Realm of Monsters

Chapter 33: Maeve Mora

Chapter 33: Maeve Mora

Callum rapped his fingers on the mantled table. They were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. He wondered what was taking Stryg and Kithina so long. 

More wine sir? The waiter asked.

No, thank you. 

The waiter nodded and walked to another table. Callum glanced around the restaurant. All the customers came from one powerful family or another. Callum spotted the daughter of a civic lord eating with her friends. A merchant lady sat eating with her lesser husbands a few tables over. This restaurant catered specifically to the high class folk of Hollow Shade. Callum chose this restaurant in order to impress Stryg and Kithina. He was growing up and soon he wouldnt have his fathers protection anymore. Sure, no commoner would ever dare disrespect him, but the same couldnt be said about the high class, even his own siblings were a potential threat. They saw him as a stain in the Veres familys reputation. It was made only worse that his father demanded he have a place equal to his siblings. 

After he graduated hed be eligible to be challenged to a mage duel. His siblings wouldnt hesitate to do so and accidentally kill him in the duel. Death was common enough in duels. Or perhaps they wouldnt wait that long and theyd send assassins after him. Callum needed allies and he needed them quick. People whom his siblingss influence couldnt reach. Powerful individuals unrelated to the affluent families of Hollow Shade. In other words, magi born from commoners. Kithina seemed fond of him and was more than willing to become friends. Stryg was very standoffish, Callum had a difficult time gauging his behavior. But, Stryg had shown great potential, in both physical and magical abilities. Despite having a completely different background, Stryg was a kindred soul, a hybrid born into a harsh world. He wanted the rude goblin on his side. 

Callum was willing to do what was needed to befriend the two magi, including treating them to a fancy dinner. If only the two would actually show up. He sighed.

Young master, should I go look for Mr. Stryg and Miss Kithina? His attending maid asked in a polite tone.

No, it's fine. I dont wish to appear desperate, Callum said.

As if on cue, Stryg and Kithina walked into the room. Kithina was dressed in a yellow dress that accentuated her red locks. She had gotten her hair and make up done at a salon. It was expensive, but as she looked around the fancy decor and well dressed patrons, she didnt regret her decision at all. She was nervous, it was her first time in such a fancy place. But, it was one of her dreams to be a part of such a high class gathering. She hoped to the gods that shed fit in.

Stryg wore simple black trousers and a loose blue tunic. He surveyed the restaurant with interest. The food did smell good and there were many beautiful women around as well. It passed his judgement. 

Kithina spotted Callum and walked over with Stryg in tow. 

Kithina you look beautiful, Im glad you were able to make it. Callum smiled.

Kithina blushed under the praise, but her face turned sour as she spotted the maid behind Callum.

Great, another maid, Kithina thought in irritation. She thought shed be used to the ever present maids by now, but she wasnt it, far from it. Their presence became more annoying as time passed. She hid her annoyance behind a thin smile, Sorry, were late. Stryg had trouble getting in.

They said there was no way I could have a reservation, Stryg said with a cold tone.

I had specifically told them to expect a hybrid goblin when I reserved this table weeks ago. Im sorry that happened. Ill have a talk with them, Callum frowned.

Hm. Stryg mumbled as he sat down. He grabbed the menu and began perusing. Stryg thought he had learned the kinds of food in Hollow Shade after trying dozens of dishes these past months. But he was wrong. He didnt recognize anything on the menu.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Ive come here with my family hundreds of times, growing up. I know everything there is to know about the food here, Callum said.

Thanks, Kithina smiled sweetly. This place really is gorgeous. She looked around the large red marble pillars that held up the painted ceiling. Ornate chandeliers hung over the entire hall.

Stryg settled on some sort of fish dish, or so he was told by Callum. Stryg didnt care how fancy it was, so long as it was delicious. The dwarf and vampire hybrid made small talk as they waited for their orders to arrive. Stryg waited with closed eyes, trying to do his own form of meditation. Instead of emptying his mind, he tried focusing on his anger, like how Loh had told him to do a week ago. He was still struggling with the whole concept. 

Here is your caviar, sir,the waiter said.

Stryg opened his eyes to look at the small orange circles that peppered his plate. What is this? Theres practically nothing here.

This is roe, sir. Harvested from dire salmon in the Hoarfrost Bay. It is of the highest quality, sir.

Hes telling the truth, you should try it, Callum said.

Stryg looked skeptical at the dish. 

On the other Kithina loved her stuffed pork tenderloin, devouring it in quick fashion, This is sooo good, she moaned in delight.

Stryg ate only a bit of the caviar, the flavor wasnt great and there was so little of it.

Its official. The food here sucks. The academy's dining hall is so much better, Stryg stated. He didnt even care to try his glass of wine, afraid that it was just as bad.

Callum put his fork down, Im sorry to hear that. Caviar can be a bit of an acquired taste. Youre welcome to try something else, whatever you like.

