Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 65: 3.19

Chapter 65: 3.19

The club Toxicity was a well known nightclub for young elites who want to party and go wild. It also had an adjoining bar, Poison, next door which was quiet and for more mature elites who want to drink and relax. Jia Hyson who has been around the city for a while was a VIP member of both places and could easily pass through and Zheng Ting, who was a daughter of one of the biggest families around, could also enter just as easily.

Zheng Ting has rushed out in her eagerness to meet the prince but that also meant she had to rush her dressing up process.

Jia Hyson who was drinking and chatting with a decent looking young man in a cozy quieter corner of Toxicity, was suddenly notified by Bebe of Zheng Ting's appearance. When he looked up he was a little shocked.

Zheng Ting was meant to be a white lotus bitch who had a deceivingly sweet face and a slim fairy body. Jia Hyson had briefly seen her usual appearance in a few magazines about the Zhengs and social media since she's a rich second generation small actress with some popularity. He might have seen her on television possibly as well but he's more a reader than a watcher, so he doesn't actually watch that many shows or movies.

Still he knows from the story at the very least what Zheng Ting likes to act like and he's seen photos which enforce that pure white lotus reputation so he was stunned to see Zheng Ting walk toward him in dangerously tall high heels with a sexy and incredibly slutty black tube dress and bright red lipstick.

Jia Hyson is sure that short dress was Vers*ce or something but wow, he if she jumped right now that small flimsy piece of fabric would not be able to cover anything important. Like. Anything.

He wasn't the only one who noticed her of course. This place was for the wealthy young crowd who wants to act rebellious, but not out of control, so there was some modicum of class even in this sort of rave party atmosphere. The waiters and waitresses were in tight tuxedos, the drinks were fun but not with a high alcohol content and even the escorts around the place were especially beautiful and sultry without being on the verge of trashy.

Generally only the nouveau rich children who want to flaunt it will dress loudly in gold, furs, and silk. Technically Zheng Ting could be considered one such child given her status and many other second gen children secretly dislike this little phoenix for flying up to the sky due to luck but she had not dressed so boldly before. Not to this extent anyways. At first glance people would think she was an escort, and one that had wandered out from the streets, not one of the expensive ones hired at Toxicity.

Jia Hyson: '???' What's with this plot development?

The man Jia Hyson was chatting up was a rich generation around the same age group as Zheng Ting and was also surprised. "Oh my god, is that Zheng Ting? Is she crazy?" The second generation looked part disdainful part interested.

"Zheng Ting?" Jia Hyson asks him, "I thought the Zheng family had only sons?"

"Oh they do, but for some reason the Zhengs wanted to go that extra step in their philanthropy and adopt a little orphan girl. That's Zheng Ting. The general consensus is that she's a sweet girl but I hear some unsavory rumors about her being a two-faced bitch and has a lover on the side despite managing to snag an engagement with Zheng Jinhai." The second generation seemed very happy to spill all the gossip. Jia Hyson gazes at him in deep interest with his mesmerizingly golden eyes, exciting him further. "In fact, I heard-"

"Oh no!"

Jia Hyson's reflexes were better than most and almost instinctively he stepped away from the thing falling his way. Zheng Ting genuinely shrieked when she hit the floor, making everyone turn to look at her with puzzled faces. The smarter ones though had already figured out what she was doing and was either smirking or shaking their heads derisively.

The rich second generation that Jia Hyson had been talking to had an especially bad expression look at her. Who couldn't see that he was talking with Prince Farrell right now? Do you think just because you're a Zheng and you're wearing such a skimpy outfit this Laozi will just stand by like soy sauce while you snatch my meal ticket?!

The rich second generation was not from a family as prominent as the Zhengs but he wasn't a soft persimmon either. He was Chen Fei, the beloved second son of the Chen group that holds a lot of weight in the media. Not many would offend him, especially given he specializes in gossip and has many good friends in all sorts of places.

Chen Fei was gay and he was a big fan of Prince Farrell, a literal prince from foreign lands who seemed to live a free life full of scandal and fun. Not only could he play around, the prince was still someone most of the big family heads had to show politeness too. This sort of godly second gen ability of being able to earn respect without working hard was really too domineering in Chen Fei's eyes!

