Realm of Monsters

Chapter 101: The Blue Meadow

Chapter 101: The Blue Meadow

What do you mean best hunter? Is the best hunter of the land already here? Are they being challenged? When will the challenge be? What are the rules? Stryg asked in quick succession.

Sorry, I dont know the answer to any of those questions and I have to get ready for my next performance. But, before I do, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name? The captain asked.

I am Stryg of the Ebon Hollow tribe, he placed his hand over his heart.

Is that right? The captain tilted her head with a small smile. Well, it was wonderful meeting you. If you go through the door on your right and down the hall, youll end up outside at the back of the amphitheater.

Thanks, Stryg headed for the door.

Oh, by the way, she called out. If you wish to know more about the Seregulus Hunt just head on over there. They are supposed to be gathering tomorrow at sunrise past the southern hills.

Thanks again, Stryg nodded.

Until we meet again, son of Ebon Holo.

Stryg paused for a moment, Goodbye.

He left through the back door and went down the hall. After a few moments he found himself outside at the back of the amphitheater. It was dark outside, but unlike Hollow Shade, people were strolling in the streets in large crowds. Red lanterns decorated the sides of each building, illuminating the streets with a soft cherry light.

Stryg closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He caught Rhians scent within a moment. He shuffled between the crowds and made his way to the centaur. She was standing at the front of the entrance of the amphitheater. She had a concerned face as she glanced about.

Rhian, Stryg called out from below.

She looked down with surprise. Master! There you are. I was getting worried, she sighed in relief.

Im fine. I doubt any of these merchants could harm me anyway, He hopped up into her saddle.

So, what did you do backstage anyway?

I had an enlightening conversation with the narrator of the play.

Wait, you actually talked to one of the actors!? What was she like? Tell me everything, Rhian whipped her head back.

Sure, but, first, lets head back to the tavern.

Aye, aye, Rhian smiled.


This must be it, Stryg guessed.

Rhian and him stood in front of a blue building. The tavern was at least thrice as large as any other nearby, as was the amount of sound coming from its double doors. A silver sign hung from above the doors with the words, Blue Meadow.

You wanna get a drink? Stryg asked.

I think Ill pass. I dont think I could stomach anything else tonight, Im surprised youre alright after all the beer you drunk, she grimaced.

Dont worry about me, he jumped off.

Im going to head to the stables and call it a night. Enjoy your evening, Master, she bowed.

Get some rest, we have an early morning ahead of us, Stryg waved.

He raised the hood of his cloak and pushed the towering doors open. Dozens upon dozens of elegant tables were sprawled about the place. Each table was filled with fancily dressed drunken men and women eating or playing one game or another. There was even a balcony serving as a second floor with more booze and food.

Stryg noticed that there were also plenty of women and men scantily clad who laughed and smirked as drunk customers fondled their bodies. He assumed they were the so-called high-end prostitutes, or flowers as Loh told him they were often called.

Excuse me, sir, may I help you find a table this fine evening? A barmaid walked up to him with a smile on her face. Her hair was dyed a soft shade of pink.

For a brief moment Stryg was reminded of Feli.

...No, Im looking for someone, he shook his head.

Very well. If you need anything, please dont hesitate to let us know, she bowed her head and walked away.

It was not difficult to locate Loh. Stryg could hear her laughter from the balcony. He shifted between the crowded staircase and quietly walked his way to her. He found his mentor in a private room at the corner of the balcony.

Loh sat on a red sofa around a long table. A dozen plates of food were lined up on her table, along with three different bottles of alcohol placed near a couple of pristine silver goblets. Two pretty orc women with their tops off rested by Lohs side, one on each arm. The women softly giggled into Lohs ears as they curled their fingers around her body.

Hello, master, Stryg bowed his head.

Ah, youve finally come. I was beginning to wonder if you got yourself into a fight, Loh grinned.

Not at all, he pulled up a chair.

Well, as you can see I have already ordered enough food for both of us, unlike an ungrateful apprentice I know, she wagged her finger.

I noticed, Stryg took a slice of bread and ham from the table. By the way, I thought only poor and small taverns doubled as a brothel.

High-end taverns do the same, simply because they can. This tavern is my favorite since they have a nice selection of flowers. I just finished with another couple a few minutes ago and the tavern master brought me these two fresh ones, she kissed one of the orcs.

The orc women giggled. They gently grabbed Lohs hands and rubbed them all over their breasts. Stryg served himself one of the bottles, a clear liquid that smelled purely of alcohol. It was not fire-breath, but it had to be a dwarven brew, the scent of alcohol was too strong. He strangely liked it. Stryg watched Loh and the flowers as he downed a few more glasses.

Jealous? Loh smirked.

Id be lying if I said I didnt find this whole thing interesting, but Im not into orcs, Stryg said.

The left flower glared at him. Do you have a problem with my kind, dwarf?

