Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 40: 2.24

Chapter 40: 2.24

When Tian Shun first enters his new school he created an uproar. Who told him to be a handsome, intelligent young man with a decent background that had just come back abroad? Who told him to be such a good-looking mysterious yet slightly broody gentleman with dashing silver eyes? Plus, on the first day he had beat up a bunch of infamous delinquents that had cornered him after school!

Obviously he immediately became one of the school's male gods ah.

However, it must be the will of the author god but despite his soaring popularity Tian Shun ended up joining the original friend group as stated by the original story. You know, despite the fact the group was clearly at least a level or two below him in terms of likability in the school. Jia Hyson is really just assuming this but could anyone blame him? Even though they were all a bunch of apparently attractive kids, they did get bullied x amount of times in the story so clearly they aren't that attractive ah.

Let's review the main characters for a minute.

The main protagonist is Zhao Xuefeng, when Jia Hyson describes the original Tian Shun as the Sasuke to his Naruto he had been serious. Zhao Xuefeng is a handsome, happy, go-lucky, positive and hot-blooded young man with a semi-tragic childhood. His cop father died in the line of duty and his mother had to raise him and his young sister alone.

Originally Tian Shun would have bonded with him over similar family situations except both his parents were dead, the mother from childbirth and the father protecting him from an escaped criminal with a grudge. Obviously that has changed since thanks to Jia Hyson's presence, Li Guiren had the backing of a bunch of resentful and powerful ghosts by his side during his career.

That escaped criminal had long ago went mentally insane. He was unfortunately saved last minute by later he died in an asylum after trying to paint his whole room with his own blood. It was almost like he was afraid of what happened if he didn't finish in time.

Anyway, other than Zhao Xuefeng the protagonist their were three more people.

Nalan Chyou - the love interest. She was the pretty and relatively rich young miss, long straight black hair, sweet demur personality, one of the most beautiful girls in the year. Many men are jealous of Zhao Xuefeng for being so close to her which is probably one of the reason the group is targeted so much.

Ming Bo - she's Nalan Chyou's best friend somehow. Jia Hyson says somehow because she's a fucking annoying bitch. This is Jia Hyson's personal opinion from reading the story anyway.

Everyone has those character archetypes they absolutely loathe. Jia Hyson's is the stupid loudmouth tsunderes. Like ugh, they bring absolutely nothing to the table. They are loud, rude, a severe carrier of misunderstanding-ites disease and Princess disease, not to mention whatever brain hole they have to always do that thing where they insist on going to do something dangerous and clearly out of their league because of their pride only for the main character to save them last minute and they either scold them or cry depending on how injured the Saviour is. They also act like it would kill them if they apologize and even when they do apologize they'll usually cry like somehow that'll make everyone so sympathetic to you being a complete asshole.

Generally they're female characters that irk him in this manner since they tend to be depicted to show bashfulness through denial and physically violence, but some male characters can also fit the description. Albeit with less violence. Because gender equality.

Jia Hyson: 'Tsunderes fucking suck!'

Bebe: 'You have really strong opinions about the stupidest things.'

Jia Hyson: 'Yes I do, that's why my opinion on you is the strongest.' Because Bebe is the stupidest.

Bebe: '...' Fucking walked into that one there didn't it?

Anyway, Ming Bo has a big tsundere crush on the protagonist despite knowing her best friend likes him to. She supports Nalan Chyou but she does it in a very counterproductive way, always insulting Zhao Xuefeng and saying how he doesn't deserve to be in the presence of Nalan Chyou etc, fighting with him constantly while blushing anytime Zhao Xuefeng unexpectedly says good things to her. She is the most vocal disbeliever and also the person who cracks from the pressure the most, she is also the first to turn against her friends. It's clear that her mind, like her likability was very weak.

Jia Hyson is totally going to make her suffer the most ah. He's very excited for that.

