Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 49: 3.3

Chapter 49: 3.3

So after absorbing the memory of Farrell, Jia Hyson frowns.

Currently he's only nine, it's just that his race like Africans were much more physically, ah, well-endowed than the generally smaller Chinese so he estimated it wrong. While Samotrelis relies on exporting their goods for income, they had a history like China of being closed off from the world and only in the last century did they open their borders. It's not a short amount of time but it's certainly not a long amount either and so many older Samotrelians were still wary about sharing their treasures with the outsiders.

Honestly, if Jia Hyson is going to be honest, Samotrelis' issues sounds a lot like Wak*nda from the M*rvel universe. Except less futuristic and badass. The tribes of the island were named after animals, there was conflict about staying isolated or not, and the royalty were not like those in Ancient China who could choose to be delicate scholars no, the royals must all be warriors in blood and body.

Education is also important as well of course but not all the princes and princesses have to be intellectually superior or artistically talented or even very beautiful, as long as they can wield a weapon and fight just as well as any average soldier they will be considered to live up to their royal bloodline.

Anyway, not only can he get context about the world from his memories but he can also see the original's future to the extent of the plot. Of course the original died before the plot ended but still. What he saw was the reason for his frowning expression.

To Farrell, the Abioye family was very nice to him. Farrell was the youngest prince with three older brothers and two older sisters and the parents had a strong, stable relationship. The King Kro Abioye was a king that has neither made any big achievements nor any big problems. His father, Farrell's grandfather, was the one that silenced all the radicals' protests against opening the borders. The current generation of royalty was already more or less recovered from the civil war so there really wasn't much to do in comparison. The queen also does not do much other than occasional charity.

The three brothers are, in order, Asafa, Chuma and Jaleel. Asafa, the eldest at twenty-three and Chuma, the second eldest boy at twenty-one, were of course placed at a higher importance in terms of grooming for kingship. However there was no big rivalry between them as Asafa was clearly the most suitable leader out of the pair, he was eloquent, patient and held an interest in government. Asafa's preferred weapon is the most traditional spear which reflects him well. Chuma in contrast is a warrior through and through, fiery, muscle-brained and a vicious love for fighting that is more suited in battle than on the throne. Chuma chooses the heavyweight sword or axe for fighting.

Jaleel, the third brother was the prankster of the group but he was also very cunning. In fact he was better than Asafa in politics and trickery, and he was also more agile than Chuma. Jaleel wields daggers as his preferred weapon and many have considered grooming him to look after their intelligence group despite his relatively young age of sixteen.

The two sisters are Amina and Koffi. Amina, the eldest sister who was nineteen years old was the cool older sister type very similar to Asafa who she has greatly admired since young and has taken to learning about the country's economics and good exportation business in order to help. Like Asafa, she also wields the traditional spear.

Koffi is the second daughter and the second youngest in the family at only eleven years old, she is currently most avid about shiny things and is very interested in the topic of ore mining. Despite her young age many have placed high expectations on her since she has revealed a high intellect and a photographic memory.

In short, the family was filled with talented people and none of them seemed to have any big problems. The girls had a spending habit but it was for vanity's sake and they didn't burn enough money for it to be an issue. Jaleel's tricks can be annoying, even infuriating, and has offended quite a few of the narrow minded elders with his actions but many still consider it humorous and the children and young people in the surrounding area liked him well enough. There really wasn't anything too terrible about this generation of royals.

Well. Except for Farrell himself of course.

Farrell was probably the black sheep. The prodigal son. The no good second rich generation cannonfodder. He skipped classes to play. He slept around. Threw money around. Went to clubs and parties every night. Gambled. Abused his authority as a prince and foreign diplomat. Even did drugs and used underhanded means to take any pretty thing he was interested in, willing or not.

In summary, Farrell was the type to do anything in the pursuit of pleasure.

Bebe: 'Host! I don't think you have to worry about OOC this time!' (^^)*:

Jia Hyson: '...' _ What the heck does that mean?

He was a good and pure little author okay! He didn't.. uh, well, he certainly never... um, then he definitely had not once did... Well he didn't go to party and clubs every day! And, and everyone he slept with were of perfectly consensual means!

