Realm of Monsters

Chapter 329: Summer Solstice Part 2

Chapter 329: Summer Solstice Part 2

Belle stepped into a dark alleyway, away from the stalls and festivities. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, I dont have time to waste with you lot, come out already. Thats not a request.

Four black cloaks slipped out from the shadows and gathered in front of Belle.

Mistress, they said in unison and bent down on one knee.

Who sent you to spy on me this time? Belle asked impatiently.

I sent them, a familiar voice spoke from behind.

Belle spun around with surprise, Dad?!

And they arent here to spy on you. Theyre here to protect you, Dorian said.

I dont need anyones protection, Belle growled.

Maybe that was the case before, but things have changed, war is coming, Dorian said lamentingly. Youve been gone from the Ebon Order for too long, Belle. Its time to come home.

She narrowed her eyes, What makes you think I want to go home?

I thought you might say that, Dorian sighed. He glanced at his subordinates, Give us some room, I need to speak with my daughter.

The cloaked agents nodded and scaled the alley walls. In a matter of two breaths, they had disappeared over the walls without so much as a rustle.

Belle crossed her arms, Im surprised you left Moms side just to come see me.

I came here to do more than just see you, Dorian said as he looked up at his towering daughter. Besides, your mothers recovery has been going well.

Belles eyes widened with a glimmer of hope, What? Then you mean shes awake?

Yes, he said pleasantly. Her strength hasnt fully returned yet, but I think with this years Summer Solstice she may finally be healthy enough to leave the castle.

I see Belle smiled sincerely to herself.

Dorian reached out and gently laid his hand on her forearm, You should come see her, she misses you.

Belle bit her lip and shook her head, She doesnt want to see me.

How many times must I assure you, he said sympathetically, Your mother doesnt blame you for what happened, no one does. You were a child and Caligo used that innocence to manipulate you in your dreams. You are not guilty of that tragic night, you were a victim.

Thats easy for you to say, Belle pushed her fathers hand away, You didnt lose any children that night! Mom did! She lost everyone but her youngest and most useless child, she laughed mirthlessly.

Dorian smiled sadly, ...Your siblings were not my children, that is true, but I knew them well. They would not have wanted you to live like this.

Like what?! Belle snapped. Like someone who has trained her whole life trying to make up for her failure!? Because you were the one who trained me, Dad! You did that!

Dorian looked away in shame, Perhaps I have pushed you too hard these last few years But with Bellums ailing health and the dangers growing in the realm I thought that maybe

You thought I could somehow take over Moms place? Have you lost your damn mind?! she scoffed.

He sighed with the tired voice of an old man, I know its impossible. I know that. Id never wanted you to even try. But Bellum is more than just a god, she is more than her power. Your mom is a symbol, not just to the Ebon Order, but to the people of this realm. Without Bellums leadership, without the belief that someone could protect the people from the realms enemies Then the people, this realm it could all fall apart

Belle swallowed hard, And you wanted that responsibility to fall on my shoulders? To be some kind of symbol of unity in order to prevent such a fate?

Only until your mother recovered her strength, he admitted.

Is that all? she laughed bitterly. Is that why my instructors and my own father trained me for? Is that why you trained me day in and day out, until I could barely stand? Until my hands were so bloody raw I couldnt grasp my swords hilt? All so I could be a symbol of unity? She snarled, You could have fooled me.

Dorian bowed his head, Belle, I am an elder of the Ebon Order. It is my duty to put the needs of the realm before my own But I see now I shouldnt have placed the realms needs over my daughters I am truly sorry.

...Dont worry, she said with an eerie calm. ...I am grateful for your training. It kept me from being weak. 

Dorians eyes widened worriedly, ...Belle, whats happened to you?

Why did you really come today? After all this time? Why the sudden interest now?

What do you mean now? Ive always had an interest in my daughters whereabouts and safety. Especially after the incident in your dorm room.

She sighed, annoyed, Let me guess, Poppy told you about the assassins.

I read her report, yes. The orc girl seems to care a lot about your well-being. Im glad you found a friend.

Did you find out who sent the assassins?

Not as of yet, but whoever they were, it seems they were not aware of who you really are.

So, thats why you didnt come to find me after the botched assassination? Because you didnt think I was in danger?

So long as Caligo lives, you are always in danger outside the confines of the castle.

He had no problem finding and breaking into our last castle, I dont see why this castle or any other castle would be different, she muttered in frustration.

Perhaps Dorian clasped his hands behind his back. Belle, I want you to know that despite all that has happened, I dont want you to be confined inside a castle. I want you to live your life, to enjoy your freedom and youth Its why against my better judgment, I let you escape to Hollow Shade

You did what? Belle asked, surprised.

Dorian winked, I contacted my niece, Calantha, and helped her get you into the academy without any fuss.

