinking of the beautiful ghost, his heart clenched with fear and regret and he began to quickly walk away from the room. Because of the darkness and the panic, he couldn't remember where the exit was but since it seemed the main demon was busy with the others his heart felt a bit more reassured.

As he kept going down the hall he hears the sound of groaning and crying. Yin Pengfei shivers as it becomes louder and clearer. He had been previously wondering if the others from their group had also met a similar fate as the others in his room, it turns out they had.

Of course, Yin Pengfei has no intention of getting close, lest whoever controlled that room senses him nearby and whisks him into a new circle of hell. Without hesitation he turns around and begins to jog away.

After a few minutes of going through what felt like an endless hallway he inwardly scolds himself as realisation strikes. The window! He can just break and crawl out the window!

Even though it's rather lacking in dignity he rather lose some face than his life. He turns around to see if there's anything he could use to break the glass of the nearest window. Unfortunately the hallways were fairly bare so he had no choice but to cautiously slip into an empty room.

As he begins to look around for something sturdy in this old run-down place he completely misses the strange woman in the mirror.

Xu Xia smiles.

As a best friend she must do her best to avenge Bai Li Wei's wrongs.

Luckily she has great experience.

Three winners walk out of the room. Their faces pale and their bodies shaking but relief was visible on their faces. Finally they were out and could escape this hell.

They exchange nervous but excited looks as they traverse down the hall, completely ignorant to their fates.

The night was long and the torment more so. The floor was stained red and the air felt like it could never wash out the scent of blood and gore. Even Jia Hyson, the perpetrator to these vicious kills couldn't help but think he may have gone too far.

Because.. Who the fuck is going to clean this shit up okay?!

There's intestine and viscera everywhere!

The two people in cage had been cut to death by the other cultists who had taken turns to hurt them with only their hands and anything else in the room. They had to shed blood and a sound of pain but the first person to kill them would also die straight after. The winners were whoever Jia Hyson thought did the best jobs.

Afterwards he sort of got a little bored and just played a really messed up game of Simon says. That one got quite a few kills and Jia Hyson continued to make them do degrading and nightmare inducing tasks until there was only five remaining. Liao Zhiqiang was one of them. To be fair, he went a little easy on Liao Zhiqiang.

Liao Zhiqiang fit quite well into the protagonist mold despite his age and his quiet demeanor. He hesitated to hurt people. He had the courage to speak against Jia Hyson and ask questions. He was clever enough to find various loopholes in the games. This sort of protagonist attitude should be an eyesore toward the villain and yet Liao Zhiqiang's temperament was still respectful toward him and did not go out of the way to save the cultists after piecing together what happened. He had become more pleasing to the eye as time passed.

Solid, sturdy, a quiet stoic older military man with a cold outside but a possible soft inside Jia Hyson's eyes dilate and felt himself absentmindedly licking his lips. It's one of his favourite types!

Jia Hyson: 'Daddy! Love me!' (o)

Bebe: 'You are the only person Bebe has ever seen that can still think of kinky sex after being rendered spiritually impotent and just ripped off someone's balls before smashing said person's head into the ground where it burst like a rotten watermelon.'

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe that was pretty good descriptive imagery! Good job! Write that down!' (-)b

Bebe: 'O-oh? Well, Bebe did learn from the best hehe,' (/*)o

Anyway, other than Liao Zhiqiang's attractiveness stat rising by the minute, there were four other survivors. Since Jia Hyson didn't exactly do anything too physically strenuous, two of them were rather old man, past the sixty-five year mark which was fairly old given medical technology wasn't that fantastic yet. Probably.

Bebe: 'It's not.' Dumbass.

Jia Hyson: '...'

Okay then definitely. Jeez.

The other two were fairly young, one that clearly looked like a rich second generation fresh out of school and the other slightly more mature, maybe late twenties. Honestly it was sort of hard to tell anymore, all of them were covered in the blood and gore of their fellow cult members, shaking with wide eyes that had dark rims from staying up so late in such an 'exciting' manner. Even Liao Zhiqiang wasn't let off there, he may be more out together compared to the others but to say he wasn't rumpled you due to the night's activities would be lying.

