Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 85 The Dolls (2)

"Our next job is.... to take his majesty's life, King Henry Sheraton Wildenhall, at the end of the Whitmoon Festival, after Prince Francis' birthday party."


After Ivaylo said those words, the entire room fell into complete silence. You could have heard a pin drop, and it was clear that no one in the room knew what to make of what had just been said. Some of them looked confused, as if they had heard wrong or if Ivaylo was merely joking. What he had just said was either too shocking for them to comprehend.

Everyone didn't move and kept silent until...


Until someone rang the house bell.

"Nishizaka! Aren't you making this house invisible from the outside?!" shouted Norman. He knew that his voice wouldn't be heard by anyone outside because of Nishizaka's ability.

From the beginning, they didn't sense anything from outside the house because of Nishizaka's ability to lock everything inside the house.

"I can't," Nishizaka replied briefly.

"How useless!"

"Leader, what should we do about this guest? Should we just kill them? But we're disguised here because we don't want to get caught, right?" asked Ralph.

"W-why don't we just kill them secretly?" asked Clarissa.

"Fools! This is a noble district; if that is someone's subordinate, and that person suddenly disappears after they reach this house, everyone will panic, someone will report to the soldiers and the knights will get suspicious! Think with your airhead, Clarissa. The council has already discovered our presence in this town!" Norman exclaimed.

"Hiiii!!! P-Please forgive my foolishness!"

Ivaylo then took out a thin needle.

"God blessing: Desperate Seamstress"

Ivaylo's hand worked quickly, he stitched together the body parts of the corpse lying on the floor. One-by-one, his hands raced to connect the bones and organs of the girl. In just a matter of seconds, the head of the girl he was holding had met the rest of her body on the floor—the work was complete.

It had taken him ten seconds—he had done something that most wouldn't have considered doing; even the other member never looked at him work that fast.

"God blessing: A Doll's House," once again Ivaylo chant another blessing

Arthur couldn't believe what he was seeing. Ivaylo had just held a black needle the size of a chopstick and pierced it into the back of the girl's corpse's head. The needle shone a little, and the dead girl's eyes opened. Almost in a dream-like state, Arthur watched as the dead girl slowly turned her body to face Ivaylo and then it bowed.

"What can I do for you, master?" the undead spoke, looking at Ivaylo expressionlessly.

"Please talk to the guest who came, don't let them go inside, okay? If they insist..." Ivaylo picked up the knife on the floor and stuck it into the undead's body.

"If they insist on entering this house, just use the knife to stab them," Ivaylo said.

"Yes, master."

Nishizaka and Elinor entered their room. Mary suddenly leapt onto Arthur and began dragging him away. "Come with me", she exclaimed.

Arthur was already aware of where she was taking him—the room full of corpses where he had been working. As Mary dragged Arthur into the room, the others remained cautiously in the living space, keeping as far back as possible and out of sight to avoid people outside seeing them directly through the door.

"Clarissa, give your robe to the doll," ordered Ivaylo.

"A-alright Master!"

"Why did you suddenly call him master?!" whispered Norman to Clarissa.

"So-sorry, I just got carried away!"

Clarissa put on the robe of the undead, or the doll, to hide the knives and blood that stained her. As soon as the heavy fabric settled around her, she moved towards the door and then gently opened it with a smile.


On the other side stood a maid woman dressed in a black gown with a blue ponytail and black eyes. She held a yellow box in her arms.

"Sorry for my sudden visit. May God bless Barony Erster. My name is Rachel. I am the maid of Earl Boldenville's family; our rental house is next to yours. This is a gift from Lord Boldenville to Barony Erster, and I would like to present it to him in person."

The doll lifted her skirt slightly, smiled, and then said,

"Thank you very much for the gift. Unfortunately, the barony is currently out with the whole family. I will give this gift to him after they return."

Rachel's face instantly turned worried.

'Out? Why did the entire family out at this hour? And where? Church?'

Rachel then asked her

"May I know where they went? Or what time will they be back? I'll come back later after they get home."

