Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 82: Extra 2- Interview for Meta Magazine vol 1

Chapter 82: Extra 2- Interview for Meta Magazine vol 1

Jia Hyson: "Well Bebe, it's been three worlds we've been travelling together eh? What do you say, shall we call it quits now?"

Bebe: "Bebe is pretty sure our readers will riot if we ended it here."

Jia Hyson: "Aiyah, I've gone on infinite hiatus with stories with followers hundred of times larger than this readership group and look at where I am now."

Bebe: "Didn't you get stabbed?"

Jia Hyson: ""

Jia Hyson: "That is completely unrelated to the topic."

Bebe: "" It's pretty related.

Jia Hyson: "Anyway Bebe what are we here for?"

Bebe: "Well host, to celebrate reaching three worlds one of the big bosses upstairs want to conduct an interview with us and your gongs ah. Some baby systems have generated many questions for us to ask for their enjoyment."

Jia Hyson: "That sounds like a shitty made up excuse an author took less than a minute to make up. There are so many plot holes in that sentence it's laughable."

Bebe: "" Bebe senses you're going to pay for that in the next world.




Bebe, who do you root for? Team Gong Yin (Monroe and Tian Shun), Team Gong Yang (Drake and Li Guiren) or Team Gong Yin-Yang (Sefu)? 


Bebe: 'Oh, like right now? Easy. Team Yin all the way,'

Jia Hyson: 'Hmm... Interesting choice, why is that?'

Bebe: 'That's easy. So far the Yin faction haven't managed to successfully fuck my host yet.' 

Jia Hyson: '...' So it stems from the father mentality of choosing the good virgin boy over the sex and drugs bad boy. 

Monroe and Tian Shun: '...' What is this feeling of winning a battle only to lose the war? 


Jia Hyson, Drake or Sefu, who's better at sex?


Jia Hyson: 'That's hard, Sefu is kinkier but Drake has the halo of a male lead in a romantic smut story.'

Bebe: 'Okay'

Jia Hyson: 'Sefu fits my tastes more but Drake's cheat halo is so OP he doesn't even need to fit my tastes to fit my tastes you know what I'm saying?'

Bebe: 'Bebe never knows what you're saying.'

Jia Hyson: 'If I had to choose... ummmm... in sex alone I suppose Drake right? He's literally written to constantly give the other party the best sex of their life, can't top that.'

Sefu: ...Can I call hacks?

Drake: Lol, no. 


Sefu, did you ever get to spank dat ass like you wanted to? 


Sefu: 'That's a great question, for that though I think we need to go through the surveillance footage.'

Jia Hyson: 'Eh? Hey, wait, is that really necessary? This is the interview portion of the extra. I object ah,'

Sefu: 'Yang faction?'

Drake and Li Guiren: 'Disagree, the footage is very important to the case.'

Sefu: 'Yin faction, do you agree with that statement?'

Monroe and Tian Shun: 'Agreed, it's better to have hard evidence.' 

Sefu: 'Neutral jury?'

Bebe: 'Fuck you all.'

Sefu: 'It's settled then. Objection dismissed, let's take a look at the video.'

"You tried to escape?" Sefu rasps, eyes dark and domineering Asia he sits on the side of the bed. Jia Hyson stands in front of him looking like a prisoner being sentenced to death.

"N-no," Jia Hyson protests feebly, tugging a little nervously at the translucent silk fabric of his pale yellow camisole, he still wasn't used to wearing these sort of outfits casually so he felt a little vulnerable under the piercing gaze, "I just thought I heard my sister outside so, so I opened the door to see ah, Sefu, believe me," 

"Don't believe you," Sefu curtly replies.

Jia Hyson: '...' Well. Okay then.

"Come onto the bed," Sefu commands in a stern authoritative manner that made Jia Hyson shiver in anticipation, cheeks heating up as he crawls onto the bed. Just as he was about to sit down and face Sefu again, his deep raspy voice speaks out again, "No need to sit, just stay in that position."

