Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 67: 3.21

Chapter 67: 3.21

Lying down on the backseat of a car, using Sefu's lap as a pillow Jia Hyson weakly groans. Even though his physical body is very good his original illness of getting headaches and nausea when stuck in a car for too long still haunts him, albeit to a lesser extent. Due to being stupid and leaving the airport not only at peak hour but also during holiday season, Jia Hyson's carsickness eventually acted up again making him feel quit miserable.

Sefu strokes his head sympathetically but couldn't help but find his kitten's weak and pitiful appearance very cute. "Half an hour more," He rasps.

Jia Hyson weakly groans again, his dissatisfaction clear. What's worse is, with all the pollution in the country these days he couldn't even open the car windows to try get some fresh air as an attempt to alleviate the feeling of constricting stuffiness. He really did feel genuinely unhappy about the situation and burrows his face into Sefu's torso, the faint smell of his body comforting him somewhat.

Finally reaching the hotel Jia Hyson tiredly slinks in only to suddenly have encountered a scene.

Some man and Zheng Ting were arguing in the lobby. It wasn't incredibly loud but it definitely felt like it was going to be if no one stopped them. As Jia Hyson continued to watch with only a vague interest the elevator opens and Song Chuntao in her disguise with Zheng Jinhai came out hand in hand.

Jia Hyson: '...' Is it because I brought the protagonist over so many times this hotel suddenly became a hotspot for story scenes?

The man, Bebe informs Jia Hyson, is one of the suitors Zheng Ting has on the side. Her character is meant to be a fake white lotus and has seduced a few men in order to help her in the story. The most important one is a big hidden boss who she inadvertently saved a while back. Even though she didn't treat that big boss very well, because of that one act of charity he was still very loyal.

Only later on when he revealed his worth did Zheng Ting grab firmly onto his thigh, making the poor man eventually sink down with her.

Of course to not make him too sympathetic a character the Author God made him a ruthless member of the underworld. Drugs. Prostitution. Human trafficking. The Author God literally just listed out a few things to illicit the disgust of the readers and threw it on the man to carry these black pots. If you think too hard about it, it all becomes very tragic.

Jia Hyson felt sorry for the poor bastard but what could he do about it? He was here to fix stories not save lives. And that unfortunate small golden thigh was very important to the plot since it provided Zheng Ting a big comeback and a dramatic final clash.

Of course the man arguing with Zheng Ting in the lobby was not that hidden boss. Just a normal small boss. He most likely found out that Zheng Ting was putting multiple green hats on him or something due to the butterfly effect of the protagonist's actions.

To be perfectly honest, Jia Hyson has to admire people capable of stepping on so many boats at the same time. He doesn't approve cheating obviously, but as a person who couldn't remember their teachers' names until the last month before school ends- that sort of multitasking that required memory, time management and physical fitness... tch, tch, it really was beyond his capabilities. ()

Bebe: '...' Thinking about it, it does sound like a lot of work. His lazy host probably was genuinely not capable of it. ()

One can't underestimate his spicy chicken memory. In his original life he literally once forgot he was dating someone. It was a long term distance thing and the other person was busy with work and Jia Hyson didn't have the motivation to text all the time and there was just nothing to talk about... in short he intended to break up with the other but he ended up forgetting to.

The other person ended up requesting a break up over the phone later. It was very amiable. The point was that Jia Hyson almost forgot who that person was after a few weeks despite dating for a month. When the person began their 'It's not you, it's me' speech, he had to hold himself back from blurting out 'Who dis? Wrong number?'

Still. Very amiable break up. Really. Not all his relationships end up with an explosion and people trying to kill him okay? (.)

Anyways, Song Chuntao in her persona Chu Min Song, and Zheng Jinhai of course was drawn to the ensuing scene of Zheng Ting's argument with Mr Green Hat. Jia Hyson looks at the big picture and quickly makes the choice to leave himself out of it. He was too tired to deal with this shit anyway so he does his best to quietly walk to the reception desk.

Unfortunately as a Samotrelian, even a small one, he was larger than most Chinese people. Plus he was dark skinned, had a very good figure and eye-catching thick and long black hair in a ponytail. Added to that was his natural wild attractiveness that exuded sexiness so if the people weren't eating melon seeds around the fight they would be gawking at Jia Hyson.

Eventually Song Chuntao who was a bit more distant and less invested in Zheng Ting also noticed the change in attention and her eyes moved to land on him.

Jia Hyson: 'Ah. Bai Li Wei from the previous world had the curse of a tragic beauty but as Prince Farrell, I am now experiencing the curse of being too fucking sexy for my own good.' ()

Bebe: "_ Maybe next world we skip the middleman and just curse you then.'

Jia Hyson: '...' _ Please don't.

"Prince Farrell?!" Song Chuntao calls out in surprise, and suddenly not only her gaze but even Zheng Ting and Zheng Jinhai's gaze was on his figure now.

Jia Hyson silently curses Song Chuntao, way to be a fucking protagonist who needs to shout out everything when surprised. And in your disguise too.

