Realm of Monsters

Chapter 128: As Our Elders

Chapter 128: As Our Elders

Stryg dragged Freya by her golden hair. Her face scraped on the floor, her broken jaw hung open and left a trail of smeared blood across the dueling ring. When they reached the center of the ring he released his iron grip and flipped her over with a kick to her kidney.

Freya sputtered in pain, her broken ribs shifting in agony. She tried speaking through her broken teeth, but her lungs struggled to take a breath. She could barely manage a wheeze.

Stryg looked down at her with cold lilac eyes, You said you would teach me my place. The place of all goblins. Beneath your feet? Isnt that what you said?

Stryg placed his foot over her sternum and pressed down lightly, pushing the little air out of her lungs. She gasped for breath, but none came.

Tell me, where do my people belong? Tell me, Gold-eyes, Stryg hissed.

He pushed down with all his heavy weight. Her sternum began to creak, Freyas bloodshot eyes rolled up, her body trembled and spasmed.

Stop! A voice yelled in the distance.

Stryg ignored the voice and pushed his foot down harder, Freyas sternum cracked. A swift kick blurred in his peripherals. He raised his arm in time to block the blow. His eyes widened from the force as his body was sent skittering across the ring. He twisted and sank his claws into the ground, skidding to a halt on all fours. 

He hissed at the attacker, Orc.

Enemy, if you dont stop, Tauri corrected. 

She stood between Freya and him.

I told you to stop, but you didnt listen. If you try to attack Freya again I will not hesitate to stop you, Tauri glared.

Dark veins appeared all over her bright red skin, orange mana coursing through her veins. Her amber eyes were locked onto Stryg, waiting for his reaction.

Stryg sighed, the anger slowly sank underneath the surface, but still lurked nearby. Tauri was a master mage, he had no hope of beating her. 

What are you even doing here? Stryg grumbled.

Stopping your reckless dumbass, obviously. I just heard from a colleague that the duels instructor was beginning actual duels today. Tauri looked at the bloodied Freya, I thought something like this might happen. I came to warn the instructor. I was too late, it seems.

Tauri looked up at the duel instructor sitting on his short wooden tower, And what the fuck have you been doing? Why havent you called the duel? Is a half-dead girl not enough to decide the victor?

The rules state a duel is only over when someone concedes, is unconscious, or falls off the ring. None of these have happened yet, the instructor said sheepishly.

Gods, give me strength, Tauri rubbed her temple.

Technically the duel isnt over. You are violating the rules by attacking one of the duelists and standing in the ring, the instructor added quietly.

Tauris nostrils flared, Get out of my sight before I break you.

What? Who do yo-

Tauri stomped towards him.

The instructor scrambled off the tower. He slipped and fell down a dozen or so feet to the ground. He groaned and rubbed his back. When he noticed Tauri was still coming, he shakily pushed himself to his feet and limped away as fast as he could.

Tauri turned to the two white magi standing by, Well, what are you two waiting for? Go take Freya to the infirmary. Now!

The healers nodded vehemently and hurried over. Freya was wheezing weakly between labored breaths. The healers gingerly picked her up and placed her on a stretcher. The class watched quietly as the white magi carried Freya away.

And what are all you brats looking at? Duels class is cancelled until I have a talk with the principal to replace that idiot of an instructor. Class dismissed, Tauri said.

The students slowly nodded and began to disperse.

Tauri turned to Stryg, As for you, we need to talk about holding ba-

He was already gone.

Tauri sighed, Someone really has to talk to that kid. Ugh, whatever, Ill let Loh handle him.


Stryg rested his bloody hands on the stone edge of a fountain. He looked at his own reflection in the water. He was faced with a goblin who didnt quite look like a goblin, nor like anyone else. An odd goblin. A strange face, yet never a stranger to him.

He remembered Freyas words, A freak. His mind echoed the words with the voices of all the people who had told him the same kinds of phrases his entire life. Blood dripped from his fingertips and seeped into the fountain. Wisps of red floated into his reflection.

Youre broken, Stryg, Plums voice whispered in his ear.

Stryg should have felt glad to have stood up to Freya, to have beaten her for her words. But, all he felt was bitterness and anger. He splashed his reflection away. He busied himself with cleaning his hands rather than give the whole situation another thought.

So, this is where you were. Clypeus Gale leaned his shoulder on a nearby statue.

I told you hed be here, Kithina said proudly. I noticed he doesnt like to keep his hands bloody.

What are you two doing here? Stryg asked coldly.

Checking up on you, jerk, Kithina smirked.

We just wanted to make sure you were alright, Clypeus said softly.

Kithina nodded, I mean, oof, you beat Freya to a pulp! No matter how many healing spells she gets, that girl is out of commission. I dont think shell be back to school for a while.

Clypeus glanced at her, Kithina, I dont think now is the best time to talk about tha-

At first I thought the fight was pretty even. But, then we realized you werent using your agility magic. And when you did, bam! One hit and Freya was sent flying, Kithina pointed to the sky.