Bebe: '...That's the only thing you can say in defense?'

Jia Hyson: 'I don't know, does trying marijuana and aphrodisiacs count as drugs?'

Bebe: 'Technically yes.'

Jia Hyson: 'Does using my fame to get free cookie at S*bway count as abusing my status?'

Bebe: 'Bebe.. Bebe is more concerned that you couldn't fork out two dollars for a S*bway cookie. But Bebe supposes so yes.'

Jia Hyson: 'Well then yes, that's all I can in my defence then.' ()

Bebe: '...'

However of course there was always a reason behind how people grew up. Well usually. Farrell was well loved, spoiled and doted on by his family since young. Not because of talent or intellect or even necessarily fighting prowess- though his combat skills were quite good even if his strength was lacking. But because he was the youngest and the best looking child in the family.

Yeah. Sometimes even warriors can be face-cons.

In China, heck, even America or Africa, Farrell could be considered quite a manly catch. He exuded male pheromones, he was muscled but deceptively lean, very tall at 1.9 meters, his skin was exotic but not too dark giving him a mixed race look, his face was a little androgynous but it is clear from the his distinctive and strong facial features that he is certainly all man, albeit a strikingly gorgeous to the point of beautiful one. Not to mention, his looks were further accentuated by his slanted golden eyes that gave a sense of wildness and fantasy.

But in Samotrelis he was considered very, ah, well, very girly. Less than that really.

Honestly Jia Hyson has to say it must be a mutation or something. Samotrelis is filled with very good looking individuals but they were all fierce wild jungle men slash body builders and muscled amazon goddesses. Farrell who was born more sleek and lithe like a wildcat, and with lighter brown skin, looked like a small delicate flower in comparison. Everyone worked out in Samotrelis which values strength, but no matter how much Farrell tried he couldn't gain the same bulk as his brothers and sisters making him forever the baby in the country's eyes even when he was an adult. He was even a little shorter than the average adult woman there. It's a little amazing how one's world view changes their perception, and then how that perception will colour a person in their eyes.

It's probably why Farrell rebelled so much in retrospect. Like M*ley Cyrus who wanted to change her image from sweet D*sney star to something more hardcore. It didn't really work and only got him gored by an octopus in the end but like, Jia Hyson sort of gets it.

However, no matter how shitty Farrell acted, it really doesn't warrant such a big response. Yeah, r*pe and such is a terrible crime, awful really but not enough to warrant an entire royal family getting overthrown. Like the family were a little guilty but realistically at most it would be Farrell himself getting the worst punishment of death, or maybe just exile because the world isn't super fair when the criminal is royalty.

After all this story is based in the modern world where a politician can reduce a life sentence and crime can go unpunished under the eyes of the law. Unless the Abioyes did human experimentation or something equally as sinister and large scale, the people of Samotrelis shouldn't be so displeased that they would destroy their way of life. It took them years of convincing and infighting just to agree to open their borders to outsiders, it's clear from that fact alone how conservative and deeply entrenched in preserving their culture and way of life they are.

Jia Hyson frowns as he tries to ponder on it. The memories of Farrell are a little vague and very subjective, maybe as the baby of the family he just wasn't exposed to the dark side of Somatrelis' nobility? He can only take it one step at a time in regards to this and observe carefully.

Fortunately for Jia Hyson, he has no intention of posturing the ideal for straight male cancer. Let him be doted and babied! Let them treat him like a pretty little wildflower amongst the muscle-y trees. In a way, Bebe was correct that he shouldn't be fined for OOC this time. Not only was he a child that can shift their personality without too much fuss, he wasn't even considered a character with any impact to the story whatsoever, he was practically an OC (original character) that can do whatever the hell he wants.

And what he wants is to not die viva la rebellion.

And also hot, steamy casual sex. Which by the way, Samotrelis is totally cool with. A celebration of life and such. Homosexuality is also not considered a large deal, however at the same time large families are also encouraged.