For the fourth memberIt should have been Tian Shun as the fourth member of the group of childhood friends but of course Li Guiren, that vinegar eating pig teammate, had stopped that from happening by sending him away for so long. Instead there was another teenage boy in their group called Hao Fan, a hybrid of the gothy and nerdy archetype. He became friends with the group after Zhao Xuefeng tried to protect him from bullies. It didn't work and they both got beaten up but the friendship was solidified from then on.

When Jia Hyson heard the description by Tian Shun he felt a little satisfied in his heart, a group of stupid teenagers always needed someone with some knowledge of the supernatural. If this Hao Fan fellow can fulfil his role in sharing the occult with his online research than in a way he was better suited than Tian Shun is right now.

Which is good, because Jia Hyson has no intention of killing off Tian Shun.

Yeah, that's right, Tian Shun is going to make it out alive out of nepotism. Jia Hyson can do that. Deal.

"Sounds, like you had a fun time," Jia Hyson sincerely says with a faint smile. Tian Shun shrugs.

"They were fine, it's only been the first day," Tian Shun demurely answers.

"You should make friends with the group, but, uh, don't get too close okay?" Jia Hyson awkwardly tells him. "Wei Wei is interested in them."

Luckily, Tian Shun is still a very obedient child, no matter what age, mere nodding with an affectionate smile and a twinkle in his eyes. "Okay, do you want me to help?"

Jia Hyson pauses, giving Tian Shun a considering look. He remembers that Tian Shun had apparently blackened pretty hard overseas or he wouldn't have gotten such a spicy chicken special skill [Corrupter of Children]. Plus, Tian Shun had seen the demon house at work and he didn't sound disgusted or horrified at all by the casual mention of Jia Hyson's plan to kill his new friends

A new classmate comes to school the protagonist and his friends befriend him after a few weeks someone will inevitably mention the demon house which has become very infamous, or the new classmate will bring it up casually in order to show off and possibly urged on by their bullies, the group go visit, a decision they will soon regret after experiencing hell on earth, the remaining survivors almost make it out as dawn slowly arrives however right before they step one foot out, back into the world of the peaceful living

Jia Hyson smiles, "You've really grown up Xiao Shun, I'm so proud of you."

The serial killer case was still ongoing. Even Jia Hyson had to go in to try help out Li Guiren for a bit. Unfortunately unless the spirit was strong and unwilling, or the body was relatively fresh, it was hard for him to communicate with the lingering spirits. Jia Hyson was very strong now, but it wasn't like he can summon spirits back from the cycle of reincarnation or wherever they went. He was a ghost, not a necromancer dammit.

Many of the bodies were too old for Jia Hyson to work his magic, the majority belonged to the first batch of killings but had been hidden more thoroughly, only being found now.

The newer batch however held only a few lingering ghosts and they couldn't say much either as the killer had not only disguised himself well, he even changed into different costumes and face masks making it hard to find much other than a possible height, build and that he was definitely male.

Many bodies came from low profile people- homeless people, prostitutes, just people without much to live for and easily forgetten- very different to the mid-to-high profile individuals that had been murdered in the beginning. This sort of regression in victim quality is usually the opposite found in serial killer patterns so a lot of people were scratching their heads at this change.

Li Guiren watches everyone discuss this formidable killer silently. Glancing at the late hour shown by the clock on the wall then at the board filled with bloody pictures of numerous dismembered and maimed bodies he can only chuckle darkly.

It seems he's not making it to dinner again.


"I wonder when Xiao Ren will come back," Jia Hyson sighs, "I feel a little bad that I couldn't help him ah, even the yin energy from the bodies can't even be traced, it's almost like they died without a single grievance despite being tortured so much pre-mortem."

"I'm sure dad will figure it out soon ah," Tian Shun comforts lazily as he stretches out his arm to reach around Jia Hyson's slim shoulders, pulling him so he lays closely onto his chest in a classic date night move. They were even on the couch watching a horror movie to be even more cliche. "Whether he can convict them or not successfully is another matter though."

