Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 52: 3.6

Chapter 52: 3.6

Jia Hyson: '...' Oh no.

Bebe: '...' Horny dumb bastard.

Sefu Karamoy: '...' What a naughty kitten.

"What did you say?" Sefu's deep yet soft voice rasps. Even though he doesn't raise his voice it never fails to make the listener's own hair on the back of their neck rise. Villainous looks aside even his voice was that of a villain. A very sexy handsome-sounding one yes but still a villain all the same.

If Author God wrote Sefu Karamoy's profile it would probably be something like this: Sefu Karamoy, Rebel Leader. Hot but evil. Righteous. Probably scarred. Definitely an orphan. And that would be all the world had to go on to create this character. Honestly in retrospect the world is truly such a hard worker to do it's best to conform to the Author God's wishes no matter how many plot holes and inconsistencies they may curse upon it.

Anyway. Not the point. The point was that Jia Hyson may or may not have sexually harassed his future murderer. Which, like, wasn't the best move. Strategically. Or just objectively. At all.

But to be fair, it was a super hot image and Jia Hyson is definitely going to recall that fantasy late at night in the future hehe.

Bebe: 'Host please focus.'

"Uh, I mean," Jia Hyson stutters but then he realizes that he's essentially backed himself into a corner. He couldn't take it back nor could he pretend he didn't say anything or misspoke either. So, he decides to go all in and try the only viable option left in his head that he could use in this situation.

Righteous indignation.

"Well that's because you're a big liar!" Jia Hyson puffs his cheeks up, "I know you know how to read!"

Sefu: '...' Oof, busted.

However Sefu was not a man easily agitated. With his stony expression he doesn't even blink at Jia Hyson's little pointer finger. The scarred man's thin lips slowly curve into a vague rather sinister smile. "Do you... really think that's the case?"

Jia Hyson: '..Yes?' Oh no, he can even do that evil villain pause in the middle of the sentence that somehow makes the question sound like there's a deeper meaning or some secret that hasn't been uncovered. Suddenly Jia Hyson felt a bit of doubt.

Like a snake, Sefu senses the momentary weakness and latches on with his fangs. "Prince Farrell, you should never accuse someone of wrongdoing without proof." This was the longest thing he's ever said since he had entered Jia Hyson's room. And yet, somehow, Jia Hyson was not pleased.

"I-I have proof, I'm the eyewitness!" Jia Hyson protests a little irritatedly. This man would even argue with a child! Just be a decent human being and laugh this whole thing off as a stupid thing kids do okay?

"Just because I learnt a few words in passing I deserve to be punished?" Sefu slowly blinks, staring intently at Jia Hyson.

"Ehm..." Well when he says it like that. "But, you still lied." Jia Hyson says a little weakly. Even though he was totally in the right here he neither had the evidence nor the imposing demeanor to back him up.

Bebe: 'Also, Bebe wouldn't say Host is totally in the right.' After all which person brimming with righteousness can ask to spank another person so eagerly ah?

"But a spanking is too much ah?" Sefu persuades with surprising patience for someone who had previously looked like he hated the youngest prince with every inch of his undying soul. "When have you ever heard of a righteous person demand a spanking as punishment?"

Bebe: '...Host.'

Jia Hyson: 'Hm?'

Bebe: 'Bebe approves this man.' (o^-')b

Jia Hyson: '...' Who the hell needs your approval?! ()

"I'm s-sorry.." Jia Hyson lowers his head. At the very least he softened the spanking thing by giving himself a decent, if unsupported, reason for himself. Now it was just a problem of the little prince went a little too far instead of, the little prince was a little tyrant that was unjustifiably eager to punish people. Since the crime is softened a little it becomes easier and more believable to apologize after some struggle.

Sefu gazes complicatedly at the slightly bowed head of the little prince. In his heart the royal family was selfish, corrupt and arrogant murderers. From what he has heard Prince Farrell was especially unrestrained. Even at the tender age of eight he had injured a servant unjustly and was only let off with a scolding.

It turns out that what he had heard, at least about the youngest prince, may have been a little exaggerated however. Even if the king personally scolded Farrell, Sefu wasn't sure the child could stay so meek for so long if he was as the rumors said.

Seeing such a supposedly prideful prince lower his head really made Sefu feel a little moved toward the child, giving him a better impression of Farrell overall. And yet... the urge to bully him and make the proud kitten like prince cry had started to awaken in his heart.

"Sorry isn't good enough," Sefu says seriously, "Prince Farrell you need to learn the consequences of your actions by experiencing firsthand the punishment you casually wanted to force upon me. Didn't you also do the same and injured a servant the other day with that attitude?"

