Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 75 - Nadia's Social Debut Pt. 3

With eagerness, I lifted the cover of the box to confirm what I had in mind and gasped. Lo and behold, a bow was in there. It's not just any bow either! Nothing is normal with all of the gifts they had given to me so far, and this might just have topped that bonsai tree in regards to incredulity!

It has the color of vibrant gold with intricate designs that look like scales on its body. Each scale has a variety of colors; aquamarine, blue, yellow, and red. Both ends of the bow were made to take the shape of wings. Most likely, this bow is crafted to resemble a phoenix bird. 

Even the effin' arrows look cool as heck!

I have no words…

Tongue-tied, my eyes drank it in. It's gorgeous! This is like a weapon of the Gods. Is this really mine? For real?!

"I…" I trailed off, got absolutely speechless-- "damn," I whispered afterward.


That's right. That's all I have to say. 

"It's a pity that I couldn't get to give it to you sooner," dad kept going even though he could clearly see that I could not even utter one single word.

This legit just made me want to cry more.

I stared at him with sparkling eyes. It could be from unshed tears, or from being blessed with the awesomeness of the bow. Who knows…

"Daaaad…" I vocalized and sniffled.

My father was surprised by my sudden urge of bawling my eyes off and chuckled. I rushed over to hug him which he returned while still laughing lightly.

'Ah, maybe I should have hugged my brother earlier too. Well, I could do it later anyway.'

"Silly girl…" he whispered.

I hugged him tighter, feeling elated when I felt him did the same. How much I yearn to be just like this, forever if possible. If only time would stop so I could be with the people that I cherish for as long as I want…

"Go on with your preparations. Remember, the party won't start without you." Dad patted my head for the last time before finally leaving my room.

After he's gone, I looked down at the boxes in my hands, the one from Nathan and father, and hugged it. I don't mind how ridiculous they get, as long as it came from them. I don't even care if it's just a normal rock in the backyard, it will still be precious to me.

The maids all came in again, later on, to help me dress up. 

'At long last! I could now wear my gown!'

I was holding my breath as the five of them carefully but meticulously, fix whatever is needed to be fixed. After more grueling minutes, I was now all set. Yes, they had taken minutes to fasten everything, especially at my back. 

The dress fitted me just right, not too tight, nor loose. Same with the separated sleeves. It doesn't fall down like what I had been worrying about, and stayed there firmly, even after flapping my arms like crazy.

Wearing it, I felt a burst of confidence surging out of nowhere. It's like I could strut around the capital, flipping my hair and twirling around like some ballerina. I honestly feel like a princess right now.

'Cinderella better watch out…'

I slowly turned my eyes towards the full body-length mirror so I could see myself. Call me a narcissist but, damn girl, I look bomb! Helen of Troy who? I only know Nadia…

Just kidding, hehehe~

"Let's put this on milady's neck," Mari voiced out from my side.

I wasn't really paying attention to them, as I was busy admiring myself in the mirror. I then felt something cold on my neck so I blinked away the haze and saw Erin putting the ruby choker on me. Mari, on the other hand, has her hands full with the ruby earrings which she was alternately setting on both of my ears.

"You look beautiful, milady!" Amy gushed and started clapping.

I stared at the mirror again, feeling incredibly overwhelmed. 

'Aren't I too perfect? I mean, this body?! How can someone look like this? What kind of good genes does this novel have?! And why did they blessed it to a horrible person?'

The glinting rubies accentuated this body's slender neck and made my pale red eyes pop out more. 

I think I have a crush on this body's beauty now... Pretty cringe, yes.

"Are you ready?" I asked to my reflection.

A smile appeared on my lips as excitement thrummed in my veins.

'Hell yes!'


My maidservants and I made our way to the direction of the great hall. I immediately caught sight of those two figures of men in front of the double doors, who could not even stay firm on their feet. They were pacing back and forth, restless. 

'What are they doing?' 

They had probably felt our presence because both of them turned at the same time. 

"Am I late?" I greeted them with a smile.

Dad shook his head, "The party starts whenever you want. They would always wait for you," was his response.

I could clearly see why my mother chose him. He is probably a smooth-talker back in his days…

I glanced at Nathan who had not uttered a single word even from the start and found him looking at me.

"Do I look beautiful, brother?" I teased and twirled in front of them. The long and flowy skirt of my dress swished in time with my motions.

'I really love this dress!'

Nathan cleared his throat, "Of course, you do."


"Any moment now…" Dad uttered.

Heaving a deep breath, I accepted both of their held-out hands. They were on each of my sides, towering over me like the giants they are.

I am probably the first ever birthday celebrant to have two escorts aiding me, and the first to break traditions. But hey! There's a first to everything…

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, brimming with exhilaration.

The guards who have seen my father's gesture moved to open the double doors for us.

As it opened, my heart started to race.

'This is it…'


The great hall which had been made to look more luxurious was filled with the distinct chattering of the crowd. Voices coming together in harmony, filled with joyous exhilaration, and is being accompanied by the sweet lilting tune of the orchestra. The violin sang, and the melody filled the air, striking the hearts of many.

A group of young people was at the side, conversing amongst themselves as they waited for the birthday celebrant to finally grace them.

"I wonder what was taking Nadia so long?" Eon grumbled as he munched on a dessert.

"She's probably still dressing up, who knows?" Conrad answered.

"Why would she take a whole day though? Is that how fussy girls are?" Luther inquired with furrowed brows. Nevertheless, he was still looking forward to it.

"You don't understand Luther. Girls especially like doing crazy things to their faces. My sister even spent the whole afternoon in front of the mirror!" Eon voiced out.

"They are just extra thorough because it is an event after all," Noah piped in.

"Why does it have to be so damn long? Nothing's going to change anyway. Just look at my sister..." Eon said and glanced at Gwen who heard him-- "I don't see anything new? Except for uhhh… what is? New dress?" he added. 

Gwen glared at his brother, "What do you know about these kinds of things you dumb ass! Just shut up before I shoved that whole tray down your throat!"

Beatriz looked unbothered at the side, paying them no mind. She was secretly enjoying the whole thing. There's just something magical with the lights, the people dressed in nines, and the music.

"She's probably on her way. We just need to wait just like what the others are doing," Conrad 

Eon only pouted and put another finger-food in his mouth. He may not say it out loud, but he is actually entertained. And the food! He really liked the food…

"The birthday celebrant, Lady Nadia Eleanor Herman," announced someone from the doorway.

The people clearly heard the booming voice just now and all halted their actions to look at the incoming star of the night. A hush fell among the crowd as they waited for the person to enter with bated breaths.

Three figures walked in, taking each step with grace and elegance. All of their eyes were glued at the interesting sight. Wondering how someone could have two partners at the same time. Their bafflement was short-lived as they saw Nadia clearly. With the most uniquely beautiful gown they have ever seen, women and ladies who saw it all gasped in awe. They marveled at the sight and felt jealous later on.

Their minds were full of one question, 'Who made it?'

Nadia sauntered to the center of the sea of people, her head raised high in utter confidence. The picture they have made looked straight out of a fantasy.

"She's here! She's here!" Gwen remarked excitedly.

Eon's head turned. He was about to put another food in his mouth but then caught sight of Nadia, so the thing that he was biting fell off of his hands. 


"Wow…" Luther mumbled.

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