Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 89: 4.7

Chapter 89: 4.7

"Now Xiao Bang, Da Gong, lets go back to rest," The villager says happily, giddy that he now has two animal companions to talk to now. 

The chatty villager was named Ye Cheng and although many people disliked his overwhelming chattiness, there were not many who hated him. He was clever, good natured and quick witted, able to read the mood easily. Not to mention physically fit. It's why the villagers felt comfortable enough to let him go outside alone to sell their wares, especially the older ones who couldn't go themselves anymore.

He also had a good eye for things. From being able to pick out the best produce, to discerning the single kernel of truth in a rumor, and finding hidden gems among garbage at the market stalls. If Ye Cheng wasn't so kind, and he hadn't been raised to be pretty much illiterate, he probably would have been a great merchant. 

That's why he could tell the lizard, like his Da Gong, was special. Smarter than the average animal at least. 

Ye Cheng had met Da Gong when he was just a fluffy black chick. Even then, not only was he bigger than normal, he was also very tyrannical and domineering, using his bigger size to bully away the other chicks in his flock and spent a lot of time alone, watching the world go by. Ye Cheng had just been passing by but immediately could tell that this rooster was very interesting and so took his meagre pay for the day to buy him. 

Even though he ended up hungry for a few days as a consequence, in the end Ye Cheng's intuition did not fail him. 

Da Gong grew up large and in charge. Fiercer than any wild chicken, scaring off cattle and canine and men alike with his tyranny. The rooster was also abnormally smart for a bird, able to quickly understand and comprehend a lot more words than even their village's dogs. 

Even though he was a small merchant in the village, no one would casually disrespect him with Da Gong by his side. Da Gong had also made a name for himself in the surrounding villagers after he chased down a pair of thieves around an entire village before catching up to them and scratching their faces bloody until they begged for mercy. It could be said that buying Da Gong was his best investment, even if he was quite a troublemaker. 

Ye Cheng, like most people in this era, was very superstitious and believed in fate and feelings. To him, meeting Da Gong was fate, the feeling of finding such an awesome bird must also be fate's will. 

And that same feeling is exactly what he felt when he saw Jia Hyson, this tiny strange looking lizard. 

Even if Da Gong did not like the lizard, Ye Cheng would probably have risked injury to save him anyway. 

Besides, his Da Gong was such a lonely rooster. It would be good for him to have a little friend. 

With such thoughts, Ye Cheng happily offered his shoulder to the small lizard to sit on. As expected, the lizard was indeed very special and did not refuse, uncurling from Da Gong's leg to crawl up the offered arm with a happy noise unlike any reptile Ye Cheng has heard before. 

Da Gong stares deeply at the lizard who so easily abandoned him, then he kicks the ground with the leg that had been hugged by the little creature with an unhappy snort, sending a small puff of dirt into the air. 

It was a good thing that he didn't offer the worm to sit on his back. The worm was fully of mud and would dirty his clean beautiful feathers. His human was also dirty and smelly. It would be a good punishment for the little worm to sit there instead. Hmph. 

Da Gong kicked the dirt again even more fiercely. 

"Da Gong! Da Gong!" Ye Cheng called out, already a few meters away. Jia Hyson was clinging to his shoulder, watching Da Gong curiously, "What are you doing? Digging for gold? Come on! Hurry up!" Ye Cheng was also puzzled. His rooster was so smart and would know when to follow him, why was it this time his rooster seemed a little dumb looking?

Da Gong 'tch'ed but obediently began to run after them. 


Reaching the small inn that the villager was resting in, Jia Hyson felt very dissatisfied. 

He knows he's in an ancient chinese setting right now. He does. Really. He's aware that in ancient China there was no air conditioning or vacuums or air fresheners. 

However, knowing and experiencing is too different!

When he was crawling around the market the feeling wasn't too big. After all there were many cheap street markets like this that he had visited both in his original and previous worlds. But now that he's going to sleep in such a shabby place which was considered quite classy to the middle class Ye Cheng, Jia Hyson really felt the setting hit him hard. 

Jia Hyson, a pampered, privileged and spoilt city bitch: 'Oh. () Oh no.' 

Jia Hyson had once gone on a two week trip to Sri Lanka for a university course. They traveled around and visited national parks and other such places that were remote, so the accommodations of course were not great. Jia Hyson had put up a good face but during that time he had really felt aggrieved in such a situation where heating and plumbing were barely functioning and the walls of the showers were black- because they were covered with all sorts of insects like large flying ants, millipedes and beetles. 

That was a traumatizing discovery when you're a butt naked nineteen year old. 