However, Jia Hyson felt the blood splattered on his face and body made him look quite manly ah. ( ) Really makes one want to lick it off that chiseled stubbled chin of his and tastes the agony and fear that faintly saturated the liquid.

Bebe: '...' Bebe has nothing to say to this. Host's tastes have always been abnormal, honestly a little blood-play at this point won't be able to lower it's already dirt bottom impression of him. _

Jia Hyson: '...' Eh? Even though it did nothing, why does he suddenly feel like slapping his system? () ~

"You guys have done well," Jia Hyson praises kindly, "now let's play the last game."

"For fuck's sake let us go you bitch!" The youngest looking one screams, breaking down. Jia Hyson gives him a disdainful look before resuming his gentle customer service smile.

"I think we've all had some good times ah, honestly I feel just sooo sad to think I have to personally kill the rest of you off, so, I've decided to let you all do it."

"What are you saying?" One of the old men rasps but the waver in his voice and the way his eyes warily flickered at the other three men showed he had a good suspicion what Jia Hyson meant.

"Kill each other." Jia Hyson bluntly answers, "Last one standing can leave."

"Please" The slightly older man- Jia Hyson really should have learnt their names by now this was really disgraceful, he'll call him Young Man Two- pleads, "I have a wife and kids"

"And they would probably be much safer not having such a terrible perverted father," Jia Hyson rebukes unmoved, "Don't pretend to suddenly grow a moral conscious now, I'm the most aware how depraved all you pieces of shits are." He sneers.

"I, but, I," Young Man Two stutters with an expression of remorse and regret, he takes a step back as if intimidated before this expression abruptly changes into a fierce bloodthirsty expression as he turns to swing his arm at Young Man One.

Taken aback by the unexpected attack, Young Man One falls to the ground however he quickly springs into action and kicks the other as Young Man Two tried to pounce on top of him with a rusted piece of wire.

As they began to fight, the old man who question Jia Hyson before had also been hiding a weapon- a sharp piece of broken bone- wasted no time to try his hand at his own sneak attack on Liao Zhiqiang. Unfortunately, even though he showed unexpected swiftness, a veteran would not be so easy to kill off. Seeing this, the other old man joined the fray, temporarily teaming up with the other to kill off the bigger fish.

However despite being faced with two against one, Liao Zhiqiang soon emerged victorious and bloody.

But instead of feeling happiness, Jia Hyson frowns at the veteran. Even though he occasionally paid more attention to the man at times overall he was more immersed in revelling in the misery of the others. Now that the victim pool had shrunk significantly, Jia Hyson had chosen to intently watch Liao Zhiqiang's fight and noticed the man was actually quite bloodthirsty.

Before he attributed it to his past as a soldier but now, now he was less sure. Liao Zhiqiang had scooped out one old man's eyes out with his thumbs and shoved them into the other man's mouth. He had broken all of their limbs clearly savouring their pained cries. He had kneed one of the old man's faces repeatedly until it became a bloody, broken mess. Finally, once he had finished with the two, he didn't hesitate to throw himself into the other fight, like an eager predator finally shedding his disguise he was brutal and wild and vicious.

Finally, once the last body was flung violently into the wall, Liao Zhiqiang turned to Jia Hyson with bright grey eyes and a dazzling handsome smile.

Jia Hyson could not give him one in return.

"You're not Liao Zhiqiang," He isn't sure how he could have missed it given that his skills should have prompted him when a lie was told but what else could he think as he watched the man shed his facade last minute?

"Of course I am," Liao Zhiqiang gives Jia Hyson a fond, bemused look, "And Su Shian really is the name of a very good subordinate of mine. However, I wasn't stupid enough to call myself that in front of the others."

Jia Hyson gives the man a complicated look, even though he's revealed to be one of the cultists he still couldn't recognise him from his memories. Even though his memory was low, Bebe's at least could be counted on and Bebe was just as surprised as he was. And what was worse was, other than curiosity and a little wariness, the innate attraction he felt had not lessened one bit. In fact, as the true darkness in the man was revealed, Jia Hyson oddly found him to be rather intoxicating.

