Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 145 - I Think I Have A Heart Attack

Regina's dark eyes narrowed, "Tch. This is not what we agreed about!"

The plan was very simple. These men have to create an opportunity for her to mobilize her pawns. She lets her do what they want as long as they don't ruin the evening for her and yet they did. When she was just about to do something grand, that chaos outside happened.

"It was an unfortunate accident," Haagenti shrugged.

To be quite fair, the fight was unplanned. It wasn't on their agenda tonight that they would face someone and battle it out to death. Haagenti for sure didn't intend to lose two of his subjects and now even his right-hand man lost it, no pun intended.

Farren is ambidextrous so it was fine, but his dominant hand is his right and now it's gone. It's one of Haagenti's major setbacks.. Losing two competent subordinates, losing two of the working crystals, and earning a weakened butler.

If there is someone who should be kicking up a fuss, it should be him.

Regina's beautiful face contorted even more. Her smooth forehead creased, still making her look good though.

"Accident? What do you--" she then caught sight of the bleeding Farren, kneeling below Haagenti's feet. "He's bleeding!" She exclaimed as she saw the blood-soaked carpet-- "What really happened?"

Farren glanced at the queen who, even though she sounded concerned, there was no hint of it on her stone-like face. If this was some other women, they might have already been freaking out by the sight. But Regina wasn't just other women. This thing never truly bothered her in the slightest.

"We didn't expect to face a formidable opponent, your highness," Farren answered on his behalf.

One perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised, "You mean…"

"A man appeared and suddenly attacked us. The Crown Prince was also there and they stopped us from doing what we originally planned to do, your highness," he added.

It was quick and so out of the blue that they had no time to escape from there. Farren never really heard about such a man lurking around the palace before, if he did, the situation could have been avoided.

'Who even was that?'

"A man?" Regina repeated.

"Yes, a very powerful man," was Farren's answer.

The queen thought for a moment, racking her brains about all the men that the Emperor has at his own disposal that fits the criteria. There was Nathaniel, the captain of the royal guards, and is very famous for being a master swordsman at a young tender age. Could it be him?

The years she spent shutting herself up in her palace wasn't just for naught. Regina had steadily gathered allies and the likes. She also kept an eye and ears for whatever's relevant. Always keeping updated on the happenings within the palace, the capital, and so forth. She even listened to the rumors circulating in the social circle. All of that was just for the betterment of her scheme.

'There's also that one young duke that stirred a ruckus by defeating the barbarians as soon as he gained the title…'

There's a big possibility that it was also him because he had been visiting the Emperor a lot these past few days.

"Is that why you are injured?" She asked just out of habit. She really doesn't care about a servant like him.

Farren bowed ever so slightly, "Yes, your highness. I couldn't win against him much so if the magician participated as well."

"The magician? Lord Janus?" This time, her curiosity was piqued.

Sure, one of the reasons why she also decided to attend the Founding Ball was to meet the magician of the tower. Harboring such immense power that could destroy an empire if he wants to, it fascinated her.

She saw him, alright, definitely feels how powerful he is just from the way he carries himself.

It is widely known that the Arcane Tower does not meddle with the affairs of the government but she still wants to confirm it herself. There's no solid evidence that Lord Janus is in cahoots with Emperor Kael, nevertheless, Regina wants to see it with her own two eyes.

'It looks like it's true…'

"Yes, your highness. He was watching the fight the entire time," Farren answered.

Regina clicked her tongue, "Tsk. Then--"

"You don't have to worry so much, your highness," Haagenti cut her off with a confident smile-- "The event today might have been thwarted but our plan could still go on."


[Back to the Herman Residence]

I opened the door to my room just as Mari was doing the same. She was carrying a bunch of sheets that were probably on the way for laundry when she saw me. She seemed surprised upon seeing me there and immediately opened the door wider and stepped aside to let me in.

"M-milady? Is the ball finished?" Erin immediately shot up from bending on the bed. She was fixing the bed covers and got to her feet when she heard Mari.

Not just her either, Amy, Freesia, and Lily, who were also doing their duties, cleaning my room, stopped what they were doing to greet me.

The look of absolute astonishment on their faces made me want to chuckle just a little bit. It's like I caught them doing something compromising, you know. Even though they don't look guilty, they are behaving like one. How funny is that?

"Uuugghhh it was exhausting…" I groaned as I unceremoniously kicked my heels off of my feet.

It is unbecoming for a lady to do such unladylike things but I really don't care about norms and etiquette right now. If I could, I will seriously strip myself off with this heavy-ass dress and parade around my room, naked.

Hey, don't challenge me, alright?

I was bone-tired so I breezed past them and flopped myself on my big comfy bed. Something black and furry immediately snuggled right next to me and my face broke into a smile, resembling those of melted marshmallows.

Smile… Marshmallow… It's another weird metaphor but who cares???

Kuro wanted to come along with us but pets are really not allowed inside the palace grounds, that's why I left him here. If he could only turn into a person then it would be fairly convenient to bring him along…

'Wait, can he do that though? Hmmm… How strong is he, anyway?'

"I will ready the bath," Mari declares.

"Yes please, thank you…" I muttered, burying my face on the covers.

I heard her footsteps getting away so I assumed that she must have gone and done what she just said.

I wasn't actually comfortable lying down because I tell you what, my dress was on the way. Do you know how puffy the skirt is? It's so big that I could make it my own bed. I could lie in it, or I could use it as an air balloon or something.

I heard my maids talking to each other, or maybe they're talking to me, I don't know.

"Why did it finish so early though? Or does milady go home because she got bored?" Asked Amy.

Bored? It's because there's an attack and it didn't come from the fire nation. It's a different fire…

Heh. So corny.

"Err… something like that, yes," I mumbled.

It wouldn't be good to tell them the truth. The Emperor wouldn't like that too because it would put the citizens to feel unease.

They were trying to ask me more about it but honestly, I wasn't in the mood to talk. I feel so lethargic that if I close my eyes right now, I would surely drift to dreamland within seconds.

If not for the fact that I feel kind of grimy, I wouldn't mind it.

"The bath is ready, milady," Mari appeared from the bathroom.

"Uggghhh…" I groaned as I clutched the softest silk I've ever touched. It's my bedsheets and it feels so damn nice. I might be only saying these things because I am tempted to just lie in here and do nothing.

Now I kinda don't want to leave my bed but... Hhhnnnggg...

Dejectedly, I pulled myself out of the bed and pouted. My maids then started stripping me off of everything they had strapped in my body beforehand. The choker went, the earrings, the lace gloves… I just let them be and concentrated on making myself appear like a mannequin instead.

My heavy dress was also peeled off from me and now I'm just there, on the foot of my bed with only my underwear covering me. I feel liberated y'all.

Other times, or probably the first few times, I might have been blushing like a teenager upon seeing their crush on the subway next to them but I've grown used to this. Now, I'm just blushing like a teenager upon seeing a cat.

Ah, my glorious metaphors!

As I immersed myself in the tub filled with rose petals, sighing from the bliss that the lukewarm water has brought to my whole body, I started to think about how amazing life is. My mind then drifted and I started to think about all the things that had happened during the ball.

'Wait, what happened during the ball again? Ugh, I'm so tired I just wanna sleep until next week...'

I leaned back on the golden tub and closed my eyes. I then suddenly felt my heart lurched or more like there's a hand squeezing it so tight that it robbed me off of my breath. I have no idea what it was but man, does it hurt like hell!

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