Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 12 - Set Things Straight

"How's your meeting with Count Riviere's daughter?" Dad asks during dinner.

I looked up from my meal and smiled at him.

"We had a very good time together! She actually came to apologize for her behavior and we're friends now~" I answered him cheerfully.

My father, Leon, looked at me in disbelief.

"You are? Then that's good. Count Riviere actually approached me earlier today to apologize on behalf of her daughter. It seems that he doesn't have to do that anyway after all."

I guess even the Count has learned about the incident huh. He must have gotten flustered after knowing who I was from his people, or maybe from the rumors, who knows. .

"She's honestly a kind girl so I have no issues with her. We have cleared every misunderstanding from our first meeting." I added.

"Hmm…" The Marquis hummed as he resumed eating.

Nathan hasn't said a word but he looks like he's listening attentively.

"The Academy is opening next month, what are you planning Nathan?" Father suddenly declared.

I instantly looked at the both of them.

Academy? A school?

Come to think of it. I heard from Erin that Nadia was homeschooled because she apparently sucks at etiquette training.

I was like oops, I know right. I, who is not from this world, is better than her. Even the girls got surprised by my sudden changes.

"It's my last year, so I'll attend," Nathan replies, not looking at us.

My eyes sparkled in interest. I want to attend too!

"I also want to go!" I exclaimed which made the two of them stare at me, especially Nathan.

"In the Academy?" Father confirms.

I nod in affirmation, smiling at him widely while giving him the eyes. You know, that thing that cats do when they want something and seduce their owners using this tactic.

"But I thought you don't want to go." He said.

Nathan was now looking at me with furrowed brows.

"I changed my mind!" I replied. "This is also an opportunity for me to gain connections, dad. I could meet new people and maybe, gain some friends."

There was a short moment of silence but my father then sighed as if giving in.

He really is such a doting father. If I don't behave myself, I might get carried away with his doting ways. You're spoiling me too much, father.

"If that's what you want, then you can go."

I smiled even more after hearing what he said.

"Nathan is also attending so it's good, you can go together." He finished.

My eyes trained at my silent brother who still looks like he doesn't know what to say. I blinked at him while giving him the sweetest smile I could ever conjure.

"Please take care of me~" I uttered and Nathan looked even more stressed out than before. I could even see him mumbling. Too bad, I couldn't hear it though.

A month had passed and it was already time for the Academy to open.

I went with my brother together, who sat in the carriage in silence, throughout the journey. He wasn't brooding or anything, he was honestly just silently deliberating something.

The carriage stopped and I looked out to see what the Academy looked like. There was a stream of people going inside, ranging from fourteen to eighteen years old, all from the nobility.

Nathaniel climbed out first and held a hand out for me. I grinned at him and took his hand then finally got down from the carriage.

A lot of things happened during this whole month which made my relationship with him and my father, got better.

First and foremost, I stuck to him like glue for the entirety of it, bothering him all the time. As time goes on, I just noticed that we were talking casually now and that our conversations are getting spontaneous.

That means I succeeded, right?

"I have an assembly today," I mentioned as we walked inside the big gates together.

"I know." He answered.

I looked around, trying to see a familiar face among the crowd.

Where could she be?

"I'll see you later," Nathan uttered, looking down at me.

"Hmm? Okay!" I beamed.

He stares at me for a bit more before finally walking away. I watched him leave for a while and proceeded to go inside the supposed assembly hall.

"Nadia!" Someone yells from my right.

Of course, that someone would be Gwen.

"Good Afternoon," I greeted her as she got near.

"Good Afternoon!" She replied.

We exchanged some pleasantries as we entered the hall and finds a seat.

I had also been keeping in touch with her during this whole time and had gone to her house, at least once while she had visited me, thrice. So I could confidently say that we are best friends now.

The assembly was long and boring. Good thing I was with Gwen the whole time so every time that I think I would nod off, I would talk to her for a bit. I have manners so I still listen.

"We have the same classes!" She exclaims, looking really excited.

"That's great because I honestly don't know these people," I responded and smiled in relief.

I know that I had said I want to meet new people but it's still scary, okay!

"There's a get-together for new students right? Let's go there now!" She says.

After the assembly, the Academy set up an event for freshmen so they could socialize with each other. It's a good time for meeting new people and possibly gain connections.