"Aiyah don't doubt your father Xiao Shun, Xiao Ren is very good at his work," Jia Hyson playfully scolds as he snuggles closer to Tian Shun. He couldn't help it, the feeling of his touch was truly addicting, like touching silk, you want to keep touching and rubbing it.

However unlike silk, Jia Hyson is sure he will never tire of the sensation, it was extremely satisfying. If he had the means and the heart to do so, he would have long found a way to skin the young man alive and make a coat out of him.

Bebe: '' You know what? Not the most morally disturbing thing Bebe had heard today.

"How's school? No one's messing with you right?" Jia Hyson asks in concern, then his eyes redden demonically, "If they have just tell me, I'll-"

Tian Shun chuckles, his eyes soft and fond, he curls his arm tighter around him, enjoying the soft, light body underneath him. It was like touching a feather, airy and almost nonexistent but was still substantial enough to tickle his heart. "No need, I've managed to fit in well. Besides, I'm very good at fighting back now."

Jia Hyson raises a curious eyebrow, "Oh? It turns out the boarding school gives self-defence classes then? I suppose it isn't too bad then.." He huffs begrudgingly. He personally disliked this prestigious boarding school that had kept him away from a second fatherhood. But if it helped Tian Shun become such an outstanding man he really couldn't complain.

"Something like that," Tian Shun's silver eyes dim moodily as he recalls his past experiences overseas. "Let's just say I learnt some very good survival skills over there."

In the future Jia Hyson will learn that Li Guiren had sent Tian Shun to a very prestigious boarding school which had once been a mass grave of native Americans, then a place for burning witches at the stake and then a mental asylum. In short. It had been a death trap. Ghosts, ghouls, slashers, even a zombie-like case of infectious demonic possession.

Tian Shun had lived through at least seven different horror movies in America. And even though American horror may not necessarily be as intricate and plot driven generally when compared to some other countries, it was definitely a strong contender in terms of kill count and gore. With a yin body that attracted tragedy, it was honestly a miracle Tian Shun made it past thirteen.

In fact if one took it to movie terms, he had been incredibly lucky and before he hit puberty he had essentially been acting as a male supporting lead that needed to be protected by the older protagonist during the plot as well as help serve useful information about the supernatural- though he had some very close calls ultimately the protagonist would swoop in to save him in the nick of time. After fourteen though well he had to fend for himself then, he became his own protagonist.

But Jia Hyson didn't have the time to question him further about this information as Li Guiren strode into the house, his expression darkening as he noticed the intimate positions between Tian Shun and Wei.

Jia Hyson, sensing the change in atmosphere quickly decides maybe something must be done about this. The sooner the better ah. Pushing reluctantly away from the teenager, Jia Hyson floats up and slowly toward the door.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone for a bit," Jia Hyson coughs before giving them both a look, silently urging both to do their best to try smooth their relationship over somewhat. He isn't asking for them to be close, that would take years probably, but at least enough for the pair to be able to talk about the weather without a knife to their backs. "I'll be going around the neighbourhood to enjoy the night scenery so I might be out for a few hours, be good okay?"

The two obediently nod, looking very similar to each other as they gaze at Jia Hyson with a soft smile. Even when Jia Hyson left, the two gave each other almost identical sneering looks, taking a sizeable step back from each other as they do so.

"Son," Li Guiren greets like he's greeting his worst enemy who had recently killed his entire family and pet dog that had recently gotten pregnant.

"Father," Tian Shun gives a contemptuous smile, only rebellion and mocking in his voice. He treated Li Guiren less like a father and more like his bastard older brother whose mistress mother had managed to drive his own mother into suicide with her scheming.

"I know you're behind the murders," Li Guiren returns with his own disdainful smile, "As expected of a child, it reeks of impatience and sloppiness, replacing quality with quantity. You really must be desperate to make me stay away."

Tian Shun shrugs unperturbed by the provocation, "It's working though isn't it?"

