Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 78 - Currently In TVDIWC...

[ 3 years later… ]

"Miss Nadia! We will miss you!"

"Miss Nadia!"

"Miss Nadiaaaa!"

Alright, you all might be wondering why there are some people dramatically calling out to me. I am actually going to fly back to my hometown to fulfill my destiny. I have finally found a way to go back to the real world! 

Hence, why all of them are saying that they were going to miss me and stuff because I am leaving today. 

I am finally leaving this place! That's all.

Just kidding~

However, the leaving part is kind of true. I am actually graduating from the academy today and as a Student Council President as that. Shocking, right? 


I mean, who in their right minds would appoint me as a person with high authority?

Ezekiel, Nathan, and Eon were the first to graduate 2 years ago and their graduation was grand as hell! Mainly because of the Crown Prince and the Captain of the Royal Knights, that's why Their Majesties are present. It was also held in the Royal Hall and there was a ball afterward.

A ball means ball dresses. It is when the designers in the empire shine the most. They get to earn a ludicrous amount of money during that time, and I am one of them. Because there would be a party in the palace, I had excitedly scribbled again. I was having a lot of fun and I did not notice that I had drawn quite a number of them. Then I suddenly remembered Adele's offer of making me a secret designer, and I was like, why not?

So I sent Adele a few of those which I did not find quite flattering, for me at least. She then offered it to her patrons under the pseudonym of Helen, which was derived from my second name, Eleanor. 

Helen had also been the talk for far longer, ever since my social debut. As soon as it got advertised, it blew up like crazy. The noble girls all demanded them. Adele had also priced it herself because I have no idea how it works anyway so I let her be. Apparently, she had priced it so high that only those who could afford it can take them. I instantly got rich overnight.

Adele was even up in the clouds and praised me until I felt like I became a saint or something…

Yeah, so the graduation came. I came with a ball gown with my own design and shocked everyone yet again. That is when I noticed some of the noble ladies, especially Rosamunde, were wearing the designs that I gave to Adele. It was quite refreshing...

I was slightly disappointed because I wouldn't get to see more eye candies anymore every day. Pretty sad… 

I had seriously felt remorse when I went to the office the next semester and did not see those same good looking guys. Conrad, Luther, and Noah are still there, but there's just a big part that is missing!

'The Princely Ezekiel… my tsundere brother… that idiot Eon… This just felt so wrong…'

The Crown Prince had left the authority to Conrad and Luther, whereas I was elected as secretary, while Noah remained as the second year's representative. 

By the way, Rosamunde got invited to the council as a representative as well, as per my request. And before you accuse me of pulling some strings and abusing power, I didn't! She deserved it anyway. After all, Rosamunde is also popular.

Conrad was worried that it would always be a tense battle between us, so he was skeptical. I told him that it would only get worse if he wouldn't include her because there are already rumors buzzing around that the council is purposely ignoring Rosamunde.

There were times that we would argue, mostly because Rosa is an airhead, and they would think that it would lead to a full-blown war, which never happens. It would then be resolved quickly by Noah's intermediation.

Being with Rosa actually made me learn more about her. I understood her better than before and learned that she is actually a decent girl. She's just snobby because of her upbringing, but she's not that bad.

Then a year ago, Conrad and Luther graduated. My grieving heart can't take it. 

They both decided to leave the fort in my hands, no matter how many times I had declined. All my inspirations are gone! What else am I going to do?

Anyway, I also find it too troublesome. Just shouldering the entire student body and heed their expectations, that's like becoming President of the nation! Could I even do that?

Right, I am being overdramatic. But yeah, I became the president against my will. Thus, I made sure to abuse my power all the time. I ruled like a tyrant throughout my reign, bringing terror to the entire student population.

I slammed whoever goes in my way left and right, not sparing a single person at all. Mercy? I do not know such a thing. Is that food?

'This is payback for making me President! And for taking away my eye candies!'

They were all spooked and had been regretting that I ever became one. You can just tell by the student's reaction to me, right?