There was even one night where they slept in a giant treehouse. Which sounded great except Jia Hyson was afraid of heights and the bathrooms were cubicles about thirty meters down and a few hundred meters north, crossing a clearing where apparently all sorts of animals roamed given they were right next door to a free range wildlife safari park. And there was no lighting to help them if they wanted to go pee in the middle of the night. It was really tragic. 

Great for photos though. 

Once he returned back from that trip he had took an hour long bath, a half an hour shower, and hid in his bed for two days straight with his phone and a box of cinnamon doughnuts in order to recuperate.

That period of time probably consisted of the most wretched places that Jia Hyson had probably stayed in, in his whole life. Which is like, not as bad as other people he's sure, but until he becomes 'other people' then he won't complain anymore okay?

Even in the first world as poor Adrian did he not have to suffer in terms of living conditions. Sure, his cheap parents occasionally forgot to give him his allowance and such to help him pay his water and electricity bills but they at least provided the house for them to live in. Jia Hyson had never worried about rent or housing costs or being kicked out. Just eating and other essential living costs. 

As a ghost in the second world he didn't really need much in the way of material things so that didn't count. Plus, the perverted professor was pretty rich so while the house's feng shui was probably terrible, the furniture and decorations were fairly luxurious.

And as for the third world... there really wasn't much to be said there ah. _(:3)_

So even though he was grateful that he can sleep with a roof over his head at all given his rather pathetic situation, just imagining that not long ago he had been on ten thousand thread count sheets and now he was sleeping on a dirty ball of clothes on the floor- it was enough to make one cry. Ah, he really regrets not asking to be rich again. 

Who says money can't buy happiness? Happiness can clearly be bought in a good, warm and soft bedding okay?! Happiness can be bought in room service and a hygienic living space! Happiness is a working air conditioner on a hot and humid night like tonight! Where was his happiness?! Where was his money?! QAQ 

Bebe: '...' (_;) This is probably a bad time to tell it's Host about the universal wi-fi situation.

"You're a little dirty," Ye Cheng observes as he places Jia Hyson on a nearby table critically. Thoughtfully he grabs a rag and wets it with the boiled water that was going to be used for his own bath, "Come, I'll wipe you down," he coaxes softly, waving the damp cloth at Jia Hyson's face to try emphasise his intentions. 

Jia Hyson blinks before hesitantly curling himself into a tight ball. Right now he's a baby dragon wary of the mortal world after going through a lot of shit. It's acceptable to follow the human since he's clearly the owner of his saviour Da Gong but something like wiping down his body... even if Jia Hyson felt a little excited the original body should feel some wariness and reluctance. 

Dragons, no matter what type, eastern, western, fire breathing or water-based, has a strong amount of pride. As a baby obviously there will be less but that pride is still ingrained in them. Jia Hyson had felt the faint stirrings of unhappiness that came from what was left of the dragon's consciousness at the idea of some lowly human touching his heavenly dragon body. 

It wasn't enough to overwhelm him though, unlike Bai Li Wei's negative emotions from the second world which was like a forest fire, this was more like a scented candle. Jia Hyson could easily stifle it but it was enough to recognize how his character should react. 

Ye Cheng realized he was still uneasy, especially in a new environment so he ended up spending a lot of time coaxing the 'reluctant and scared' Jia Hyson. Jia Hyson was a little amused by the man's antics and rather sadistically watched Ye Cheng flounder around as he tried to mime the concept of bathing to him. 

Jia Hyson: 'Hahahaha,'

Bebe: 'You are a terrible person.' _

Finally, Da Gong couldn't take it anymore. After all this was the human he reluctantly called his master, to see him act even more like an idiot embarrassed him greatly. With a 'tch,' Da Gong flapped his wings and accurately snatched the warm towel with his beak, landing on the table and throwing it at Jia Hyson. 

Jia Hyson who has been busy enjoying the show was shocked at the sudden wet and hot roughness of the cloth on his body and instinctively shrieked like a frightened baby bird. If Da Gong could frown, he would. Annoyed, the rooster nudged Jia Hyson in warning. Maybe because he used more strength, the little dragon could only roll over dumbly under the force of the nudge, the wet rag covering him also followed, turning him into a small dragon burrito. 

Da Gong pauses, a little surprised at the pitiful appearance of the little worm now bundled up in cloth. Then, interestedly, it nudges Jia Hyson again who helplessly begins to roll across the table. 

When an animal gets interested in something, generally they repeat the action a few times until they gain an understanding or become bored. This meant Jia Hyson had to endure being batted around like ball of yarn. 

Looking to Ye Cheng for help, he realised Ye Cheng was looking at the pair of animals with amusement. His gaze was almost identical to Jia Hyson's own when he was watching villager make a fool of himself.

Jia Hyson: '...' Karma comes so fast nowadays huh. 