"What would Wei think?" Li Guiren grits his teeth. At this, Tian Shun hesitates slightly before he returns to his usually faintly smiling self, shrugging carelessly.

"Wei will forgive me. Besides, it isn't like he really cares."

Wei's morality had corroded a lot over the years. Even though he likes to put on a caring, kind facade, as humans with a strong constitution they both had an instinctive intuition that told them Wei is fully capable of disposing them with barely any hesitation should the situation called for it. Fortunately there has been no situation that required their deaths.

"Now excuse me, I'm going to go do my homework," Tian Shun turns to leave, "I have no intention to bond with such a sorry excuse of a parent as yourself," he sneers.

"Fine," Li Guiren snorts. He had no intention of making up either. Whether Tian Shun was aware of it or not they were destined to be on opposing sides.

Tian Shun stops mid-step, clenching his fists. "No," He grits out, turning back around, his silver eyes reddening with aggrieved emotion, "You know what, let's talk this out. Ever since I was little you've been nothing but a shitty, shitty dad. You didn't like to talk to me, you've never hugged me, fuck, I don't even remember you even touching me once! All I had was Wei to take care of me and give me any semblance of a parent and you even take that away from me!" He screams, "What did I do to deserve this?! I didn't do fuck shit and you treat me like I carry the plague! We have a literal ghost in our house but somehow I'm treated like I'm the monster by you! I hate you! I hate you so much!"

Li Guiren only stares back coldly, "Go ahead," is all he says, "hate me then."

Tian Shun trembles. How could his father was this even his father? With the way he treats him he would have been better off at the orphanage. He would have honestly preferred it than the hell of a boarding school he went to.

No if he was left an orphanage he would never have been blessed to be with Wei only Wei loves him only Wei will ever love him his father doesn't deserve Wei's love nobody does nobody but him.

He touches his pocket reassuringly before runs up to Li Guiren ready to punch him.

Li Guiren's emotionless facade immediately cracks and his face looks exceedingly ugly at the sudden action of his son. Reflexively he steps aside and grabs the wrist of the oncoming fist. It was the first time he had touched the young man since he was a baby. His eyes flash silver.

Tian Shun freezes, his eyes dimming for a moment into an inky darkness so much like his father's before immediately he smiles like a huge weight has left his shoulders. Laughing coldly he shoves Li Guiren away from him who was glaring furiously. "I see, no wonder you refused to let me touch you and sent me so far away ah, how cruel daddy," the 'daddy' was said in a drawled out mocking tone, not even a little speck of filial pity or respect was there anymore.

"You..." Li Guiren's muscles are tense and ready to attack the smug teenager before him. "Don't you dare do anything to Wei,"

"Why not?" Tian Shun's face breaks into smile, silver eyes glittering brightly, "This world... it was practically made for someone like me. Even without my body's constitution just my role as a main supporting character gives me power that you, a nobody, cannot receive here. Why can't I pursue the one I fell in love with?"

"You barely even know him!" Li Guiren spat, "I was the one by his side all these years, I was the one who helped him get to where he is now! I supported him no matter what he did! I-"

"But you can't even touch him," Tian Shun snorts, he looked like he was staring at the funniest joke in the world, "You say you support and love him blah, blah, blah, but your very existence repels him ah. How can it possibly work? This isn't a love story, besides," His smile grows wider, "even if I don't know him as well as you do and my current feelings to him may not necessarily compare to yours, the fact alone that you love him is enough for me to want him too."

Li Guiren's body slides down to the floor, heart as numb and heavy as his body was feeling. The panic, the envy, the fear, it overwhelms him for a moment. In this life he has never felt so defeated.

Even though Tian Shun's voice and face were very pleasing to the eye, Li Guiren felt that there was no one as hateful and ugly as this person right now, "I wish you didn't exist," he spits, eyes reddening as he finds he can't refute the other's words, making him even more hateful.

