Realm of Monsters

Chapter 47: New Roommate

Chapter 47: New Roommate

It was early in the afternoon when Stryg opened the doors of the Merry Crescent. He had expected the tavern to be fairly empty at this hour, but it was more packed than he had ever seen it. There wasnt a single empty chair in sight, dozens of patrons milled around the bar, waiting to get their drinks.

Stryg glanced between the tables, hoping to find Feli. One of the tavern goers looked at him with surprise. The man turned to his friend next to him and whispered into his ear. They both looked at Stryg and began whispering amongst themselves. Soon enough half the tavern was muttering with each other and staring at Stryg.

Stryg felt mildly uncomfortable with the situation. He caught whispers of Is that the guy? Wait, the rumors are actually true? Hes smaller than what I thought.

Stryg wondered if they were looking for a fight.

He was about to say something when Feli called out to him, Stryg, youre here!

She ran up to him and kissed him on the lips. Many in the crowd groaned and sighed as they confirmed that particular rumor as well.

Stryg cracked a small grin, Of course Im here. I wouldnt leave whats mine behind.

Are we going somewhere? Feli raised a brow. He loved reminding her that she was his. Feli didnt mind too much, itd help keep others off her back.

I just finished my winter exams, so I thought itd be a good chance to bring you to my apartment.

Ooh, I finally get to visit a mages home. Whats it like? Do you have a bubbling cauldron or magic candles?

What? No. Cauldrons are used by red magi and I dont even know what a magic candle is.

Oh, Feli frowned. I dont know what the difference between a red magi is and what you are. I heard all magi have magic candles that glow forever.

Ive never heard of that before, Stryg shook his head. Either way, youre not coming to visit.

Huh? I thought you just invited me? Are you messing with me? Felis frown deepened.

Not at all. Im here to take you to my apartment to stay with me.

Like permanently?

Permanently, Stryg voiced with conviction. He wanted Feli to be nearby.

Let me go get my things, Ill be back down in a bit, Feli smiled brightly.

The crowd of tavern-goers were still staring at them. Stryg made sure to slap her bottom as she ran upstairs. Feli rolled her eyes, but didnt look back. He looked pointedly at the crowd, he wanted them to know she was his. The message was clearly received as they all turned away glumly. He admitted he was a bit happy at their response.

Mr. Stryg, its wonderful to see you! The tavern master came out from behind the bar.

I appreciate your hospitality the last time I was here, Stryg said sincerely.

It was my pleasure. Im glad youve come to visit us again. Can I get you something to drink? I recall you liked Fire Breath, yes?

No, I rather not drink alcohol right now. But, if you have something sweet Ill take it.

I believe we do. Carla! Bring the mage some raspberry juice. Dont keep him waiting!

Right away, Carla nodded to the tavern master, bowed to Stryg, and disappeared into the kitchen.

Please, have a seat while you wait, the tavern master offered.

Stryg looked at an occupied chair at the bar. The occupant quickly stood up under Strygs gaze. The cyan goblin had a smug look on his face, he could get used to this.

I wanted to talk to you, Stryg said as he sat down.

Whatever you wish to say, Im all ears, the tavern master said with a wide-smile.

I want to take Feli. Shell be coming to live with me. In other words she wont be working here anymore.

The tavern master winced, Well all miss her... but I wont stop you. I thought something like this would probably happen. I do hope you both can stop by from time to time to say hello, though.

Here is your drink, Carla said, handing Stryg a tall mug.

Thanks, Stryg said and sipped the cold beverage.

If there is anything else you want, Im more than happy to assist you. Anything at all, Carla smiled and leaned in closer, her blonde hair touching Strygs shirt.

Stryg understood what she was doing. Feli had done something similar. In Strygs eyes Carla was cute, but she paled in comparison to Feli.

Noted, Stryg took another sip.

Stryg wont be needing anything from you, Feli walked up to the bar. Ill be taking care of all his needs. So, dont worry your pretty little head.

Carla frowned, but didnt dare say anything else in front of the mage.

Are you done packing? Stryg asked.

Yes. I dont have a lot, Feli held up a large satchel.

Okay, Stryg downed the rest of his drink. Lets get going.