Prince Farrell was his idol and crush and he had been endlessly excited when the prince showed interest in him tonight. While he knew the prince was dating Song Chuntao, Chen Fei only felt a little regret in his heart on not being able to try out the man's famed bedroom skills. What he was really after was a connection! After all if they became good brothers how great would it be?! Even his father and brother will no longer scold him when he goes out to play with the prince!

Dating is so unstable, to hold the thigh better Chen Fei will ignore his desires and try promote a relationship of brotherhood!

Forget Zheng Ting, even if the head of the Zhengs came out to stop tonight from happening he would still fight them! This was his golden ticket! No! This was Willy Wonka himself! He must hug the thigh!

Willy Wonka Jia Hyson: 'No... all I wanted was some kissing and a sloppy blowjob in the bathroom.'

Chocolate Factory Bebe: _ '...Please be a little less honest about your intentions.'

Zheng Ting flushes and looks up at Jia Hyson with watery eyes. "I-I'm sorry," she meekly apologizes.

Jia Hyson could see her cleavage from his angle. Not only that, the dress was so short that her kneeling also expose the roundness of her ass as well as the equally as revealing lacy underwear. He wonders if Zheng Ting was into public humiliation or something because this is the sort of embarrassing situation that could really only be planned.

Ah, it's a pity Zheng Ting was a very important character with good cannonfodder settings, if she was a replaceable character in the story Jia Hyson would be very happy to convert her and make her his pet. Those arrogant idiots with high pride but were easily swayed were the absolutely the very best to bully~

Zheng Ting catches the flash of lust in Jia Hyson's golden eyes and inwardly applauds herself. Song Chuntao was such a prude, in order to attract the playboy prince she figured that sexiness was the way to go. And now it seemed her decision was the right one.

"Are you okay young lady?" Jia Hyson smiles blandly as he politely lends a hand to help her out. Interested or not it wouldn't do for rumors to spread that he wasn't gentlemanly.

"I am now," Zheng Ting blushes and smiles, "Thank you sir," her eyes flicker up and down, checking out Jia Hyson's body appreciatively. Prince Farrell looked even better in person.

Jia Hyson raises his eyebrows, feigning surprise, "You don't recognize me?"

Blinking her eyes innocently she looks up at him blankly, "Should I?"

Next to him, Chen Fei snorts as he takes a swig of his drink, "Lying whore," he mutters and Zheng Ting flushes but this time from being caught out.

Hiding his sneer, Jia Hyson merely kept smiling bemusedly. "Well young lady, if you're okay I hope you have a pleasant night." It was a subtle dismissal emphasized further as he turns to Chen Fei without hesitation.

"Wait!" Zheng Ting panics, she had already wore such skimpy clothing, if she fails to catch the prince now she'll become a laughingstock in the circle. "I-I think I hurt my ankle! It hurts to put pressure on it.. may I, may I share a seat with you sir?"

If Chen Fei had the ability he would have strangled Zheng Ting. She even had the gall to completely ignore him! Does she really think as long as she can catch Prince Farrell no one wouldn't talk about what happened here?

Even if she succeeds people will just see her as a slut who throws herself at a man with a girlfriend. And if they don't... hehe well Chen Fei will make them see.

In the end Chen Fei didn't need to do much for rumors to start up. Toxicity was a place filled with people in the circle, even if there was no paparazzi around the area, there were security cameras and phone cameras. It was inevitable the news came out.

Jia Hyson had made sure to show he was uncomfortable with the woman but had messaged Sefu and his guards not to step in and do anything. In the story Song Chuntao didn't suspect her good sister for a long time until suddenly she did when she overheard a secret conversation by chance.

Right now it's been a while since Song Chuntao and he broke up, and Song Chuntao and Zheng Jinhai were already circling around each other like vultures sharing the same prey. At this point Jia Hyson predicts that it will be sooner than later when they finally have sex meaning a large chunk of story has passed. It shouldn't be too early to give a hint that Zheng Ting isn't what she seems.

Song Chuntao still held some typical oblivious female protagonist white lotus attributes especially towards Zheng Ting who she truly believes is a naive sweet girl. Even if her trust in her is shaken it won't break so easily so this was a good opportunity to not only give Zheng Ting a small setback and develop Song Chuntao's character a bit. Chen Fei was an unexpected boon too, a bit bitchy but very informative about various things and useful, not to mention quite handsome. Jia Hyson gave him his contact information before he left.