"That's funny," Tian Shun sneers, "I feel the same way,"

"I won't give up," Li Guiren snarls back.

"Tch, so clingy," Tian Shun clicks his tongue, looking at his mess of a father and feeling a mix of disgust and glee, "if I were in your position I would never abuse myself like this. I would just leave and forever be a streak of white moonlight in his heart forever ba." He squats down so he's eye to eye with Li Guiren who was now tearing up pathetically, "here's some advice- go kill yourself ah, you won't feel so bad and Wei will always keep a good image of you in his memory, it's win-win."

"Go fuck yourself!" Li Guiren roars with red eyes.

"I rather Wei do that for me instead," Tian Shun grins, "Unfortunately we both know that neither of us will let the other go happy at this rate so let's compromise..." Suddenly Tian Shun pulls a switchblade out of his pocket, like a snake he strikes with a startling speed and a venomous expression as he aims for the other's neck. "You won't kill yourself, so I'll do it for you,"

However, Li Guiren hadn't been fighting crime all this time for nothing. Compared to the body of a still wet behind the ears teenager, the honed reflexes and muscles of a grown man trained on the force couldn't be compared. Even through his tears Li Guiren did not let his guard down, he knew the other was a snake that liked sneak attacks and he was already half-expecting it already.

Rolling away from the strike, Li Guiren quickly picks himself up to lunge at the younger man like a fierce lion. Already off balance from his miss, Tian Shun is pushed to the ground, dropping the blade, and began to be ruthlessly punched to the point he felt blood in his mouth. He wasn't perturbed though, pulling out another blade and unhesitatingly stabbing the larger man between the ribs when given an opening.

Li Guiren grits his teeth against the pain as his attacks grew fiercer, Tian Shun groans under the heavy barrage but relentlessly digs the blade deeper, pulling it toward his person in a vicious attempt to slice the flesh open. "Just Die" Tian Shun hisses.

"Hah, haa, over my fucking dead body," Li Guiren pants as he wraps his hands around Tian Shun's neck.

"Hehe," Tian Shun's bloody mouth curls disdainfully, "Idiot," then his expression changes to one of horror and fear, "HELP! AHH! HELP!" He hoarsely cries. "DAD..! S-STO- Ah.."

Li Guiren's eyes flash, this bastard!

Jia Hyson flies in, a face full of confusion and concern before going slack in shock. He had sensed something wrong a while back when he was returning to the house. The closer he came the stronger the negative emotions he could taste was. By the time he quickly jogged into the building the sharp unmistakable scent of blood appeared finally panicking him enough to abandon his pseudo-human form and fly toward the source.

He had only left for a few minutes to let the pair of estranged family members chat ah. How did it literally become a scene of bloodshed?!

"Li Guiren! Stop!" He shouts at first, because Tian Shun really seemed to be in a more wretched state- bruises all over his handsome face and on the verge of passing out. At this angle he couldn't see how Li Guiren's shirt was soaked in blood, in fact, other than the stab wound Li Guiren was relatively untouched, adding to that his age, size and previous hostility really made it seem like he was the one who snapped and attacked first. "Li Guiren! Fucking hell!"

Seeing that Li Guiren still has no intention of letting go, Jia Hyson felt he had no choice. Using [Hair Control] he wraps the man up and forcibly separated them. He had enough strength now to tear a car apart with this skill much less a man but obviously he couldn't bear to hurt his family's old dumpling like that.

Even though his hair was slowly burning under the strong yang energy of the man he still did his best to cradle the man gently yet firmly. Still, how can he not feel angry and distressed? "What is wrong with you?! I- Li Guiren!"

"Wei Wei," Li Guiren looks at him despondently, he already was aware how this looked. Tian Shun was the scheming white lotus bitch and he, Li Guiren was the naive and brash female lead that had rashly fallen into the trap.

If Bebe and Jia Hyson heard those description they would be stunned silent: ...would a naive and brash female lead pummel and strangle someone half to death ah? Don't even qualify as male leads but even less so the female leads, don't dream okay? These Laozis are about to cry.

