Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 88 - Frustration

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A plethora of Hive Mind manufacturing drones and various specialized equipment could be seen around Vince and Morgan while discussing a recent problem in his FT Micro Devices laboratory.

"As you can see, the new microchips Apple and the other silicon fabricators are producing share a strikingly similar design and manufacturing process to our first-gen offerings. Moreover, they even derived a few basic AI features like face recognition based on Patel's investigation in his department. So our competitors are clearly reverse-engineering Future Tech products and are undercutting us to boot." Morgan explained with disdain.

[I knew this would happen sooner or later, but it's only been a year.] Vince thought before replying.

"We have a few courses of action, like taking all of them to court, but that would be expensive, time-consuming, and bad publicity. Future Tech has already been a target for a while now, and I can't let my company be dragged into counter-suits right now." Vince stated calmly.

"So we do nothing?" Morgan replied disappointedly.

"What we do is maintain the status quo. We need competitors to avoid anti-trust lawsuits, and even then, Future Tech will always be the best and premium option. Yes, we'll lose profits, but that's better than being forced to break up my company by the government." Vince explained.

"We'll focus on advancing our technology to keep our competitors at bay while providing better and better customer experiences. In addition, I'll speak with Heidi to improve our hardware protections to reduce the risk of reverse-engineering." Vince added.

While the two discussed adjustments with Future Tech's development strategy, Vince received a message on his Hypervisor inbox.

"Excuse me, Morgan. Anthony needs me at the NetServ Control Center. So we can finish our discussion later today. Thanks for your time." Vince stated.

"It was my pleasure," Morgan replied before he returned to working with his lab assistants.


Vince took his private elevator towards NetServ's dedicated floor within the headquarters.

As soon as the young CEO walked into the Control Center, he felt a heavy atmosphere shared by his Cybersecurity Director and his team of nethunters.

"Anthony, did something happen?" Vince asked curiously.

"Vince, I'm sorry to inform you about an attack on our Mogadishu operating base. The assigned detachment and my nethunters have secured the perimeter on land and the network, but we couldn't find the culprit." Anthony replied solemnly.

[First, the reverse-engineering issue, and now this.] Vince thought angrily.

"I hate asking this question, but how many casualties did we incur?" Vince asked inquisitively.

"The two targets were our newly recruited Korean hackers who were involved with the so-called Anarchy. We believe the hit was in retaliation for their defection to Future Security, but further investigation is required." Anthony replied truthfully.

Vince forced himself to calm down after learning about Future Security's additional casualties since its inception.

"Find out more about the people who orchestrated the hit. I authorize the use of your Network Creepers. Future Tech will make sure to compensate their families via the casualty fund." Vince instructed before returning to his penthouse to clear his mind.

While Vince was lying down on the sofa overlooking the Austin Metropolis, he received another unscheduled call from the Future Security Director.

"Price, are you calling about the tragedy in Mogadishu? Anthony has already updated me about it." Vince asked via his Hypervisor.

"The nethunters notified me regarding the incident earlier. I spoke to those two when they were locked up here at Kandahar. They were decent lads, even though they tried to hack us because of their greed. But unfortunately, I'm calling about a different incident. My CIA contacts have just informed me Ashkan, the rebel leader who failed to overrun our Dehdadi FOB escaped from his prison cell with the help of unmarked assailants." Price explained in detail.

Vince was livid after hearing about yet another blunder experienced by Future Tech in a single day.

[Motherf*****! My enemies are relentless. For some reason, I feel like all of these incidents are connected.] Vince pondered after slamming both his fists on the sofa.

"What's the CIA's excuse? I thought all the foreign bases' security systems have been updated by Future Tech already." Vince replied, fuming with anger.

"The CIA transferred Ashkan from Guantanamo to an off-the-books black site which wasn't part of the upgrade deal with the Pentagon. I take full responsibility for failing to keep track of Ashkan. I should have ensured his imprisonment for the murder of our dead FS operators." Price replied solemnly.

"You aren't to blame, Price. The government is as unreliable as ever. I'm no military strategist, but I assume Ashkan will seek revenge after regrouping with whatever jihadist group saved him. I've already authorized FSC to use Network Creepers with their investigations. Collaborate with Anthony and find whatever you can about the unmarked assailants, and devise a counterplay if able. Thank you for the update, Director." Vince said with a stern tone.

"Of course, Vince. I won't let you down. Price out." the Director replied before closing the comlink channel.

[I feel so powerless. Is the 'growing pains' aspect of business this painful? I'll need to get used to hardships like these to continue developing Future Tech. Or else everything I've achieved with my friends and family would be in vain.] Vince pondered deeply.

A beautiful butler android with short brown hair slowly walked up to the sofa, holding refreshments on a tray.

"Vince, would you like me to call your mother?" Aiya asked after her empathy module detected Vince's negative mood.

"Just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I always need my mom. Thank you for offering, though," Vince replied with an annoyed tone.

[What a headache.] So Vince thought as he enjoyed the glass of juice while watching Wonder Alice and Hailee streaming together on Twitch while attempting to calm his nerves.


Meanwhile, in South America, two fully armed and armored men spoke in Russian. At the same time, their respective squads loaded up an Anarchy transport AV donning Lazarus Group symbols with supplies and the $300 million worth of Roubles in cash as advanced payment for their hacking services.

"Mission complete, Kadrovik. We'll keep in touch once your operations in Crimea ramp up." Hades said plainly.

  "Our psyops department requested an upgrade recently. The President wants to expand Russian social media operations before commencing the war in Ukraine." Kadrovik explained.

"It will be expensive, but our holistic services are more than worth the pretty penny. I'll have a team dispatched to Moscow within the week." Hades replied.

Kadrovik nodded in response and yelled, "Move out!" instructing his men to board their own AVs.

Hades' team departed a few minutes later, transporting Ashkan to one of Anarchy's remote airstrips in the Caribbean.

The sickly-looking man was curious where he was being taken and respectfully inquired about his current circumstance.

"Thank you again for saving me from that horrible place. God bless you all. Who should I thank for my liberation?" Ashkan asked.

"You have rich, powerful, and connected friends, Ashkan. It may take a few days, but we'll provide you safe passage to your home." Hades replied.

"Syria? I would appreciate it." Ashkan stated honestly. He rightfully chose to ask only a few questions out of self-preservation and a bit of respect.

[My homeland. One I haven't seen in years. What would I say to my superiors? That I failed them in Afghanistan? No. I promised to cleanse my mistakes with glory. Instead, I will have my vengeance.] Ashkan pondered while he waited for his homecoming.

More than a dozen hours later, Hades and his team rendezvoused with an Anarchy cell assigned to the middle east, undetected by the lax local law enforcement.

Men who looked like typical insurgents but sported specialized equipment such as MVRs and basic security drones secured the area for the handoff.

"Ashkan, these men are known as Fawdaa, the group who sub-contracted your escape to us. If you want revenge, I suggest cooperating with them. Most of the extremists around here are already taking advantage of their services for good reason." Hades stated before leaving with his team.

What Hades didn't tell Ashkan was the crucial fact that Fawdaa was just another Anarchy sub-organization taking advantage of the political and social instability in the region similar to the Lazarus Group in East Asia, all working under Enigma's thumb.



Stats last time checked: 

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000) 

$16 Billion cash in Future Tech 

105,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg) 

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn 

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E) 

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram, Twitch) 

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