Realm of Monsters

Chapter 284: Duty & Honor

Chapter 284: Duty & Honor

Authors Note:


I have attached a tourney bracket and a general summary of the tourney's contestants to the end of today's chapter. The bracket will be continuously updated as the story progresses.

Tourney Bracket:



A Spymaster's General Report: Tourney Contestants


Hollow Shade:

  • Stryg of Ebon Hollow:

Species: Goblin

Chromatic Colors: Prime Manifold

Additional Notes: Target is an Ebon Aspirant and is believed to have hailed from the Sylvan folk of Vulture Woods, though there is no confirmation. Target is quiet, but highly aggressive. Do not provoke.

  • Freya of the Great House of Goldelm (Team Captain):

Species: Dwarf

Chromatic Colors: Dual Manifold - Orange and Yellow

Additional Notes: Scion of one of Hollow Shades Seven Ruling Families.

  • Callum of the Great House of Veres:

Species: Hybrid, Vampire-Human

Chromatic Colors: Dual Manifold - White and Red

Additional Notes: Scion of one of Hollow Shades Seven Ruling Families.

  • Sylvie:

Species: Hybrid, Vampire-Human

Chromatic Colors: Penta Manifold - Brown, Black, Green, Blue, and Grey.

Additional Notes: A dire with a penchant for violence.


  • Gilgard of the Great House of Morrigan (Team Captain):

Species: Orc

Chromatic Colors: Quadra Manifold - Brown, Red, Black, and Blue.

Additional Notes: Target is the son of the Grand Warlord of the East. Believed to be in possession of House Morrigans legendary greatsword Feather.

  • Beatrix dai-Morrigan:

Species: Orc

Chromatic Colors: Blue

Additional Notes: Target is the bastard daughter of the Grand Warlord of the East. Target has had very few appearances in public, leading to little known information on the target.

  • Hallus:

Species: Orc

Chromatic Colors: Dual Manifold - Brown and Yellow

Additional Notes: Target is believed to have been chosen from among the fighting pits of Murtkon and later trained by House Morrigans royal guard.

  • Diane:

Species: Orc

Chromatic Colors: Orange

Additional Notes: Target is a swordmaster and is known to dual wield her swords.


  • Calex of the Great House of Thorn (Team Captain):

Species: Drow

Chromatic Colors: Hecta Manifold - Orange, Blue, Red, Yellow, White and Green.

Additional Notes: Heir of House Thorn. Rumored to have achieved the rank of master mage.

  • Heather of the Great House of Navis:

Species: Drow

Chromatic Colors: Yellow

  • Veronica of the Great House of Sientia:

Species: Drow

Chromatic Colors: Tri Manifold - Black, Brown, and Red.

Additional Notes: Targets father is in charge of the Sunken Temples excavation.

  • Damian of the Great House of Parvus:

Species: Drow

Chromatic Colors: Tri Manifold - Green, Orange, and Blue.

Frost Rim:

  • Kalliste of the Great House of Lilith (Team Captain):

Species: Vampire

Chromatic Colors: Penta Manifold - Blue, Orange, Black, Purple, and Green.

  • Cordelia of the Great House of Rotrusk:

Species: Dwarf

Chromatic Colors: Black

Additional Notes: Target is a true mage.

  • Nalla:

Species: Drow

Chromatic Colors: Dual Manifold - Orange and Brown.

Additional Notes: Target wields an absurdly large black sword; material unknown.

  • Lynn:

Species: Hybrid, Frost Giant-Drow

Chromatic Colors: Brown

Additional Notes: Target is an elemental water mage.


Plum waited at the gate at the end of the coliseums southern tunnel. She paced around impatiently and twisted her hands back and forth anxiously. The next match would be beginning soon. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Veronica appeared at the edge of the tunnel.

Plum? she asked, genuinely surprised. What are you doing here?

Im here to talk my friend out of doing something monumentally stupid, Plum crossed her arms.

She smiled wryly, Now wheres the fun in that?

This isnt funny, Veronica. Didnt you learn anything from our little misadventure in Shadow Lake? We almost died!

