Real Man

Chapter 125:

Chapter 125:

Chapter 125

The air in the large conference room became stiff for a few seconds.

It was because they could have quit right then and there.

“Okay. Let’s talk again in two days, same time.”

“Al…right. I’ll prepare better.”

With just one sentence, the meeting that had been going on for over two hours ended in 30 minutes.

Section Chief Kim Sung-deuk bowed his head with a forced smile.

It was not a good atmosphere.

From the current mood, it seemed that the worst situation was only delayed by two days.


It was the moment when Laura Parker got up from her seat.

The people who had been waiting for the opportunity approached her to greet her.

They wanted to build a rapport with Laura Parker, the big shot.

She had a lot of influence as the head of channel marketing.

“It was such an honor today…”

Click clack.

Laura Parker ignored the eyes of admiration that were directed at her and walked out.

Then she asked Kim Sung-deuk, who was still standing on the podium.

“Can you move up the meeting time I requested?”

“The meeting with Mr. Han Yoo-hyun?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Laura Parker wanted to meet the new employee of the LCD division.

She had many speculations, but she couldn’t confirm them here.

Kim Sung-deuk answered immediately.

“Yes. Of course. I’ll take care of it right away.”

“Oh, don’t contact him. I’ll go where he is now.”

“Really? He should be in his office now.”

“Is that a problem?”

Kim Sung-deuk’s eyes shook violently at the unexpected request.

“Ah… no. Of course not. I’ll check it out for a moment.”

He couldn’t refuse the wish of a VVIP for any reason.

Kim Sung-deuk quickly composed his expression and went to Jo Chan-young, the director.

Jo Chan-young was also flustered.

“Don’t contact him, please.”

Laura Parker even said not to contact him and just go.

That had never happened before.

It was when Jo Chan-young was at a loss for what to do.

An Jun-hong, the executive director, sorted out the situation.

“Let’s do that. Director Jo, go ahead.”

“What? Oh, yes.”

“You’re very kind.”

“No, not at all. Hahaha.”

It was the moment when he burst into a hearty laugh for the first time after being pushed around by the executives of the mobile phone division.

Click clack.

The sound of high heels echoed in the office.

Buzz buzz.

The people behind the partitions stuck their heads out.

“Is that Laura Parker? Wow, she looks just like in the magazine.”

“Really? Awesome. But who’s next to her? She looks like a model I’ve seen somewhere.”

“Wow, I’m nervous. Why did Laura Parker come to the office? Is there a demo?”

“Shh. The group leader is here too.”

Jo Chan-young, who was at the front, led them.

“This way, please.”

Behind him were Laura Parker and her secretary.

An Jun-hong, the executive director, and Section Chief Kim Sung-deuk flanked them on both sides.

Manager Lee Kyung-hoon who joined late, followed at the end of the line.

The people who passed by stopped greeting Jo Chan-young and gasped in surprise.

‘Why on earth did she want to come to the office?’

Whether he liked it or not, Jo Chan-young was nervous.

If she made a fuss about the office condition or the attitude of the employees, it would be over.

If he had known, he would have ordered them to clean up the office and leave their seats.

He was thinking about this and that when he arrived at the product planning team.

But Yoo-hyun was not there.

Laura Parker had told him not to contact him, but he had already told Oh Jae-hwan, the team leader, to get ready.

But he wasn’t there!

“Well, wait a minute. I’ll find him soon.”

“No. He said he was working today. I’ll wait.”

How could he make Laura Parker wait in a corner of the office?

Jo Chan-young moved around with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The team members looked at Laura Parker with curiosity and awe.

Among them was Shin Chan-yong, who was in charge of Channel Phone 2 and knew Laura Parker personally.

But Laura Parker didn’t give him a glance.

Jo Chan-young went to Oh Jae-hwan and growled in a low voice.

“What happened?”

“I’m sorry. I told him to find him…”

“To whom!”

Oh Jae-hwan shrank at Jo Chan-young’s loud voice.

“To Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo… Ah, Assistant Manager Park. What happened?”

“It seems that Yoo-hyun left his phone on his desk.”

“Oh no…”

Jo Chan-young grabbed his head at Park Seung-woo’s words, who quickly came to the team leader’s seat.

That’s when it happened.

The people who were standing in front of the product planning team split into two like the Red Sea.

And between them, Yoo-hyun walked out of the bathroom.


Yoo-hyun quickly assessed the situation as he felt the ominous atmosphere.

Everyone was looking at him with surprised expressions.

It was as if they had been waiting for him to come here.

As he turned the corner, Yoo-hyun realized why.

Laura Parker was standing between the parted people.

Buzz buzz.

His face burned under the gaze of the astonished people.

Shin Chan-yong, who was flushed with excitement, and Lee Kyung-hoon, who opened his eyes thinly, passed by.

He had a lot of thoughts in his head, but Yoo-hyun walked confidently.

The first one to reach out was Laura Parker.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Han.”

“Nice to meet you. I wish you had contacted me earlier, then I would have come to see you.”

