Realm of Monsters

Chapter 222: May I Have This Dance?

Chapter 222: May I Have This Dance?

The snow fell down on the guests in light wisps, there was no wind tonight. The ballroom was much larger than Stryg had anticipated, well, at least the outside building was. He hadnt walked inside the large ornate double doors yet. Dozens of guests passed by him, dressed in fancy gowns and tunics. He much preferred to wait outside in the cold and snow, next to the carriage Loh had lent them for the evening.

In fact, there would be plenty of places he would rather be right now, like training in his private courtyard, or in bed, not in this tight white tunic and pants. His hair had been combed, swept-back, and doused with some potions Feli had gotten for him.

Stryg, a little help please? Feli asked.

Hm? Oh, right, sorry, he reached out and grabbed her hand.

With one hand she held his own tight and with the other hand she held the edge of her blue dress. She walked down the carriage steps with an unsteady gait, careful to not let her dress touch the wet ground.

Ive never been in a carriage before, she said.

Did you like it? Stryg asked. He recalled the first time he had been in one. Captain Rorik Polamtal had given him a ride to Hollow Shades academy of magic. Stryg had been so nervous that day, much like tonight.

We definitely need to get our own, she grinned. If I keep playing my cards right with our investments I think we could own one of these by next year.

Well need to find a new place too. Ill have graduated by then, I cant stay in the academys apartments; theyre only for students and teachers.

Dont worry, well figure it out, she winked. Now come on.

Feli pulled him along towards the doors. Vayu stood at the entrance, next to the guards. He was dressed in a tight black tunic that fit his lithe body well.

The handsome drow smiled, Good evening, Stryg. Good evening, Miss. You must be Feli, Strygs told me about your beauty. Clearly, it was an understatement.

Feli giggled and curtsied, Its very nice to meet you, Mister?

Vayu Glaz, he bowed with a flourish.

Felis face turned pale, G-Glaz? H-House Glaz? The most powerful House in Hollow Shade!?

What are you doing out here, anyway? Stryg asked.

Feli slapped his arm, Dont talk to a Glaz like that!

Its fine, Vayu smiled. Im used to Strygs mannerisms. And to answer your question, Im actually the one who coordinated the entire event this year.

You? Stryg asked, surprised.

Trust me, this is nothing compared to organizing an entire army of grumpy men, Vayu chuckled. Im just out here for a bit, making sure everything is going well. Ill be inside soon, why dont you two go ahead.

Gladly, thank you so much, were so happy to be here, Feli bowed repeatedly and dragged Stryg away.

They walked together into the ballroom, Feli gasped with delight, Stryg winced. For a brief moment, the bright light of the dozens of chandeliers threatened to overwhelm his lilac eyes and force them to transition into his other sight, bereft of colors except the usual black and silver.

Its beautiful, Feli said in awe.

Something like that, he said dryly.

The ballroom looked even larger inside. The high arched-ceiling spanned a hundred paces tall. Pale beige walls were decorated with elaborate gold designs that reached the ceiling. The floors were covered in polished black marble, jade veins stretching across.

Hundreds of people danced to the music of the troubadours singing and playing their instruments at the end of the expansive hall.

...So many people, Stryg mumbled.

Oh come on, stop being a little coward. Its okay if you cant dance, Feli grinned.

Im not a coward, he frowned. Cornelius taught me well enough.

Then show me, she said smugly.

Stryg didnt need another hint. He pulled her into the throng of dancers, placed his arm around her thin waist, and tried to move his feet to the rhythm of the music. 

Okay, not bad, she chuckled.


His eyes wandered down Felis open low-cut dress, he couldnt help but stare at her breasts, the olive skin, their large size, and the way they jiggled as she moved. He stumbled, Feli caught him, and they kept dancing.

Eyes up here, she smirked. I dont think your mind can focus on the correct footing and my boobs.

Maybe. He glanced at her chest and back up, Maybe not.She leaned into him, her breasts hugging his chest, Is this better?

Stryg closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of her violet hair, Much.

Heh. This place really is beautiful, she whispered. I heard House Helene built it.

You sound proud?

Well, yeah. Theyre one of the only few human Great Houses in Hollow Shade and the only human one among the Seven Ruling Families..

Stryg thought briefly on the fact that there was not a single goblin Lesser House, let alone a Great House in Hollow Shade or any Great City for that matter. Then his mind was brought back to the soft and warm woman in his arms.

Im glad we came, she said.

You really like this place, huh? he smiled.

Feli pulled back and looked at him, Im glad Im here with you. Youve been distant recently. Your nightmares have gotten worse, dont say anything, Ill save you the trouble of lying.

Stryg sighed, Ill be fine.

...I hear you cry in your sleep, Im worried, so is Rhian, she wrapped her arms around him and nestled her face in his neck. You dont open up to me anymore.

Im sorry, he kissed her neck. Ive been distracted. I know things are very different than when we first met. But youre one of the few bright spots in my life. Ill do whatever it takes to protect you.