Veronica raised her index finger, Ah, but we didnt, did we?

Only because some creepy wraith-looking lady saved us! And even then a bunch of innocent guards died because of us!

Lets be honest, there probably arent any guards working for House Thorn who are innocent, Veronica grinned.

And what about their families? Their children who arent even old enough to understand why their father or mother didnt come home that night. Do you think they were guilty? Do you think they deserved to lose their families all because a bunch of stupid kids tried to break into some ruins!?

I didnt realize you felt so strongly about all of this, Veronica winced, You know I was just joking. I didnt mean what I said earlier.

Of course, you didnt! Thats your problem, you never mean anything! Everything is just a joke to you! But unlike you, I know what its like to find out your parents arent coming home!

Veronicas eyes widened, Plum, I didnt realize-

But I listened to you anyway Plum bit her lip, And now those children will have to grow up knowing that emptiness as well And its all because of us her voice broke. Do you get that? Do you understand that our choices have real consequences?

...Yeah, I know Veronica mumbled.

Then lets be honest. Plum pointed at the closed gate, The orc waiting for you on the other side of that gate is Gilgard fucking Morrigan, the son of the Grand Warlord of the East.

I know who he is, Veronica muttered.

Then do you know how the Great House of Morrigan became the sole ruling family of Murkton? How House Morrigan managed to come on top of all the other vying war lords and mage lords? They achieved it through sheer fucking ruthlessness!

Yeah, I know, Veronica frowned.

Plum tapped her forehead, The Morrigans killed people! Do you really get that!? They killed people over and over until there was no one left who could oppose them! And they havent changed that belief in the last 300 years! Every Morrigan who has participated in the Great Cities Tourney has killed their defeated opponents. There isnt any room for mercy in their minds!

So I just have to win, easy enough, Veronica shrugged uncomfortably.

Ugh! Plum groaned in frustration. You dont get it! When you told me the real reason why you were participating in the tournament I supported you, but this isnt some random mage! This is Gilgard! Hes the heir apparent of the most powerful and ruthless orc in the Ebon Realm!

No, you dont get it. You werent born in a Named House! Where every moment of your childhood was dictated down to the very smallest moments. I was expected to- Veronica caught herself and sighed, I am expected to bring honor to my family. It is the way it has always been in the Ebon Realm. I dont get to just back out of a fight because Im scared. I dont have the privilege to say I dont want to fight. The protection of the people has always been on the shoulders of the Houses.

What does this have to do with the people!? Youre fighting for the entertainment of the crowds, not for their well-being!

I am fighting for my familys honor. That honor is what keeps the peoples faith in us. My family has always protected me, its my turn, my duty, to protect them. I have already come this far, there is no backing out even if it means I lose.

Plum placed her hands on Veronicas shoulders, If you lose, you will die.

Im really hoping to avoid that last part, she said weakly.

Plums hands trembled, ...How?

Veronica tried to put on a brave smile, Gumption, hehe.

Please tell me you have a plan, Plum whispered.

Dont worry, the moment things are getting even a bit dangerous Ill just surrender, simple as that. But until then Ill give Gilgard a fight he wont ever forget.

Plum bit her lip, He wont give you the chance.

And from the southern gate, VERONICA SIENTIA OF UNDERGROWTH!!! Mark Stemme announced from the heralds tower.

Im up, wish me luck, Veronica stepped away and went towards the gate.

Plum rushed up to her friend and hugged her tight. May Stjerne bless you and your bow, she whispered into her ear.

Stjerne? Veronica raised an eyebrow. He abandoned us a thousand years ago.

Maybe so, but the Traveler blesses those brave enough to venture out into the most dangerous of quests. And right now you're the bravest person in this entire coliseum.

That has to be the nicest thing youve said to me, Veronica grinned. Are you sure youre okay?

Just shut up and take the compliment.


The crowds cheered as Veronica stepped out from the dark tunnel and into the arena under the bright sun. She waved at the common folk cheering throughout the crowds. Then she bowed to her parents who watched from their private stands, separated from the common folk.