"Miss Nadia! I don't want you to graduaaaate~" one whiny noble lady voiced out. She introduced herself as the new club president of the Admirers of Nadia Circle.

'I did not know that it is still a thing…'

See? They don't even want me to finish my studies with flying colors. They really hate me guys…

"How can my day be complete without seeing Miss Nadia?" Another chime in. 

"She won't come back anymore," Some girl uttered and started sniffing at the side.

Oh, she's truly happy that she wouldn't see my face again! She's even crying in joy!

I watched all of them with a smile, feeling so glad that I could see all their sorrowful expressions. There's just something cute about pretty ladies shedding tears for me. I wonder where did I get this sadistic side? Pretty sure it came from the Herman bloodline because Ezekiel has quite the same side too.

Then, my dad? I don't want to imagine Nathan and Father being sadists because that would be weird…

"Stop embarrassing yourselves in front of Lady Nadia!" Fanne Gurl, the founder and the ex-president of the Admirer's of Nadia Circle, tried to admonish them. She is also graduating today with us.

Fanne Gurl has also become one of my friends actually. We sometimes have tea together with the others and talk about stuff. And I meant gossip. Just kidding~

"But Miss Fanne…"

"We are just sad because we did not get to meet Lady Nadia sooner like you!"

"And this also means that the club would get dismissed now!"

Ah. It's because I will no longer study in the academy, so there is no point in it now, isn't it?

"Lady Nadia's popularity is not just contained in the academy, you know! She's popular everywhere, therefore the club is still alive!" she asserted.

She's intense too… A very passionate young woman...

'And what is with this fan club thing anyway? Aren't we too old for that?'

The sniveling girls stared at Fanne for a second and perked up.

"That's right!"

"Nadia's Circle would still live on!"

They were all chanting like that now. 

'Ah… To be young and promising… I do think that their vigor would just be focused on something else though…'

"Nadia, Noah said it is time for the ceremony!" Gwen exclaimed as she ran up to me.

Right. The graduation ceremony… Time to work then!


My eyes slowly surveyed each and everyone's faces, taking in all of their eager smiles and supports. It was a given that I have to prepare a speech for the ceremony, that's the reason why I was standing here and mouthing off my heartfelt message that I spent countless sleepless nights practicing.

"... blablabla… May Rozen Academy prosper!" I declared in a loud voice.

"May Rozen Academy prosper!" were the student's united response.

'This is actually exhilarating! Just hearing their voices that boomed around the room, it just meant that they are all listening to me.'

I kind of had these silly thoughts that they might zoned-out while I talk. Just like what I did during the assembly. Karma might just bite me in the ass you know… But thank Luminus, it wasn't like that at all.

One of the committees gestured to us while the other one spoke.

"Let us now move on to the passing of the student council's duties." 

Both Rosamunde and Noah joined me in the center as per the tradition.

I smiled warmly at the two figures in front of us, "By my power as the current Student Council President, I, Nadia Eleanor Herman, appoint Matt Sux and Kant Reid, as the next Student Council President and Vice President, respectively," 

"I humbly accept this duty." Matt and Kant 

Noah, the vice president, gave me the bouquet of flowers, which I then handed to Matt in turn, while Rosa gave the other one to Kant.

"Do your best!" I whispered to the two in encouragement.

A round of applause from the student body erupted around the auditorium as the two new leaders bowed to everyone. 

We made our last goodbye to all of them and got coddled by a number of noble ladies, be it from those who graduated and not. It looks like they have no plan on letting me go either, which is not practical I think. 

'Guys, I am 19, I need to get out of this place and serve the empire!'

But am I really? Fufufufu~

Gwen, Bea, and I finally left the Academy. None of us looked back, because it would just make us sad. There were a lot of shared memories in there that shaped us today. Both good and bad.

It was really a fun time. I'm so glad that I decided to study and get to meet my current friends.

"Oh look, a chaperone," Gwen muttered and nudged me.

My eyes strayed to the front gate and saw the reasons why I am still alive and thriving.

"'Sup!" Eon grinned and waved at us. Beside him, were the others, smiling at us warmly.

My eye candies!

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