Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 80 - An Invitation To The Capital

"Brother-- Oh, he's busy..."

He was in the backyard with Uno and Kai, obviously practicing. Kai is already 14, and he had grown quite tall. Both of us almost have the same height now, and I don't know what to feel about that.

For your information, Nadia is a long-legged woman. Taller than any of the other noble ladies out there, that is. She's maybe around 170 centimeters...

That's considered tall because the average height of the other women is around 160-ish.. So yeah, I am tall!

Kai has also been diligently practicing to be a knight, and he's taking lessons directly from Nathan too. I had thought that he would change his mind after a few years, but nope. He is serious, he said.

"I promised to protect you," was his answer to my imploring questions.

'Well, I can't stop him anyway. He can do what he wants.'

And Lost, gosh. You know what happened to Lost?! Lost became a man! 

I don't understand it either! Just one day, I started noticing that she-- I mean he, is looking more masculine every day. It's weird! I interrogated the maids that have been taking care of Lost before, asking them what the hell was happening! I got scared that Lost got replaced by some doppelganger!

How come he became a guy?! Like what the hell?! What is with him?

One of them told me that whenever it's time to bathe, Lost would volunteer to do it alone. They don't want to scare the child so they agreed and just waited for her-- err him, and they all remained alert if something would happen. So technically, nobody confirmed Lost's gender.

'So my first impression of him being a boy is true. But why did he look so cute like a little girl?!'

I'm not even the only one who is surprised, the whole mansion was shocked! Plus the fact that we had been dressing him up as a girl… 

My eyes narrowed at Lost who was patiently standing at the side. He was wearing a plain white polo and black slacks, looking neat and proper. His dark brown hair got longer, which reached the middle of his back and was tied into a low ponytail. Beside his feet was Kuro, my adorable fox. 

Kuro had grown three new sets of tails too, so now he got five. I just don't understand anything anymore… The day I found out that he's growing more tails, it made me think that Kuro might be hypothetically a nine-tailed fox. Which is a product of a legend, by the way.

'No way I'm that lucky…'

Lost must have felt my scrutiny on him, thus his liquid amber eyes went to me. It is really amazing how he had grown to such a fine young man as well. 

'But what is he?!'

"Good Afternoon Miss Nadia," he greeted politely. Kuro perked up as soon as it saw me and started bolting in my direction. All of his five tails were wagging and you could definitely hear the air being hit. Lost and Kai isn't the only one who got big either.

If you do not know what it looks like, imagine a gigantic dog, probably a St. Bernard, came barreling to you. It is a product of pure horror. I'm still not used to seeing how massive this fox is and had sometimes feared for my life.

One of the good things that came with it is that I could ride him like a horse now. Yeah, just like a mount. Kuro is now my own personal mount.

"Awww, aren't you a cute fox?" I cooed when it dropped down to the ground to let me pet it. 

And another good thing is, he became so fluffy that I could literally make him my bed. It's my ultimate dream you know! 

*Klang!* the sound of sword hitting sword echoed around the place before it landed on the ground nearby Kai and Nathan. It caught our attention for sure. 

"You still have a long way to go," Nathan remarked and sheathed his sword, officially ending their training.

"Tsk. I will beat you one of these days," Kai stated and picked up his own.

"You say that all the time," I commented.

The two of them heard me and both turned my way.

"Nadia," Nathan called out.

"Nadia!" Kai called out but with more enthusiasm.

Both of them, and also Lost, went to me. Kai and Nathan looked particularly sweaty, and not the disgusting type no. It only added to their charm, which should not!

'There must be something with the water here in this world, I swear.'

I looked at Kai as soon as they were closer, "Good work today Kai."

Kai pouted, "But I still can't defeat him… I should work harder!"

His eagerness brought a smile to my face. Kai had grown into a promising young man. I wouldn't doubt it if he ever flourished as a knight. He can go toe to toe with my brother when it comes to sparring after all, but the latter would always win in the end. It still is impressive nonetheless.

