Real Man

Chapter 162:

Chapter 162:

Chapter 162

She was angry, but what she couldn’t tolerate was that they had wasted her time.

They had been boasting about their LCD business on the news.

But now it seemed like they were completely giving up on the cosmetics side.

“I need to see those people.”


Jung Da-hye walked with a determined step.

The Cosmo Cosmetics employee didn’t know what to do and just shuffled his feet.

In front of the JS booth at the main booth C.

It was busy with people of various nationalities.

Jung Da-hye handed her business card to the JS guide and asked.

“Can I see Adrian, the head of the department here? I’m an employee of Sprint Company.”

“You’re not an LCD company.”

He took the card and frowned.

“Yes. I’m a consulting company. I’m in charge of cosmetics.”

“This is where products related to LCD business are displayed. You’d better ask the company directly about cosmetics.”

“Then please let me see Adrian. I heard he’s here to support.”

It was Adrian, the head of the department at JS, who had suddenly canceled the appointment that day.

He didn’t answer the phone when Jung Da-hye asked him to explain why.

He didn’t reply to her messages either, nor did he arrange another schedule.

That was why Jung Da-hye had come all the way here.

“I’m sorry. We have a VIP guest right now and it’s hard to respond.”

“I just need to see his face.”

“I’m sorry.”

But the guide kept repeating his refusal like a parrot.

That’s when it happened.

She saw a man with a hooked nose and thick eyebrows in the distance. It was Adrian.

He was talking to an oriental man in his middle age. The oriental man had a big spot next to his nose.

Jung Da-hye raised her hand and shouted.

“Mr. Adrian!”

At that moment, the oriental man slowly lifted his head.

A Chinese word came out of his mouth, which had been mumbling.

“Shut up.”

That was all he said.

It was a word that Jung Da-hye, who knew some Chinese, could understand.

The power of a trivial word was tremendous.

The guides came out and grabbed Jung Da-hye, and Adrian and the other JS employees bowed their heads in front of the Chinese man.

There was also the representative that she had seen on the JS website.

The customer company employee tried to stop her, but Jung Da-hye had no intention of backing down.

“Da-hye, thank you for trying so hard. We’re fine.”

“Wait a minute. Adrian, I’m Ellis Jung from Sprint Company. The person you were supposed to meet today.”

But Jung Da-hye’s shout didn’t last long.

The guides dragged her away.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun, who had made a phone call somewhere, went up to the second floor corridor.

It was a place where the edge of the exhibition hall stretched out, and where he could see the cross-section of the first floor with the ceiling open.

From where Yoo-hyun stood, he could see half of the main booth C on the first floor.

It didn’t matter that he couldn’t see it all.

He could see the JS booth vaguely.

Was there a commotion?

He couldn’t see well from afar, but the people’s movements were not very smooth.

Yoo-hyun took out a small telescope and looked at the JS booth.

The image of the man he remembered was reflected in the round lens.

Wang Hai-feng.

He was the actual owner of JS, who was hiding his identity now.

He was the younger brother of the chairman of BDE (Beijing Display Specialist Company), and a man who had the favor of the Chinese government.

He had secretly revealed himself yesterday.

Seeing him, Yoo-hyun was sure.

The event was today.

Of course, he would never come forward in his position, where he had to hide the fact that he was the real owner of JS.

He just controlled everything from behind.

This was all a scheme to steal the Korean LCD business.

The more he thought about it, the more he sneered.

“What is his China dream?”

China’s ambition to become the world’s center in the LCD industry.

They chose Hanseong Electronics as their target to achieve that.

A large number of their personnel had already been scattered to JS subsidiaries around the world.

After the personnel, it was the technology.

D&Tech, which would supply the core equipment, was a Trojan horse that would enter Hanseong and steal the technology.

“How meticulous.”

They used a German company and a Hanseong Electronics partner company to avoid being caught.

They also captured some of the Hanseong Electronics people in advance.

They had made efforts simultaneously.

In the past, when this situation was revealed, it was already after everything had been stolen.

They fixed the barn after losing the cow, but it was useless.

A few years later, they were eventually caught up by China.

Soon after.

Wang Hai-feng disappeared from his sight.

Soon after, Lee Kyung-hoon, the head of the department, passed by, and the finance director of the LCD business division also flashed by.

After that, a reporter with a camera followed.

The purpose was clear.

To announce the news of cooperation between Hanseong Electronics and JS.

This announcement was a win-win for Hanseong Electronics.

They could show off their coexistence with small and medium-sized enterprises through D&Tech.

And if they also showed that they received investment from JS, a foreign company?

The government would have to welcome them with open arms.

That meant, in other words, that government officials would also be here.

Yoo-hyun finished preparing to go down.

As expected, the people from the Ministry of Industry started to show up.

Yoo-hyun’s eyes fixed on one man.

Jung Woo-hyuk, the head of the department.

He was here.

He remembered his interview and thought that he had been here in the past.

Then, there must be a National Intelligence Service agent somewhere here, hiding his identity.

Who was it?

As a result of observing for two days, there were a few people he suspected.

He could have noticed it if he had observed a little more, but not from here.

The distance was too far, and there were many hidden parts.

He would have to go down and see for himself.

