Realm of Monsters

Chapter 237: Council of War

Chapter 237: Council of War

Elzri Noir sat in the Hall of the City Lords and looked around the table at his six fellow councilors. It had been a few weeks since they had last convened and none of them seemed better than before. Here sat the most powerful and influential people in Hollow Shade, the wealthiest Great City in the Ebon Realm, and yet, all Elzri could think was that they all looked tired.

Lady Glaz, leader of the most powerful House of the Seven Ruling Families, and the head of the city council, stood up from her chair and spoke in an authoritative tone, Lord Katag, as the elected commander in chief of Hollow Shades defenses, what can you report to this council of the threats in our Valley.

Elzri glanced at the enormous burly orc that sat next to him, his scarlet skin littered with small scars that ran over his arms and neck. Lord Krall Katag, leader of the greatest martial House in the city, stood up to his full height. His 7 ft hardened figure cut a striking image among anyone, even this council.

As we discussed before, Lord Katag said. I have sent dozens of battalions to scour the plains of Dusk Valley. Our scouts have found several tribal settlements and our armies have burned them all to the ground, including anyone we found.

Wonderful, then our problems should be solved very soon, Lady Helene brushed back her orange fiery hair. Except every week that passes, less and less of my caravans return to the city unharmed. More of my people and merchandise are being lost to those valley savages. Care to explain to the council why?

Merchant lady Helene was a small human, Lord Katag could probably crush her head in the palm of his hand without breaking a sweat. Yet there was no fear in her eyes. She was already in her 50s, past her prime some might say, but the shrewd smirk that graced her beautiful lips hinted otherwise.

Lord Katags hard stare did nothing to break Lady Helenes poise. He grunted and looked at the rest of the council, It seems that with our most recent attacks, the valley tribes have become emboldened. They have increased their raids by at least tenfold. The valley tribes usually only raided for what they needed, food, clothes, supplies But now they are raiding the villages under our protection, innocent caravans, farmers, and they do not leave any survivors. They are killing our people.

How many villages have been lost? Lady Ashe asked quietly.

Everyone turned to the head priestess of Hollow Shade. Lady Calantha Ashe was said to be the chosen of Bellum, the goddess of war. Calanthas beauty and power were believed to have been blessings from Bellum herself. Lady Ashes luscious lips, soft brown skin, and bright crimson eyes were often the focus of many a poet. Among the seven city lords, Calantha was without a doubt the most beloved among the common folk.

13 villages have been burned to the ground, Lord Katag said, regret clear in his voice.

No! Lady Ashe gasped.

Lady Helene rolled her eyes, Oh please, save us the drama. You dont really care what happens to any of them, youve never even met them.

I do not need to meet someone to have compassion within my heart, Lady Ashe glared. It was our duty to keep those villages safe. They give us tribute and we protect them, that is how vassalage works. Or have you forgotten? Our people are dead because of our failure.

They are not our people, Lady Helene shook her head. They are just a bunch of villages who have sworn themselves to the greatest power in Dusk Valley, us. They use us as we use them, thats it.

Loud words from a woman whose family came from among those villages not so long ago, Lady Ashe narrowed her eyes.

Hah! Lord Goldelm burst into laughter, I could not agree more, Lady Ashe. This human doesnt deserve to sit on this council.

300 years is more than long enough, Lady Helene said calmly and clasped her hands. Every single founder of each of your families was a commoner at some point. That is what makes us special, our families rose from among the common rabble. You may not accept me, Lord Goldelm, but my family has earned this seat as much as any of you. She smiled, House Helene will continue to do what weve done best for the last three centuries, protecting the interests of this city.

Does that include your own businesses? Lady Ashe asked.

Naturally, Lady Helene said. Along with the prosperity of all your businesses.

Lord Goldelm sighed, I hate to admit it, but the Helene woman is right. We must protect our trade routes.

Says the dwarf dressed in gold and jewels, Lady Glaz shook her head. Your House is the richest in Hollow Shade, if not all the Ebon Realm. I think you can afford to lose a bit of merchandise. These aggressive actions from the valley savages mean they are desperate. If we hold out and keep pushing our military advantages we will win.

Im afraid that isnt necessarily the case, Lord Katag said.

You dont think we will win? Lady Glaz asked incredulously.

No, of course, we will, head councilor, Lord Katag shook his head. Hollow Shade has more funds, soldiers, and mages, including the two most powerful mages in all of Dusk Valley, he glanced pointedly at Lady Glaz and Lord Noir. I hate those fucking savages as much as any of you, probably more. But I also know what war does to the land, to the people We must approach the situation with great care.

What do you mean? Elzri asked.

The valley tribes are small, yes. But if we keep pushing them into a corner without a proper plan, who is to say they wont group up? Lord Katag asked.

Are you saying those savages will actually ban together into some kind of gigantic army? Are you joking? Lord Veres IX spoke for the first time all day. The vampire lord was clearly in a bad mood.

No, Lord Katag said. Thats impossible, they dont have the organization. But a few tribes? Working together? With enough anger and hate, they could do it. It wouldnt take an enormous army to attack one of the small cities under our protection, like Meadow Bloom.

Losing one of the small cities would be a devastating blow, Lady Helene admitted.

Yes, but these attacks on the villages wont stop at this point, Lord Veres said. Those savages want vengeance, that much is clear. If its up to us or them, I think the answer is obvious.