Clypeus cleared his throat, Kithi-

She went on, I mean how strong are you, Stryg? Like, one punch and done. But, you didnt stop there.  No, you went all savage on her and punched the shit out of her face. You must have knocked out at least six or seven teeth, easy. 

Kithina shivered, Ugh, that was brutal to watch.

Isnt that what you wanted! Stryg snapped. You wanted me to hurt her! You wanted me to take my sweet time, isnt that right!? Well, I did, so shut the fuck up about it!

Hey, you dont have to be so mean. Im on your side, Kithina frowned.

Stryg laughed, Oh, Im being mean? You asked me to beat the shit out of some girl and Im the mean one? Thats all I am to all of you, right? The crazy savage? The freak!?

Kithina paled, I-Im sorry, I didnt mean it like that.

Clypeus stepped in front of her, Kithina wasnt careful with her words. Cut her some slack, we can sometimes all be like that. But, I promise we dont see you that way, Stryg.

Just leave me alone, Strygs shoulders slumped. He turned his back on them and kept scrubbing his hands in the fountains water.

No can do, Clypeus placed his hand on his shoulder. Im your friend and Im not leaving until I know youre okay.

Right, Kithina nodded and sat at the fountains edge next to them.

Stryg stayed quiet and kept washing his hands.

...Freya didnt manage to land a good punch on you, but there are other ways people can hurt you. I saw the look on your face when Freya spoke. Ive seen it before, Clypeus said quietly.

And when was that? Stryg asked without looking up.

When your mock sword broke against my sister during our sword practice, he grinned.

...Heh, I couldnt move for over an hour with all the welts I had. The only compensation was that you were right on the ground next to me with your own welts to match, Stryg smiled half-heartedly.

And just like then, I am here by your side You dont have to go through the pain alone.

Kithina pulled out a small bar of soap from her satchel and handed it to Stryg, I bought it yesterday, I thought you might need it.

Stryg hesitantly reached for it. Kithinas other hand slipped and her satchel fell on the ground, spilling all its other contents, gauze, ointments, and even an expensive-looking potion.

I bought these thinking you might need these too. I guess I was wrong, Kithina laughed awkwardly.

...Thank you, both of you, Stryg smiled warmly.

There you two are, Callum said from around the corner. Ive been looking for both of you. He paused, Oh, Clypeus, youre here too.

Is that a problem, Mister Veres? Clypeus raised an eyebrow.

Uh, no, not all. I was just looking for my friends. I didnt expect you to be with them, Callum shrugged.

Stryg is my best friend, I think I have the right to check up on him, Clypeus crossed his arms.

Best friend? Stryg glanced up at the vampire, his pupils wide as saucers.

My training takes up most of my time. I dont have too many friends, Clypeus admitted.

Clearly, Callum muttered.

What was that? Clypeus narrowed his eyes.

Hm? Oh, nothing, Callum smiled.

So, whats up, Cal? You said you were looking for us? Kithina asked.

I was invited to attend the 100th birthday celebration of Lord Mora, leader of the Great House Mora, in about a week. Its not a Ruling Family party, but its still pretty fancy. I can bring two guests with me. Since our school break starts tomorrow, I wanted to invite Stryg and you.

You said Mora? As in your cousin Maeves family? Kithina grimaced.

The very same, Callum winced. I was hoping you might overlook the incident at the restaurant with Maeve last year.

Id like to go, really, but the winter ball is happening next week, Id hate to miss it, Kithina looked downcast.

The winter ball is in two weeks and its for 3rd years, Clypeus said.

Kithina glared at him.

Will Maeve be there? Stryg asked.

Most likely, Callum said reluctantly.

Ah, I forgot, its my brother Skobbys birthday next week. Sorry, I cant make it, Kithina bowed her head in an apology.

Ill go, Stryg nodded to himself.

What? Really? You know you can't attack Maeve in her own castle, right? The guards would never allow it, Callum furrowed his brow.

I know. When do we leave?

Uh, tomorrow, Callum said.

Okay, sounds good. Since Kitty isnt coming, do you want to come instead, Cly? Stryg asked.

Callum coughed.

Oh, I wouldnt want to impose, Clypeus shook his head.

It wont be a problem. Callum needs someone to go anyway. I dont think he has many friends either, Stryg whispered the last few words.

Callum frowned.

Well, if Mister Veres is alright with it, Clypeus smiled.

Callum forced a smile, Of course. It would be an honor to have a Gale as my travel companion. I can see it now, Gale and Veres, best of friends, as our elders before us.

Respectfully, Stryg is my best friend, not you, Clypeus smile cracked.

Uhh, whats going on between those two? Kithina muttered.

Although they are both smiling, I believe its some sort of staring contest. A sacred battle between two wills. Whoever breaks off first, loses, Stryg said.

Ah, dick-measuring contest, got it, Kithina nodded.

Stryg shook his head and blinked, Dick what?

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