Realm of Monsters

Chapter 108: Campfire Stories

Chapter 108: Campfire Stories

Bellums figure was a blur as she charged through the enemies, each falling to her blade. The enemy archmage tried fighting back, he shot a bolt of lightning at the goddess. The black flames of Bellums blade greedily gobbled up the storm spell and devoured the archmage whole.

The actress continued, The Ashe family cried out in joy at the miracle. Lady Ashe placed baby Calantha at Bellums feet and bowed down to her goddess, grateful for her intervention. Bellum, moved by their devotion, bent down and touched baby Calanthas forehead, granting the child her blessing. When the parents lifted their heads, Bellum and the Ebon Order were gone. And Calantha? She was no longer ill and even became stronger than the average vampire. She now rules House Ashe in Bellums name.

Rhian clapped in delight. Stryg thought the story was entertaining. He especially liked the part with the flaming sword chopping people in half.

Everyone knows that story, Maximus yawned.

You know, for someone who likes to eat alone you sure have a lot to say about my story, the actress glared at him.

Im just saying it wasnt satisfying, Maximus shrugged.

And it was a lie, Loh added.

What did you say? The actress turned to the meditating dark elf.

Loh opened her eyes, Your story is a lie. Sure, you might believe in it, but it never happened. It was just some story House Ashe made up to boost their popularity with the commoners and it clearly worked.

Ah, thats rich coming from a Noir. Your Houses crest is literally a black flame! Your House might as well say theyre Bellums biggest fan, she crossed her arms.

Black flames are not real. Ask any orange mage, hell, ask your captain, Loh said.

The actress glanced at the troupes leader.

Shes right, theres no official record of any black flames existing, The captain nodded.

Thank you! Loh grinned. My House uses the black flame as a symbol. We are known for our flame magic and we are one of the oldest families in the Ebon Realm. And another thing, Ive met Calantha, several times. Sure, shes a powerful mage, but she isnt physically stronger than any other vampire out there.

Youre just a non-believer like all the other dark elf! the actress spat.

Hah, if you mean Im not a fool, then Im all for disbelief in the gods, Loh laughed in disdain. As for the dark elf that ambushed the Ashes? There was no record of their existence. Sure, people might not have known about some rogue archers, but an archmage? Do you know how few of them exist? Theres no way nobody knew about him. But, sure, go ahead and keep believing in your fantasies.

Take that back! The actress shot up to her feet, her fists were clenched.

Stand down, the captain waved. You may be under my protection, but Loh is still a high-master mage. Itd be best if you do not pick a fight with her. Loh, please do not provoke my colleagues.

I was simply sharing my opinion, Loh said innocently.

The actress shook her head. Cap, you believe me, right?

The captain stared into the campfire, Truth be told, for all my travels Ive never seen any evidence that gods of any sort exist. But, if there really is one out there, Id like to ask them how this world became so broken.

Everyone grew quiet at her words.

...Anyone else have a story? Maximus asked between bites of food.

The actress groaned.

Ooh! Ooh! I have one! Rhian raised her hand.

This, Ive gotta hear, the captain smiled.

Okay, my story is about Mirror Springs, Rhian said.

Everyone knows that story, too, Maximus muttered.

No interrupting. Ill have Master bite the next person who does! Rhian warned.

Stryg wouldnt do that, Loh chuckled.

Stryg opened his mouth, his small but sharp fangs glinted in the firelight.

I stand corrected, Loh blinked.

Rhian, please continue, the captain said.

Okay, where was I? Oh, right, Mirror Springs. Many years ago, I think, there lived a young dark elf up in the Northern Lands. He had a large gambling debt and he didnt have the money to pay. So, when the collectors showed up in his village, he ran for his life.

They chased him throughout the Northern Lands. No matter where he hid, the collectors would find him. Eventually, the dark elf was forced to run into Rupture Mountains in hopes of losing his pursuers. It worked, no one followed him inside, after all only a fool would venture into the deadly mountains.

I like the story already, Stryg curled up next to her and closed his eyes.

Rhian was about to chastise him for interrupting, but she was stunned at the sight of the small goblins cozy face.

A-as I was saying, Rhian cleared her throat. The dark elf had escaped the collectors, yet now he was lost in the mountains. He tried to escape, but the snowy trees all looked the same. The more he wandered, the deeper into the mountains he went.

He was hungry, weak, and scared. Everyone knew only dangerous beasts lived up in the Rupture Mountains. The only civilized creatures that roamed the frozen terrain were the frost giants and they killed anyone who they came across.

After a few days of wandering the dark elf thought he was going to die of starvation. Then something crazy happened, frost giants appeared! Only, instead of killing him they took him to their village, Mirror Springs, and welcomed him with open arms.

The only condition the frost giants had was that he had to leave his old life behind him, for the people of the Ebon Realm were cruel and wicked. The dark elf gratefully accepted and he spent the rest of his life trying to make amends for his ways. The giants home was a paradise amidst the frozen peaks. They had hot springs with magical water that could heal people!

After living with the dark elf, the frost giants affirmed that outsiders could be good. So, sometimes when a traveler became lost in the Rupture Mountains, the frost giants would bring them to their village and give them a chance to give up their old lives and live a peaceful life in their village. A few did and they lived happily, but others could not give up their old lives and were guided back down the mountain by the giants.

The ones that left returned to their families and told them about the wonders of the frost giant village. They say that if someone is willing to leave their old lives behind and is willing to brave the dangers of the Rupture Mountains, they can still find Mirror Springs. They can live a happy life, free from any worries and hardships. The end, Rhian smiled triumphantly.

If you ever find that village let me know, Id love to visit a spa, Loh stretched.