No matter how hard they tried to hide, they couldn’t conceal all their actions.

Using the intelligence agency’s agents to solve the problem.

That was Yoo-hyun’s first scenario.

Beep. Beep.

Then, the name of reporter Oh Eunbi appeared on the phone’s LCD screen.

What did it mean that she called him at this point?

“Looks like I can go to the second scenario.”

Yoo-hyun pressed the call button with a smirk.

As soon as the call was connected, he heard the excited voice of reporter Oh Eunbi through the receiver.

-Yoo-hyun, it’s a jackpot! They were really at the rest area. My senior is calling the police right now…

He didn’t need to hear more since he had already expected that.

Yoo-hyun cut her off at the right moment.

“Reporter, can I see you right now?”

-What? Now? Yes, yes. Of course. I’ll buy you a meal. You know, it’s rare for a reporter to get a free meal. Hahaha.

“I’m fine with the meal. I just want you to interview someone for me.”

-Who? You sound like it’s someone very important.

“Yes. Someone I admire. He just did a great job.”


He really did a great job.

He blew up the deal that was giving everything to China.

From what he had investigated in the past few days, it was Director Lee Kyunghoon who led the negotiation.

In other words, he played a key role in the triangle of JS, DNTech, and Hansung Electronics.

Then, wouldn’t he feel wronged right now?

He did everything himself, but the spotlight was on someone else.

He would have been satisfied with the profit if it was any other time, but he was surely greedy now that he was in a hurry.

This was when Yoo-hyun had to step in.

He was going to set the stage for him.

“I’ll take care of it for you.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t answer for a while, and reporter Oh Eunbi asked impatiently.

-Where should we meet? Just tell me.


Yoo-hyun told her the place and hung up the phone.

“Go up higher and see where it ends.”

He muttered to himself as he looked down at the exhibition hall on the first floor.

A thick smile formed on Yoo-hyun’s lips.

Three men stood with the JS booth as the background.

Click. Click.

“Director, please move a little to the side. Yes, that’s good.”

The camera captured their images, which didn’t look very glamorous, but they were all well-known people.

The tall middle-aged man in the middle was Yu Jaehwan, the CFO of Hansung Electronics’ LCD division.

He adjusted his posture and the camera reporter pressed the shutter button again.

Click. Click.

On his left was Kurt Jung, the vice president of JS’s LCD material center.

And on his right was Yeokyeongcheol, the president of DNTech.

After the short photo shoot.

A brief press conference took place inside the JS booth.

The three men sat on the single sofa in the center of the booth, and the reporters from the media surrounded them.

It was a common sight during the exhibition period.

A small announcement like this was usually done in front of the company’s booth, not in the press conference room.

It would have been weak if it was only DNTech, but JS and Hansung Electronics gave it some weight.

There were many reporters, but not many domestic ones.

JS had selected the media outlets that focused on them.

The progress was in a Q&A format.

First, a German media reporter raised his hand and asked the agreed question.

“JS said that you will make a large investment in DNTech. Does that mean that you will have a deeper relationship with Hansung Electronics?”

The answer was given by Kurt Jung, the vice president of JS, in English, and Yu Jaehwan, the CFO, followed in Korean.

“Yes, that’s right. JS decided to exclusively support the new development of LCD materials for Hansung Electronics until the year after next, meaning that we want to strengthen our partnership with them. Right, CFO Yu Jaehwan?”

“Haha! Yes. Thank you for giving us a good offer. We will do our best to create a better partnership in the future.”

As soon as Yu Jaehwan finished his words, the interpreter translated them immediately.

Camera flashes went off everywhere.

The words that came out now would soon become short news headlines.


Director Lee Kyunghoon, who was watching that, didn’t feel so good.

“The bear has the skill, but the king of the west gets all the spotlight.”

He was the one who worked the hardest in the middle.

But the CFO, who didn’t know the details well, came out and took all the spotlight.

There was no depth in his answer either.

He just repeated abstract words like a parrot, and the media outlets praised him for that.

He would get a huge profit from the DNTech stake. He also got a lot of money from JS.

But he couldn’t see that at this moment.

Director Lee Kyunghoon looked at the reporters around him with envy.

There were few domestic reporters.

No decent media outlets attended, and the reporters didn’t ask any questions.

So everything had to go through JS.

And Yu Jaehwan, the CFO, couldn’t speak English, so he used Korean.

Everything was disappointing.

If he was the protagonist, couldn’t he have made this event more glamorous?

Even the trashy people got interviewed with color phones.

But he, who worked the hardest, didn’t get any treatment. That was the reality.

He was marked by the vice chairman in the last incident.

It was a golden opportunity to make up for that, but it disappeared like a bubble.

Director Lee Kyunghoon tried to suppress his boiling heart.

That was when.

Click. Click.

A camera with the logo of Our Daily shook in front of Director Lee Kyunghoon.

The reporter who passed by him went straight into the crowd of reporters.

Then he raised his hand and asked the CFO in English.

“I heard that Hansung played a big role in the relationship between DNTech and JS.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I also heard that there was someone who did an important role. Who is he?”

“Ah. Haha! Everyone did an important role.”

Yu Jaehwan, the CFO, also gave a simple answer in English.

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