It's a little strange but the larger the family, the less of an issue it becomes for a person in that family to reveal inclinations toward the same sex. In a way what isn't discriminated isn't sexuality but the size of the household. Not only is it a symbol of their wealth and capability to support such a large amount of people, it is believed more siblings mean more potential for success and higher chances to produce offspring. It also gives more freedom and less stress among siblings to uphold the family's expectations.

With Jia Hyson being the youngest among six siblings, and with all the other siblings being so fucking talented, he's pretty much able to do whatever he wants.

He looks around at his gorgeous large and lavish bedroom and smiles. This world really was on easy mode.

"Your highness," A low quiet voice rasped at the door, gently knocking it, "Your parents are calling you for dinner,"

"Thank you.. Johan," Jia Hyson calls out, "I'll be right out," Johan was the king's aide of the palace, he used to be one of the best warriors in the capital but got hurt rescuing the current king from an arson attempt on his life by the radical conservatives that didn't like the previous king's (Farrell's grandfather) changes to their way of life. Because of his valiant sacrifice to save the crown prince, he was given a position to serve as a military advisor to the king and when he grew older became an aide living a leisurely life in the palace. He's considered a close family friend and Chuma and Farrell's godfather.

He waits for a moment to make sure Johan has left though he couldn't be too sure. If his memories serve him well Samotrelis was not only top of the line in luxury goods such as gems, pearls, food and other natural resources but also in their strength. Johan was very old but he had been a top notch example of the country's power and could still walk without making a sound.

Samotrelians took inspiration from their wildlife and have developed various animal-based Kung fu type styles by themselves though that's probably because the Author God was most likely Chinese and thus influenced the country somewhat. Either way this place was just one giant golden finger. The only problem was the future rebellion thing which suggests that all isn't as perfect as it is on the surface.

Heading to the closet, he grabs a handwoven high collar, long sleeved shirt to cover his bare upper torso. The fashion here was, as expected for a country stubborning trying to stay set in it's old ways, very cultural and tribal, so usually they would wear cloth robes which would cover one shoulder or they would be completely bare chested. Women would generally have cloth that covered their chest, wrapped around like a tube top, and skirts.

Animals fur was also used as capes or replace cloth, as well as decorative functions alongside gems, shells and all sorts of other things one can find on this illogically bountiful island country. Of course by interacting more with the outside world these past few decades people have slowly started to introduce modern fashion to the populace. Western clothing was becoming a more common sight much to a few of the older generation's dismay. However even they had to admit that long sleeved shirts and pants were very useful in avoiding bug bites, if quite restraining over their large muscles and stature. Most adults prefer the traditional style of clothing or casual western sportswear. Formal western clothing were mainly for the younger generation.

With that in mind it was quite easy to imagine how buff these people actually are, requiring specially tailored formal wear whenever they had to go overseas for business purposes.

Strolling through the palace halls, Jia Hyson couldn't help but secretly gawk and gasp as he walked by expensive golden tribal totems and decorations that would make Indiana J*nes drool with envy, the lavish carvings in the white stone walls, the jewels embedded everywhere... he's visited a lot of cultural sites around the world but those were old and worn down by time, and the new ones were tourist attractions that, while impressive, did not hold the same dominating exclusivity and feeling of old cultural history. Jia Hyson had always thought that in his original life when he became rich and famous he had been living like a king but now, as a real prince, he realised how wrong he's been!

Every person he passes by will bow to him! Every guard will nod their head in deference! This sort of power felt... really good!

Jia Hyson: 'Hahaha! Kneel you peasants! Kneel! Kneel before your liege!'

Bebe: '...' Less than five minutes and the power of royalty has already gone into his head. Somehow Bebe thinks it may actually be very difficult for Host not to incite a rebellion.

However no matter how arrogant and despotic Jia Hyson's thoughts were, his face was calm, serene and polite, smiling softly every time they bow to him. Many servants immediately gained a better impression of him. It turns out, the big scolding from the king this morning finally got through to the naughty young prince!