The backyard was filled with young faces. Some of them were already chatting with the others, while some remained at the sides looking really shy to go and greet others.

"Wow, it's crowded in here," Gwen murmured at my side and I nod in agreement.

It really is…

"Good Afternoon, Miss Nadia!" A voice suddenly greeted.

I looked at whoever it was and saw two girls, smiling at me.

I tried to wrack my brain to think of who might they be and got nothing. I don't know them at all.

Just then, I recalled what Erin had told me. This body's Nadia has met people before. She had attended every single tea party she got invited to and these two might be one of those she had gotten to know. They might be friends already, who knows!

I sometimes forget that I am not the real Nadia and just a foreign soul occupying this body.

"Good Afternoon," I greeted back.

Noticing my indulging smile, they suddenly started rambling on and on which made Gwen and I be a bit surprised.

"You look really beautiful today Miss Nadia! As always, you stand out among this sea of people," The girl who had brown curly hair mentioned.

Well, okay…

"Surely you jest," I replied.

That's a really big claim right there.

"Your dress suits you, Miss Nadia! I bet it's from that famous boutique where you need to set an appointment, three months in advance!" The other girl, with black hair seconded.


My smile got frozen like that. I was seriously getting uncomfortable with all these compliments they're spouting here and there. It was clear as day that they were only bluffing and don't really mean it, but they kept doing that for I don't know how long. It felt like years to me.

Gwen saw how iffy I have gotten and took pity on me.

"I saw a familiar face, let's greet them."

We made our way to whoever Gwen referred and the two walked alongside us.

Ugh, go away…

"Miss Nadia, your hair looks really pretty! So silky and sparkly, like some rare diamonds!" They continued.

In all fairness, her adjectives sure are flowery.

I noticed that some eyes were trained at us. Some of those who saw me began whispering to each other, probably the people Nadia met before and I'll bet all my money, they aren't talking about nice things.

Nadia is nothing but nice anyway.

The others just looked at me in awe. As I've said, this face is really pretty, it could ruin countries.

I ignored the two girls' chattering and just walked with Gwen who was looking really annoyed. I feel the same, but I can't just be rude and shoo them away. I'll just wait until they get tired of spouting nonsense.

"So noisy…" Gwen mutters.

I'm so sorry Gwen…

Someone suddenly bumped into me from the side, and I caught her before she could kiss the ground.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" The girl uttered. She looked really flustered as she apologetically looked at me.

"It's oka--"

"How dare you bump into Miss Nadia!" The brown-haired girl suddenly yelled.

Her voice was so loud that the nearby people stopped talking and looked at us.

Oh, dear…

"! !! I-- I-I'm really sorry!" The girl looked even more flustered now.

"Do you know who she is?! She's from the House of Herman, you stupid!" The other girl chimed. They are in tandem now.

I'm getting a headache…

"H-Herman?!" She squeaked, looking really horrified.

The girl who bumped into me paled even more and appeared like she's going to pass out. People around us, who were watching from the start, had started gossiping as well.

"Yes! The Crown Prince's cousin!"

"How dare an insignificant girl from a low ranked family touched someone from a Marquis rank?"

"I-I--" She stammers. The girl was about to cry already and these two heartless girls won't stop insulting her.

Gwen was frowning at the girls and was about to tell them off when I spoke.

"Are you the one who bumped into her?" I questioned.

The two of them turned to me, getting excited about the wrong reasons.

"No, but Miss Nadia--"

"Then shut your mouth. You're being very annoying." I stated.

Both of them were rendered speechless, eyes going wide in astonishment.

People stopped their gossips and remained silent, watching us in interest.

"What do you mean by that Miss Nadia!" The black-haired girl rebelled.

"You don't even understand such simple words?"

"We were just defending you!"

"Let's set things straight--" I uttered and regarded them with cold eyes, "-I might have gotten acquainted with you from previous occasions, but we aren't friends."

"What? How could you say that!" She basically screamed at my face.

The audacity…

"Also, I have no interest in people who have no manners. How dare you disrespect someone from a Marquis rank?" I said, returning her words.

I turned to the girl who was cowering at the side.

"Don't worry about it, it was an accident."

The girl quivered but didn't answer so I took that moment to leave with Gwen, ignoring all the nosy gazes of the others.

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