Realm of Monsters

Chapter 300: A Morning Swim

Chapter 300: A Morning Swim

The warmth of the approaching summer was still dormant in the early hours of the day. The sun had yet to rise, though faint traces of light stretched across the sky, signaling the imminent dawn. The early morning air was crisp and the breeze brushed the skin with a soft nip.

The Katag villa lay quiet, but not asleep, the household servants had been awake for several hours. They rushed about the hallways, carrying out their duties in silence.

The villas courtyard was large and mostly empty, save for a pool and a garden of flowers that lined the edges of the lawn. Lord Krall had ordered the pool to be built a few years ago for his children. Famed artisans from all over Undergrowth had come to work on the project. The result was an oval pit covered in smooth black stones, with streaks of gold etched throughout the bottom. The crystal clear water floating above it all gave the gold a shimmering effect when the light touched the pools surface.

Yet despite all the pools beauty, most of Lord Kralls children rarely swam in the pool. Most of them preferred to spend their leisure time strolling through the city, visiting one luxurious establishment or another. 

Like her siblings, Tauri enjoyed watching a play at the theater or sampling the culinary delights of renowned chefs. But unlike her siblings, she enjoyed the simple quiet of the early dawn.

Tauri sat at the edge of the pool, her feet swishing in the water in a slow soothing pattern. She took a deep breath and sighed in contentment. It was nice to soak her feet in the water for a few minutes after a morning run.

What are you doing? a voice asked from behind her.

Tauri could recognize that impertinent voice from anywhere. She craned her neck back and looked up at the blue goblin.

I could ask you the same thing, she said. Arent you usually busy eating Nanas food in the kitchen right about now?

I was, Stryg raised the half-eaten loaf in his hand and took another bite.

And what are you doing here now?

Uh-uh. Your turn. Why are you here? Dont you usually run in the mornings?

I already did, Tauri turned her neck and looked pointedly at the pair of muddy boots next to her. 

I see

My turn. What are you up to now? Taking a stroll through the grounds?

Stryg finished the last piece of bread and swallowed, ...I was looking for you.

Me? Why?

...I wanted to say thanks For yesterday. At the interview. I didnt really want to be there. Some of the questions were hard to answer I didnt know what to say. But you answered instead and things sort of just worked out. So thank you, I appreciated it.

Oh Tauri muttered. She was surprised by Strygs sincere demeanor. He was usually so cheeky and borderline insufferable. Well, dont worry about it. Those Stemme siblings were asking rude questions and trying to get whatever personal information they could out of you. Dont stress about it, you didnt need to answer any of their annoying questions. She winked, Thats what I was there for; to stop them from being so damn nosy.

Thats good to hear, he smiled half-heartedly. 

Mm. Tauri closed her eyes, placed her hands on the ground, and leaned back. Her legs moved up and down, her feet gently splashing in the water.

What are you doing now? he asked curiously.

Just relaxing, enjoying our one day off from all the stress of those duels.

He furrowed his brow, You like getting your feet wet?

Its soothing, yeah.

Stryg crouched next to her at the edge of the pool and with slow hesitation he touched the water with the tip of his forefinger. Hmm he muttered uncertainly. 

Tauri cracked an eye open and looked at him funnily, Care to join me? 

Stryg stared at the water for a moment then shook his head, No thanks, I dont like the water very much.

Come on, not you too. What is it with people disliking  pools?

I dont have anything against pools per se. Its just

Just what?

...I dont know how to swim, he mumbled.

Tauri leaned back with laughter, You cant swim!?

Stryg blushed and glared at her, S-So what!? A lot of people cant swim!

No, its just -hehe- sorry, its just, Tauri wiped a tear from her eye, Youre an Ebon Aspirant. You can wield all these colors of magic, but you cant do what a lot of kids learn when they're like 5 or 6. Its funny, ridiculous even.

Ill bite you, Stryg said with quiet anger.


He hissed.

Tauri raised her hands in mock surrender, Calm down, you little savage. Look, swimming isn't that hard. If youre so self-conscious about it, I can teach you.

Huh? Youll teach me how to swim? Strygs eyes widened.

Yeah, sure, its not hard, she shrugged. You could probably pick up the basics in a couple of hours.

Okay, so what do I do? he asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Well, first you gotta stop acting so damn scared of the water.

Im not scared, he frowned.

She sent him a deadpan glance, You keep looking at the water like its a pit of vipers. The first step in learning how to swim is to not be scared. This is what you gotta do, get in the pool and relax your muscles. Do that and youll float easily.