The loss of those villages makes Hollow Shade look weak, Lady Glaz said. If we cant protect our own vassal towns, how can we protect the trade interests of the other three Great Cities? We cannot afford to look any weaker amongst the Great Cities, our relationships with them are already tenuous at best.

Perhaps we could invite diplomats from the other Great Cities here for a festival, Lady Ashe said. Improve our relationships with some of the Great Houses in the Realm, yes? We will show them that we are still in control of Dusk Valley, we are still the kings of trade.

Im sorry, Lady Ashe, but that wont be possible anytime soon, Lord Goldelm sighed. The roads to Frost Rim are blocked by ice and snow. The snow wont melt in the Rupture Mountains until the middle of spring. I highly doubt anyone of importance would risk traveling in such inclement weather.

Improving our image will have to wait, Lady Glaz said.

It doesnt help that weve lost the Great Cities Tourney seven years in a row, Lady Helene remarked.

You wont have to worry about that this year, Lord Goldelm smiled proudly. My daughter will be among our citys chosen this year. So has Lord Veres son. Together they will flatten those cocky brats from the other academies with ease. Isnt that right, Veres?

Mm, Lord Veres nodded, but his thoughts were clearly elsewhere.

What do you think, Lord Noir? Lady Glaz asked. As the one in charge of our magic academy, do you think we will win this tournament? I would rather our city not have to pay tribute to the victors for the eighth year in a row.

Lord Noir leaned back in his chair, For many years now, our mage students have been less than adequate. But as Lord Goldelm said, this year will be different. The new generation seems promising.

Lady Glaz nodded, Ill take your word for it, Uncle Elz.

This years tourney is shaping up to be quite interesting, Lord Katag grinned. The Grand Warlords son is said to be among one of Murktons chosen. Im eager to see what sort of monster the Grand Warlord has raised.

Lord Veres slammed his fist on the table, Why are we discussing a stupid tournament!? Our lands are under attack by damn savages and you all sit around here talking about plans months from now? We are the fucking leaders of Hollow Shade. Youre worried about looking weak? This right here, talking and doing nothing, this is weakness.

You dare call us weak? Lord Katag glared.

What do you think, berserker boy? Lord Veres said coldly. I have lived longer than any of you, I have seen more death than any of you. And I have seen as your Houses have all grown complacent behind these ebon walls.

Im assuming you have a point with all of this, besides angering the most powerful men and women in Dusk Valley? Elzri raised an eyebrow.

Lord Veres stood up from his chair, Do not underestimate the valley tribes, they are savages, yes, but they are ruthless and they are cunning. If we wish to stop this threat once and for all, we must end them once and for all.

Mass genocide? Lady Helene whispered.

It is either us or them, Lord Veres said. Many will die at this point, nothing will change that. What we can change is who will live. I propose we gather all our armies and scour through every single hill and plain in Dusk Valley, and burn out the savage scourge down to the root. Who will join me?

I despise the savages, but my duty is to protect this city, Lord Katag said. I will rip apart any savage who dares try to step into these walls, but I will not go chase endless death needlessly.

I hoped for more from the leader of Hollow Shades greatest military House, but I expected as much, Lord Veres said.

Elzri shook his head, The monstrous bloodthirst that has plagued your family since its founding is clear in your eyes, Veres. A thousand years ago your Houses founder plunged this land into chaos and bloodshed; I will not be a part of such an endeavor today.

Agreed, Lady Helene nodded.

Really? You? Helene? Lord Veres scowled. Id think the woman whose twin sister was murdered by those savages would wish to see them pay for their crimes. How many more loved ones must we lose before you decide enough is enough?

Lady Helene crossed her legs and stared at him coolly, Unlike you, I am willing to look past my own pain and see the needs of my House and this city.

Lord Veres scoffed and looked around, Does she speak for the rest of you?

Fuck no! Lord Goldelm jumped off his chair. House Goldelm has stood by House Veres for a thousand years, brothers-in-arms since the reign of Ebon Lord Koval. I will not let my brother charge into battle alone. The Great Warhammer of Oginum shall sing once more with the blood of our enemies, Veres!

Lord Veres smiled, Thank you, brother.

I am the head priestess of Hollow Shade, I cannot abandon my duties to the gods. Lady Ashe stood to her feet, But that does not mean I will allow my fellow vampire lord to ride into battle alone. House Ashes armies will aid you in this war. All I ask in return is that you protect our people, all our people.

Lord Veres placed his hand over his heart, You have my word, Calantha. 

Lady Glaz nodded and stood, Our city and her peoples safety come first. If we allow the savages to continue to run rampant in Dusk Valley, we leave ourselves open for potential attacks from other Great Cities. I will not allow Hollow Shade to appear weak in the eyes of the world one day longer. My armies and I will join you on the battlefield until Dusk Valley is rid of this scourge once and for all, this I swear as leader of House Glaz and the Council of City Lords. 

I am grateful to have the most powerful arch-mage in Hollow Shade at my side, Lord Veres bowed his head.

Four out of seven councilors, Elzri muttered under his breath. Youve got your wish, Veres. Dusk Valley will be drenched in blood once again.

Authors Note:

Hey, everyone

I went to the doctor today and I just wanted to let you know that the next few weeks release schedule may be slower or erratic. Im dealing with some myofascial pain. Im having it treated, but I dont know exactly how the next few weeks will look like for me. Thank you for understanding, thank you always for your support, and I will keep you all posted.


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