Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 28 - Preparing The Products

Leah's experimental treatment had been surprisingly successful with the assistance of Future Tech.

She started taking more responsibilities within Future Tech, like managing and leading the charity fund and assistance programs.

Her office was situated near the legal department on the second-highest floor at the headquarters.

Vince stopped by her office to ask if she needed anything.

"It's good to see up and walking around again, mom. Do you need anything, maybe an AI butler bot?" Vince asked Leah.

"I don't need a butler bot, Vince. My secretarial skills haven't faded yet. I can handle things myself." Leah replied.

Leah's physical condition, like her black her looked much better than a year ago.

[It was fortunate that the doctors were able to catch her disease before it got any worse.] Vince thought.

"I decided to donate $100 million to Dr. Sera and her team. You don't mind, right, son?" she asked.

"Dr. Sera deserves it for what she's done for us," Vince replied.

"Oh! I love these new clothes Aiya gave me recently. I assume it's a new Future Tech product. When are we planning to sell them?" Leah asked.

"The new consumer electronics will be the priority. The fashion line will probably hit the shelves in two months." Vince replied.

"Some of my friends have been asking about the clothes recently. Do you mind if we start selling them in low quantities for now?" Leah asked.

"That shouldn't be a problem. You can talk to Maria from the materials division to order some." Vince replied.

"By the way, You've been working too much this past year, son. It's not healthy. Go out more and enjoy your young life. Maybe even start dating." Leah said seriously.

"Oh, stop it, mom. You know I like working." Vince replied.

"You have thousands of employees, Vince. Don't give me that excuse." Leah replied angrily.

She took a few seconds to calm down.

"I'm grateful for what you've done for our family the past year. But, you should slow down and enjoy your success." Leah said calmly.

"Alright, mom. I'll take your advice. Stop nagging, please". Vince replied defeatedly.

"I'm not nagging; I'm doing my job as a mother." Leah declared.

They talked about the charity fund and assistance programs for an hour before Vince left Leah's office.

Vince then headed to the accounting department to discuss the financials with Ralph.

Ralph was wearing his expensive tailored suit as usual. His brown hair was cut short yet elegant, which complemented his caucasian jawline.

"Good day, Ralph. How are Future Tech's finances doing?" Vince asked.

"The three thousand employees have put a large dent on our annual expenses, but revenue is up due to the new expansion of War Online," Ralph replied.

Ralph handed an updated financial report to Vince for reference.

"Where did this $3 billion itemized as Arena Pro League come from?" Vince asked.

"Oh, That's revenue from the sixteen franchise spots in the Pro League. The bids averaged a bit below $200 million for each." Ralph replied.

"Take $1 billion and reinvest it in the APL for marketing or anything Future Studios need to maintain our lead against our competitors," Vince instructed.

The Arena Pro League didn't have to compete with LoL or DotA 2 as they were already considered small fry compared to APL's current size.

The APL competes with enormous entertainment properties like the NFL, the NBA, and the Champion's League.

"Future Tech's projected annual expenses is $10 billion at our current state. Expenses should double or even triple next year." Ralph said.

"We can't afford it for now, but conservative estimates of revenue from the new consumer electronics are around $50 billion," Ralph added.

"You and David have managed our expenses well the past year. So don't be surprised to receive a handsome bonus at year's end." Vince replied.

The financial report stated that Future Tech had $5 billion in liquidity for now.

"Thanks for the update, Ralph," Vince added as he left to find Morgan to discuss the AIM processors.

Morgan was his usual British self as he wore his old school yet regal-looking suit.

"Good day, Morgan. Any updates about the AIM processors I need to know." Vince asked.

"The current AIM processors are performing better than our expectations, but future upgrades will be more difficult with our existing fabrication equipment."

"I request for more Hive Mind suites dedicated to improving our current fabrication and manufacturing equipment," Morgan stated.

"That's going to be a bit difficult. Patel's AI team and the robotics division are expanding the Hive Mind suites. Still, Future Tech will use most of them to manufacture the current generation AIM processors and consumer electronics." Vince replied.

"We are still developing the second generation AIM processors. So our team can wait until new suites are made available." Morgan said.

"Thanks for understanding, Morgan. I appreciate what ARM and your team have achieved this past year." Vince said.

"We are Future Tech now. I would never have thought ARM would produce better performing processors than Intel and AMD. It's thanks to Future Tech's advancements in artificial intelligence and manufacturing." Morgan replied honestly.

Vince and his friends continued working on various projects while attending homeschool classes.

More Hive Mind suites had been created and immediately started mass-producing the new consumer devices in the tens of thousands.

An uncountable amount of transport trucks were heading to electronics stores around the US to stock the new products while shipping containers were heading to China, South East Asia, Japan, and other foreign countries for the same purpose.

[This release will be the new chapter in Future Tech's history. There will be a new tech giant to face behemoths in the industry, but we will prevail.] Vince pondered as he was waiting to watch the Future Tech release event on his flat-screen tv.

Stats last time checked:

15 million BTC (currently trades at $1,000)

$5 Billion in Future Tech

3800+ employees (Future Studios, Hive Mind AI, ARM, BitCash, Future Security)

Five company collaborators

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings

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