Yoo-hyun replied in German.

That was the moment.


The voices of the female employees around them were heard.

Then Laura Parker smiled and said.

“Isn’t this what you wanted?”

Laura Parker came to the office and looked for a new employee?

That was comparable to the commander of the US forces in Korea coming into an army unit and looking for a new private.

What kind of attention would the private get in that situation?

“I’ll escort you carefully and politely.”

“Book the conference room right away and text me. Just move for now. I’ll set everything else up.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Executive Director Jo Chanyoung pushed Yoo-hyun from the side, and Kim Sungdeuk, the manager, assisted him like a secretary.

“Isn’t that the new employee from the product planning team?”

“Must be. But why is Laura Parker looking for him?”

“They say he’s good at German.”

“Does that make sense? He must know her.”

“Right? I’m so jealous.”

The people who knew him were naturally surprised.

The people who didn’t know him well also talked endlessly about Yoo-hyun.

As they walked together, Laura Parker asked with a smile in her eyes.

Didn’t you intend to approach me like this?


He had made a connection, but he didn’t expect it to be so drastic.

Thanks to that, his meeting with her was much faster than he had expected.

Yoo-hyun hid his expression and gave a faint smile.

The person in front of him now was different from Laura Parker, the vice president of the channel he remembered 10 years later.

The current Laura Parker was more impulsive and blatant than her now.

Soon after, Yoo-hyun faced Laura Parker in the VIP conference room.

Laura Parker asked bluntly.

“How much did you investigate me?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”


Yoo-hyun pretended not to know as he saw her blue eyes move as if to scan his mind.

At that moment, Laura Parker’s breathing, pulse, and muscle movements became slightly rough.

Their eyes crossed quickly in the air.

As she opened her mouth, Yoo-hyun spoke first.

“It’s not an investigation, it’s a study.”

“A study. That’s not a bad expression. Hmm, you even changed your perfume according to the weather. It seems like you studied my taste well this time.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“It is a compliment. You’re the first one who made me so curious. I thought about it. What was that feeling of incongruity I felt when we met last time?”


Yoo-hyun chose silence instead of an answer.

Laura Parker took a sip of the coffee on the table and continued.

“Mr. Han had nothing that bothered me. His tone, his outfit, his eyes, his perfume. They all felt like they matched my taste. You must have studied from my interviews or articles.”

“Yes. A little.”

He studied a lot.

And analyzed.

As Laura Parker said in her interview, she was sensitive to scents.

He could tell from her way of breathing through her nose rather than her mouth, and from her wrinkling her nose at the faint smell of wood when she entered the VIP room.

As she wrote in her column, she was sensitive to the weather.

She wore light lipstick on cloudy days.

She changed her planned outfit if the weather changed.

The channel also sold earrings that didn’t pierce the ears.

And she always wore earrings.

She did it to hide the scars on her ears.

She must have had some trauma related to the scars since she didn’t pierce her ears.

He shouldn’t touch his ears in front of her.

As he thought, Laura Parker opened her mouth again.

“But that doesn’t explain it. Look at you now. The way you look at me, the way you talk to me. I never talked about those things anywhere.”


“Yes. Then how did you know?”


Her curious eyes scanned Yoo-hyun’s face.

If he tensed up and rolled his eyes then, he would be out.

She looked at him with narrowed eyes for a reason. It was a kind of test.

It was her personality.

She believed she could see a lot with her eyes.

He had to keep a relaxed but not arrogant look in his eyes.

1~1.5 meters.

He had to keep a proper distance and gesture lower than his chest like her.

She didn’t like anything that bothered her sight when talking to someone.

“The answer is that you saw through me, right?”

“I don’t have that kind of ability.”

“No. You’re right. I can tell for sure now. You’re someone like me.”

-You’re someone of the same kind as me.

The words she had said 10 years ago flashed through Yoo-hyun’s mind.

Laura Parker was a person with innate intuition.

Her sensual ability to read people showed in her fashion sense, and it was a factor of success as a designer and a marketer.

She knew what they wanted, what they felt.

She literally saw through them.

On the other hand, Yoo-hyun was different from her.

He had good observation skills, but it took him quite a long time to understand the other person properly.

He trained and honed his senses consciously by meeting many people.

He filled in the gaps with the effort to dig up information around him.

He had more than 20 years of experience like that, so he could catch Laura Parker’s eye now.

If he had been the new employee of the past?

He wouldn’t have even caught her eye.

Laura Parker snapped her chin and asked.

“So tell me now. What do you want from me?”

“It’s an honor to meet you like this. I don’t want anything more.”

“That can’t be. Then why did you try to match me?”

Laura Parker’s offer?

It would be a lie to say it wasn’t tempting.

She was someone he needed in the future.

He needed power to correct external factors, and Laura Parker would be that power.

But not like this.

If he asked for her help here, and owed her, it would be no different from the past relationship.

“I just think you’re amazing. That’s why I wanted to know more. There’s no other reason.”

“I don’t understand.”

Yoo-hyun wanted to get closer to her.

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