He may or may not have also earned an enemy in Zheng Ting. She's quite a narrow minded person and may either blame Jia Hyson for not giving her face or she may even just push her grievances onto Song Chuntao given how high Prince Farrell's status is. Either way it really doesn't affect him too much.

What does affect him is a text from Song Chuntao a few weeks later.

When he sees it he immediately puts down everything to call her. "Chu Chu, are you serious?"

"Un, I'm, I'm going to do it tonight."

Jia Hyson smiles brightly, "Well, makes sure to use protection. Safe is sexy and all."

"..Scram!" She curses him embarrassedly but it's clear she's looking forward to tonight greatly. Whether due to her lust or for reasons more pure she was excited and began to chatter enthusiastically about her plans with Zheng Jinhai.

Weighing the pros and cons Jia Hyson decides to pour a bit of cold water into her parade, "You sound more eager for tonight than you ever did when we talked about our plans," He accuses in a joking tone, "I'm a little jealous ah,"

Song Chuntao on the other end goes silent. Probably realizing her excitement was indeed a little too much. Jia Hyson patiently gives her a minute to reflect about her wavering resolve, doubt herself then finally delude herself with a reason like 'I've been waiting for revenge for so long of course I'm excited it's normal' while ignoring the small part of her telling her that she fell in love with the man all over again. These sort of internal struggles don't actually take the split second that stories make them out to be, unless the story specifically says it took a split second they actually take more like, thirty.

Jia Hyson: 'I could've made some instant noodles by the time she finishes thinking ah.'

Bebe: 'Could you?'

Jia Hyson: '...I could've ordered someone to make me instant noodles by the time she finishes thinking.' In this world forget cooking, he barely touched the kettle in the hotel room. Sefu was very thorough in doting on him. If Jia Hyson didn't have his memories of his lives previous to this he could really say that he probably would become so dependent on Sefu he might actually die without him ah.

Bebe: 'There it is.' It's Host was so forgetful, it's already a miracle that it's Host can still function without Sefu, that sly bastard.

Anyway, it was a good moving gaining Song Chuntao's friendship. It wasn't like the author decided to detail the exact date, time and place the amnesia accidents took place, and unless Jia Hyson and Bebe splurged on the OP system skill [Omniscient Reader] which will provide all the intricate details of the story that wasn't put in, they wouldn't be able to know unless they stalked Zheng Jinhai twenty-four seven.

[Omniscient Reader] was the atypical OP skill that is probably what most QT story systems use. Can tell when this event or plot point is happening, can tell who recorded who secretly, and can even tell that this character is currently scheming with that character in this house in that room by which lamp. It won't tell you affection points or anything but for objective detail there was probably nothing you would be wanting for. Bebe also used to have this skill but...

Bebe: 'Host, you promised you wouldn't get angry about it anymore.'_

Jia Hyson: 'Sorry ( ` ) but every time I remember that laser cannon you have, I want to ki- hit you.'

Bebe: '...Were you about to say-'

Jia Hyson: 'Kick. I was about to say kick but I thought it was too harsh and decided on hitting instead ah.'

Bebe: '...'

Jia Hyson: 'Why? You think I want to kill you? Do you think I'm that sort of evil unscrupulous person?'

Bebe: '...'

Jia Hyson: 'Hehe.'()

Bebe: QAQ

"It's not like that," Song Chuntao finally says and Jia Hyson honestly almost forgot he was talking to her in the first place. "I- it's not like that."

"Sure, sure," He agrees with half-hearted assurance, showing some doubt before sighing, "Just be careful ah. There is no condom that can protect your heart."

Song Chuntao: '...wtf.' Are you trying to turn this drama into a comedy?

However the comment did manage to ease her conflicting feelings a lot. Exasperatedly she chuckles and bids Jia Hyson goodbye.

Jia Hyson hangs up and touches his nose thoughtfully. The first amnesia event... should it continue as it was originally meant to or should it be stopped?

