Real Man

Chapter 131:

Chapter 131:

Chapter 131

It was an act that could only be seen as malicious.

The team leader of the next-generation product development team, who was supposed to support the contest, personally stepped in and threw a wrench in the works.

Yoo-hyun clenched his face.

‘Was Senior Go Jun-gil also a member of Han Gol Mo?’

Considering that most of Director Lee Kyung-hoon’s connections were from Han Gol Mo, it was a plausible inference.

He was a person who did not appear in Yoo-hyun’s memory, so it was just a guess for now.

Whether it was true or not, Yoo-hyun had no place to intervene right now.

It was frustrating, but he had to wait and see.

Jung Eun-hee, an assistant manager of the mobile business division’s product planning team, asked cautiously.

“Um, team leader. How about we start with making a mock-up production plan for now?”

“Assistant Manager Jung, I know you’re enthusiastic as the contest manager. But, you know we have to take care of 20 teams. We can’t do everything for them, right?”

“We still have to make a mock-up for the second presentation.”

Jung Eun-hee hesitated, and Senior Go Jun-gil cut her off.

“Hey, don’t lose too much energy on something that won’t work.”

“Then what about the product schedule?”

“Well, let’s think about that after we pass the second round.”

It was a contradictory statement.

The product schedule was essential for passing the second round.

That meant he was telling them to figure out the product schedule on their own while he didn’t care.

The engineers and product planners who had seen Park Seung-woo’s mock-up expressed their displeasure at Senior Go Jun-gil’s opinion.

They couldn’t speak up because he was their team leader, but they all knew that the current situation was unreasonable.

But Senior Go Jun-gil did not change his attitude.

“Why don’t we just end it here?”


He seemed to have no interest from the start and tried to fold this game.

Yoo-hyun read his expression without missing anything.

At that moment, on the 12th floor of Han Sung Tower, at the sales team leader’s seat.

Director An Bong-su, the team leader of the marketing team, sat in front of Director Lee Kyung-hoon.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon knew why he bothered to ask him such an unpleasant question like how he was doing.

“Ah, team leader. Did you hear that the product planning team passed the first round of the mobile business division contest? It seems like Assistant Manager Jo is pushing for it.”

With the upcoming executive personnel changes, he was openly playing sides between Executive Director Jo Chan-young and Director Lee Kyung-hoon.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon was displeased with Director An Bong-su’s bat-like behavior, but now was the time to make him a sure ally.

“Ah, that? It’s never going to work.”

“Is that so? I heard they’re going to get product production support from the mobile business division today.”

“Director An, think about it. They’re so busy, do you think they have time to support an impossible idea? Right? Senior Go isn’t someone who likes that kind of thing either.”

“Oh, Senior Go. The team leader of the next-generation product development team. Isn’t he your alumni?”


Director Lee Kyung-hoon answered with his characteristic smile that only lifted his lips.

Director An Bong-su nodded.

“Huhu, so that’s how it was. You’re amazing, team leader. There’s no need to leave any uncertain factors. But are you sure you handled it well?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’ve never left a mess in my work.”

“Of course… It would be better for our department if someone like you were in charge. “

“What are you worried about when you have such a talent like Director An? Hehe.”

The two men looked at each other’s eyes and smiled with their eyes.

Yoo-hyun judged that Senior Go Jun-gil looked smart.

He wasn’t so stupid that he couldn’t understand the opinions of his team members or the product planning people.

Yet he insisted on his unreasonable opinion so stubbornly because he had a good deal with him.

Of course, that target was Director Lee Kyung-hoon.

Yoo-hyun chuckled at his old boss’s persistence.

Is this how it came out?

Yoo-hyun now wasn’t a naive rookie who ran blindly without caring about anything.

He expected this level of attack and was ready to take it.

After Senior Go Jun-gil left,

Yoo-hyun left behind the product planning people who were comforting Park Seung-woo and approached his colleague Kang Chang-seok.

“Hyung, can we get HMOP (Han Sung Mobile Open Platform) support?”

“Huh? How do you know about that?”

“I learned about it during the new employee training. I thought maybe we could use it for our mock-up.”

“Did you? But it’s not easy…”


An open source platform created to unify the software of Han Sung Electronics’ phones that came out every year.

It was made to efficiently integrate applications provided by companies such as mobile games, widgets, etc., but now it was only used internally by Han Sung Electronics.

There was no reason for other companies to use Han Sung Electronics’ software.

To be precise, Han Sung Electronics failed to establish a proper open source environment.

This was one of the major failure cases of Han Sung Electronics’ mobile software in the not too distant future.

“But if we make it with that, it’ll be easier for your team to apply it, right?”

“That’s true. We’re also making it with HMOP.”

Kang Chang-seok didn’t think Yoo-hyun was serious about using HMOP.

It was impossible for another company to use the software that Han Sung Electronics made internally in a short period of time.

He thought Yoo-hyun was impulsively saying that because he was discriminated against.

“By the way, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know the team leader would be so stubborn.”

“No, it’s okay. But can you please give me the sample source and manual? They’re not on the download site.”

“Huh? You checked the site?”

“Yes. Just in case.”

But he wasn’t.

Yoo-hyun was serious about using HMOP.

‘Was he like this during his new employee training days?’

He always looked relaxed and peaceful, but he succeeded in everything he touched and led people.

“He’s really trying to do it.”

“Yes. I have to do something.”

Kang Chang-seok knew better than anyone that it wasn’t a coincidence.

The Yoo-hyun he knew was a man who always made results.

Just like when he saved him from falling off a cliff during the innovation march.

