Real Man

Chapter 142:

Chapter 142:

Chapter 142

With those words, no one dared to touch Park Seung-woo anymore.

Look at the expression of the mobile group leader, who didn’t know what to do.

Through the video system, he could guess the feelings of the people in the mobile group.

He was smiling inwardly when it happened.

Vice President Shin Myung-ho, who was passing by his side, stopped.

“Who are you?”

“I’m a new employee, Han Yoo-hyun.”

“A new employee?”

“Yes, sir.”

Vice President Shin Myung-ho, who looked surprised, patted Yoo-hyun’s shoulder.

“Well done. You worked hard.”

“Thank you.”

It was the moment when Yoo-hyun put the last dot on the picture he had drawn.

An earthquake occurred.

The people who were out of their minds followed the first person who ran out.

They didn’t hesitate to trample on others to survive.

But what if what awaited them at the place they reached was not a safe zone, but a tsunami?

Would they blame the person who led them in the wrong direction?

Or would they blame their own choice?

He didn’t know the answer to the actual crisis situation, but he thought he could at least see what kind of reaction they would show in the company.

He saw how Director Lee Kyung-hoon, who had sided with him, was treated by Executive Director Ahn Jun-hong.

“Director Lee, why did you do that? You should have just stayed still.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You have to make the budget-type full-touch panel no matter what, so you follow up. Do whatever it takes to get it done.”

“…I understand.”

He, who always seemed to do well, was abandoned when he was cornered.

He didn’t collapse because he had a solid network.

But he looked like he would have a hard time recovering for a while, since he was out of the group leader’s favor.

On the other hand, Senior Manager Jo Chan-young got a promotion by luck.

The group leader even came to his office and expressed his disappointment.

“Senior Manager Jo, I’m disappointed. If you had told me properly, I wouldn’t have made such a mistake.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, no. Anyway, the idea that came from our group was accepted by the phone business unit. That’s what matters.”

“I’ll do my best to support you.”

“Hehe, okay. Let’s do well.”

Sometimes, it was better to just stay still.

He survived by luck and got the spoils.

Then what happened to the person who went in the right direction during the crisis?

“Yes, yes. I understand. I’ll send you the data right away. Yes. Thank you. It’s all thanks to you.”

Park Seung-woo, who was talking on the phone frantically, blinked his eyes blankly for a moment.

It was because of the person who was wandering around the corridor in front of the team.

‘Vice President?’

Behind Vice President Hyun Ki-joong, the head of the phone business unit, unfamiliar executives were flocking.

They were people he could never see on the 12th floor of Hansung Tower.


Director Oh Jae-hwan, who realized the situation late, quickly contacted Senior Manager Jo Chan-young.

Then he went out in front of Vice President Hyun Ki-joong and bowed his head.


“Yeah. Long time no see.”

“Yes, sir.”

People gathered as if they were watching.

The people who were buzzing shut their mouths when Vice President Hyun Ki-joong turned his head.

The power of the head of the phone business unit, who competed for the second and third place in Hansung Electronics, was that strong.

It was when Vice President Hyun Ki-joong was about to open his mouth.

Senior Manager Jo Chan-young and Executive Director Ahn Jun-hong, who received the contact, ran over and greeted him.

“Gasp. Vice President. If you had told me in advance, I would have prepared and waited.”

“Hehe, Executive Director Ahn. I know you’re busy making the full-touch panel. What’s the point of that?”

“Yes. I’m out of my mind, but I’ll push back the panels of other companies and meet the deadline no matter what.”

“Yeah, yeah. You know you can’t do this, right? I’m counting on you.”

“Yes. I’ll definitely do it.”

Executive Director Ahn Jun-hong bowed his waist as Vice President Hyun Ki-joong put his hand on his shoulder.

“Oh, and by the way. I want to see the faces of the people who came up with the idea.”

“I’ll find them and bring them.”

Vice President Hyun Ki-joong asked, and Senior Manager Jo Chan-young moved quickly.

Director Oh Jae-hwan was also in a mess.

People wondered what was going on and stuck their heads out.

Soon, the members of the third part stood in front of Vice President Hyun Ki-joong.

Yoo-hyun was a little nervous.

It wasn’t the fear of standing in front of Vice President Hyun Ki-joong, but the worry that Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, would say something stupid again.

Fortunately, he kept his mouth shut.

He saw that Min-hee, the senior manager, was pinching his back.

A runaway train needed a brake.

“The heroes of the reversal. You did well.”

“Thank you.”

Vice President Hyun Ki-joong was not a person who only ended with words.

“Executive Director Ahn, I want you to take care of these people…”

“Is there any doubt? I’ll definitely reward them.”

“We’ll also support you from our business unit.”

“As expected, you’re the vice president. Thank you.”

Executive Director Ahn Jun-hong even pushed him to give them a thorough gift.

“You all did well. You’re Park Seung-woo, right?”


“You really worked hard.”

“Thank you.”

He even showed the performance of shaking hands with the best honoree.

Following Vice President Shin Myung-ho, Vice President Hyun Ki-joong recognized Park Seung-woo.

The team members looked at him with a bewildered expression.

Among them was Senior Manager Shin Chan-yong, who always ignored him.

Director Oh Jae-hwan looked away, as if he had nothing to say.

Then Park Seung-woo said.

“Actually… he worked harder than me.”