Jia Hyson: 'Aiyah I forgot I had this black pot pushed onto me by the original.' Farrell had already done so many bad things against the servants that Jia Hyson didn't even know what exactly happened with the one who had gotten injured. Plus he had been forgiven for it so he had forgot. Who knew it would smack him in the face so quickly?

Bebe: '...'

Bebe couldn't help but feel this world is really set on easy mode. Even if Host came when Prince Farrell was an adult, Host's biggest fear of an OOC penalty would still never come. They were that similar ah. As in, they were both scum men. Just in slightly different ways. One held an elegant scholarly outside and a demented perverted inside while the other was just a basic bitch overbearing playboy with princess syndrome.

Honestly it's Host should probably be coasting nicely through this story if it wasn't for the black pit that was this system shard's person. Bebe has long ago scanned Sefu Karamoy and sent the data to the bosses upstairs. It seems that in this world, instead of two shards there is simply just one which happens to have both the black and white colors.

This makes sense after further thought, after all, even though the Bipolar prince is said to have separate and distinct personalities, it is still shared by one system body. Even though Bebe has never seen a physical royal body, much less the Bipolar Prince's, it's logical to assume when it shatters there will inevitably be some shards with both black and white coloring. In fact, depending on the pattern of the Royal, there might be more shards with both colors than one.

Bebe isn't sure why exactly they've met so many of the shards but after some hypothesizing as it thinks back to the characteristics of Monroe, Drake, Tian Shun, Li Guiren and now Sefu, it thinks it has a possible explanation.

Perverts attracts perverts.

"You..." Jia Hyson has never felt less eloquent. First the inability to read and now losing a discussion regarding spanking?! His reputation of a great artist of words is going to crumble at this rate ah. "I, I am going to apologize! I have reflected and decided I'm going to change my ways!"

Sefu nods sternly, "Exactly, and yet you so quickly slipped back into your past self after only a day. That proves you haven't truly repented. Only by experiencing unfairness will you understand and take caution not to accuse others so hastily."

Bebe: '...' Bebe knew it. Pervert attracts pervert. Bebe must submit Bebe's theory to the Overseer.

Jia Hyson: '...' Aiyah? My reverse shota spanking fantasy suddenly got reversed?!

"But, but, but," Jia Hyson stares dumbly at his possible bodyguard slash attendant for life.

"Don't you want to be a good, righteous and upstanding noble prince deserving of being part of royalty?"

"Didn't you say a righteous person wouldn't ask for someone to be spanked?!" Jia Hyson desperately grasps. Even though he was a little more interested than he should about being spanked (though still a little sad about the reversal of his reverse shota dream) given the situation he was still essentially going to be this guy's boss. And no matter how one looks at it, getting spanked by your subordinate on the first day wasn't great.

But it was damn sexy.

Bebe: 'Host.....'

Jia Hyson: 'Yeah, yeah I got it. Focus.'

Sefu nods curtly again, face still as solemn and serious as ever despite talking about such... inappropriate content. "In order to make sure you become a righteous person this lowly servant is willing to sacrifice some of his own noble beliefs in the process."

Jia Hyson: '...Hehe but this Laozi doesn't need your sacrifice!'

Jia Hyson himself in the name of good sex can be particularly shameless when hitting on people but he also likes to keep up his polite gentleman persona in public and was particularly thin-skinned in that aspect. If the other person wasn't a close friend or family member or a hook up that he can easily cut out from his life, Jia Hyson's pride increases by five-fold and he is unwilling to be made a fool of. It's this adamant maintenance toward his public image that is probably why he hadn't gotten busted for various things in his original life.

Even though he's very interested in acting out this sort of play, the thought that if any of this slips out to the rest of the palace truly makes him reluctant. A palace wasn't like a household where things can be kept behind closed doors. There were so many people in the palace it was practically a small village in itself. If it gets out this would definitely be a black stain that would follow Jia Hyson forever.

So instead Jia Hyson begins to cry.

He doesn't do it immediately of course. He has enough experience with children, both in his original world and his last world with Li Guiren and Tian Shun, to know the best way to worm out of something as a child. Tian Shun was a very good baby and didn't do anything bad save for trying to bind Jia Hyson's immortal soul into his shadow for eternity at the end there. But Li Guiren that bear child got into all sorts of shit as well as managed to cutely get out of it. Jia Hyson, as the person Li Guiren had to appease the most to get out of being punished was very used to his tactics.

First look genuinely scared. Which was easy since Jia Hyson certainly was quite scared for his reputation.

Sefu's eyes flicker as a trace of fear flashes through the little boy's gaze, his milk coffee colored face paling to an even milkier coffee color. The sort of milk coffee that was more milk than coffee.