The doll slowly moved her hand to the knife in her stomach.

"I do apologize. I don't know when they will return either. Would you like to go in first and wait inside?" the doll asked.


'I can't just walk into the barony residence, and I still have four other boxes to deliver before the afternoon.'

"Has he received souvenirs from other families before?" asked Rachel.

"Yes, they have; they always leave the souvenir to the maid. But the souvenirs given to us are not so valuable; if you are giving us something essential, I suggest you go inside and wait."

'But I cannot wait...'

Rachel began to think about what she should do again while the doll slowly reached out its hand to Rachel's body to pull her inside so she could kill her silently.

'But I heard that Barony Erster is very kind to its maids. From this one maid alone, I can tell she takes good care of the maids. Her skin looks smooth, and her hair is shiny, just like a noble. A nobleman who cares for his maids like that must be good,' Rachel thought, trying to convince herself.

"I'll just leave it to you. Please convey my apologies to the barony when they arrive," Rachel said.

The doll released her grip on the knife, smiled, and took the box.

"Thank you very much. May God bless the Boldenville family."

"May God bless the Erster family."

Rachel left, and the doll came back in.

"Thank you very much," said Ivaylo to the doll.

The doll slowly set down the box it held and lifted her skirt. Suddenly, a mysterious aura began to waft out from its body. After ten seconds, the doll fell inert, returning to a lifeless corpse resting on the ground.

The other members walked back to Ivaylo. Along with Elinor, Nishizaka, Mary, and Arthur came out of the door.

"No matter how often you look at it, it's still amazing. Unfortunately, Leader's god blessings are not the type I want to fight with," Adam said.

"Do you think so? I thought it was kinda boring. No special effect happened, and no BAAM or GYAM thing happened," said Mary.

"Hahaha, but Leader is surely amazing. We usually only have one type of ability, while the Leader has five! Don't you think how amazing it is! Five gods' blessings!" Ralph explained proudly.

"That is not really correct Ralph. I only have one god blessing, just like you guys. It's just that each needle has a different function."

"Still, it's amazing!"

Norman looked at the lying doll and said,

"Leader, don't tell me you deliberately sewed up the corpse because you knew something like this would happen?" asked Norman.

"No-no, I'm not that smart. I just made it as a precaution."

'Is that so?'

"Instead of that, shouldn't we discuss our next job!" shouted Ralph.


Elinor then jumped from the second floor and exclaimed

"Killing King Henry, are we really going to do that?"

Adam, who was still shocked from the beginning, said with a trembling body:

"Leader, are you concerned that all the knights of rounds are currently in the capital? Then if we kill the king, we'll have to deal with those princes; the most troublesome ones will be the second, fourth, and first princes."

Ivaylo then looked at Adam with a smile and said

"Why are you trembling, Adam? Are you scared?"

Ivaylo asked that even though he already knew the answer.

Adam's answer was


Adam looked like a kid going to the playground. Adam's face was beaming with a wide grin, his eyes melting with joy, and his body shaking in anticipation. He seemed to be overflowing with happiness, as if all of his worries had disappeared in a moment.








Norman then kicked Adam's leg a little.

"Don't get too excited; your voice is destroying my ears," Norman said.

"That's right Adam! You can't kill them alone! I want to fight rounds too!" said Ralph.

"Adam is always like this, he yells incoherently and in the end he only kills one at most," said Elinor.

"You're wrong Elinor! It won't happen like last time! I'll kill at least five of them this time!" shouted Adam.

"I-If I, I-If possible, I want to have a part in killing the king, I-I don't want to fight with anyone else," said Clarissa as she raised her hand.

"Huh, me too, but I don't have the right to refuse anyway," said Mary.

As for Nishizaka, she was just silent while looking at her sword.

Arthur was also deafeningly silent, speechless in the face of the bizarre people in front of him. No, he slowly began to feel that he was the one who was strange for being the only sane one there.

"Arthur, are you coming too? We need you and your ability," Ivaylo said as he smiled strangely at Arthur.

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