Realm of Monsters

Chapter 342: Farewell Undergrowth, Part 2

Chapter 342: Farewell Undergrowth, Part 2

Stryg stood at the taverns doorway, staring quizzically at Plum. The young drows pale grey face was flushed as if she had been running for her life. Her glasses were foggy from her hot breath and sweat dripped from her brow.

Plum, are you alright? Stryg asked with a concerned tone.

She shook her head and rested her hands on her knees as she panted heavily, You you all need to run!

What? Stryg cocked his head to the side.

Thorns Theyre coming to kill all of you! Plum yelled between exhausted gasps.

The Katag orcs standing guard at the tavern suddenly drew their blades and lifted their shields. Their eyes swept around the taverns surroundings, searching for any incoming threat.

Lord Aspirant, I think its best you go inside, the guard captain said, though it sounded more like an order.

Plum, who exactly is trying to kill us? Whats going on? Stryg asked as he ushered her inside.

Plum stumbled into the tavern and gratefully accepted the tankard of mead Stryg offered. She drank down the mead and glanced at the partygoers celebrating their victory.

Stryg noticed the consternation and worry in her blue eyes, this was no time for a party. Oi! he shouted loudly. Stop what youre doing! Emergency war meeting, now!

The minstrels stopped playing their instruments at the sound of the Ebon Aspirants voice. Feli and Elena Katag stopped mid-dance and looked around, confused. Freya lowered her mug and glanced at Stryg with a raised eyebrow. Gale and Lysaila drew their swords and made their way towards the door. Rhian pushed the other guests aside and rushed up to Stryg.

The centaur straightened her back and stood at attention, Rhian of Ebon Hollow, ready and willing.

What is this about, Stryg? Ismene asked.

Stryg glanced at Plum expectantly. 

Plumela? What are you doing here? Ismene furrowed her brow.

Plum took a deep breath, I work as the right-hand assistant of Lord Gregor of the Great House of Sientia. 15 minutes ago he received a message from Lady Ophelia Thorn, one I reckon every other lord and lady of Undergrowth with a standing army has received as well.

Whats it say, child? Ismene asked with a foreboding feeling.

Plum swallowed hard, Lady Thorn has declared war against the other Great Cities. She has ordered Undergrowths armies to kill the other cities diplomats and to capture and kill the teams that participated in the tourney.

Strygs eyes widened in surprise.

Im sorry, what now? Cornelius blinked repeatedly.

Fucking Thorn biiiitch, Tauri groaned.

Ismene gripped her cane tight, How long do we have?

However long it takes for the armies to mobilize, Plum grimaced. Lady Thorn will not attempt an ambush until her forces are ready. Lord Sientia will try his best to slow down his own army from rallying as much as he can. He does not want a part of any of this bloodshed.

You trust this Lord Sientia? Ismene asked.

Im sorry, but do we even trust this drow? Rhian pointed at Plum. Like, who the fuck is she?

I was going to ask the same thing, Plum said dryly.

I trust Plum, Stryg said sincerely. And this is Rhian, by the way, I trust her with my life.

And dont you forget it! Rhian said haughtily.

...Right, Plum smiled half-heartedly. She glanced at Ismene and nodded, I do trust Lord Sientia. He is the one who informed me of the ambush and sent me here. He has also sent his scouts to warn each of the other tournament teams.

Ismene nodded in understanding, Cornelius, make sure none of the minstrels or servants leave this tavern. Elena, send one of the guards outside to warn your parents and to have them gather whatever soldiers they can muster. Well need to stand strong and together if we hope to get out of this alive. Lady Mora, send one of the other guards to gather your caravan escort and bring them here too. Well hole up here until our forces have gathered. Someone bring me the guard captain and whichever guard is most well-versed in this citys landscape; I need to speak with them about our possible escape routes.

They all nodded in unison and hurried to their tasks.