Second, slowly tear up. It's no good to suddenly burst into tears, the awful feeling of watching an oncoming train wreck is maximized when one can see all the signs and yet feel helpless in stopping the proceedings. A sudden crash and bang will be surprising but will not produce the same intensity of feelings for the aftermath. Of course this is only if you know how to cry beautifully, for beginners going straight to the silent tears is the best option. Fortunately for Jia Hyson he's a huge pervert with a tear fetish and the power of youth by his side.

"I, I'm..."

Sefu sees Prince Farrell tremble, golden eyes turning red and watery with unshed tears as he restrains himself by biting his quivering lower lip. The child looked very pitiful, a bullied baby kitten, invoking the guilt in his heart. Sefu wonders if this is how the little prince managed to get away with so much previously. If so, he grudgingly admits it's no wonder.

Next step is to temporarily admit defeat.

"Okay..." Prince Farrell sniffles, "Okay, I, I'll do it.. wuwu..." his voice soft and shaky and small. Half of Sefu wants to forgo this idea of punishment completely at this point, already plenty impressed the prideful little boy agreed, but the other half... the other half now really wants to continue to the end.

Now, finally, the waterworks.

As Prince Farrell reluctantly crawls across his lap, Sefu, unable to help himself, touches the small back awkwardly in an attempt to try assure the prince. Under his touch he can feel Prince Farrell tremble. His heart shook with shame at his own actions but at the same time a little... excitement.

If Bebe could hear his thoughts it would puke up blood. This was probably the most perverted persona so far.. that is successfully capable of fucking it's host anyway. It presumes Tian Shun might the biggest pervert but it will happily never know. To be fair though, Drake Lanzoni is currently the only persona that was successful in achieving a relationship with it's slutty host but Drake was sort of vanilla in the bedroom other than his food kink so.

Prince Farrell hesitates for a moment before changing his position from about to lay his torso onto Sefu's lap to sitting on the man's lap facing Sefu. Smooth arms that only have the faintest muscle definition reach up to wrap around Sefu's own thick neck and soft, shaking lips were pressed onto his large shoulder. "Thi-this.. this is okay right?" Farrell quietly asks, voice brimming with anxiety, his warm breath tickling Sefu's collarbone.

Even though logically he knew Prince Farrell was clearly nervous and wanted to hug him for reassurance during the punishment, Sefu couldn't help but feel the position to be incredibly suggestive.

He swallowed hard, but didn't let any emotion show in his face nor his voice. "This is acceptable."

However now he really wasn't sure he could do this anymore.

Prince Farrell was so small, so thin, so... breakable.

Sefu had to stay in the palace and earn everyone's trust. He had initially figured with Farrell's pride, embarrassing his little master was something he could get away with since the child would not want others to know he had succumbed to such humiliation, but if he really hurt the prince, well, even though Samotrelis has become more modernized in their views, the thrumming violence and bloodthirstiness of a warrior had yet to leave their country's veins. If the King finds out Sefu raised a hand to his little royal flower, even death may not save him.

So when he raised his hand and Prince Farrell began to sob into his chest, burying his face against his torso like a frightened, wronged kitten Sefu manfully ignores the disappointment in his heart and breathed a sigh of relief. Those strange feelings and urges he can go contemplate later alone, but right now he must remain a good servant that embodies loyalty, caring and faithfulness.

Bebe and Jia Hyson: '...' Hehe what loyalty, caring and faithfulness? Your hypocritical fakery has been seen through us this whole time.

"Wuwuwu, I, I, wuwu..." The little prince was gasping and weeping restrainedly, as if he truly believed he was keeping quiet enough for Sefu not to hear him. Sefu knew the child couldn't see his expression right now and a sardonic but amused smile flashed across his face. Such a cute, stupid kitten, so easy to bully. Must be easier to control. No need to push him too far ah.

His raised hand gently moves down to stroke the prince's back consolingly. "There, there," he rasps, "this lowly servant didn't mean it, but now does my prince understand how scary it is?"

Jia Hyson: 'This prince certainly understands how scary you are! What didn't mean it? Peh! As a pervert I could tell you were dead serious!'

Bebe: '...Do perverts have such telepathic abilities?' Maybe it's like in the stories where when a character masters a specific skill they gain superhuman abilities and insight.

Prince Farrell sniffles and mumbles a quiet, "En," before hugging Sefu tightly, crying softly until he falls asleep. Sefu waits a few minutes after Farrell's breathing even outs, rhythmically stroking the tired boy's back like stroking the fur of a pet, his eyes refusing to leave the soft, vulnerable prince curled into his arms. So trusting ah. It almost made him want to give up and just faithfully serve his little prince.

However he couldn't give up now.

So he will keep going.

No matter what.

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