Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 156 Bitcash Union

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The hustle and bustle of Beijing's residents radiated a sense of determination and perseverance across the ancient city.

Zhongnanhai, the seat of China's government, sat adjacent to the world-famous Forbidden City, where a regal middle-aged man dedicated hours of his day reviewing and signing official documents.

President Xi Jinping performed his daily duties like clockwork as approximately 1.35 billion citizens relied on his administration for a brighter future.

Unlike his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who desired the Soviet Union's reestablishment, Xi Jinping was raised in Maoist China when irrational government leaders led its people to starvation.

It was by no means the only example, as artificial famine and mass starvation had always been prevalent in communist countries such as the 'Holodomor', resulting in the deaths of 5 million Ukrainians under the USSR.

The current China he led as the paramount leader was heaven compared to the old regimes, but its growing population demanded more and more from his administration.

Xi Jinping's focus was disturbed as his secretary said through the intercom, "President Xi, Jack Ma has arrived at the main lobby for your meeting today."

He sorted and stored the documents on the table before replying, "I'm ready to see him in my office."

The Alibaba CEO walked in a few moments later before paying respects and saying, "I have returned from the United States with plenty to report, including our company's IPO, President Xi."

Xi amicably replied, "Alright, take a seat. I've been worried because no news about the IPO had surfaced on the various Wall Street outlets."

Jack Ma sat comfortably on the office sofa and explained, "Yes, my executives and I met with Vince Dalton during the Future Couture fundraiser and discussed an alternative to sharing our Alibaba profits with the New York Stock Exchange. I'm sure you're familiar with the young Future Tech CEO because of its involvement with the Belt and Road Initiative."

The Chinese government had not publicly revealed Xi's ambitious and legacy-defining project until the following week, but his administration had already completed the initial framework.

Among its numerous programs, the most prominent was the Sino-Afghan Utilities Line projected to increase water, electric current transportation capacity, and, most importantly, liquified natural gas and crude oil.

The global oil supply between 2014 and 2016 would experience what economists call an "Oil-Glut"; an oversupply of crude oil that vendors could not easily sell due to transportation limitations.

Due to this recurring issue in the global oil supply, a select few gambling financial prospectors, now primarily based in Houston, invented the "Spot Market" and traded cargo ships of oil worth millions over phone calls to capitalize on the international pipeline's slow expansion.

Many of Vince's executives voiced their concerns over investing too heavily in utilities, but the young CEO was adamant about tackling socio-economic issues from multiple directions.

President Xi replied, "Ah, yes. The generational savant, Vince Dalton. The oil fields in Afghanistan have been our most profitable foreign asset for the past six months, based on Li Fanrong's quarterly CNPC reports. Future Tech is also holding up its end of the bargain for the utility pipeline agreement."

Xi Jinping had always been skeptical of big tech and eventually cracked down on his previous allies like Jack Ma. Yet, Future Tech was highly effective in its operations, and China's growing population quickly required more critical facilities and business opportunities like the Bitcash E-Commerce Portal.

Jack Ma explained, "Vince confided an issue Future Tech is currently facing regarding threats against Bitcash from JP Morgan Chase. He's convinced Wall Street aims to dissuade consumers from utilizing Bitcash and force him in a position to extend Bitcash credit to its banks."

Xi Jinping wasn't surprised about Wall Street's greed. For him, this situation was a prime example of capitalism's folly. He knew it too well because China owned the most considerable portion of the United State's current national debt of $12 trillion and leveraged it into reducing mass-market consumer costs that ensured the livelihood of the Chinese working class.

Jack Ma sat straight and held his breath before saying, "In response to the threats, Vince Dalton proposed a joint-venture between Alibaba, Deloitte, and Future Tech; a fully-digital global financial system called the Bitcash Union. It would be facilitated by Future Tech, and China's only responsibility is supporting Bitcash as an acceptable currency in the Eastern market."

President Xi furrowed his brow and interrupted by asking, "What do we get in return for helping the young Dalton in his time of need?"

Jack Ma grinned in excitement while procuring an Infinity Tablet, then said, "Aside from the 12.5 billion Bitcash low-interest loan Vince provided Alibaba by minting 500 thousand BTC, he also officially invited our nation to partake in SpaceX's lunar mission."