Ive always loved that story. Maybe someday Ill go looking for my paradise village too, the actress smiled.

Stryg stayed quiet, all he could think of was how he ran away from his own village. He wondered if anyone in the Blood Fang tribe talked about him? Did the Mothers care? The Chief?

That was a good one, short, but sweet, the captain played with her dark hair. I have another version, a less well-known one.

Do tell, Loh scooted a little closer.

The captain stood up and began walking around the campfire. Well, the beginning of the story is the same. Our young dark elf had run away from the debt collectors and had escaped into the Rupture Mountains...


But, he hadnt run away by himself. He had his pregnant wife with him. The debt collectors had threatened to enslave her if he wouldnt pay his debts. And so, the young couple found themselves hungry, weak, and alone in the frozen wilderness.

On their fourth night, the frost giants appeared. Instead of showing the couple kindness the giants attacked. The young dark elf barely managed to escape. His wife had not been so lucky, she was crushed to death by large shards of ice.

The dark elf ran away into an oncoming snow storm. The bitter winds blew through his clothes and chilled him to the bone. The snow swam through the air all around. He fell to his knees, his body numb from the cold. He wailed in agony at his loss and accepted his death gladly. His senses grew dim, the loud thrumming of his heartbeat the only sound he heard.

He was at deaths door when it appeared. From amidst the falling snow appeared an old man with bushy brows and a beard so large that you could barely discern it was a man at all. He found the dark elf on the ground, slipping away from life.

The old man said, Youngling, why do you sleep in the snow?

The dark elf mumbled a weak response, My wife and unborn child are dead, its my fault. I just want to die and see them again.

The old man tilted its head, But, where youre going youll never see them.

The dark elf whimpered in defeat, Then just let me die and leave this wretched life behind.

I could, but would you like a second chance instead? A new life?

Can you do that?

I can, for a price.

Name it, anything, he pleaded.

I will, in due time. The old man bent down and stretched out his hand, Do we have a deal?

The dark elf took the hand without hesitance. Suddenly, the howling winds died and the snow stopped falling. The dark elf looked around. They were on a small cliff overlooking a dozen hot springs.

These are the Mirror Springs, they are my secret, for the springs water is special. It will heal your wounds and rejuvenate you. The springs are my gift to you. Rest easy and make your new home here

The dark elf did not have to be told twice. He hobbled down the cliff and threw himself into one of the hot springs. As soon as he touched the soothing warm waters his body began to heal and his aches disappeared. He sighed in relief.

The dark elf cried out in surprise as he looked down at his reflection in the water. He did not see his ordinary skinny self, but a taller more brawny version of himself.

I-is that me? The dark elf asked.

The old man laughed from atop the cliff, Not yet. The Mirror Springs reflect who you truly are. Right now, you may be injured and weak, but someday if you continue to bathe in the springs you will become just like your reflection.

And so the dark elf stayed at the Mirror Springs, day after day, year after year. The old man brought more lost travelers to the springs and allowed the dark elf to decide if they could stay or not. The dark elf accepted all whom he found pleasing and shared with them the magic of the springs. Everyone who stayed fell in love with their wonderful reflections, the promise of a better future-self.

Soon enough, the dark elf remarried, and started a new family. The lost travelers became villagers of their new home, which they named after their magical springs. Our young dark elf became the village leader and he led his people with a firm hand. Despite the passage of time, he hadnt grown old, instead he became the ideal person he had seen in his reflection all these years.

Everything was perfect, the village flourished, children were born, and life seemed a paradise. Until, one day, the old man returned to the village, but this time there were no lost travelers with him.

Instead, the old man went to our dark elf and said, I have a name.

A name? The dark elf asked.

A name for my price. Surely, you have not forgotten.

The dark elf nodded in understanding, Of course not. I am grateful for everything you have done. Name your price, I will more than gladly pay it.

In that case, I want all the children born in the village, including your own.

The dark elf was stunned, I-I cant do that. I wont!

The price will be paid.

Instead of leaving the village, the old man walked towards the springs.

The wind howled, a blizzard descended upon the village. The ground began to rumble, the houses fell apart. Dark inky shadows slinked through the earth, whispering agonizing cries. All the villagers but the dark elf and the children were taken away by the shadows.

The children cried in despair for their parents. Our dark elf chased the old man to the springs, hoping to plead with him. When he got to the springs he froze. His reflection was no longer that of a young powerful man.

What is this? The dark elf muttered.

Why its who you really are, of course, the old man came up from behind him.

But, why does my reflection look so different?

Your reflection never changed, it has always been the same. You just never wished to see the truth... until now.

The dark elfs reflection was that of an old withered man, with sunken eyes and sallow cheeks. His body was a husk of his former self, a few bones held together by stretched scarred skin. He looked at his own shaky hands and realized he looked the same as his reflection. The dark elf screamed in horror. He threw himself into the spring, hoping the water would heal his raggard form, but nothing changed.

What have you done to me? He whimpered.

Not a single thing. You did this all on your own, The old man stepped into the springs.

The dark elfs eyes grew wide with fear as he saw the old mans reflection in the springs for the first time. Gone was the old man and white beard and in his place was a horrifying creature.

The dark elf backed away, W-what are you?

Now, you finally see. You loathsome creatures are always so slow to see the truth.

Who are you!?

The Monster in the Dark.

The end, the captain whispered.

A famous vampire Great House. The founder, Lady Gale, was a legendary vampiress arch mage, whose epic tale remains one of the most popular plays in the Realm.

The family is known as The Shield of House Veres. They are incredibly loyal to the Veres family and have served as their bodyguards and close advisors since their founding. The family is intent on producing the most powerful scions possible, which has led to arranged marriages solely based on physical and magical attributes.


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