Re: Blood and Iron

Chapter 5: The Cruelty of This World

Chapter 5: The Cruelty of This World

Another three years or so passed since the day Bruno had cunningly sent the two largest nuisances in his life off to boarding school. He seldom saw Kurt or Ludwig after that. Only during the holidays, and there appeared to be a deep sense of fear in their eyes whenever their gazes met his.

It indeed took them a while to piece together that Bruno had effectively, and purposely sent them away to boarding school, more specifically the Royal Prussian Cadet Corps. It was the foremost military school for Prussian Youth. And graduating from it successfully garnered one and their family great esteem.

To graduate from the Cadet Corps was not a requirement to enter the Royal Prussian Main Cadet Institute. Which was the primary institute for educating future officers of the Prussian and later Imperial German armies. But those who graduated from the Cadet Corps generally were given more favorability when it came to admissions.

This may have eventually worked in the favor of Bruno's older brothers later in life, who were by no means capable of entering the Main Cadet Institute otherwise. But they would no doubt have a gruelling childhood as a result.

As for Bruno himself, he knew that he did not need to attend a military school in order to gain admission to the Main Cadet Institute, or the Prussian War College, for that matter. After all, in his previous life he had been a high-ranking Military Officer, one who after retirement was capable of being an instructor at the modern equivalent of the Prussian War College where generals were made.

Because of this, he was able to live at home in a peaceful environment, one which helped foster his growth. Over the years, Heidi would continue to visit his home, under the supervision of both of their mothers, and the two of them would grow much closer.

But despite all of this, Bruno had yet to be formally invited to the Prince's estate. Which was where his young fiancée resided. That is, until shortly after his tenth birthday. Bruno received a letter which conveyed such intent.

This was strange to the boy. Why wait all these years to do this? What was the Prince planning? It had been five years since he last saw the man, and foiled his plans to make his family look like a bunch of ill-mannered peasants.

And during this time Bruno had not heard his father complain about the Prince once. It was almost as if things were progressing swimmingly between their two families. Yet the fact remained, Bruno had not been invited out to the Prince's estate to personally meet his family until today.

As much as Bruno wanted to believe that there was some greater conspiracy going on in the background, and to avoid it if at all possible; he really had no choice but to answer the summons. And because of this, he arrived at the Prince's estate at the requested date.

The moment he arrived at the gates of the Prince's palace, Bruno began to understand the difference between a family like his, and a family like the one which Heidi belonged to. Everything that could possibly be gilded with gold was done so. Even the iron gates outside the estate's walls were covered in such a luxurious material.

The main building itself, which housed the Prince and his family, was significantly larger than Bruno's home. And his home was by no means small, especially when compared with the standards of the 21st century. It was, after all capable of housing a family of eleven in extremely luxurious conditions.

But like all things in life, there were levels to fortune. And it was very apparent as Bruno's carriage passed through the gates and entered the driveway just outside the main entrance that he was dealing with a different breed of wealth.

As Bruno stepped foot out of the carriage, he noticed that Heidi and her Mother, along with a single servant who were there to greet him. Nobody else from the main family had bothered to show him any face, which, as a guest from another noble family that was invited to their home, was quite the insult.

Still, Bruno did not make a remark on this, and simply smiled as he approached his young fiancée, and gave her a friendly hug, remarking on how much she had grown since he last saw her, which was just a month or two ago.

"You always astonish me with how much you grow in between our visits. At this rate, you will soon be taller than I am!"

Heidi giggled at Bruno's compliment, it was obviously laced with humor. The two of them were two years apart, and Bruno was quite tall for his age. Still, she was quick to greet the man she would one day marry with proper noble etiquette, even if she herself was a bastard. Taking a step back from the boy and performing a proper curtsy.

As for the girl's mother, the relationship she had with Bruno as his future mother-in-law was quite complicated. She lived to please the Prince, so long as she could do so, she could remain living on his estate in a life of luxury.