In the novel, he was really a troublemaker and got into fights a lot. The current him is so far away from the book though. Maybe because he didn't get to live in the streets that long? Then there's Lost who is still a mystery up to this day. He was never mentioned in a book, but I found them both together, which is kinda confusing.

'Maybe it's time to ask him directly about himself...'

I kept a mental note about that. 

Lost gave Kai a towel in which I don't know where he had pulled it out of, to wipe himself. He also acts like a butler for Kai all the time, I tell you.

I glanced at the sweaty Nathan who was looking at me, but sorry brother, I have nothing to offer. It suits you anyway, so there is no need to wipe it off.

"You have something to say?" Nathan then inquired.


"Are you planning on going to the capital?" I asked.

"I don't think I have," Nathan replied.

I stared at him in earnest, "But you know, there might be something that you should do there…"

"Not really…" Nathan answered without even batting an eyelash. But I won't be shut down!

"Then your sword! You might have to get it fixed!" It was clear that I am pushing it now, but eh, this is for my enjoyment.

"It's still fine," Nathan says to my disappointment.

I mentally clicked my tongue. 

"Nothing at all? You don't have the urge to sightsee or to stroll? Find some beautiful girls?" I urged on.

Nathan then stared at me suspiciously, "Nadia, why are you asking me this?" 

I let out a sigh and pouted.

"Because I wanted to see!" 

'I just want to witness the whole fated meeting thing! Damn it…'

"See what?" He pressed further with his brows knitting together in confusion.

'Oops. I said it out loud.'

"I mean, I wanted to see the capital because I missed it," I grumbled and looked at the side, avoiding his eyes.

"We were in the capital just yesterday." Nathan pointed out blankly.

"But I didn't get to enjoy it because we were having fun in the Cafe!" I rebutted. I'm just practically lying through my teeth at this point.

"Then let's go today," Nathan then declares.


My brother frowned as he stared at me, "You said you wanted to."

I was aware that both Kai and Lost were just watching us in silence. Alternately looking between the two of us.

"I mean, not today. Only if you have somewhere to be," My eyes then held his-- "I am not forcing you, just going to remind you that if you'll go to the capital, bring me along. Okay?" 

"I don't quite understand…"

"Just say yes." I asserted.

Nathan was silent at first but he answered after a while.

"... Okay."

"Don't forget it!" I added.

"I won't."

Fufufufu~ The deal is set now…

"Can I come too?" Kai interjected when he noticed that we no longer in the middle of the talk.

I thought about it for a moment, weighing the consequences. There is nothing wrong with it, I think.

"Sure!" I said and beamed at him.

The more, the merrier!


It was another fine morning. The birds are singing, and the sun is high up in the sky being cuddled by the clouds. It was a perfect day for relaxing. But I can't.

A week had already passed since that day I told Nathan about it, and he still did not tell me anything, nor mentioned a thing to me. I couldn't get to sit still at all. Every single day that went, it made me on edge. 

'Did he go to the Capital but had forgotten to tell me? Is it really not going to happen soon?'

"Is milady not well?" Erin asked worriedly.

It made me snap back to reality.

"No. I am just waiting for something," I mumbled and started drumming my fingers on the table again.

"Like what?" Amy chimed.

My eyes went to the zenith.

"A miracle," I whispered as serious as I appear.

"Huh?" I do not know who that was but that was their reaction. 

'When is he going to leave? Seriously?'

Should I ask him again? Ugh…


As soon as I heard his voice, my head immediately snapped towards him. It was so abrupt that it almost broke my neck. 

'Ow, frick!'

He opened his mouth, "I'm going to the C--"

"Yes! Let's go now!" I cut in before he could even finish his sentence, quickly standing up from my chair.

Nathan's eyes went to my dress, "You're not going to change?"

I smiled at him widely.

"No need!" Because I made sure to wear something that could be worn for going out every day. 

'I'm ready all the time, brother!'

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