Realm of Monsters

Chapter 136: My Father Hates Many Things

Chapter 136: My Father Hates Many Things

Maeve Mora hurried down the looming hallway with quiet steps. Her siblings and she had arrived at the castle almost a week ago, but her father had yet to summon them, until now.

Maeve had been busy directing the cooks and organizing the dinner plans for Lord Moras birthday celebration when a servant had informed her of Lord Moras summons. Her father hated many things, tardiness was one.

Maeve stopped in front of her fathers study room and took a deep calming breath. She patted down her dress and made sure there were no unwanted crinkles in the fabric. Her father hated many things, an unkempt appearance was one.

Maeve cleared her throat and rapped her fist on the door twice, Maeve Mora, requesting permission to enter.

...Enter, a cold voice echoed from behind the door.

Maeve pushed the door open softly and walked inside. The study room was very large, easily the largest room in the entire south wing. Her father hated many things, but history was not one. In fact, Lord Mora prided himself as a collector of antiques and student of history.

Lord Moras study room reflected his passion. Large caskets of glass, lined every wall, each displaying one rare artifact or another. No doubt each piece was worth more than Maeves father would ever spend on his children. Her father hated many things, his children were one.

Lord Mora sat in his chair, his elbows resting on the desk, his fingers clasped together. His brown beard was immaculately combed and oiled. His blue cape was without a speck of dirt and his clothes practically shined. But, there were dark rings under his eyes, he hadnt slept well in days.

I expected you to be here five minutes ago, Lord Mora said coldly.

Im sorry, father. I was busy helping with the dinner plans, Maeve bowed low.

I do not care for your excuses.

She swallowed and bit her tongue, Yes, of course. Im sorry, father.

Maeve kept her head down and stepped in line with her brothers and sisters. Her siblings had arrived before her, typical. No matter what she tried, when it came to their father, Maeve always seemed to fall short of her siblings.

Perhaps it was because they were all older than Maeve and somehow learned tricks to avoid her fathers wrath that she had yet to discover. Perhaps it was because Maeve was said to be the spitting image of her late mother, Alice Veres, and the sight of her face angered Lord Mora. But, Maeve suspected the real reason was simply that she was the only child who had not inherited the magical talents of her mother.

Lord Mora had married Alice in the hopes of achieving political power within Hollow Shade. Since Alice had passed away, the only connection Lord Mora had to the Veres Ruling Family was his children. The Veres trademark was their magical prowess, yet Maeve was not a mageborn. If it was not for the fact that Maeve looked like her mother, people might have questioned her legitimacy.

As it stood, Lord Mora saw Maeve as defective. A blot of shame on his otherwise prideful reputation. Her father hated many things, imperfection was one.

Do any of you know what tomorrow is? Lord Mora asked.

The eldest son raised his hand tentatively, Your birthday, father.

My 100th birthday. Most vampires dont make it past their 180s, few reach 200. And I assure you all I do plan to be one of those few. Therefore, this is the exact middle of my life. And this celebration of my time in this world will be the most important moment in all of your lives. So, does anyone care to explain to me why the celebration preparations are yet to be complete? Lord Mora glared at each of his children.

There were unforeseen circumstances, the middle sister peeped.

Unforeseen? Lord Veres has decided to accept my invitation this year. A family leader of one of the most powerful Houses in all of Holo Shade, nay the entire Ebon Realm, will be arriving today. I will not tolerate unforeseen bloody circumstances! Lord Mora slammed his fist into his desk.

Maeve was ashamed that she flinched at the noise. She was supposed to be better than this. Dr. Lucy had told her she could be free from her father. But, all it took was a few moments being back in his presence and she was already cowering.

If only mom could see me now, Maeve bit her lip.

Why are you so quiet? Out with it! What unforeseen mishap did you all fuck up this time? Lord Mora snapped.

We had a last-minute invitation acceptance. We needed to prepare more accommodations, the middle sister wrung her hands together.

No, you do not. Lord Veres is coming to my castle, everything must be perfect. If some idiot thinks he can have the gall to accept my invitation at the last minute, then he can march back to where he bloody came from.

Forgive me, father, but Im not sure that would be the wisest idea, the eldest sister spoke up.

Lord Mora chuckled, You think you are wiser than me? Please, do tell, this should be interesting.

The middle sister looked up at her eldest sister with a pleading gaze.

The eldest sister took a deep breath, Because the one who accepted the invitation was House Noir.

Lord Moras face turned dark, he stood up slowly and walked over to his eldest daughter, Are you telling me that another Ruling Family is coming and you didnt bother to say anything until now?

Well, I didn-

Lord Mora punched his eldest daughter in the gut. She gasped and fell to her knees. She tried to speak but all she could manage was a quiet wheeze.

Lord Moras hand turned a shade of bronze, brown vigor magic running through his arm. He gripped his daughter by the throat and lifted her up until her feet dangled off the ground.

You are lucky I need you to look presentable. Otherwise, Id break that idiotic face you dare flaunter in front of me, Lord Mora sneered.