Sure she may not live in the main house with the proper family. But she had her own manor on the grounds which was quite luxurious, equal to if not superior to the von Zehntner manor. However, despite Heidi being the Prince's daughter, the man did not really care for the girl, and made no moves to make her life better. Or worse, for that matter. He was simply indifferent to her.

And on top of all of this, the Prince still held a grudge against Bruno for spoiling his plans all those years ago. Meaning that even if Heidi's mother thought Bruno was a rather excellent match for her daughter, one that would no doubt raise her own prestige, what with being the mother-in-law of a trueborn Lord, she still couldn't outright show her approval.

Because of this, her expression was rather cold towards Bruno as he greeted her as well.

"Miss Krieger, it is a pleasure as always..."

When Bruno said this, he did not bow towards the woman, as he would do to the noble woman of higher prestige. Instead, he simply smiled and complimented. Rather as a lowborn woman herself, it was Heidi's mother who was forced to bow to him, and refer to him with the proper honorifics.

"My Lord... Although it pains the master, he has informed me that he will not be joining us for dinner tonight. Rather, I have invited you out here, with the Lord's permission, so that you can spend some proper time with your fiancée. It has, after all been nearly two months since you last seen each other. If you would please follow me, Heidi and I will escort you to the manor in which we reside..."

Bruno nodded his head and followed Heidi and her mother to their own small portion of the massive estate. All while looking back upon the primary residence, which was essentially a palace in size and scale. He could only surmise that this entire invitation was the Prince's way to put Bruno in his place.

Eventually, the group all arrived at the Manor on the estate grounds. It was indeed similar in size and scale to Bruno's own family home. But not nearly as luxurious, if he was being


Still, it was a much better residence than a common girl of poor background like Miss Krieger could ever hope to marry into, or possess herself. And because of this, Bruno naturally understood why she decided to be the Prince's mistress. However, once inside the building, Heidi's mother was quick to come up with an excuse to run off.

"Well, so long as the two of you are attended by the young Lord's guards, and Gertrude here, I suppose it would be fine for me to go off and check to see if the kitchen staff is running on time. Heidi, do be a good girl, and show your future husband around our home, will you?"

Heidi nodded towards her mother. There wasn't the usual excitable, or joyful expression that Bruno had come to expect from the girl whenever they interacted. Rather, she appeared slightly timid, as if disobeying her mother would have grand consequences. Nor was her voice

anything but monotone.

"I will do as you say, mother..."

This surprised Bruno, but after the girl's mother had wandered off, she returned to her usual happy self as she questioned where Bruno wanted to play around at first.

"I'm so happy you have finally come to visit, My Lord. You don't know how happy this makes me! So, where would you like to go first?"

Despite being engaged to Bruno, Heidi was still the bastard daughter of a Prince and a commoner. Which means that until the day they were officially married, she would continue to refer to Bruno, who was of higher social standing with the proper terms. Especially when

they were not alone.

Bruno had wanted a proper tour, and immediately asked for it. Hoping to see the differences between the home of a Prince's mistress, and that of a nouveau riche and a recent noble

family like his own.

As Bruno was guided through the girl's home, he noticed that Heidi's maid was keeping a close eye on him. Why exactly he did not understand? Perhaps she wanted to make sure he did not try anything inappropriate with the girl?

But he was not yet at that age would hormones would override his reason, nor did he have any such intentions towards the young girl. As far as he was concerned, he was simply protecting his family's interests by continuing to see her.

And though he would never admit it, he had grown to see his future wife as a close personal friend, and felt a duty to protect her, even if he had no romantic feelings towards the girl


Ultimately, Bruno chose to ignore these glances. That is until he and the girl went out into the yard, where they found that a group of teenage girls were lying in wait for them in the


These young maidens varied in age by a few years, but there was no mistaking it. They were true noble girls. Most likely the legitimate daughters of the Prince. Why they were waiting in the small, albeit beautiful gardens which were outside their father's mistress's home? Well, Bruno had a thought regarding this in mind already.