Hiding his annoyance Jia Hyson pastes on a polite smile and waves to everyone like the royalty he is before immediately walking confidently over to the check in counter with his guards. Sefu shoots a dark glare at Song Chuntao before following.

Song Chuntao: '...' Okay she may have made a mistake in calling her friend out but was that glare necessary? That man was still so full of vinegar ah.

"Min Song? You know him?" Zheng Jinhai's face wasn't very good when he saw Zheng Ting and it grew worse when he saw Prince Farrell. For Zheng Ting, recently his impression of her has started to drop and he held suspicions that she was behind the incident where he got pushed into a car after sleeping with Chun Min Song, and possibly even the car accident that made him lose his memories originally. However she was someone he grew up with so he still felt very complicated in regards to his feelings toward her.

Prince Farrell however he held no personal connection to and could feel as much dislike as he wanted with only some guilt. Over time when he met Song Chuntao coincidentally or due to business he had grown to respect her abilities greatly and actually fond them quite compatible in personality.

However both of them had a significant other, and he truly did like, possibly love, Chu Min Song so he could only feel a little regret and a lot of guilt for these feelings toward Song Chuntao that won't seem to go away. He felt even worse when he couldn't help but see Song Chuntao in ever action of Chu Min Song's.

So his dislike of Farrell was mainly due to pure jealousy. Zheng Jinhai was aware that it was quite childish and unfair given the situation but he couldn't help it. It also didn't help that other than his work ethic, the prince seemed to win against him in almost every other aspect. Looks, money, status... as some who was usually in the position of other people's envy, it was really too frustrating!

Song Chuntao quickly shakes her head with an innocent look, "No, ah, no, it's just that I follow him on Weibo. He's quite funny and his photos are good so I'm a small fan."

Nodding Zheng Jinhai accepts the excuse with only a little discomfort. This was very believable, after all, Prince Farrell's Weibo account wasn't any less than popular than those top tier movie emperors. What made him more bitter was that a lot of people in the Zheng group with big fans. He's fairly sure even caught his big brother Zheng Xin scrolling through Prince Farrell's profile...

He doesn't know why but he doesn't want to know. _(:3)_

Since Prince Farrell is minding his own business, Zheng Jinhai will do the same. He's still more concerned about Zheng Ting and that oddly familiar man after all.


"Soo... how's Zheng Jinhai?" Jia Hyson pushes up his fluorescent yellow-rimmed sunglasses and sips on a tropical mocktail. Song Chuntao sighs and absentmindedly twirls the straw on her own colorful fruity drink.

"I.. I don't know, you know? Sometimes I feel like this was a bad idea," She confesses.

Jia Hyson: '...Well, it was. But it's too late to say that now ah.'

"You totally fell for him again then?" Jia Hyson knowingly raises his eyebrow. "I did tell you this might happen."

"I know, I know!" She groans, "And I tried to tell myself he's no good but he's so sweet and caring just like before- I just!"

Jia Hyson silently sympathizers with her. Even though he's never personally experienced it himself he's seen and read about people having such a pure and long lasting love for one person that could never be fully extinguished no matter what.

Though Jia Hyson was ultimately grief-stricken in regards to Drake and Monroe from the first world, it didn't stop him from falling in love again later on. He wasn't like Song Chuntao who could still hold a strong love for Zheng Jinhai despite everything and was incapable of loving anybody else. Call it cold-hearted but Jia Hyson was glad he wasn't one of those people though. If he was, how tiring would that be given his occupation as a system host?

"Chu Chu... you have to make a choice," Jia Hyson finally says after some thought. Right now he was the main emotional support in her life. Originally it was the two-faced Zheng Ting who she confessed everything to and Zheng Ting 'accidentally' reveals it to Zheng Jinhai causing huge drama. It's not bad given the genre but it's not possible right now. At this point the revised story is more lighthearted than before so Jia Hyson as the supporting male lead has to say some decent things. "You can tell him the truth, or you can continue the plan. Either way it'll hurt him though, but I do recommend the first one if you're really serious on trying again."

"...Is there a third option?"

"Sure there is," Jia Hyson sarcastically replies, rolling his eyes, "Samotrelis is quite remote and since you're my friend I can let you live comfortably in the palace for the rest of your days."

"Be serious!" She reaches over the table to smack him playfully upside the head.

"I am. I could probably convince my parents to make you an honorary princess." Jia Hyson laughs, "I still haven't told them we broke up by the way. So better make your choice soon or I may snatch you away ah."

"You-!" She touches her forehead feigning a headache, "It's been so long now! You still haven't told them?! You unfilial child!"

Jia Hyson shrugs, "When I find a partner I'm interested in being together for a long time I was going to tell them then ah. But if you're planning to get with Zheng Jinhai then I've got to tell them beforehand since that man's pretty high profile."

"...So if I fell for normal person you might have kept the fake relationship up?"

Silently Jia Hyson sips on his drink, eyes looking away.

Song Chuntao ground her teeth, this man was really such a slag! They ended up moving onto different topics but later when she went home she deeply thought about what he said before before making a decision in her heart.