The amnesia event is like this- after sleeping with each other Zheng Jinhai will leave before Song Chuntao wakes up. Somehow Zheng Ting heard about Song Chuntao's confession through the fastest game of telephone ever and also in the same evening overheard from her 'friends' at a party that someone caught sight of the pair entering a hotel room before they arrived to the venue. Zheng Ting gets jealous and threatened by this secretary who managed to seduce Zheng Jinhai under her nose, and so arranges someone to push Song Chuntao onto an oncoming car.

However, because Song Chuntao's persona is fake with no social media accounts, and time was limited, Zheng Ting could only get a picture with both Zheng Jinhai and Song Chuntao in the same frame. Obviously the person hired wasn't sure which person to push because Zheng Ting was vague as fuck due to her currently being at a public gathering of gossipy socialites and just assumed it was Zheng Jinhai because, well, first come, first served ah.

Zheng Jinhai is pushed into the road and gets almost hit by a car but dodges amazingly in the last minute before slipping on a puddle and falling into a wall.

The consequence was that he would forget his most recent memories and no longer recall sleeping with Song Chuntao as well as her confession from that day which had finally triggered their relationship to break through from good acquaintances that were attracted to each other to lovers. This memory loss causes him to act distant but still friendly, confusing and hurting Song Chuntao deeply.

On one hand this is only the second time and the reaction from the readers at this point was still good and it gave Song Chuntao an opportunity to shake off some of her love sickness and firm her wavering resolve for vengeance.

But on the other hand... it was so stupid. So fucking stupid. Like damn, Jia Hyson dislikes this sort of trope that was made specifically to force out a misunderstanding.

Also, wasn't Song Chuntao's honeypot identity his personal secretary? Shouldn't it make sense that she would be alerted to such an important fact for professional reasons if nothing else. A whole day is missing from his memories ah, ignoring the fact he forgot Song Chuntao, or her persona at least, confessed and slept with you, he also forgot everything important he did during the work day!

What if he had made a big decision in the boardroom or something? Or he had some suspicions about subordinate X's behaviour? Like, he didn't, but how would he know? He had amnesia!

Jia Hyson looks over the summary for the scene again before sighing heavily. It really was a mess of coincidences and mistakes. In these sort of stories, the one major thing everyone seems to be constantly missing is communication.

After a few more minutes weighing the pros and cons, Jia Hyson decides to cut off a decent amount of filler in the leads' relationship progress and prevent the amnesia event. For the sake of some extra drama and fun, there should be a second amnesia event in the story but it shouldn't be too serious to really delay the plot. More a lighthearted thing than anything.

He also figures he needn't show his face in order to prevent this event either. It may come off as a bit creepy if he just 'so happened' to be in front of the hotel room the morning after given that Song Chuntao already told him the details. Plus if he appears to save Zheng Jinhai every time it'll definitely be suspicious.

Calling two of his most competent chinese guards over, Jia Hyson instructs them to watch over both Song Chuntao and Zheng Jinhai tomorrow, starting very early in the morning. One of them will disguise themselves as hotel staff and the other will stake out the entrance of the hotel in casual clothing. He emphasises how he doesn't even want the pair to suffer from even a scratch, and yes, Zheng Jinhai is included, in fact he should be more prioritised than Song Chuntao.

"I'm serious here," Jia Hyson stresses to the two, "If Song Chuntao and Zheng Jinhai both trip at the same time you must choose to save Zheng Jinhai. Zheng Jinhai. Okay? Not Song Chuntao. Zheng. Jinhai."

The two guards: '' We're sorry but is Zheng Jinhai your ex or is Song Chuntao?

Sefu: '' First he seduced Zheng Xin, then Zheng Ting tried to pursue him and now is his kitten aiming to complete the full set?

Thinking about it some more, Jia Hyson felt it wasn't enough and calls another guard to specifically watch over Zheng Jinhai as well. Then he went on Weibo and offered everyone 1000 yuan for every puddle they mop up and 500 yuan for every piece of trash they pick up around the hotel that Song Chuntao told him she planned to bring Zheng Jinhai to. However before he sent the post he hesitated before finally changing it to every area around all the hotels in C City- photos required of course.

Jia Hyson: 'Personal guards, mopped up puddles, no random banana peels.. that porcelain doll of a male lead shouldn't slip on anything now right?'

Bebe: 'What if he trips on someone who was looking for garbage thanks to your weibo post?'