And his suspicions were concerned when Heidi suddenly stopped in her tracks upon seeing her half-sisters. Timidly hiding behind Bruno and shaking as she held his hand tightly for comfort. Bruno naturally did not shy away from the girl. She was genuinely terrified her sisters who quickly approached them with smug grins on their faces.

The oldest of which appeared the age of adulthood. Not far away at all from being married off

to some noble scion. Due to her age, she was naturally taller than Bruno was, standing in front of him and looking down on him with a smirk that oozed with self-satisfaction. When she spoke to Bruno, it was with a mixture of contempt, but slight surprise.

"So you're the Junker's son who has been engaged to this little piece of trash? I have heard rumors about you.... They say you're an unparalleled genius, and an expert marksman despite your age... I have to say, I'm a bit surprised, you're a bit cuter than I thought you would be.

You should consider it your greatest honor that this young lady has decided that you will escort her for the evening. Come with me and leave this common tramp where she belongs!" The girl's younger sisters looked at her with confusion. Weren't they going to use their privilege and status to make their little half-sister eat bugs in front of her fiancée? Why all of a sudden was she changing the plot?

But before they could ask the question, the young woman reached out to grab Bruno's wrist in

an attempt to force the boy away from his fiancée by force. Heidi was just about to break out into tears when she realized that her oldest sister, the one who most frequently came to make trouble for her, was going to take her friend, not her fiancé away from her. However, before the tears could fully develop, the most shocking thing happened. Bruno forcefully pulled his wrist away from the young Princess before slapping her across her face. All while speaking to her in a stern tone. Like that of an outraged parent lecturing an errant


"The only trash I see here is you lot. What sick machinations did you have in mind when you decided to lie in wait for us here? Tell me, what cruel plot did you three bitches come up with to torture this little girl who, as far as I am aware has never wronged any of you!?!"

All three of the Prince's trueborn daughters were stunned into silence by Bruno's actions. All

the while, the oldest of the trio broke out into tears over the stinging red handprint on her cheek.

She had never in her life been disciplined before. Not by her father, and most certainly not by her fiancee. Why would she? She was practically a princess, and quite the beautiful one at that.

To think that this mere child, this mere Junker's son, would actually slap her. It enraged her. Her expression became hideous as she recovered her senses, and when she did so, she pointed and screamed at Bruno, threatening him with her father's eventual retaliation.

'Wh.... Who do you think you are you little shit!?! You little Junker's son! You dare lay a hand

on me!?! My father will hear of this, and when he does you will lose that hand you dared to

strike me with!"

After saying this, she stormed off. Where her sisters scurried after her, leaving Bruno to sigh

in relief. He turned around, hoping to find that Heidi had calmed down after he stood up for her. But instead, she immediately broke out into tears and clung to him. All the while expressing how sorry she was forgetting him in trouble on her behalf.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Bruno! It's all because of me! If I was never born, you wouldn't have

to suffer on my behalf!"

The girl was terrified that Bruno would literally lose a hand for slapping the face of the Prince's eldest daughter. As for Bruno, his expression was both serious, yet warm. As he grabbed hold of the little girl's cheeks and assured her that everything would be alright.

"Don't you ever talk like that again, Heidi! You should never blame yourself for the cruelty

which this world inflicts upon you. It was not you who decided to be born a bastard. That was God's decision. And he alone bears the responsibility for what has been done to you. But so long as I am by your side, it is my duty, as your fiancée, and in the future, your husband

to protect you from that cruelty. Even if I must make an enemy of your father, and suffer his wrath because I dared to perform the role that he should have been fulfilling all this time." Heidi continued to cry when she heard this. But it was not tears of guilt that ran down her

adorable little face, rather it were tears of joy. That Bruno had chosen to protect her and stand by her side. Even when faced with the harassment of her sisters and the retaliation of his father. Which no doubt would soon arrive.

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