Jack handed the tablet to shocked President Xi's shaking hand that contained a confidential overview presentation of the lunar mission. Future Tech produced it primarily to motivate the staff involved in bringing the mission to life.

Xi Jinping calmed down and said, "Impossible. The United States would never allow it."

The President couldn't believe the offer until Jack explained, "SpaceX is a private company seeking to monetize space travel. So it's technically not defense-related, but the China National Space Administration will have to send two astronauts to Hawthorne for preparation as soon as possible."

President Xi's skepticism slowly turned into imagining the love and joy the Chinese populous would share as two of their astronauts stepped foot on the Moon for the very first time.

Xi browsed through the basic information Future Tech provided on the NetServ document, such as the Starship and new cosmosuits based on the Commando-variant armor system.

The confidential multi-media document itself was a sign of trust and sincerity from Vince Dalton.

The President laughed loudly and said, "The young Dalton can rest assured that The Chinese Communist Party will support Future Tech's Bitcash Union and its current interests within our markets. I'll have my people announce this momentous news to the public!"

Jack Ma sighed in relief before moving on to other matters about Alibaba's operation under the CCP.


A few thousand miles away, an Afghan family of three in a Boxable home enjoyed watching TV the rest of their night together.

The 8-year-old daughter was chuckling and laughing as Mr. Bean comically navigated through his daily life.

The free Infinity Channel programming included re-runs of highly beloved classic shows like Mr. Bean, played by Rowan Atkinson. Its comedic appeal was universal, considering Mr. Bean barely spoke in the series, and the Afghan family loved it.

The show ended and a scheduled advertisement played on the family's TV. Future Tech Broadcasting featured local-relevant commercials for each of the geological regions it served, and the one currently playing was crucial to Afghanistan's future.

The father and mother attentively listened as they watched their President, Hamid Karzai, explaining the NetServ Closed-Ballot System and the nation's new legislations.

It was a brief overview of the United Afghan Tribes' democratic vote for implementing the revised constitution and budget constraints, aside from the 10% military budget already approved by the tribal chiefs.

The list of budgetary options included public works, education, social welfare, health, and other industry sectors.

President Karzai announced the eligibility of all Afghan citizens above 17-years-old that were officially registered on NetServ and urged everyone to serve their communities by voting through the app.

The UAT government provided a two-week window for citizens to partake in democracy and guide their country's major decisions.

Hamid Karzai acknowledged the fact that every barrel of oil and the other minerals extracted from Afghanistan was owned and should benefit its people.

Enriching himself and his allies with the region's bountiful resources would be the most counter-productive path he could take after so many years of sharing suffering, starvation, and war.

Towards the end of the commercial, President Karzai proudly stated, "After so many decades of unending conflict, we now have an opportunity to set things right. So let us all grab it with both arms and honor the men and women that fought and died for this moment. Let us set the foundation for the future of our beloved children and the following generations. Let us be remembered for carrying the responsibility of paving the way for a better Afghanistan."

Karzai's closing remarks moved the thousands of Afghans watching the Infinity Channel and brought tears to the mother's face.

The 8-year-old daughter grabbed her mother's hand and innocently asked in Pashtun, "Ma, why are you crying?"

The father quickly found a box of Kleenex he bought from the local Walmart for his wife before answering the little girl's question by saying, "Your uncle was a good man and an honorable Kandahar police officer. But, unfortunately, he lost his life during the siege two years ago."

Many families across the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan had lost countless loved ones fighting against the tyrannical rule of Islam Fundamentalists, and more died due to the economic consequences of war.

The citizens were given a chance to commemorate their fallen with the establishment of The United Afghan Tribes and would not let it slip away.

Stats last time checked:

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion

14.5 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000)

$10 Billion cash in Future Tech

105,000+ employees (FT Broadcasting, FT Softworks, FT AI, Future Studios, Future Records, FT Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, FT F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg)

20,000+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn, Flyga

Collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E, Disney, Lockheed Martin, Alibaba)

Numerous subsidiaries under Future Tech Holdings (i.e., Instagram, Twitch, Big Hit Entertainment)


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