Is it really that simple? Stryg asked doubtfully.

Yeah, so long as you dont thrash about youll be fine. She nudged his shoulder, Come on, youre a ruthless Sylvan goblin, right? No little wimpy pool is gonna stop you.

Stryg took a deep breath and nodded to himself, Okay, yeah, I got this.

He stood up, spread his arms wide, turned his back to the pool, and let himself go. He fell into the pool with a large splash. He fought the urge to thrash about like a madman and tried his best to stay still. 

Tauri watched in silent confusion as his body sank straight down to the bottom of the pool.

The pool trembled and began to swirl into a vortex. A funnel of water shot out and splashed into the ground, and dropped Stryg unceremoniously next to the pool. Water dripped from his soaked clothes as he pushed himself to his knees and hands and coughed up water with a grimace.

Tauri winced and reached her hand out, Uh Stryg?

His head shot up at her voice, Liar! I would have drowned if I hadnt cast a torrent spell!

I-I I wasnt lying, you should have floated! Tauri said anxiously. She furrowed her brow, Unless

Unless what? he seethed.

Unless youre carrying something terribly heavy under those soaked clothes. Are you carrying any hidden weapons or armor?

Does it look like Im carrying weapons?! Stryg lifted his shirt. There was nothing but his bare blue skin.

Huh, maybe some enchanted daggers on your thigh or something? Tauri muttered off-handedly.

I dont need to be hauling around some stupid heavy weapons! I am the weapon! he bared his teeth.

Tauris eyes widened, Wait a sec. How much do you weigh exactly?

I dont know, he mumbled. Something like.

What was that? I cant hear you.

Stryg scratched his ear and sighed, I got myself weighed a few weeks ago back in Hollow Shade.

And? How much did you weigh? Tauri looked him up and down.

I dont remember. Feli said it was something like 500 pounds.

She blinked, Pardon?

She said I was only a little over 500, so its not that much, he fidgeted.

Youre 500 fucking pounds! Oh my gods! Tauri screamed.

He crossed his arms, Im not fat.

No, youre a goddamn boulder! Tauri shook her head, How!? HOW!?

I dont know, I eat a lot I guess, Stryg shrugged stiffly.

Eh? Are you kidding me? She clapped her hands together and took a deep breath, You know what? Nevermind. I dont have the mental capacity to deal with this right now. Its supposed to be my day off.

She turned around and walked away.

Hey! Where are you going! What about teaching me how to swim!? Stryg called out.

Not today.

So youre going back on your word? Wheres the honor in that, Katag?

Tauri turned around and groaned, Ugh, look, you can be the best swimmer in the world but youre still going to sink like a stone if you weigh a quarter ton.

So the problem is my weight then?

Stryg, there are many problems with you, she said dryly.

Would this help? he asked, then channeled orange mana into his body. His veins darkened with agility magic. 

Huh, an agility spell solely focused on lessening your weight? she asked.

Yup. No need for any extra speed, right?

Yeah, I guess Hm, we can work with this, I suppose, she said reluctantly. Okay, this time will start on the shallow end. Oh, and take off your shirt, itll be harder to swim with your clothes on.

Understood, Stryg nodded. He threw his wet shirt aside and began to unbutton his pants.

Wait, wait, wait! Dont take off your pants! Tauri yelled in alarm.

But I thought you just said?

I know what I said and having your shirt off is enough. Ive already seen you naked once, I dont need to relive that experience.

Stryg shrugged, Alright.

Okay, follow me, Tauri said and led him to the shallow end of the pool. She waded into the pool until the water reached her waist, then offered him her hand, Now, hold my hand and dont use torrent magic this time, I dont want to get caught in a small whirlpool.

Stryg hesitantly dipped his feet in the water and stopped. What if I fall in too deep?

Thats what Im here for. I wont let you drown, now come on.

Stryg stared at her skeptically.

Tauri smirked, Come on, dont you trust me?

No, he said easily.

Well, try.

Stryg slumped his shoulders and nodded. He reluctantly reached out and grabbed her hand. Without hesitation, Tauri pulled him deeper into the pool until the water reached his neck. She was a few inches taller than him and her feet still reached the bottom, but to her delight, Strygs feet were floating, albeit only an inch or two.

Good, youre doing it! Tauri smiled.

Im swimming? Stryg asked excitedly.