Ill take your caviar if you dont want it, Kithina said as she reached over his plate. She ate it greedily before Stryg could even voice his opinion. Not that he cared about the caviar, but he felt uncomfortable with someone taking his food from him.

I didnt know you two had gotten so close, Callum laughed.

Were not, they both said in unison.

So Kithina, you normally just eat from a strangers plate?

Kithina looked at her hands in horror as if she had committed a crime. She was so focused on the luscious food. How could she have eaten from a mans plate and in front of Callum, and from Strygs plate no less.

Stryg ignored Kithina and her existential crisis, She stole my food. How is that being close? Shes lucky I dont want it.

Cal is that you? A voice said from behind.

Callum closed his red eyes and grimaced. He opened them and turned around with a smile, Hello, Maeve. Having dinner with your friends? 

A vampiress stood in front of a few other girls. 

I thought that was you, Maeve said. She was a young woman, with porcelain skin, dressed in a black frilled dress. She was 5 feet tall, but her tall red heels pushed her up 3 more inches. She was skinny, delicate even, like a glass figurine. Her platinum blonde hair was decorated elaborately under a fancy ribboned hat. Her ruby eyes danced over Callums table in delight, Who do we have here?

Callum aimed his open hand towards his guests, These are my friends, Kithina and Stryg. This is my paternal cousin, Maeve Mora, shes a student at the business academy.

No need to introduce us. I can already tell what they are, Maeve smirked.

Commoners, one of Maeves friends spat.

 That girl may try to dress up nicely, but I can still see the wooden beads in her hair. She cant even afford silver beads like actual upstanding dwarves? Maeve said. No matter how you adorn one, a pig will still be a pig. Maeve used her finger to make circles around her face.

Kithina realized she had sauce over her mouth. She swiftly grabbed a napkin to try and clean herself.

Look at her face, shes turning red like a ripe tomato, another of Maeves friends laughed.

Kithina lowered her face to hide the tears forming in her eyes. Callum grit his teeth, but said nothing. He couldnt afford to antagonize Maeve. She may not technically be a Veres, but they were still cousins. If he made a move against her now, it would be seen as a move against his family, in affront to the Veres siblings. Any sort of truce he may have from being a student would evaporate within an instant. He couldnt let that happen, he wasnt ready to face his siblings.

And this ones practically blue, Maeve looked at the goblin hybrid.

Dont even try bitch, Stryg said. He had been meditating with anger, his food was horrible, and he was still hungry. He didnt have the patience to deal with this vampire. Callum said she was from the business school, which meant she wasnt a mage. Judging from her dainty figure, she wasnt much of a fighter either. He could take her.

Maeve looked outraged, Did he just say what I think he did. She stalked over to him.

Oh sweet Bellum, one of her friends whispered, Shes gonna kill him.

Maeve raised her hand and slapped Stryg's face. But he caught her wrist before the slap connected. She tried escaping his grasp, but failed in surprise. She may have vampiric strength, but Stryg was just as strong, stronger even, thanks to his training. 

Let go of me! You animal! Maeve screamed.

Stryg tightened his grip around her wrist, his claws beginning to dig into her pale skin, Im a chromatic species, idiot.

Stryg stop! Callum shouted.

Stryg looked at the other hybrid as if he was crazy.

Please, Callum said softly.

Everyone in the restaurant was watching them. Their entire spectacle. Kithina couldnt handle it anymore and ran out while shielding her face from onlookers. Stryg was reminded of his first night challenge, how they had all mocked him. But this time instead of jeering at him, they whispered amongst themselves. He hated it. Stryg released Maeves wrist. 

She jumped back, What is wrong with this commoner!? Does he think Ill let him get away with attacking me? Callum, you call this thing your friend?

Im sorry, Maeve. Hes just drunk and doesnt know what hes doing. I promise Ill make it up to you later, Callum said.

Stryg was confused. Why was Callum lying? Was he siding with his cousin or him?

Heh, you think that matters? A commoner just attacked me. Ill have his head on the chopping block for this, Maeve seethed.

Im afraid you cant. Hes a mageborn, he cant just be executed for being drunk, Callum said. It was the closest to a retaliation he could afford.

Maeves eyes narrowed as she glanced between the two men. I see, now I get it. Why a commoner is your friend. She turned to leave, but her hand slammed into Strygs glass, spilling wine all over his pants. Whoops, Maeve smiled.

Stryg shot up to his feet and hissed in outrage. He was going to end this girl.

Stryg, stop! Please! Callum rushed over and held him by the shoulders.

Yeah, listen to your friend. Or should I say master. Maeve said and walked away, the other girls following behind her.

 This is not the time. There are too many eyes on us. Please, Stryg dont do anything rash. Callum whispered.

Stryg struggled against Callum who tried his best to hold him down. Stryg glanced at the waiters who were calling the restaurant's security. His gaze settled on the vampiress strolling away, giggling with her friends. This wasnt over. He pushed Callum off him and marched out of the restaurant. 

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