Liao Zhiqiang takes a step toward Jia Hyson and for a moment Jia Hyson had to resist taking a step back in response. He was a ghost! He had the natural advantage here! How could he be for a moment be intimidated by a mere human?

Sensing Jia Hyson's faint resistance to his presence Liao Zhiqiang gave him a coaxing smile that held a hint of bitterness, "I understand you're wary but I have no intentions to harm such a gorgeous creature." He murmurs, his silver grey eyes piercing into Jia Hyson, "I had grown tired of these insufferable young masters and arrogant cowards so I did not associate much with the group in the past few years. Their shallow sense of beauty was different to mine, and I was disgusted at how the group had become a festering ground for spineless idiots and fat pigs, who knew that it would cause me such a loss,"

Liao Zhiqiang sighs in lamentation. Absentmindedly Jia Hyson couldn't help but scorn the man. It turns out he really was one big villain, he sure was monologuing like one. From the sound of it there was a good possibility he was also the leader of the group. The older members would've been afraid of him and the younger ones may not even now who he was if he was that absent. "When I finally watched the tapes-" Jia Hyson's eyes twitched. There were tapes?! Where?!

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe, there were tapes?! I had to go through a lot of degrading shit there! I'm not asking you to delete them because they may be important sympathetic backstory for the future but fucking warn a guy!'

Bebe: 'Bebe also didn't notice! Bebe was too busy throwing up Bebe's unused data!'

Jia Hyson: 'What sin have I committed to get such a fucking useless system!'

Bebe: 'Do you want Bebe to fucking answer that because Bebe has a few hypothesis!'

Jia Hyson: 'Roll!' ()

Bebe: 'No, YOU roll!' ()

However even though they were both arguing nonsense in his head, Jia Hyson still kept a neutral expression. And if a trace of fierce anger flickered in his eyes a few times well, he was pretty pissed at this secret last minute boss as well ah.

"-At first I felt nothing, I thought you were like the other weak little flowers they enjoyed to pick. However..." Liao Zhiqiang's eyes soften and he looked at Jia Hyson heatedly, "as I continued to watch I couldn't help but find that wasn't the case. You held a fierce fiery willpower in your eyes, rebellious even when you submitted and a pride that never extinguished no matter how much you were trampled on. How could I not be entranced?"

...Ah, what to do, he felt a little flattered.

Liao Zhiqiang gave him a bitter and regretful look, "It's a pity that when I finished the tapes and held the insatiable urge to find you, you had been dead for over a week." His expression turns pained like he truly experienced heartbreak over this fact, "If I could, I would have swept you away and locked you up just for myself," Liao Zhiqiang's eyes go dark and predatory, "I'm sure you would have died much more peacefully under my hands if it came to that as well."

Okay, Jia Hyson was a little less flattered now.

Yanderes were so much cuter when they were in the romance genre. Because then you are like, ninety percent sure they're bluffing about killing you. In the horror genre the confidence in that bluff drops down to like, fifteen percent. Looking at the seriousness of Liao Zhiqiang's expression, Jia Hyson had to lower that confidence to three percent.

"Who would've thought the heavens are truly kind and gave us a chance to meet in the end," Liao Zhiqiang smiles, "You were so lovely, I think I feel in love with you all over again tonight." His smile deepens into something unnerving, "I would be a fool to let you slip through my hands once more,"

Jia Hyson felt a chill go down his back and decides to listen to instinct and retreat. However Liao Zhiqiang moved too fast and before he can back away the veteran was already at arms length and reaching out to grab him. Quickly, Jia Hyson reverts back to his transparent spiritual state to escape but to his shock Liao Zhiqiang successfully grabbed his wrist and could not be shaken off of. Jia Hyson's eyes flash.

A pure Yin body!

Now really afraid, he lashes out to attack, using his true strength to fling the man away. Despite having a natural constitution to handle ghosts, Liao Zhiqiang still had the strength of an above average human and therefore had little chance to defend directly against the supernatural.

Unfortunately, in his panic, Liao Zhiqiang was thrown through the wall that connected his room to Li Guiren's. Jia Hyson curses, trying to see through the dust anxiously.