No you didnt she whispered in disbelief.

Did you really think someone as talented as you could go through the academy unnoticed? Lord Noir is not a fool. Calantha made a deal with him to make your transition into the academy as smooth as possible. As far as Elzri is aware, you are a mere distant Ashe relative who wishes to attend school as an ordinary student, nothing more.

Belle bit her lip, I didnt know

Thats because I wanted you to enjoy your academy life to its fullest. Dorian smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown, Then yesterday happened You revealed your divine abilities in front of thousands.

Its not like any of those idiots knew what my golden flames really were, Belle shrugged.

Is that all you have to say? Dorian asked, baffled. Do you not feel any regret for the secrets you put at risk?

She glared at him,  My only regret is being unable to kill that conceited bastard, Calex Thorn.

Are you daft, girl? Killing the heir to the City of Thorns would have sparked a conflict between Undergrowth and Hollow Shade!

He hurt my friend! He would have killed her if I hadnt stopped him! He deserves to die!

The Orders duty is to protect the people, not to start unnecessary wars!

I am the daughter of War, it is in my nature, she sneered.

Bellum is also the Guardian of the realm. She protects the people.

Only the people she finds worthy.

Why are you acting like this? Dorian frowned.

Why are you surprised? Is this not what you wanted? I am living for myself, not for the thousands of imbeciles out there celebrating a day that does not even belong to any one of them! My grandfather would have killed them for what theyve done to his Summer Solstice!

Dorian grimaced, Bellum hates what theyve done to his day as well, but Solis is gone

So were just supposed to forget him! Forget that he ever existed!? she cried out angrily. 

...It is not our place to interfere. The Ebon Orders way has always been to operate in secrecy. It is how we have stayed strong throughout the centuries and still managed to be a neutral power in the Ebon Realm.

Fuck the Orders ways! Im done with all this bullshit! Belle screamed. She walked past her father and headed for the open street, Im not going back. I came here to win a tournament and that is exactly what I am going to do.

Belle Ashe-Bellumdottir, do not walk away from me! he yelled in a chastising tone.

She paused in her steps, but she did not turn around.

Dorian sighed bitterly, Is this all you care about now? Victory?

...Thats all that really matters, isnt it? Who wins and lives. Who loses and dies. Nothing else.

If you really believe that, then grant your old man one request.


Even when you win tomorrows match, do not kill the Ebon Aspirant, he said solemnly. I do not know what the re-emergence of an Ebon Aspirant means, but it is too soon to pass judgment on the first of what may be a whole new generation of Ebon Lords.

Thats it? Belle laughed. Dont worry, father. I have no interest in killing my friend. I just hope he can put up a good fight.

He sighed, You really are your mothers daughter.

She glanced back at him, Youre not going to try and stop me?

No, even though I think we both know I should, Dorian sighed heavily. He reached into his pocket and tossed her a small leather pouch, Catch.

Belle snatched the pouch from the air and peered inside, What is it?

She turned the pouch over and a pair of reddish gold earrings fell into her palm. 

Theyre made of vermillion gold. The metal is native to the Aurus Realm and is quite rare even there. The earrings were your mothers. He smiled, She asked me to give them to you and to tell you, Happy Birthday, Belle, light of my heart.

Belle took a shaky breath and smiled, her eyes watery, Tell Mother I said thank you and that I am sorry for everything.

Before Dorian could respond, she walked out of the alley and melded into the celebrating crowds.


Plum pushed open the heavy wooden door and stumbled into her house in the late hours of the night. She had one too many beers at the Festival and she felt as if she was about to hurl.

Dammit, I should really stop drinking with Veronica, she thought regrettably.

Plum hugged the wall as best she could and dragged her feet to the kitchen. If she was going to accidentally vomit, she would do it in the easiest room to clean.

Ahem, a deep voice coughed.

Plum spun around, surprised, and fell on her bottom. W-who are you!?

Sorry for the disturbance, Miss, an armored guard bowed his head.

As Plum glanced around the kitchen room, she noticed there were half a dozen heavily armed guards standing around the room.

W-what is this!? Plum asked, panic rising in her voice.

Her eyes looked over the guards steel armor and finally noticed the crimson heraldry of House Katag.

You Youre from House Katag, Plum said, relieved. 

Yes, Miss, the guard nodded.

Did Stryg send you? Is he here? Plum asked.

No, he isnt, a sultry voice spoke from a chair in the corner of the room.

Plum narrowed her eyes and tried to make out the figure hiding in the dark, Who are you?

The figure stood up from the chair and stepped into the candlelight, revealing a beautiful slim figure and lustrous purple hair.

Its nice to finally meet you, Feli said in a composed tone.

Plum furrowed her brow, Who are you?

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