You can be so dumb sometimes. Feli shook her head and patted his cheek, If you're so focused on keeping your family safe that you lock us out, then who will protect you?

Stryg blinked, Thats

The song ended on a happy note. The dancers clapped in appreciation of the musicians and headed to the refreshments tables before the next song. Stryg spotted Tauri standing near a pillar, drink in hand.

Ill be right back, I need to settle my debt with Cornelius, he said.

Feli swallowed and smiled, Ill go grab us some drinks.

Tauri sipped her glass and surveyed the crowd with a side glance. She loved balls and galas, but tonight seemed as if it would be somewhat annoying. She had decided to arrive in a narrow black dress, in the hopes of not sticking out among the other more colorfully dressed women. Unfortunately, it seemed to have the opposite effect. Dozens of eyes stared at the crimson beauty in the dark gown.

Tauri? Loh asked from behind.

She turned and smiled at her best friend, Wow, you look amazing!

Loh was dressed in a silver gown, embroidered black flames reaching up from the edges, a testament to her familys crest.

And whos this? Tauri asked with a wider smile.

Hello, Im Louise, she curtsied awkwardly.

It was clear that the girl wasnt used to wearing dresses, especially not a silk dress.

Sorry, Im just Louise fidgeted with the fabric.

Dont be, you look fantastic, Tauri assured her.

Ah, sorry, let me introduce you two, Loh said. This is my co-worker and best friend, Tauri of House Katag and this is my lovely and wonderful date, Louise.

Its very nice to meet you, Louise, Tauri smiled. Have you two just arrived?

Y-yeah, Im still trying to get used to seeing so many aristocrats all in one place, Louise mumbled.

Dont worry, with Loh at your side I dont think anyone will dare hurt you, Taui winked.

Now that you mention it Loh looked around, Wheres your date?

No date! Thank the gods! Tauri raised her glass in a cheer. Honestly, Im exhausted. My parents have kept setting me up on dates with different potential suitors. I hate it.

Ive heard of women complaining about not finding a suitor, Ive never heard of one complaining about having too many, Louise giggled.

Well, it gets tiring real quick when they can barely speak a single intelligible word before staring below my face, Tauri groaned. Itd be nice to find one guy who doesnt stare at my tits once in a whole conversation.

Thatd be hard, Loh thought. Tauris breasts were a little smaller than average, but they looked perf- 

Shit, Im staring, Loh forced her eyes to look up at the ceiling.

I cant blame them, youre gorgeous, Louise smiled politely. Isnt she, Loh? Loh?

A brief flash of panic crossed Tauris amber eyes. Loh missed it, she was too focused on the ceiling.

Loh swallowed and looked back down, Um, y-yeah. Tauri is gorgeous.

Louise stared at her with a thoughtful expression.

Professor Tauri, a familiar voice called out.

Stryg? What is it? Tauri raised an eyebrow.

I wanted you to meet someone. The blue goblin cleared his throat and stepped aside, Let me introduce you to the talented and skilled mage, Cornelius.

The dwarf stood behind Stryg, his mustache curled and oiled. 

Cornelius? Tauri said skeptically.

The dwarf bowed low and threw back his green cloak, Cornelius of the Great House of Rotrusk of Frost Rim, at your service Miss Tauri.

The powerful mage family? she muttered.

Cornelius smiled wide, Yes, indeed. I spotted you from across the ballroom and I noticed you didnt have a dance partner. I was wonderi-

Stryg raised his hand and shot a bright plume of orange flames into the air. The guests nearby staggered back, some screamed.

Dammit, Stryg! Are you trying to burn us!? Tauri yelled angrily.

What the fuck are you doing!? Cornelius glared at him.

What? You told me to introduce you. With a flare, right? Stryg said, confused.

You told him to do this!? Tauri snarled.

Me? No, no, Id nev- Flair? Cornelius shook his head and looked at Stryg, Flare? You thought I meant flare?

Youre really not making sense right now, Stryg crossed his arms.

Loh grabbed Louises hand, Lets go dance, yeah?

Lead the way, she nodded. 

Once they had made some distance with the odd yet familiar apprentice, Louise gripped her lovers hand tight, ...Hey, Loh?


That was her, wasnt it?

Loh stopped in her steps. Louise is too kind to say it. She sighed, Yeah That was her.

Loh, there you are, Elzri called out. Lily, his vampiress secretary, stood behind him, as usual.

Shit, you always have the best timing, Loh bit her tongue. Good evening, grandfather.

Louises eyes widened, she glanced between the drows, the resemblance was clear.

And who is this? Elzri asked.

Loh stepped in front of Louise, This is my date, Louise, and yes, before you ask, she is human. If you have any complaints with that, save your breath.

No complaints, Elzri said slowly.

What? Loh mumbled in surprise.

Ive never disapproved of who you love, only who you marry, he said.

Before Loh could retort, a voice broke the cold atmosphere.

Little Elohnoir? Ismene walked over, each other step balanced by her cane.