The Samotrelians were rather simple and honest people. Even though previously they all felt secretly a little dissatisfied by the spoilt, ill-tempered child's attitude, his adorable good looks had curbed their unhappiness somewhat, producing the impression of a naughty child instead of a small tyrant. Now that the small prince was acting less irate they were willing to quickly forgive and forget. Besides, the child was so cute and pleasing to the eye! As long as Prince Farrell was not completely irrational and corrupted, they will be happy no matter what. Once again they praise their king for hardening his heart to scold his beloved baby!

Jia Hyson eventually enters the dining hall where a long well polished wood table immediately catches one's eye. On it was an assortment of delicious cuisine that Jia Hyson, who still hasn't fully gotten over not eating for a lifetime, found himself salivating over. The stimulating smells of spices, curry and meat made his mouth itch and curse the fact he couldn't just swallow the table whole.

At the head of the table is a large man who looks like the physical incarnation of a rhino dressed in rustic red cloth lined in shining gold. By his side is an almost equally large woman in a white and gold dress who resembles a lion. A male lion.

Around the table were clearly younger, but not smaller, people. Three men and two women, each as handsome as they are fierce and full of strength. Even the youngest looking girl, Koffi who was only three years older than Farrell, looked like she could fight a medium-sized wild boar barehanded and win.

Jia Hyson stares at his new family, then looks at himself with a strange face.

Farrell's body type would be considered top class anywhere else in the world. Even as an eight year old he would be taller and fitter than the global average but compared to these giants, he really looked like a sickly and soft brown rabbit in a family of gorillas.

He had already known that he was born with a weaker appearance, even though his fighting prowess was not bad, and he was less robust and not as dark skinned as the others but now, seeing face to face the comparison between himself and his blood related relatives Jia Hyson really felt the difference between heaven and earth. Immediately his head was filled with messy ideas.

Could a simple genetic mutation even explain such a difference?

Could he be adopted?

Did his father cheat on his mother?

Was he born out of a stray peach floating down the river?!

It's too unscientific!

'Bebe can reveal that Prince Farrell Abioye is indeed the blood related child of the king and queen.'

'Impossible,' Jia Hyson silently spat, 'Can you not see these people are clearly the incarnations of big predators and this Laozi is a small house cat! No wonder Farrell was such an overcompensating dick! I bet everyone's dicks are bigger than mine here!' Then he pauses and briefly imagines exactly how big the spears these people were packing down there were.

Bebe: '...' Why did you bring dick size into this? Is that all you can think of?

"Farrell!" The lion-like woman's brown eyes brighten at the sight of her smallest and sweetest looking child. She was the only one who didn't hold the golden eyes that represents the royal bloodline but under the lighting there was a glimmer of yellow present that showed that she held some remnants of royal blood from her ancestors. "I'm so glad you came! I was worried that you would not leave your room after.." She glances at the man sitting at the head of the table. The man lowers his head looking guilt-ridden and regretful.

Jia Hyson pauses, searching through the most recent memories he had before his face spasms.

It seems that even at eight, Farrell was quite a spoiled brat. Picking fights and using his authority to order around people half to death. He was extremely self-conscious of his appearance, which honestly was fair, and would punish anyone who he thought looked down on him, found his looks funny or pitied him and his scrawny body.

This was due to being secretly mocked by the other noble children he had to play with in the palace. Since the prince was young he wasn't allowed to leave the palace grounds without apt supervision, because of obvious reasons. Therefore in order for him to socialize, influential families like branches of royalty or tribe leaders will push some children Farrell's age to be his playmates.

Unfortunately those playmates were not exactly very nice and liked to bully and tease Farrell as well as mock his 'girlish' looks and make him cry. Farrell had a lot of pride and was instilled since young to understand the weight of the royal blood he wields so he didn't dare admit that he was being teased and made fun of to his parents, especially since it would only highlight exactly what they were mocking him about. This in turn made Farrell want to act more tyrannical to show that he wasn't a helpless weak baby, to the point where he accidentally injured a servant the day before and was given a huge scolding from his father that he deeply respected.