No, youre just floating but it's a start. The agility spell is working. You probably weigh only a little over a quarter of your usual weight right now. Tauri kicked her feet off the black stone floor and pulled Stryg deeper into the water.

Dont let go! Stryg snapped as the water reached his face.

Relax, Im not going anywhere, she chuckled wryly. Now, I want you to try to keep your body straight and put yourself in a horizontal position, but keep your head above water.

Easier said than done, he muttered, but still listened to what she said.

Good, youre doing good, she said in a soothing voice. Okay, now I want you to start pedaling with your legs. Very nice. Now, Im gonna let go

Dont let go!

Im not leaving, Im still right here. Im just gonna let you float on your own for one moment, like this Tauri released his hand.

Dammit! Stryg screamed in a panicked voice and began to sink. He clenched his eyes tight as his head fell under. The water rushed into his ears and a feeling of sheer terror enveloped him. He thrashed around, his limbs lashing about. His hand hit something hard and he heard Tauri cry out. The scent of blood mixed into the water and filled his nostrils.

Strygs eyes shot open and he flooded his veins with blue mana. The water surged around the two of them and launched them out of the pool with a powerful wave.

Stryg jumped to his feet and looked around in alarm. Tauri lay curled on the grass, blood seeping out of her mouth.

Shit, shit, shit! Stryg yelled panickedly. He rushed to her side and pulled her into his arms, Please be alive, please be alive

Ugh, shuddap, she groaned and opened her eyes blearily.

Oh, youre okay, he sighed with relief.

Im not okay, you idiot! Tauri growled and pushed him off. You hit me in my face! Im bleeding, dammit! she rubbed her jaw with a painful grimace.

I noticed, Stryg licked her blood off his thumb. Your lip is cut.

Clarification; you cut my lip, she glared at him.

Then let me fix it. Stryg channeled white mana into his hand. His fingertips began to glow with a soft white light.

What are you doing? she asked suspiciously.

Like you said, Im an Ebon Aspirant, I can cast healing spells too. Its best to heal that cut before you lose more blood, Stryg said and walked towards her.

She took a step back, Healing spells are complicated. How do I know youre actually good at this?

I guess youre just gonna have to trust me, he smirked.

Tauri sighed and sat down without a fuss, Lets just get this over with.

Stryg knelt next to her and gently placed his hand over her mouth. The soft white light curled around his fingers and flowed over Tauris lips, slowly closing the wound.

Tauri's eyes darted around uneasily, unsure of where to look with Strygs face mere inches from her own.

The cuts not too deep. I should be able to heal this up in a minute or two, he said calmly.

You know, she said in a mildly annoyed voice, Youre a terrible swimmer.

I know, he whispered.

Tauri froze at the soft tone in his voice. She looked at him and stared into his lilac eyes that were so focused on the white spell. His slit pupils were wide, almost ovals.

...The others in the Blood Fang Tribe learned how to swim in a river nearby our village when they were kids. But I I never could.

Why not?

...I wasnt good at a lot of things as a kid. Honestly, Im not sure how much has changed since then. I still cant swim, he chuckled weakly. I have my magic and thats about it.

...Welp, it looks to me like youre doing a decent job. Thats more than most of us can say, trust me.

You think so? Stryg looked at her.

Youre on your way to becoming the first Ebon Lord in two centuries, so Id say youre doing alright, she grinned. Though, you could stand to lose a few pounds.

You think Im fat?

She glanced down at his bare chest, the water glistened off his toned muscles. ...Maybe a little bit.

Well, I think you could also lose some Strygs eyes slowly wandered down. He could clearly see the shape of her modest but perky breasts through her soaked clothes. The wet blouse stuck to her smooth stomach and wide hips. Her black pants hugged her thick thighs so perfectly

Stryg stopped himself and quickly looked back up to Tauris face. Her amber eyes were already on him, staring into his own.

You were saying? she whispered.

I dont remember he mumbled.

Is that so? she whispered. 

His hand felt pleasantly cold on her face. 

Her warm breath tickled his face.

Stryg unwittingly leaned closer.

Good morning, Tauri, Lady Evelyns voice echoed strongly.

Tauri jumped up to her feet, startled. She cleared her throat and straightened her back, Mother? I didnt expect to see you here her voice trailed off.

Stryg slowly turned around. Lady Evelyn stood at the other side of the pool. A beautiful young woman stood next to her. She seemed oddly familiar.

Evelyn smiled in a relaxed yet knowing manner, And good morning to you, Aspirant. May I introduce you to my lovely daughter, Elena.

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