“Okay. I’ll look for it.”

After getting Kang Chang-seok’s agreement, Yoo-hyun explained the situation to Park Seung-woo first.

Then they went to see Jung Eun-hee together.

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth first.

“Assistant Manager Jung, can you tell me the product production schedule in detail by each stage?”

The development materials could be obtained, but they required prior production as a condition.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Assistant Manager Park.”

Assistant Manager Jung Eun-hee, who was giving a formal answer, looked at Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo behind her and bowed her head.

She felt sorry for him.

She felt like she had unfairly discriminated against the LCD business division.

“Haha, no.”

“No, what’s going on?”

Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo smiled, and Assistant Manager Jung Eun-hee asked kindly.

When the other party came in so humbly, the negotiation became more concise.

Yoo-hyun said.

“I want to draw a schedule based on the assumption that the next-generation product development team will make it for us.”

“They’re going to support you?”

“We’ll have to try. We’re planning to use HMOP to proceed with the work. Right, Assistant Manager Park?”

“Hmm. Assistant Manager Jung, please help us.”

Yoo-hyun nudged his side, and Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo nodded his head with a cough.



It was something that was hard to know unless you were in the development team.

Of course, Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo only heard it from Yoo-hyun.

Assistant Manager Jung Eun-hee rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

“Ah… yes. Anyway, it’s done, right?”


“Wait a minute. You need this for the presentation, right? I’ll polish this up and send it to you.”

Since he had taken the initiative, the work was swift.

She shared the sensitive schedule information that she wouldn’t have easily given otherwise.

She even said she would sort out the content and send it.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. If you need any help, just let me know.”

Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo greeted her, and Assistant Manager Jung Eun-hee replied.

Soon after, the product planning people came over and cheered for Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo.

“That’s right, Assistant Manager Park. Good job.”

“Thank you.”

“Try until the end. I think it’s good.”

“Of course. I’ll do my best. Hahaha.”

“You’re so cheerful. Hehehe.”

Yoo-hyun looked at Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo who was smiling surrounded by people.

He was relaxed, cheerful, and unshakable.

He wasn’t the naive Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo of the past.

He had grown enough to shine in such adverse conditions.

Thanks to that, he won people’s hearts.

This would be a great help for his career in the long run.

‘This is all you need to do.’

Yoo-hyun smiled at him from behind.

And he decided.

He would do whatever he could to prevent his growth from being broken by such lowly tricks.

Back on the 12th floor of Han Sung Tower, at the sales team leader’s seat.


Director An Bong-su, who got up from his seat, stopped his way and turned his head to ask Director Lee Kyung-hoon for confirmation.

“Team leader, just in case, what if they really get lucky and get product production support?”

“Oh, come on, didn’t I say it won’t happen?”

“Just in case. You know I worry too much.”

Director An Bong-su shook his round face with a chuckle.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon, who rested his chin on the tip of his hands clasped together, answered.

“It’s unlikely, but even if that happens, they’ll never pass the second round.”

“Did you take care of the higher-ups too?”

“I’ll say it again, I hate leaving a mess in my work. I’d rather block it with a hoe than a scythe.”

“Of course. You’re amazing, team leader. It’s always good to be sure. Thank you for your precious time.”

Director An Bong-su bowed his waist.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon’s lips curled up slightly as he watched him.

The short consulting meeting was over.

It could have been a disappointing situation.

But because people’s reactions were so good, Park Seung-woo and Lee Chan-ho were in high spirits.

Of course, the current good atmosphere had nothing to do with the second presentation.

The most important thing was whether they could make a mobile phone prototype or not.

And securing the product schedule was also equally important.

“The development materials are easy to get, but they require prior production as a condition. Ah, I’m sorry, Assistant Manager Park.”

Yoo-hyun said what he wanted to say using his colleague’s name.

Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo nodded as if he agreed.

“I’m not worried about the panel schedule. The touch localization part might take some time because it’s our first time doing it… But I trust them since they said they can do it at the pre-production team.”

The pre-production team of the mobile product 4 division.

It was the team where Yoo-hyun had been dispatched before.

The people were rough and eccentric, but their skills were unquestionable.

Even the product 4 division, which had been negative about doing such a thing when they were busy, couldn’t easily oppose it now.

The mobile business division contest was big.

It was different from the contest that the LCD business division was promoting.

Just passing the first round alone proved its usefulness.

In other words, there was no way that other development departments would leave this item alone.

Yoo-hyun pictured the development managers who were watching each other in his head.

“The problem is the mobile phone schedule… This is not something we can do.”

“That’s why the prototype schedule is important.”

“Right. Yoo-hyun, is there really something called HMOP? And can Semi Electronics do it?”

“Yes. I checked with Semi Electronics last time, and they have an engineer who has experience in operating mobile platforms. They said HMOP is a similar derivative, so there should be no problem.”

“But how do you know that? Chan-ho, did you know?”

Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo glanced at Lee Chan-ho, who shook his head as if he had never heard of it.

It would have been nice to tell Lee Chan-ho beforehand, but he didn’t have time for that.

Yoo-hyun quickly fixed it.

“I heard it during the new employee training. At that time, a lecturer from Han Sung Electronics’ mobile business division was invited.”

“How do you remember so much from the new employee training?”

“I have good ears.”


Why are you agreeing to that?

But still, Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo cheered.

“It won’t be easy, but let’s try it.”

“I’ll make sure to check with Semi Electronics.”

Thanks to that, Lee Chan-ho also got fired up.

With this passion, they could stand up even if they faced harder obstacles.

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