Jia Hyson: ''

Jia Hyson suddenly felt that this was the most high maintenance male lead ever.


Zheng Jinhai comes out the morning after with his memory unscathed but there were multiple close calls. First the oncoming car still happened which he dodges nicely. Then he slips, not on a puddle, but just some particularly damp moss on the street. Guard A thankfully catches him before he hit his head, and then blocks a falling wine bottle- courtesy of a domestic dispute on a hotel room balcony- for Zheng Jinhai with his body. This impact of course is pretty damaging so Guard A had to leave with Guard B to the hospital. Guard C, the one who disguised as hotel staff that had been lurking in the lobby, watching over this train wreck ends up having to take over.

It was a good thing he took the initiative too because, seeing that Zheng Jinhai was still both alive and well, the man hired by Zheng Ting makes his move again. Guard C was no soft persimmon and had been watching the man vigilantly since the initial push, and wasted no time playing the good samaritan and tackling the man, subduing him easily. Once the man was knocked unconscious, Zheng Jinhai's driver finally appears and Zheng Jinhai gives Guard C a generous tip for saving his life.

Jia Hyson listens to the report and then gives all three guards a huge bonus and extra vacation days for their troubles, especially to Guard A, because, obviously.

He then calls his female guard Wu Lanfen, "Shadow Zheng Jinhai, I suspect someone's targeting him." Now that he's prevented the first event and Zheng Jinhai has still retained his memories well the ones he didn't lose the first time anyway, who knows if there was a butterfly effect or not?

Wu Lanfen gives him an odd look but agrees. She was the most professional out of the group so even if she had numerous questions she would restrain herself and just do her job.

The other international guards however, despite all being big men, were gossipy like old grandmothers. When Jia Hyson retires back to his bedroom with Sefu inviting himself in, the guards immediately began to talk amongst themselves. Even the Samotrelian guards joined in, after so many years a strong camaraderie was eventually established and during that time they also learnt how to gossip.

Guard A: "Do you think our prince is trying to snatch Zheng Jinhai in order to win back Song Chuntao?"()

Guard Zezek: "The prince is truly a man with unfathomable means of seduction if that's the case."()

Guard F: "No, A is onto something here, if Farrell seduces Zheng Jinhai on the sly then Song Chuntao might run back to him ah. After all, in terms of sex our little boss is number one!" (^^)

Guard B: "Oh my~ F~ if big boss finds out you slept with the small boss~"(/*)o

Guard F: "Roll B! I'm straight and still have a will to live! I'm just saying that since I've seen literal celebrities beg the prince to be their sex friends! It's nothing else! Don't make up such dangerous things!"()

Guard C: "I don't know, maybe small boss just wants to taste the man who stole his girl. It's definitely an exotic flavor he's never had before hehe." ()

Guard D: "No ah, it's gotta be to achieve a threesome! A threesome!" *:. o()o .:*

Guard F: "Bah! Shut up D, you damn virgin! All you're ever interested in is threesomes!" ()

Guard Bakli: "(^) It's a pity the prince cannot see that his true love is right by his side ah."

Guard Zezek: "()Agreed."

Guard B: "Aiyah~ Aiyah~ You Samotralians are surprisingly so romantic~ (`) But I disagree~ It's been so long ah, if they haven't fucked by now they'll probably never do it~ ( )"

Guard E: "For the love of god B, stop talking like that it's so creepy."(_)

Guard B: "That's not what our little boss said last night~~~" ()

Head Guard Sefu: "Oh? And what did he say?"

The group of guards all as one turned to see the scarred big boss staring at them with a faint smile that seemed to full of villainous intentions and again, as one, they scattered like frightened chickens meeting a hungry wolf. It could be said they really were highly trained and had a strong camaraderie to be able to act so quickly in unison. Unfortunately Sefu, as the head guard, held this position for a reason and cornered Guard B who was now as silent as a timid quail.

"Ha ha, b-boss," Guard B weakly laughs, no trace of his flirtatious lilting tone in his voice, "how, how much did you hear?"

Sefu hums softly before repeating, "It's been so long, if they haven't fucked already they will never do it?"

Guard B: '...'

Other guards: 'You're on your own brother.'

Sefu: 'Hehe.'

Guard B: QAQ

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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