Jia Hyson freezes, looking down to see his pose of being on his hands and knees and abruptly realizes what exactly the punishment was. "S-Sefu," he stutters, "you, don't you dare! I am still a prince!"

However, he did dare. Quickly Jia Hyson found himself laying across his lap, a warm large hand stroking his backside, only a thin silk lace separating them. Flushing in embarrassment and excitement, he tries to keep his facade in control. 

Prince Farrell should be angry, humiliated, nervous. However Jia Hyson really couldn't muster up the ability to evoke any real rage or anguish. "Sefu, please," He manages to grit out, voice raw and pleading. Though whether it was a plead to stop or a plead to keep going until he breaks was a completely different matter.

Still, one couldn't easily pick up the intentions behind such a voice, especially when one's mind was already fogged by lust and sadistic expectation.

"Is that how you should refer to me as?" Sefu sneers, rubbing the soft silky feeling of the underwear under his palm before smacking it with a sharp slap that made the unprepared Jia Hyson curse out. Sefu tsk-ed, "And to even be so disobediently crude it looks like you really do need a punishment today."

Sefu slowly pulled down Jia Hyson's underwear and-

Sefu: 'And that's enough.'

Other gongs, eating popcorn: ?!

Jia Hyson, covering his face but peeking through his fingers: ?!

Sefu: 'Do you really think that I would let you fucks see my kitten mewling from a spanking? Peh! You aren't worthy.' Sneering.gif

Other gongs: '' This piece of shit, I thought we had an understanding.

Bebe: '' Bro, what 'you're not worthy'? You're all the same person.'

Jia Hyson: 'Pft. As expected of my vinegar eating hubby ah.'


Sefu, what's the worst thing you ever did to an ex-bed partner of Jia Hyson's?


Sefu: 'I don't believe I ever did anything too terrible to them so this question is invalid.'

Jia Hyson: 'No way, what about that girl who tried to blackmail me into marrying her?'

Sefu: 'I merely achieved her wish of getting married.'

Bebe: ...He shipped her off as a Mail Order Bride.

Jia Hyson: 'The guy who tried to get me addicted to drugs when I was asleep?'

Sefu: 'Just hastened his natural end as a druggie, nothing too over the top ah.'

Bebe: ....That man was found six days later covered in syringes.

Jia Hyson: 'Really?' Doubtful.jpeg

Sefu: 'Really,' Sincerity.jpeg

Bebe: 'Really...' CallingBullshit.jpeg


To all the gongs- Do you think you would still have fallen in love with Jia Hyson if you had known beforehand that he's perverted scum?


Gongs: '...'

Drake: *cough* 'Honestly, it would have been great if I knew beforehand. Then I wouldn't have had only my hand as company for so long.' 

Monroe: 'You're fucking tell me ah.' 

Li Guiren: 'It wouldn't matter either way in my world though,' Disappointment.jpeg

Tian Shun: '...I would have liked to have known actually.' Even if Wei had been impotent they could have definitely done this and that together ah. 

Sefu: 'Oh, I already knew. I just was worried about chaining him down to me.' SchemingSmiles.gif

Drake, Monroe, Li Guiren, Tian Shun: ...Pretty smug for a bastard with so many green hats hehe


Tian Shun, Li Guiren- if Bai Liwei were a live person instead of a ghost would they have still done all the things he asked of them?


Li Guiren: 'Definitely. I didn't fall in love with Wei because he was a ghost, but because he was always there for me and gave me warmth despite being a ghost. Even though.. even though I was definitely afraid for a while I trust him. I suppose if he was human maybe I would have tried to talk him out of many things though but if he insists I wouldn't hold him back.'

Tian Shun: 'Of course. Wei is the only solace to my life, my happiness. How could I be so selfish as to make my happiness unhappy if I can help it?' 

Li Guiren: 'Pei! If Wei was human he would be at minimum sixty when you were born, what sole happiness?'

Tian Shun: 'I don't mind being the tender grass eaten by an old cow* ah, unlike you who's wilted and saggy.' (*Old cow eating tender grass refers to a much older person going for a much younger lover lover ah, essentially Tian Shun is saying he doesn't mind the age gap) 

Li Guiren: 'You fucking-!'