That night, Zheng Jinhai gets a call from Song Chuntao, as Chu Min Song, asking him out for a date to talk. Zheng Jinhai, as a typical domineering CEO protagonist, immediately agrees and clears the schedule for the day after, much to the chagrin of his other subordinates. He does have some concerns about the sudden call so late but he can only swallow his nervousness down and force himself to patiently wait for tomorrow.

Of course this wasn't really Jia Hyson's problem.

"Oh~!" Jia Hyson throws his head back and groans loudly and wantonly in pleasure as he slowly inserts the slicked up object inside him. "Fuck!" He hisses as he pushes it deeper inside himself so it brushes forcefully against his most sensitive spot making his whole body tingle pleasantly. He begins slowly and shallowly thrusting the object inside him, panting and moaning as he lays on his back.

Turning his head to the side, he grins evilly at the small hidden recording device he had fished out thanks to Bebe's help. Edging closer to it, he lets himself give a soft but sultry moan into it. "Please..." he pants out, "deeper... fuck me.. uhn... so, so good..."

Bebe: '...' What a goddamn bastard.

Meanwhile in the room next door Sefu was feeling greatly tormented as his computer spits out his prince's erotic voice in the middle of his moment of self-pleasure.

This normally doesn't happen. It doesn't. Really.

These recording devices are meant to record the audio information into the computer for Sefu to listen back on if needed, something he doesn't do unless in an emergency. Ever since he realized he held deep feelings for his prince and decided to no longer fulfill his duties as a rebel, Sefu had become more respectful of Farrell's privacy. Unless there was a situation that required the devices to be played back, for example to find clues if someone kidnapped the prince in that room etc the recordings were pretty much gathering dust in his computer. Even if he was greatly, greatly, greatly tempted, Sefu really didn't listen to those audio records.

But for some reason, instead of another quiet night, something must have gone wrong in the program and now he had an audio livestream of his kitty in heat at full volume. Worse still, his laptop has glitched and froze, meaning he couldn't stop the recording. Not even turning it off worked.

Listening to Farrell's breathless panting and the faint sounds of something slippery moving in the background... it was more than enough for Sefu's imagination to run wild.

After all, he's seen Farrell naked, he's walked in on Farrell having sex, he's seen his prince flushed and sweating and aroused, he had even touched...

"Mmnnn... daddy please.. nhnn... no....."

Sefu swallows heavily, body burning with excitement and want as he continues to helplessly listen. He wants to cover his ears but even more than that he wants to make it his ringtone and listen to it everyday.

Before he even realized it his hand had subconsciously slipped underneath his clothes and began to slowly stroke at his hardening length, greatly stimulated by the sound of his sexy kitten's mewling voice.

As a man he really felt like he was close to breaking point by now. Sefu truly felt like someone was doing this deliberately.

Jia Hyson: Hehe ()

That night it wasn't just the protagonists who had a restless sleep.


The next day Jia Hyson woke up early with a pleasant ache in his backside and a great mood. Quickly he takes the recording device that was still laying on his bed and hides it back in it's usual place, stuck on the inside of the bed frame corner. Afterwards his stretches his body languidly and rolls out of bed.

'Bebe, how's Sefu?'

As a system, Bebe could still do basic hacking and surveillance, especially in a basic modern world like this one. Though Jia Hyson usually doesn't ask Bebe to do much with it, that didn't mean Bebe couldn't. After all, despite everything, there was a reason why Bebe got to become a specialized Beta system instead of some of it's other system friends.

Unfortunately it's skills were now used to tease it's host's future beau half to death.

Bebe: '...' Bebe is wasted on this slag.

Still, it obediently answers with only some reluctance, 'Rubbed himself all night, probably slept for only a few hours. He's currently sleeping now.'

Jia Hyson giggles, 'Do you have a video? If you do save it for me okay?'

Bebe immediately deletes all the data from it's memory. 'Sorry, Bebe didn't realize Host would be such a pervert. Bebe forgot to film it.' Bebe deadpans.

Jia Hyson, this technology slag, wasn't suspicious at all and just sighs regretfully, 'Such a shame ah, but that's fine I guess. Next time then, next time,' thinking about Sefu uncontrollably pleasuring himself because of a little voice recording he made.. He licks his lips and he can feel his lower half perk up in interest again despite the workout it went through last night. Mmn, yeah, that's an image he'll use later.

'...What does Host plan to do today?'

Humming happily, Jia Hyson pulls out a bright casual T-shirt and dark ripped jeans to wear. All top brands of course. 'Song Chuntao is planning to reveal her identity. She'll be nervous, Zheng Jinhai will be nervous- it's practically begging the story to add something more to the mix. Like an amnesia event. Just in case I should be around as an added protective measure for Zheng Jinhai's sake.' He mentally explain, 'Bebe, tell me when Chu Chu leaves her apartment for her date and see where's she meeting him.'

'On it!'

Brushing his hair in the mirror and lightly putting some gold eye glitter on, Jia Hyson grins. His face naturally seductive and mischievous. "Good," even his voice was sexy, slightly roughened and hoarse. It was easy to imagine how hard he played a few hours ago. "Now, let's go give Sefu a personal wake up call~ "

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