Of course, unlike Jia Hyson, this sadistic piece of shit, Ye Cheng was a good person and only enjoyed the scene for a minute before intervening. Unfortunately, Da Gong was very unhappy to have his playtime disrupted and squawked aggressively at Ye Cheng with dissatisfaction. He hasn't finished playing with his worm yet! (  )/

"Don't be angry Da Gong," Ye Cheng appeases as he gently rolls Jia Hyson so he's back on his tummy before pulling off the now cool rag and wetting it with hot water again. "Can't you see Xiao Bang didn't like it? Aiyah, I told you so many times, it's not good to bully people, didn't I tell you that? I did, I definitely did ah, I remember the last time you-" 

By then Da Gong ignores the chatter, expressionlessly watching Jia Hyson get wiped down. He observes how much more relaxed the little worm was under Ye Cheng's touches and felt uncomfortable in his little rooster heart.

Ye Cheng is a strong and fit young man who has handled various animals in the village so it's obvious he would be experienced in washing down a little lizard without hurting him. If anything, Jia Hyson could do with him applying a bit more pressure. His muscles were quite sore ah, he really could do with a massage right now. 

"Mmmrrrrrrrrr," He instinctively rumbled, similar to the contented purring of a kitten. The warm water from the cloth warmed his tired body and even though the pressure was not great, it was still overall very pleasant. Jia Hyson could feel himself quickly drifting off to sleep. 

"How strange," Ye Cheng murmurs as he watches the purring lizard fall asleep. "I've never heard any lizard make these noises before, Da Gong you've really picked a strange thing." 

Da Gong quietly clucked, eyes still resting on the now sleeping worm. The worm must be very tired. After all, it's so small. It must be a baby. And babies sleep a lot. 

Da Gong watches how Ye Cheng gently rubs the worm and instantly felt enlightened. Rudely, he strides toward Ye Cheng's arm and grabs the cloth with his beak again. This time he keeps the rag between his beak and lowers his head, lightly brushing the edges of the cloth onto the worm-like someone brandishing a feather duster. 

Under the ticklish sensation, Jia Hyson 'mrp'ed softly under his breath, wriggling his tiny claws to try push away the itchy feeling. However, to Da Gong, it looked like he was being playful. After all, didn't many animals with four legs wriggle their arms on their back when they were happy? Even the small humans did that. 

Seeing this, Da Gong put away the rag behind him before looking triumphantly at Ye Cheng, clucking arrogantly. See? He can also be good to the little worm! He is also gentle! Who's a bully?! Idiot human, how does it feel to be so thoroughly slapped in the face ah? 

Ye Cheng: '...'

Bebe who's been watching: '...' 

How cute ah.

It had to be said that Da Gong was actually very calculative. However he is only calculative for a rooster's standards. To a human and a super intelligent system's standards, Da Gong was rather simple and silly. However, it is indeed true that compared to the other animals he was definitely much more intelligent in various aspects. 

Still. Aww. 

Ye Cheng removes the wet rag and hands Da Gong a dry one, wriggling the cloth-like bait to a fish. "You must wipe Xiao Bang so the water sticking on him doesn't make him cold. Remember when I give you your bath? You also get dried." 

Da Gong stares at him thoughtfully before clucking in agreement and taking the offered rag. This time, more confident, he lowers his head further down so the rag can actually press onto the little worm's body and more thoroughly be wiped down. Da Gong felt his beak touch the small worm's body through the cloth and trembled slightly. How can such a loud worm be so soft? 

If Bebe heard these strange thoughts it could only 'hehe' disdainfully. Isn't that clearly just because of malnutrition ah? The scales are grown thinner and weaker since the body can't afford to dish up the required nutrients so of course they are not like this fierce rooster's sharp beak that can probably pierce wooden planks. 

Carefully and slowly Da Gong used the cloth to rub Jia Hyson's body, from the top of the head down to the tail. If they were human this would surely be a very erotic scene. Unfortunately, unfortunately, they were not and the only way one could describe the scene was absolutely adorable. 

Bebe wholeheartedly recorded it. Which person or system didn't enjoy a good cross-species friendship video? Once they get back to the system world Bebe definitely intends to post this ah. It would definitely have a good popularity on WeTube, Bebe might even be able to earn some p for it's host if the views were high enough. 

Suddenly it felt like it's host was pretty smart in requesting such a pitted thing as cuteness for this world. Not only would they get compensation on top of whatever reward they'll earn, Bebe can even take advantage and earn some extra money on the side selling cute animal videos when they go home! It's a win-win! 

Bebe looked at it's sleeping host. If it had eyes it would be dripping with kindness and love. The kindness of a generous system who is about to become a rich system. And the love of gold and wealth.

Jia Hyson shivered in his sleep. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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