*Interview disconnected due to technical difficulties* 


Tian Shun, Li Guiren, if Bai Li Wei suddenly had an actual body how would you compete to win his favor?


Tian Shun: 'Take the other person out of the picture permanently and as quickly as possible.' 

Li Guiren: 'Frame the other person for murder then kill them secretly.' 

Bebe: '...the reader who asked this was going along the lines of competing sexually-'

Tian Shun: 'Lace the other person's food and render him impotent.' 

Li Guiren: 'Castration.' 

Bebe: 'You know, like a *sigh* threesome, or-'

Tian Shun: 'Drug him and give him to two rich high profile perverts to play with.'

Li Guiren: 'If the castration works there's no need to worry about it.'

Bebe: 'Bebe can't do this anymore, host, do you have anything to comment on about your insane yandere love interests from the second world?'

Jia Hyson: 'Ah, ah, ah! My babies are soo cute~ Xiao Ren, Xiao Shun, play nice ah~'

Tian Shun: Shy.jpeg 'Okay.'

Li Guiren: Blushing.jpeg 'Whatever you say.' 

Bebe: *vomiting noises*


Best kisser, go!


Jia Hyson: 'Gu Xizhou.'

Gongs: '???'

Jia Hyson: 'Oh, I assumed never mind, sorry.'

Gongs: '' No, no, that's not the problem! Who the fuck is Gu Xizhou?! 


Everyone, if you were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would you bring?


Jia Hyson: 'Personally I think I just need Bebe. I don't need anything else ah.'

Bebe: 'Aw.'

Jia Hyson: 'Wait does Bebe automatically come with the system space, Bebay and the universal wi-fi? If not then I want to change my answer.'

Bebe: '' You're going to lose Bebe like this.

Drake: 'My spice rack, cooking knives and my gorgeous boyfriend.'

Jia Hyson: 'Aww, sounds like a yummy time ah.'

Monroe: 'Lighter, metal pots, and my kind big brother.'

Jia Hyson: 'So practical, as expected, my little brother really is such a good child.'

Sefu: 'I just need a good knife, a whip and my cute kitten.'

Jia Hyson: 'You don't wield a whip though?'

Sefu: 'It's for you ah,'

Jia Hyson: Shy.jpeg

Li Guiren: 'Decked out cruise ship, joss sticks* and my beautiful Wei.' (*Some believe ghosts can eat joss sticks/incense when they're burning) 

Jia Hyson: 'I think asking for a proper boat is cheating, much less a cruise ship, and I don't have to eat.' 

Li Guiren: 'But you deserve the best.'

Jia Hyson: '' Fuck that was good!

Tian Shun: 'Raft, knife, shitty dad.'

Jia Hyson: 'Eh? You wouldn't bring me?'

Tian Shun: 'How can I let you suffer on a deserted island? Even if I hate to be away from you, I would hate harming you with my selfishness more.'

Other gongs: '' Sly bastard just pushed us down in order to bring himself up.

Jia Hyson: '' I would be more moved if I didn't so clearly remember the shadow thing. 'And you're bringing Xiao Ren because?'

Tian Shun: 'Emergency rations.'

Jia Hyson: '' Damn.

Li Guiren: '' Fucking hate that kid.


How are the ghosts in the second arc doing? I hope they're having fun!


Jia Hyson: 'Well then, let's go over and take a quick look and see!'


[Looking at the still undetermined future of the main villains of XXXXXXX Horror Multiverse invokes The Law of Spoilers. Please be patient and support the artist when the stories officially come out.]

Jia Hyson: 'Damn Law of Spoilers.' 

Bebe: 'They're fine.' 


What does Sefu do while Jia Hyson was asleep?


Sefu: 'It depends. Sometimes I'm planning with the rebels, sometimes I'm planning with the anti-rebels, sometimes I hug him and kiss him, sometimes I eat his tofu, sometimes I stick my dick in between his thighs and fuck into them a bit before spreading my cum into his skin, sometimes I count the number of eyelashes on his eyes and sometimes I just lay there and imagine a world where everything wasn't so complicated.'

