Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 69 - Party Preparations Pt. 2

The first week of preparation was already exhausting as hell. I felt like all my energy that is reserved for the whole month, is used up. I had engraved the fact in my mind that I have no interest in this, but then I found myself being so invested. It's not just me either, but the entire mansion is busy. 

I even had no time for fooling around anymore. It was all dedicated to the party.

I was in my room, practicing my handwriting. At first, I was only doing that, then I just noticed that I am already designing a dress that I want to wear. 

It may not look like it but I am actually excited about the party. A girl could only dream of having a grand one you know! And I am a girl and they are giving me a big celebration! Also, it was rather fun, no matter how tiring the whole process is.

I had thought back about the dresses that I saw on windows and magazines from my world and incorporated them into my design.. I added my own flavor to it too, changing some features here and there. I was so preoccupied with it that I did not notice I had already made three sketches.

I stared at my creations and grinned.

"I do think that I am very talented. Fufufufu~" I said out loud, grinning proudly.

Kuro looked up from the floor who was lying beside my foot and licked it.

"You also agree?" then patted its head.

I looked at the parchment again, comparing it to one another. I honestly liked the last one that I drew.

It wasn't as ballsy, or puffy. Ballsy sounds weird. It wasn't big like the type that you could make it as a bed but just enough to make it pop out. It was off-shoulder with sleeves that are separate pieces from the rest. 

The other two were alright too, especially the first one. It was sleeveless with a heart shape bust-line in an A-line skirt. I had put a turtle-neck cape on it, to make it different and unique.

'These are really good though…'

"Hmmm, what time is it already?" I remarked and looked at the clock. It said 11:37.

'Oh! I did not realize that it is this late!'

Man, I have a whole day appointment with Adele tomorrow. I better sleep…

I then put it back to the table behind the list, went to my bed, and slept like the dead.


We are here at the west hall again. The room looked like a mini closet from the racks of dresses that you can see everywhere. There were strips of clothes and fabrics that you can spot on the couch and over the table. The room was a whole mess.

"Not this either..." Adele muttered and sifted through her brochure again.

Well, I had rejected the latest designs she presented to me. It's not that it was ugly or anything, Adele has honestly the best ideas out there. It's just that it was either too traditional, or trendy. And all of them fitted the demographic for young women, but it wasn't my taste.

I told her this before but apparently, those types of dresses that I wanted were for adults. 

I mean, I am going to be an adult right? Maybe they can just adjust the cut or something. Am I being too obnoxious? I fear that I really am...

I truly feel sorry for her team. They are doing their best and here I am being picky.

"Milady, this is the list of guests," Mari suddenly appeared after she was sure that we were not doing something important.

Ah, I had forgotten to pick this up on my desk this morning. I had to personally write their names, only to those I am close with, that's why I was practicing like crazy last night. It was draining, I tell you.

I took it from her hands but I lost my grip on it so it fell, scattering itself on the ground.

See that, my hands are still tired.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I voiced out when Mari hunched down to pick it up.

'I'm too clumsy...'

"Hmm? Who made these?" Adele suddenly asked at the side.

We all turned to her. She was holding the parchment with my scribbles in it. It had fallen next to her feet which made her unintentionally saw it.

My cheeks flushed hot red. 

'Oh my! my nonsense scribbles got seen by a professional designer. How embarrassing…'

I cleared my throat, "That... I was bored out of my mind last night so I kind of drew it. It's nothing..."I mumbled and shyly looked away.

She was still staring at it which only made my embarrassment grow.

"These are awesome!" She exclaimed so loud that it made me flinch in shock.


Adele gazed at me with sparkling eyes, "Lady Nadia! I did not know that you had such an incredible talent! Is this what you have in your mind for your dress?" she inquired and came closer to me.

"Uhh... Yes..." I answered.

"I can definitely do it! Let me do the honor of bringing this masterpiece to life!" she loudly announced as she grasped my hands.

'Wow, she's being so intense. Is it really that good of a drawing? Even though I had praised myself last night, it is a different view for those who dedicated their life designing clothes.'

She had looked so excited, brimming with renewed vigor and resolute. Who am I to say no?

"Sure?" I answered.

Let's just say yes as compensation for their wasted hard work these past few days.

"Maybe you can find a use to the fabrics that His Imperial Majesty had given me," I added and gestured at Erin who immediately left to fetch it.

'Finally! An opportunity!'

Erin returned with the boxes of luxurious fabrics. Judging from Adele's slack-jawed expression, it was definitely a yes.

Her already sparkling eyes got even brighter as she stared at me.

"I will do my best!"

A warm smile appeared on my lips.


She then gazed back at the sketches, "There are all good designs! Never have I ever seen something like it. It never crossed my mind that a dress could also look like this!" she then smiled at me-- "Lady Nadia, how about being a designer?"

"Me?" I muttered, "But I am not sure if I can…"

"Oh shush! You clearly have the skills! If you don't want your name to be publicized, we can think of an alias for you!" She declared, "I won't force you to give out something all the time, you can choose when. You can just submit it to us and we will all do the work! I am very sure that it would blow-up! My instincts never failed me once. Think about the profit!" she blabbered on.

'Making money? That actually sounds tempting…'

"Don't worry about the long run. We can just try once and see it for ourselves. But I know that you would be successful. I can feel it!"

I lightly bit my lower lip. Well, there is no harm in trying...

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