You know I hate that name, Loh scowled.

And yet, I love it, Ismene said, amused.

Elohnoir? Louise whispered with a grin.

Not now, she whispered back. Its good to see you, Ismene.

Yes, she patted Lohs arm. Seeing you happy brings life back into these old bones. Now, tell me if Riri is giving you any problems and Ill sort them out real quick.

What? Elzri said, taken aback.

Lord Noir, sorry to interrupt, Vayu walked over. Its time for your welcoming speech.

Lets get this over with, Elzri sighed. Ismene, Loh, Louise, a pleasure.

He followed Vayu into the crowd and disappeared.

Thats our cue, Loh whispered to Lousie. Have a wonderful night, Ismene.

Take care, Elohnoir, Ismene smiled.

Farewell, Miss Noir, Lily bowed. She suddenly found herself alone with the Tempest Arch-Mage. Lily cleared her throat, Miss Ismene, good evening.

Ugh, what do you want, secretary? Ismene said, annoyed.

Um, I was hoping to make amends, or peace, so to speak, she said quietly. I dont want to be your enemy.

Enemies? Ismene asked with an aloof smile.

Ah! N-no, not enemies! she stuttered in panic. I just meant, well, I hold nothing against you. I dont want you to hate me either

I dont hate you, child. Im annoyed.

Lily nodded sympathetically, I understand. Seeing me with Lord Noir can be troublesome.

Gods, you really are stupid, Ismene groaned. No. I dont care who Riri sleeps with. Im annoyed whenever I look at you. A bright, talented girl, but stupid and naive. You think youre in love with a man of honor who sacrificed everything for the greater good, but youre not. Youre just in love with an old bitter monster who is chained to his past. That is what annoys me. Every time I lay eyes on you, I am reminded of the naive stupidity of youth.

Lily stared at her, speechless.

Ismenes cane shot out and stopped a tall orc from tripping and spilling the glasses in his hands.

Careful where you walk, Kegrog, Ismene warned without even looking at him.

Sorry, professor, and thank you. Excuse me, Kegrog bowed and left. He made his way through the crowd towards a pillar near the ballrooms double doors.

Here you are, Kegrog offered a glass of wine to Freya.

Took you long enough, you big-lug, the beautiful dwarf grabbed her glass and downed it in one swig. She wiped her lips, The next song is about to begin.

But I thought you didnt want to dance, Kegrog cocked his head to the side.

Not with that bloody attitude I wont, she scowled.

Sorry, he grimaced. Ah! That one was mine.

Freya grabbed the other glass of wine and ignored his small voice. Go get some more.

...Ill be back, Kegrog sighed and walked away.

Freya handed the glass of wine to the nervous girl standing next to her. You need this more than I do.

Thanks, Kithina smiled gratefully.

So, hes reaaaally  running late, huh? Freya said smugly.

Cal will be here, I know he will. Something must have happened. Maybe his carriages wheel broke? Kithina said weakly.

Yeah, cause that totally happens all the time, Freya rolled her eyes.

What are you trying to say? she frowned.

Kitty, he stood you up, Freya said. Cal isnt coming. He can be charming, but when it gets real, he breaks down under the pressure. Why do you think we broke up? Cal cant handle an actual relationship. Well, she chuckled. Not that you two are in an actual relationship.

Can you shut up for a second? Look, I get it, Cal and I are just friends. Stop trying to rub it in. But he said hed come with me to the dance. I bought this dress with my savings and I went to that hairstylist you recommended. Everything will be fine, Im sure it will.

Are you telling me that or yourself? Freya asked wryly.

The double doors swung open. Callum walked in. He was dressed in a red tunic and black pants, the colors of his House.

There he is! Kithinas face lit up.

I guess a Goldelm can be wrong once in a while, Freya shrugged.

Kithina stiffened.

A tall beauty walked in, her lovely brown skin contrasted perfectly with her blood-red hair and scarlet dress. The long skirt trailed behind her in a wave of crimson. A hundred faces turned towards Sylvies entrance and the dangerous elegance that practically ebbed off her every step.

Callum held Sylvies hand and the crowd parted as they walked onto the dance floor together. 

Kithina tried to swallow, but her throat felt tight, sore. Her body was cold, her face pale, her eyes burned. A sour pain twisted in her stomach.

Oh shit, Freya whispered. I never really liked you Kitty, but this just sucks.

The musicians song played light and happy, oblivious of the pain that had slipped over Kithina. A few of her classmates nearby noticed her expression, they looked at one another and began to whisper.

Kithina gripped her skirt and sucked in a shaky breath. She stared at the floor and bit her trembling lip, bright orange strands of hair fell over her face. Tears slipped down her cheeks.

A hand tapped Kithinas shoulder. She turned around.

Stryg bowed his head and offered her his hand, May I have this dance?

Authors Note:

Thank you for reading! 2021 has been a rough year, but I'm glad we have made it to the end.

Happy New Year!

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