Jia Hyson: 'Wait, what was that bit in the middle?' 

Sefu: '...'

Jia Hyson: *whisper* '...Next time I want you to do that to me when I'm awake okay?' It was recorded on the camera right? Ah, he really wants to see it, how exciting~

Sefu: Smiles.jpeg

Other gongs: FuriouslyDrinkingVinegar.gif


Bebe, what's your relationship with Overseer Li Jun? 


Bebe: '...Bebe just happens to be acquainted with him by chance ah.'

Overlord Li Jun: 'Anything else?'

Bebe: 'I invoke the Law of Spoilers to protect me.'

Overlord Li Jun: '...Really can't bear to talk about me to this extent?'

Bebe: 'I invoke the Law of Spoilers to protect me.'

Overlord Li Jun: '...' Damn Law of Spoilers. 


We've heard about Jia Hyson's many, many, many kinks, but what about the gongs?


Sefu: 'Petplay, crossdressing, lingerie kink, bondage, master servant reversal play, humiliation and dub con.'

Bebe: '...' This one answered way too fast. 

Jia Hyson: '' Husband is so shameless ah.

Drake: 'Uh, food play is probably my favorite. And naked apron play. Oh and exhibitionism isn't bad either.' 

Bebe: 'Honestly, he's surprisingly vanilla compared to Sefu huh.'

Jia Hyson: 'Well, he was always game to try new things and I really liked that can-do attitude.'

Monroe: 'Pseudo-incest, bondage, domination play, temperature play, begging.'

Bebe: 'Damn, turns out the good boy was a bad boy all along.'

Jia Hyson: 'I know right, wow.'

Monroe: 'You missed out baby~'

Drake: ''

Li Guiren: 'Bondage, cosplay, uniform play, praise kink, hand kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, domination, orgasm denial.'

Bebe: 'Surprisingly he's quite kinky huh.'

Jia Hyson: 'Eh, to be honest given I couldn't even touch him, it would be weirder if he didn't develop a few fetishes. Though that does explain all the different doll outfits he got me ah. I thought he was just being indulging.'

Tian Shun: 'You guys... aren't you being too open about this?!'

Jia Hyson: 'Awww look, our baby yandere is shy.'

Bebe: 'Aww lol.'

Li Guiren: 'Ignore him, he's a teenage virgin.'

Drake, Monroe and Sefu: 'Ah~ I see~'

Tian Shun: '...' I'll fucking kill you all. 


Finally, Bebe, if you had to choose a system for all the gongs, what would you pick? 


Bebe: 'This is difficult. Usually Overseers would pick out the best candidates for a particular type of system and then the systems can pick or fight over who they want.' 

Jia Hyson: 'Aiyah don't worry about it, take it for fun ah,'

Bebe: 'Okay. Well then, for Drake... The Pet system.'

Drake: '???' 

Bebe: 'He couldn't figure out the main character and host were related despite it being shoved into his face, overall his IQ is lacking quite a bit. Selling meng and his face value is his biggest personal asset unrelated to his wealth.'

The only capable of selling meng Drake: '...' Really blunt.

Monroe: 'Hehe.'

Bebe: 'Monroe would definitely belong to some sort of Character Support system. Because it's the system equivalent of a good guy that's always friend-zoned and Bebe thinks that really fits Monroe's character.'

Good friend Monroe: '...' How poisonous.

Bebe: 'Li Guiren, Tian Shun and Sefu are counterattackers or join the villain-based systems. They have the ability, adaptability and willingness to adopt radical, violent and cruel means ah. In Bebe's opinion, they'll be great at becoming characters with awful personalities that lead themselves to die without an intact corpse.' 

Radical, violent and cruel Li Guiren, Tian Shun and Sefu: '...' It felt like that last sentence was said just to purposely hurt us.

Jia Hyson: 'Wao.' Applause.gif 'Father you are truly the spiciest ginger,'

Bebe: 'Son, learn well ah,' 

Gongs: '...' Please don't.




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