Stryg removed his hood and revealed his ash grey hair, soft blue skin, and pointy ears. His lilac eyes stared coldly at the orc. Im not a dwarf and yes, I do have a problem, orc.

The right flower giggled, Be careful, my friend is a bit naughty. She bites when she gets upset.

The left flower licked her lips, So, what was that again? Youve got a problem with orcs? Are you going to do something about it? Im right here if youd like to share your thoughts, just come a little closer.

Stryg leaned forward. My current thoughts are quite simple. You work as a so-called flower. Which means you do not have enough standing to have your own flowers. In other words, you do not have the martial nor magical prowess, nor the wealth, to challenge me.

...What? What are you talking about? You dont know me, She frowned.

True, but I think my observation will suffice, Stryg looked her over.

The orc felt a shiver run down her spine as his alien eyes inspected her like a predator would his prey. She glanced at Loh for help. The drow was busy fondling the right flower.

The left flower laughed shakily, Im not sure what youre getting at, but Ill play along. I may not be rich, but Im still an orc. What can a little guy like you do to me?

Well, Stryg flicked out a clawed finger. My plan is also quite simple. Id first throw a fast jab at your throat, crushing your windpipe. While youre gasping for breath I would grab you by the sides of your head and squeeze really hard, you know, until your skull cracked.

The orc swallowed, Y-youre lying. You wouldnt kill me. N-not to mention, people cant skull cracks with their hands.

Loh turned to her, Oh, my sweet, sweet flower. My apprentice has no compunctions when it comes to killing those he feels threatened by, so I suggest you play nice.

Stryg squeezed the goblet in his hand and crushed it. The left flowers face paled in fear.

And Stryg, what did I say about fighting while were here. This isnt Hollow Shade where you can just kill commoners without a second thought, Loh warned.

I wasnt going to do anything, Stryg grabbed another cup.

Loh stared at him.

...Yet, Stryg mumbled.

Loh stood up, Look, I think youre just stressed from all the training these past two months. I get it, we all can get a bit pent up and sometimes go a little crazy. In your case, its a bit of a murder-craze, but thats okay. You just need to relax and take it easy for a night.

What do you mean by take it easy? Stryg asked.

Loh stood up and walked to the rooms entrance. It means you need to get laid and shit-faced drunk. I see youve already got the drunk part under way. As for the other, well, I havent done anything with these flowers except a little kissing. How about you have them for the night?

What? But, I dont like orcs, Stryg shot to his feet. The world wobbled, perhaps he had drunk too much.

Says the man whose eyes have been staring at an orcs tits for the past few minutes, Loh opened the door. Just relax, she closed the door behind her.

Did she actually just leave me here? Stryg tried to steady himself.

Dont worry, well make it worthwhile. Please, forgive my friend for her sharp attitude. I promise we both can be very fun, the right flower smiled and kneeled in front of Stryg.

What are you doing? Stryg grabbed her head and pointed her face up to him.

Helping you relax? She eyed him curiously.

Is this your first time? The left flower found her voice once more.

What? No, Stryg frowned.

Perfect, the right flower unbuttoned his pants with only her teeth. Her eyes widened.

The left flower drew closer, Wow, I didnt expect someone of his height to be so

Stryg took a step back. He knew he looked different overall, but he still felt uncomfortable having both women staring at his dick.

Impressive, the right flower finished.

Eh? Stryg furrowed his brow.

His eyes widened as she began licking his member with fervor.

The left flower walked behind him and took off his cloak, Im sorry for earlier. I assure you I wont bite, at least not tonight.

I promise you that if you two continue I will bite you both, a lot. And I bite much harder, Stryg bared his teeth.

The left flower shivered as she stared at his small, but sharp fangs. Thats so hot. I want you to bite me so hard.

Huh? Stryg blinked.

The right flower lifted her head up, Dont forget me, too. I want you to bite my ass so hard that I wont be able to sit for a week.

He glanced between both womens expressions. Youre both serious, arent you?

Duh, she went back to licking.

So... I can bite you as much as I want? He asked slowly.

Id like that very much, the left flower whispered into his ear.

What are you thinking, Stryg? They're orcs, your peoples ancient enemy, he muttered to himself. He twitched as the right flower buried her face in his crotch. On the other hand No, get a grip, Stryg, youre just a bit drunk, he shook his head.

The left flower spread her tall legs and stood over her colleague. She then leaned forward and rubbed her breasts over Strygs face. He reached for the dwarven bottle on the table and drank it all down in one go.

Fuck it, he threw the bottle at the wall, it shattered on impact.

Stryg pushed both women off.

Hey, what gives?! The right flower pouted.

He grabbed them both by their legs and lifted them up, sitting them on one of his shoulders each, their long legs dangling below. The women screamed in delight.

Wheres the nearest bed? Stryg kicked the door open.

The orcs giggled.

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