The original Farrell had felt resentful and hurt. Children weren't able to think so complexly and for a boy like Farrell who had never heard a bad thing from his parents, this unexpected harsh scolding and subsequent punishment was like hearing a clap of thunder for the first time. Farrell saw himself, maybe not necessarily the victim but at the very least not in the wrong. Jia Hyson isn't sure but the fact is, afterwards Farrell was quiet for only a few weeks before beginning to act up even more than before. And so he begun his road to becoming a prodigal no good prince. It was a hopeless situation. If he was punished he would become worse after a few weeks but if they let him continue with blind eyes there was also no improvement.

Luckily, Jia Hyson has no desire to act like that. He was raised in a normal environment. Even if he didn't actually turn out normal, his manners were still very good and his attitude in public was equally very good if a little quiet at times if they drag on for too long. Many people had praised his gentle yet funny personality, though the people who really knew him just scoffed and called him two-faced. Which, was super rude, but whatever.

The point was, he was the type of person who didn't like asking salespeople in shops for help and disliked people that abused those that worked in customer service. This dislike further grew when he actually had to work in customer service jobs in the first world as Adrian. How could he have the face to tyrannically order servants around? To not even say please or thank you to these fellow human beings? Are you kidding? His mother would rise up from the grave to slap him ah! He couldn't play such a character!

Quickly he amends his expression into an awkward smile, and half bows in an expression of apologetic courtesy that his tutors had taught him, "Don't worry, I needed to hear what father said. This prince has reflected and wants to change his ways and better himself to be more like his parents and siblings."

His brothers and sisters looked surprised before nodding in satisfaction. His mother was also the same in response, but with a touch of motherly 'Aw they grow up so fast' nostalgia. His father was more shocked, having seen the reluctance firsthand while he was scolding Farrell, however quickly that was replaced with happiness and fatherly pride.

"I knew you had it in you Farrell. You're a good boy and all you needed was a good stern wake up call to get on the right track," King Kro praises, a hint of smugness directed at his wife. Queen Bayana however just glared at him, making the almighty looking beast of a man shrink back.

"You didn't have to be quite so harsh though!" The Queen says irritatedly, it was clear that they've bickered about this a lot today. To her, Farrell was the runt of the pack, quite literally, plus he was the cutest and best looking so obviously she felt a much more softer protective feeling than looking at her rougher children that could break stones with their fists. Even though mothers say they don't, they will inevitably compare their children. Against the other other siblings that were already quite outstanding in their strength for their age, Farrell was, well... it's a wonder that the woman didn't believe that a small breeze could kill her youngest to be honest. "And the punishment was too much! Farrell was probably so scared that his personality turned mild so quickly!"

King Kro sighs, it was a sigh filled with remorse. To be honest he too felt the same overprotective feelings toward Farrell however as a king and a father he had to be the stronger disciplinarian of the pair. Because it certainly was not going to be his wife that was for sure. "Your right again Bayana,"

Golden eyes look at Farrell with the sort of emotion that comes when you mistakenly thought that your best friend cheated on you and only then after beating him black and blue do you find out he has been helping your girlfriend look for wedding rings for you two this whole time. "Farrell forgive me, even as a punishment, to only have one servant take care of you for a month was a bit much. I think you've clearly learnt from your mistakes and as long as you go sincerely apologise to the servant you injured then you can have your privileges back."

Jia Hyson: '' It turns out one man's punishment can really be considered another man's privilege ah.

Bebe: '' Bebe still didn't understand how Farrell could be so unrestrained despite Host's explanations but Bebe thinks Bebe understands now.

The princes and princesses: ''

The older princes and princesses mouths twitch when they hear their father sound so desolate over forcing himself to enforce such a punishment. Even though they too like to dote on their youngest could their parents uphold their dignity as parents, no, as the heads of the monarchy, and not do it so obviously?

Only one servant for a month as punishment? When they did something wrong they were sent for survival training in the jungle as 'character building' or had to run laps around the palace, or something equally as painful and those same parents don't bat an eye! Not only that, a month was shortened to less than a day! Tell us the truth, we're not your real kids right?! Right?!