Feli eyed Plum suspiciously, ...Why did Lord Sientia send you? Youre not a scout. Why would he risk sending his right-hand servant?

Plum looked the purple-haired beauty in the eye, He didnt. I volunteered.

Why? Feli asked, confused.

Because I thought of what you said Im choosing my side. She glanced at Stryg, Weve gone through a lot We may have different ideals, but youre my friend and Ill be damned before I do nothing and watch you die.

Stryg smiled warmly, Im glad youre here.

Feli sighed begrudgingly. ...Im glad youre here too. A friend of Stryg is a friend of mine.

Shit! Callum and Sylvie arent here! Freya abruptly shouted. Dammit, I need to go find those two vampire idiots! She threw her mug aside and ran out of the tavern.

Um, should someone stop her? Rhian asked.

...Shell be back, Stryg said. When Freya decides on something, she gets it done usually.

Stryg, if were all leaving the city now, then? Felis voice trailed off.

Stryg nodded subtly, ...Yeah. Im not coming with.

What!? What do you mean!? Plum asked exasperatedly.

I have other plans, Stryg admitted with a whisper. You all plan to travel back west to Hollow Shade. I plan to go south.

South? Plums eyes widened, ...You mean to go to Vulture Woods.

Stryg grabbed Plums arm and pulled her towards the corner of the tavern.

Only for a few days, Stryg whispered. Theres something I need to do, something I need to finish. Once Im done, Ill go northwest and meet everyone back at Hollow Shade. Feli, Rhian, and Mave already know my plans. Theyll inform the others of my general whereabouts once Ive left.

...The cave, Plum whispered with realization. But its too dangerous! Your tribemates died the last time! You barely got out with your life!

Which is why I need to go, Stryg said bitterly. I will finally right the wrong that has haunted me these last three years.

I I understand, Plum mumbled. She took a deep breath and grabbed his shoulder, But if youre going to split off from the rest of the group, then youre going to need someone to guide you outside the city.

Plum, its too dangerous.

Relax, Im only guiding you until we reach the southern outskirts of the city. After that, Ill head back into Undergrowth and pretend I never left.

Plum Stryg smiled, Thank you.

She chuckled, I couldnt let a wee lil goblin wander alone in a big city all by his lonesome self. Youd get lost in less than 5 minutes.

No, he wont, because were coming with him, Gale walked up behind them.

Indeed, Lysaila slithered up next to them.

You two? Stryg stiffened, But!

No buts. I already know your plans, Gale said.

Rhian told me while drunk, Lysaila said.

Dammit, Rhian, Stryg clicked his tongue.

The centaur didnt hear them. She was busy equipping her armor and making sure that Feli and Maeve could both ride on top of her war saddle.

Neither Lysaila nor I am going to let you go back into Vulture Woods alone, its too dangerous, Gale threw her arms up, Hell, even leaving this city is too dangerous. Especially for you, Mister Aspirant.

Stryg clenched his fists, I cant he whispered.

Gale narrowed her scarlet eyes, Is that resistance I hear? Are you defying your blade instructor? Hm? 

Stryg shook his head, I cant lose anyone else.

What? Gale frowned.

Im confident if its just a few of us we can slip out of Undergrowth undetected, but Feli and the others cant. I need our greatest blademasters with them, to keep them safe. Stryg glanced at Lysaila, Please, protect my friends and family one last time.

I promised you I would protect you and your tribe until Ive returned to Hollow Shade. After that, I am free to do as I wish, as agreed upon, Lysaila said. If you wish for me to keep watch of your tribe instead of you, I shall do it.

Thank you, Stryg nodded. And as agreed, I will do everything in my power to find a way to break the bond between you and me.

Very well. Until we meet again, Mortem mageling, Lysaila turned around and slithered towards Rhian and Feli.

...I swore to my uncle that I would keep you safe on this journey, Stryg, Gale whispered.

I know, but Stryg bowed his head deeply, Please, I cant lose any more of my family.