He threw her at the door with a loud bang. Maeve didnt dare look away from her father and glance at her unmoving sister. No one here was a stranger to this sort of act.

As per tradition, we will all head over to the docks as a family to welcome Lord Veres and Lord Noir to Mortis Grove. I shall then personally guide them to Mora Castle. I will not have any of you embarrass me in front of either of them, do I make myself clear?

Yes, father, the siblings said in unison, all except for their eldest sister. Maeve did not think she would be saying anything for some time.

The docks are over an hour away. Make your preparations quick. We head out in fifteen minutes.

Yes, father, the siblings nodded.

Oh, and Maeve. Make sure your sister puts on a scarf.

Yes, father.

Maeve finally glanced at her unconscious eldest sister. She stared at the finger marks curled around her sisters throat.


It was a cloudy day, the perfect kind of day for any vampire. The suns harsh rays did not beat down on the vampires skin or eyes. The docks were more busy than usual. Lord Mora had recalled all his major trade ships back home to seem more impressive when the guests arrived.

Maeve thought it was a dumb business practice and it would cost them potential earnings, but she would not voice her opinion to her psychotic father.

Instead, Maeve found herself in line with her siblings once more. Lord Mora and his children stood at the edge of the pier and looked out to the waters in the distance. Two ships sailed towards the docks, their colossal size becoming more and more evident as they drew closer.

Is that them? Maeve whispered to her brother.

He nodded, Do you see the ship with the dark black hull? Thats the Dread Shadow, the flagship of House Veres. The one with the pale white hull and white sails is the Ghost Flame, the flagship of House Noir.

So, the family leaders really did come, Maeve made an o with her lips.

As the ships grew closer, Maeve could make out the black flames weaved into the Ghost Flames sails, the Noirs family crest. House Veres crest, Krikolm stabbing into a skull with writhing shadows, was weaved into the sails of the Dread Shadow.

Large waves splashed onto the pier as the two ships docked. The Dread Shadow lowered down a lift with three cloaked passengers and an array of guards dressed in black and red armor behind them.

Several other invited guests from nearby ships walked up behind the Moras, eager to get a glance at the powerful lords of the Ruling Families.

Everyone is watching. I will not have any of you botch this. Remember to bow after me, Lord Mora whispered to his children.

The passengers stepped off the lift and walked over to the Moras. Lord Mora stepped forward and made a flourishing bow, his cape billowing in the wind. The children bowed together right after.

Lord Veres, I am glad you have arrived safely. As Lord of House Mora, allow me to personally welcome you to Mortis Grove. I am humbled that you have chosen to accept my invitation. I assure you, this years extravaganza will be the greatest you have seen in decades.

Oh, I do hope so, otherwise this trip would have been a waste, the young man removed the hood of his cloak.

Lord Mora grimaced as if he had been stabbed in the heart, C-Callum?

Im flattered you recognize a hybrid such as myself, Callum winked.

Lord Mora closed his eyes, swallowed, and breathed in deeply, May I ask what you are doing here? I was under the impression that Lord Veres accepted my invitation.

Indeed, my father did. But, he wouldnt be caught dead being seen at one of your shabby little gatherings. Oh, what did you call it? Callum chuckled, Extravaganza? And you wonder why my father didnt come.

Is this a joke? Lord Mora turned a bright shade of red.

Dont worry, this is all official. I am here as the representative of my father, Lord Veres IX. Anything I say or do will be considered his will. Callum patted Moras shoulder, That being said, anything said or done to me will be the same as if it had been to my father.

Lord Moras eye twitched. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Callum took a step back and placed his hand over his mouth, Oh, was I speaking too fast? I know you country bumpkins can be a tad slow.

Maeve and her siblings watched the conversation with wide eyes. No one spoke to their father like that. But, Callum was currently representing the family leader of House Veres, even her father could not disrespect him.

Maeve glanced behind. From the whispers of the other guests watching, it seemed they knew it too.

The second cloaked figure removed his hood and stepped forward, Lord Mora, on behalf of House Gale, thank you for the invitation. I am certain your party will be one to remember.

The moment Lord Mora noticed the crest on the strangers cloaks clasp, he smoothed his features and smiled, I was not made aware a Gale scion was attending. I am honored you are here. May I ask your name?

Clypeus of House Gale, he made a short bow.

Clypeus, welcome to Mortis Grove, Lord Mora bowed in return. May I inquire about your other companion? Perhaps another prominent scion?

The third cloaked figure stayed quiet. They were smaller than the rest, a child maybe. Or a small woman? A dwarf? Maeve was not sure.

There is no need to be shy. I assure you, there is nothing to fear from me, Lord Mora smiled.

The cloaked figure walked past the vampire lord and made his way past each of the Mora siblings until he reached Maeve. Lord Mora stared daggers at Maeve, but she was just as confused. She looked down at the black hood with genuine curiosity.

Youre shorter than I remember, the figure looked up at her.

Pale lilac eyes peeked out from below the hood.

Stryg? Maeve furrowed her brow.

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