"Wei Wei," Tian Shun shakily sat up, looking at the spirit with persevering affection and pain, "I, I told dad about my feelings for you but he.."

Li Guiren felt the finishing blow coming and like a caged animal began to thrash around his confines, "Shut up! Shut up!" He yells hoarsely, pleadingly.

"Wei Wei I love you, I always have," Tian Shun rushes out.

"That's not true, it's me who has always loved you Wei," Li Guiren bursts out, staring at Jia Hyson with an aggrieved and desperate expression that edged toward madness, "It's me, I'm the one who loves you! I, I never wanted to admit it but, I have always..."

Tian Shun's face contorts, not expected this man who had been pushed to the edge of the cliff to still fight back. That's the difference between them, Tian Shun is too strategic, willing to cut his losses when he sees no possible victories but Li Guiren held the more emotional personality that will run forward even in the face of certain death.

"If you really loved Wei dad than how can you sleep with mum?" Tian Shun decides to attack in this manner. To strike while the iron is still hot, if he lets Wei be moved by Li Guiren's confession than many doors for himself will close. Besides, no one can be comfortable with the idea that their lover had slept with others, it is enough to dampen the proclamation somewhat.

Unfortunately Tian Shun was operating on the mindset of a person from the 90s. Jia Hyson, this modern manslut really couldn't care less about virginity. Just because you slept with someone before means you somehow value the person you fell in love with less? Should we all just keep our purity until we meet our true love? In that case the human race would have died out long ago peh, peh.

Of course this wasn't the case for Li Guiren who was also someone that had now been raised with the values of this setting. He paled and felt even more bleak. That's right, he had slept and married another in front of the person he loved, even spawned this unfilial devil child, in comparison to Tian Shun who still remained pure and devoted, didn't he look like a joke in comparison? A tear escaped his eye, making this handsome older man looked like he had been emotionally raped by a thousand men.

Jia Hyson, this unwitting scum male: '...Uwa what a scene of bloody slaughter. They do know I'm dead right?'

Bebe, the apathetic scum system: 'Assumedly.'

Jia Hyson: 'Tch, I'm very pretty but I'm still dead ah. These two are all being very dramatic and catty but aren't they just necrophiliacs?' ()

Bebe: 'Vampires count as part of the undead too.'

Jia Hyson who has recently reading a lot of shitty erotic vampire romance novels to pass the time: 'Oh. Huh. I've been too narrow minded, it turns out there's a necrophiliac in us all ba.' (o^-')b

Bebe: 'Hehe how poignant. (_) Once again, Host's words of wisdom never fail to stun Bebe.'

Despite the frivolous chattering in his mind, Jia Hyson was truly torn. He had already gotten over the fact he won't have any lovers, big or small, in this life and suddenly after around three decades he had two men confessing their feelings in such a messy dogblooded way. Not to mention they were father and son, his role in the household could be akin to grandfather at this point! Grandfather ah!

Jia Hyson: 'It turns out I skipped over being a DILF and straight into GILF territory. This is the worst.'

Bebe: 'That's the worst? Really?'

Jia Hyson: 'Even though I never got to get a sugar daddy because I was already so rich and famous and charismatic in my original life I thought that I would get to clutch onto an older male lead's golden thigh like in all the QT stories. Not only do I have no old gold thighs, I have these young black sesame buns dragging on my own! Who has ever seen such a tragic protagonist like myself before?!'

Bebe: ...Protagonist? ( )? What protagonist? All I see is a big stinking villain ah.

Closing his eyes as if that could close him off from this messed up reality he massaged the headache he shouldn't technically be having until it subsided somewhat. By then he had figured out what to do.

Under their expectant eyes Jia Hyson gazes at them solemnly and says, "Both of you, go to the hospital to check your injuries. Make sure they look at your heads too ba."

Tian Shun and Li Guiren: '...'

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