You bastard, Gale clenched her teeth. Her eyes watered with tears. She grabbed Stryg by the collar of Blossom and slammed him into the wall, My brother died to keep you alive! If you die alone out there how will I ever be able to face Clypeus!?

Stryg didnt resist, he simply stared at the floor, uncertain of what to say.

He wont be alone, Tauri called out.

You? Gale raised her eyebrow. Why?

He is engaged to my sister, Tauri said. Its the job of the Katags to keep the Ebon Aspirant safe. Ill keep an eye on him and make sure he doesnt do anything stupid. Ill have him back in Hollow Shade in no time.

Youre not even a high-master mage Gale noted.

No, but I am a master, as is Stryg, Tauri said. Im fairly certain we can handle ourselves. I also know Glimmer Grove forest better than you. Once were outside the city I can guide him through the forest.

You failed to keep the students safe at Widows Crag, Gale snarled. ...However, you were under Elohnoirs command that night And the Gales have always held the honor of the Katags highly

Then! Stryg said hopefully.

So long as Miss Katag joins you I will protect Feli and the others Gale turned her back to them and spoke in a voice so quiet only Stryg could hear, ...I wont let you lose any more family.

Stryg placed his arms to his sides and bowed at a 90-degree angle. Thank you, he whispered.

Tauri sighed in relief, Ive known that vampiress for over a decade and she still terrifies me.

Im not surprised, Stryg said wryly. So why did you decide to come with?

Tauri shrugged, I only caught bits and pieces of your conversation, but it seems like you plan on going somewhere dangerous, which also means youre planning something stupid. My mother put me in charge of keeping an eye on you. I cant just let you fuck off and die in the middle of nowhere. 

Thats it? Stryg asked.

Hm? Yeah, why?

Sooo, you didnt decide to come because you were worried about me maybe?

Nope, Tauri crossed her arms and frowned, Now go say your goodbyes before Ismene finishes talking with the guards and notices were leaving.



Feli finally separated her lips from Strygs, but rested her forehead on his. No matter what happens over there in those woods, dont lose yourself. Remember that there are people that are waiting for you.

I love you, Stryg whispered warmly.

I know, Im amazing, Feli grinned and kissed him one last time.

Okay, lover boy, time to go, Maeve pushed them apart. Ill keep Ismene distracted a little while longer, so hurry up and go already.

Thanks, Maeve, Stryg said.

The petite blonde vampiress smirked and kissed him on the cheek, You owe me.

And the debt only keeps growing, Stryg sighed.

Since when did you get so popular? Plum said and made kissing noises.

Shut up, Stryg hissed.

Awe, how adorable, your lil fangs are still tiny, Plum teased.

Stryg scoffed, but he couldnt but smile softly. He glanced around the tavern; his friends were joking around or simply having one last mug of ale. They were all trying their best to not think of the looming battle ahead of them

Um, Lord Aspirant, Elena called out quietly.

Hm? Stryg glanced at his fianc. Oh! Right, um, I guess Ill, uh, see you later?

Elena made a face of disappointment, but nodded, Y-Yeah I guess. Safe travels, my lord.

You too, Stryg nodded and walked away. He stuffed Blossom into his backpack and threw on an ordinary black cloak. He turned to leave, but he stopped and took one last glance at his friends and family.

Rhian caught his eyes. Dont worry, chief, Ill keep em safe, she mouthed silently and winked.

Stryg felt his throat grow tight. 

Feli was right, he was no longer the small lonely goblin of the Blood Fang Tribe. He had people waiting for him right here in front of him. Stryg swore to himself he would return to them.

Freya suddenly kicked the door open and strode into the tavern, pulling Callum behind by the ear.

Ow, ow, ow! Stop already! Callum yelled with a grimace.

Then stop crying and listen! Freya snapped.

Im not crying!

Stryg smiled. He turned around, snuck into the kitchen, and slipped out the back of the tavern. Plum and Tauri were already waiting outside.

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