When the dust dissipates Jia Hyson gives a large sigh of relief as a dirty and dazed but intact looking Li Guiren comes into view. "Wei?" He coughs, his milky voice sounding puzzled. Unfortunately, it wasn't just Jia Hyson's attention he had earned when the dust settled.

Liao Zhiqiang's eyes flash calculatively at the sight of the child and how obviously worried the ghost's reaction had been and doesn't hesitate to use all his strength to move. He wasn't too far from the boy and reaches out to grab Li Guiren only for both to flinch as a shock of static rushes through them. Liao Zhiqiang's grey eyes darken for a moment while at the same time Li Guiren's own black eyes lighten into a light silvery grey.

Li Guiren immediately took a step back his face scrunched up in disorientation but Liao Zhiqiang's expression twists into a blackhearted ugly snarl and lunges forward, grabbing the small child's arm once more and pulling him down. Jia Hyson rushes in with his hair floating out, ready to attack but hesitates for a moment, unwilling to hurt his family's little dumpling.

However that one second was enough to seal their fates. Out of nowhere Liao Zhiqiang holds up a shiny shard of dark coloured glass and pierces Li Guiren's stomach with it to everyone's shock. Jia Hyson had been watching them carefully, looking for the best chance to swiftly kill Liao Zhiqiang off but he swore up and down that man didn't have such a weapon before, and there wasn't any clean-looking glass of such a dark tint in the rooms either.

However he had no time to think about that as Li Guiren howled in pain. Fuelled by rage, Jia Hyson's eyes darken to a bloody red and begins to pierce the veteran's body with his hair like a thousand spears. Liao Zhiqiang vomits out blood, drenching the small crying child below him and laughs hoarsely, using up all his energy to twist his head around to stare at Jia Hyson yearningly.

As he nears death's door it seemed all he wanted to see was Jia Hyson, the insanity in his eyes had passed and all there was is a calm, unfathomable emotion of regret and satisfaction. Jia Hyson couldn't help but feel his heart ache at this expression, somehow he felt that Monroe must have made the same look when he left.

"I'm sorry," Liao Zhiqiang whispers, "maybe next time-" he doesn't say anything more.

Because Jia Hyson pierced his head, right through the eye and out the skull. Even though he felt inexplicably moved and connected to this man, this sort of feeling that had only been nurtured for less than a day was weak. For the sake of Li Guiren who he had a stronger bond with and a longer time together with, he is easily willing to sever his string of fate with Liao Zhiqiang. Permanently.

As he was about to flick the body off his hair like flicking dirt of his fingers, Jia Hyson's heart unexpectedly wavers again and instead respectfully and gently places Liao Zhiqiang to the side. Because he was so careful in placing the body, he completely misses the flicker of black jealousy on Li Guiren's face as he notices how oddly kind Wei was treating the body.

Generally speaking A child is a naturally selfish being. A person in love is a jealous creature. Li Guiren already felt possessive of Wei but had always been assured of the place he held in his heart. But when he saw how Wei reacted to Liao Zhiqiang he felt threatened.

Wei seemed to like Liao Zhiqiang. Li Guiren hated it. Hated how just the presence of this old man shook all his confidence in Wei's love for him.

When he was touched by the man, he felt repulsed yet at the same time something seemed to click and a sense of familiarity he couldn't understand in his brain overwhelmed him. He didn't have time to process it before he was attacked, the feeling of the initial stab nothing compared to the consequent unexplainable agony, like thousands of lightening bolts shooting through his body, his limbs felt both stretched out and constricted, his head had invisible claws digging into his brain.

The only upside was that Wei had killed the old man mercilessly after he was hurt. Even though Li Guiren still felt a little uneasy at seeing the people die in such horrible manners over the night he had grown more and more desensitised with each kill. Now, however, he couldn't help but hide a smile of gleeful satisfaction at the brutal and swift murder of Liao Zhiqiang. The blood spat out onto him felt warm he could imagine it like it was Wei's way of showering him with unconditional love.

However to treat the body so tenderly still! Didn't it mean there was still feelings?! Unfair! Unforgiveable! Unacceptable!

Unknowingly his eyes flashed a silvery grey before reverting back to blackness.

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