"Thank you father," Jia Hyson had to use a lot of willpower to not make a strange face at these overly doting parents, "But I," He bites his lip, trying badly not to laugh at the silliness of that so-called punishment, but to the family they could only see an expression of anxiety and nervous determination, "I want this lesson to stay with me well, I don't want to.. I don't want to be so mean anymore, so, so I request that I keep the full punishment!"

"My baby don't do this!" The queen instantly wails, getting out of her seat to embrace Jia Hyson into her gigantic bosom. Jia Hyson had been with a lot of women. But he had never experienced such a feeling of his head suffocating in softness and the rest of his body being crushed by what feels like two muscled arms carved from cement blocks. "You've already learnt your lesson, mother can tell you're genuine! Don't push yourself just to prove it! Don't listen to your horrid old man, he knows nothing! NOTHING!"

The horrid old man King Kro who knows nothing: '' Where is the love between husband and wife?

"Mother's right Farrell," The oldest daughter Princess Amina speaks out in support, "Your body isn't very good, and you're still developing. I don't think it's wise to risk your health when it's already so weak." Then in a hopeful voice she adds, "Maybe instead you could accompany your big sister and learn something from her? Big sister is looking at many important things, you'll learn the value of responsibility with big sister."

"Nonsense," The oldest son Prince Asafa says, his voice cold and sharp like a blade, "If Farrell wants to learn about responsibility what better way than to learn from the future crown prince?" Facing Jia Hyson his cold voice warms slightly, even if it was still very intimidating to hear, "Farrell, wear something formal. I have to go discuss something with the Elephant Tribe in the morning. We can go eat banana fritters afterward."

"Peh!" Second son, Prince Chuma spat, "Farrell's a kid, don't force him to sit by and listen to some boring hour long talk where nothing gets done. He should come with me to the barracks and I'll show him the ways of a warrior! Nothing says responsibility then seeing the protectors of Samotrelis in action!"

"Ew, Farrell and I don't like the stinky barracks!" Princess Koffi, the youngest daughter, complains impishly, "If you guys want to protect something, protect your hygiene! Farrell will come with me and mummy to look at the gems!"

"What about-"


Third prince, Prince Jaleel before he even begins is immediately cut off with a resounding rejection from everyone. He pouts unhappily. You accidentally lose a baby Farrell, a three year old Farrell, a five year old Farrell and a seven year old Farrell, ONCE and no one lets you hear the end of it. The last time wasn't even his fault!

Okay it was eighty percent his fault but in his defence that isn't a hundred percent. So.

Jia Hyson meanwhile had already sat down and began to eat, pretending wisely that none of the conversation had anything to do with him. It was a very loud meal and Jia Hyson had honestly never seen people eat so much food before but the raucous atmosphere was full of life and familial love, making him warm slightly.

This world was really very good ah.

"After much deliberation, your mother and I have decided that you are starting to develop a more mature outlook and to encourage you we should respect your opinions." King Kro tells him nervously the next morning. "However we couldn't bear the idea of you only having a one single simple servant to take care of everything for you. It wouldn't be fair to either your health and the servant who is used to doing general work. Johan has been training a personal attendant who can serve as both a bodyguard and a butler for you and even though it's a little early he's agreed to let you two meet and get used to each other. Do you understand Farrell?"

"Uh-huh," Jia Hyson instinctively replies but in truth he had only retained scraps of his new father's words. He's shocked and dazed as he stares at the other person next to the king.

It was a dark skinned young man, his height almost as tall as King Kro's but with a much less bulky frame. His body was brimming with wild muscular vitality and male pheromones, in terms of figure he had broad shoulders, a chest full of abs and a slim waist, and his straight black hair was in a simple ponytail that reached down to his lower back. There was an assortment of faint battle scars on his arms and exposed chest as well as a very prominent burn scar warping the skin on the left side of his originally very handsome, angular face, making for an intimidating sight. However that was not the first thing that captured Jia Hyson's attention though.

It was his eyes.

One silver. One black.

"Greetings my prince," A raspy deep voice emotionlessly and quietly spoke out, "This servant's name is Sefu Karamoy. May you always be protected and safe by my side."

Sefu Karamoy. The rebel leader that will cause an uprising.

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