Gilgard waited for her across the arena. Even from a distance, he cut an intimidating figure. He was tall, almost as tall as a dire. His black hair was cut short, about half an inch. He wore a short-sleeved black tunic that did little to hide the rippling muscles underneath. His red arms were covered in dark blue tattoos that weaved through his hands and up to his shoulders.

Gilgard Morrigan seemed every bit the vicious warrior Veronica imagined him to be, but there was one particular thing missing. He held no weapon in his hands nor on his belt.

Veronica narrowed her eyes, Where is Feather?

Gilgard raised his eyebrow, a glint of surprise in his amber eyes, Feather?

Yeah, you know, a large greatsword made of bone, Veronica said testily.

I know what Feather is, Gilgard said easily. It is my fathers sword. So why would you think Id have it?

A little birdie told me they saw some Morrigan guards carrying a large steel case box about the size of Feather into your lodgings when you arrived at the city. Its a little strange, no? What would your guards be carrying in such a heavy and well-protected box?

Gilgard shook his head and smiled faintly, Ah, Thorns spies are as astute as ever.

I never mentioned the Thorns, Veronica crossed her arms.

You didnt need to. And yes, youre right. My father lent Feather to me for the tournament.

Then why dont you have it? You dont think you need it? You think so little of me? Veronica glared.

On the contrary, I think very highly of you, Gilgard smiled warmly. Youre as beautiful as you are skilled, and your skill truly is a cut above the rest.

Veronica smirked, Flirting on the battlefield? That doesnt sound very warrior-like. Shouldnt we be fighting already?

Cant we do both? I heard it was you who created the potions that destroyed team Hollow Shades stone dome during the 2nd Challenge.

And what if it was?

It was quite an impressive explosion, not even that dire vampire could stop it. I admit I have looked forward to this match ever since I found out you were the one behind the explosion. There is no greater battle than one versus a worthy opponent.

And if Im so worthy then why dont you use Feather?

Because my father lent it to me, he said calmly.

...Youre weird.

Gilgard laughed, Maybe so, my sister definitely thinks me strange. Even so, I rather not use my fathers power to win.

Youd go against your House? Veronica asked, surprised.

No, I am a Morrigan and proud of it. My father isnt the embodiment of my House, he is just a man, one who is too blind to see what truly matters in a House, its family. To him, all that matters is the power that family offers, not the people themselves. I guess you could say Im here to prove him wrong.

I forgot, your father won the Tourney when he was our age, didnt he? And he wielded Feather to do it Veronica recalled quietly. She giggled softly and then burst into loud laughter.

What is it? Do you truly find me so strange? he asked with a troubled smile.

No, I was just thinking of how different you and I really are, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Youre here to go against your fathers wishes, because you love your family, dont you? Whereas Im here because of my parents, so that I can bring honor to my House, even though I rather have nothing to do with my family.

Veronica blinked, Huh, I don't think I've ever said that last bit out loud.

Youre wrong, Gilgard said confidently. I dont think were very different at all. I think you and I are more similar than you realize.

Veronica chuckled under her breath and looked at her thin small frame and then up at Gilgards towering body. Yeah, I dont know about that.

Then you really havent been looking.

Looking for what?

You talk about your Houses honor and your familial duty, but you then tell me one thing that you personally want and youre suddenly stunned because youve never even told it to anyone before until now, and to a complete stranger at that. I dont think youve been looking, not really.

Veronica frowned, Looking for what exactly?

For what you want, Gilgard said. Because if you were, Id wager you wouldnt even be here.

Is that some elaborate way to get me to give up? Veronica raised her bow and pulled out an arrow from her quiver, Because its not going to work.

No, Gilgard sighed. I guess its my way of saying I wish we had met under very different circumstances.

Veronica hesitated and looked at his troubled face. And for a brief moment, their eyes met and they saw one another for who they were.

Veronica shook her head and notched her arrow unto the bowstring, ...Its too late.

Yeah Yeah, I guess it is, Gilgard whispered. He raised his arm in front of him, blue tendrils of lightning crackled at his fingertips.

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