“Oh, the one who showed me the mockup?”

What are you talking about?

Yoo-hyun, who was next to him, couldn’t help but be flustered.

What was he doing at the hero’s ceremony?

He ignored the poke in his side and spoke with determination.

“Yes. His name is Han Yoo-hyun, my junior. He’s very smart. He did everything: the idea, the report, the mockup.”


Yoo-hyun was speechless.

He had given him a boost, but he was paying attention to the wrong thing.

He didn’t need to kick the table he had set.

Yoo-hyun sighed inwardly when Vice President Hyun Ki-joong smiled.

“You have a good heart for your junior. What’s your name?”

“I’m Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Yes. That’s right. You’re a new employee.”

Senior Manager Jo Chan-young unnecessarily chimed in.

Vice President Hyun Ki-joong chuckled and reached out his hand.

“A new employee? Hehe. You’re amazing. Amazing. You worked hard.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun hid his expression change and shook his hand.

He felt a lot of pressure from his thick hand.

He asked.

“You must have some ideas as a new employee. You worked hard, do you want anything?”

“Can I say anything?”

“Hehe, of course.”

He had already said he would give him a bonus.

It was strange to ask for something more at this place.

But Yoo-hyun was just a new employee.

He had nothing to lose even if he made a mistake.

Yoo-hyun glanced at Lee Chan-ho and said to Vice President Hyun Ki-joong.

“I heard that our idea product will be released at the exhibition.”

“We have to make it happen. So?”

“I wish we could all go and share the glory together.”

The part members’ mouths opened wide at Yoo-hyun’s words.

It was an unexpected remark.

“Hahaha, as expected. You’re different. Very different. That’s why you come up with such creative ideas. Executive Director Ahn.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you hear? If not, we’ll support you from our business unit.”

The more absurd thing was that it worked.

“No, sir. The group will support the whole trip.”

“Haha, let’s do that.”

Vice President Hyun Ki-joong left with a friendly smile.

The group leader and Senior Manager Jo Chan-young went to see him off, and the part members blinked their eyes at Yoo-hyun.


It was a look that said, what kind of guy is this?

Then they realized the reality and started cheering.

“Wow. Are we really all going on a trip?”

“Of course. The group leader won’t say two words.”

“This is amazing. Yoo-hyun, you’re awesome.”

They all liked it, but Lee Chan-ho was so happy that he grabbed Yoo-hyun’s hand.

“Yoo-hyun, it’s because of me, right? Thank you.”


Yoo-hyun shook his head and pulled his hand away.

It wasn’t just because of Lee Chan-ho.

He had another reason to go to Germany.

That’s when Park Seung-woo, who had been thinking deeply, opened his eyes.

“Huh? Awesome. Does that mean we don’t have to do things like trip reports or competitor product analysis?”

“That’s right. We’re just going to have fun. Hey, the next part dinner is in Germany.”

“We have to do it before that too.”

“Good. Park, you worked hard, so you pay. The two guys who shook hands with the vice president can split it.”

“Hahaha, I can afford anything.”

Park Seung-woo nodded cheerfully.

“Puhahahaha, good. Good.”

He turned his eyes in the laughter of the part members and met Yoo-hyun’s eyes.

He smiled at the corner of his mouth and reached out his palm to Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun didn’t hesitate and reached out his palm.


It was the moment when the wrong things were corrected after a long time.

The second presentation of the idea contest held at the Sindo-rim Campus Auditorium.

There was laughter in the place where the tense atmosphere should have flowed.

“Hahaha, you really prepared well.”

“The product came out great.”

“Isn’t it worthy of the vice president’s praise?”

It was the reaction of the judges after Park Seung-woo’s short presentation.

There was no tackle during the presentation, and they all praised him openly.

It was an obvious result.

There was no one here who could compete with the phone that would be produced as the main product next year.

The same was true for the team leader of the next-generation product team who had made a fuss before.

Clap clap clap clap clap.

Park Seung-woo, who successfully finished the presentation, had a very emotional expression.

The other third part members were the same.

They also saw the changed scenery with Park Seung-woo.

They could share the glory because they were together.

It was the way out after the presentation.

“What are you doing? Want to have some tea?”


“Yeah. Deputy Manager, I’ll borrow Yoo-hyun for a moment.”

Kim Sung-deuk, the senior manager of the product planning team of the phone business unit, grabbed Yoo-hyun’s wrist and dragged him.

He apologized to Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min and took Yoo-hyun to the underground coffee shop of the Sindo-rim Campus.

He faced Yoo-hyun with a coffee table between them and said.

“Wow, amazing.”

“What is?”

“Well, you nailed the Laura Parker. You captured the vice president’s heart.”

“Oh… It’s thanks to Park.”

“Is it? Huhu.”

Kim Sung-deuk smiled with a look that he knew something.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders and brought his mouth to the coffee cup with a calm expression.

Curious people dig wells.

He didn’t need to go first.

“Our inside also says this idea is a huge issue. Actually, it’s not that innovative. It already existed. Of course, it’s cheap.”

“Yes. That’s true.”

“But how did you capture people’s hearts so quickly?”

“Maybe because they looked kindly?”

“Right. But, from what I see, the mockup had a huge impact. I heard that raising the HMOP was also Yoo-hyun’s idea?”

Kim Sung-deuk pushed Yoo-hyun.

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