Feli bowed her head to the tavern master, Thank you for letting me work here these past few years. I dont think well see each other again. Goodbye.

Actually, I like this place, Stryg interrupted. The drinks and food are good. I already talked to him about quitting your job. But, Id like to come back to eat once in a while.

Eh? Feli grimaced.

She supposed she should have expected it, after all why would Stryg be here in the first place. He was also drinking buds with Rorik. It didnt mean she liked the situation, though.

Well, that settles it. Well miss your pretty face Feli, but I hope to see you both soon, the tavern master smiled.

I really look forward to your return, Carla beamed at Stryg.

Feli kissed Stryg on the cheek and glanced at Carla, Dont hold your breath.

Right, lets get going, Stryg jumped off the seat and headed towards the door.

Bye bitch, Feli mouthed silently at Carla before chasing after Stryg.

It was a sunny day, the brisk air only mildly frigid. The snow was beginning to melt. Spring was around the corner.

Where to? Feli asked.

The scholar district. My apartment isn't too far from the magic academy, Stryg answered.

Ive never been to the scholar district. Whats it like? Feli caught up to his side.

Its covered in grey stone. The streets, walls, buildings, all of it. It smells a lot better than the commoner district too. The magic academy is full of different kinds of buildings, including this huge library. Its nice. I dont know much about the other three academies, they all have high walls so its hard to know whats inside.

Sounds secretive, Feli nodded.

It fit right into Felis view of what the high-society schools must be like. Closed off to outsiders and filled with incredible mysteries.

The walk over was long, Feli wasnt out of shape, but she wasnt used to carrying a large heavy satchel for over an hour either. Stryg kept a surprisingly fast pace. Feli struggled to match his gait.

You didnt tell me it was so far, Feli complained.

Its normally not, but Ive slowed down so you can keep up.

This is your slow speed? Well, thank you for having mercy on this weak human, Feli groaned.

Are you mocking me?

I would never dream of it, darling, Feli sighed.

Hmm. Stryg stared at her face, unblinking.

Are we close? Feli laughed nervously.

...Probably another twenty minutes.

Could you at least help me with this bag? Feli smiled weakly.

Sure, Stryg grabbed the bag with little effort and hauled it onto his shoulders.

Feli was surprised. She thought hed say no, not bothering enough to care. Why else wouldnt he have helped earlier?

Feli didnt understand that Stryg simply hadnt thought about helping. Back in his village people were expected to carry their own weight and asking for help was normally frowned upon.

You dont seem tired at all, Feli pointed out.

I exercise a lot, on my own time and in class. Magi are expected to be in fit shape, but you'd be surprised at how many arent. My master also makes me run errands all around the trade district often. This little walk here isnt much.

Right Feli muttered. Of course magi lived up to different standards.

Feli knew the moment they left the trade district and entered into the scholar district. Stryg had been right, the floor was covered in pristine cobblestone. Tall limestone walls lined the streets all around. She felt uncomfortable at the people they passed by.

Theyre all staring, Feli whispered.

Im used to it. People have stared at me my entire life, he shrugged rigidly.

Feli studied Stryg in a new light. She hadnt thought about it. It must not have been easy being a hybrid growing up. People didnt like those that were different, especially the commoners. They probably thought Stryg was strange, then again she supposed he was.

I know what its like to be stared at too, Feli linked her arm with his. I say let them stare, she grinned.

It was simple, but Stryg found Felis actions strangely comforting. They finally arrived in front of a metal gate, where a guard sat in a small building nearby. The guard recognized Stryg, walked out, and opened the metal doors. Feli smiled at the treatment, but her attention was soon lost to the large stone complex in front of them.

These apartments are for students who work in one of the academies. Usually, teachers assistants or the like. My apartment is on the 3rd floor, come on, Stryg took Felis hand and led the way.

Feli admired the limestone architecture of the halls and stairs. She had never been in a building this posh before.

I was impressed when I first came here too. But, the real surprise is inside, Stryg opened the door to his apartment.

Felis eyes danced around everywhere, Its beautiful!

The spacious living room had polished wooden floors, yet was empty save for a blue couch. Shed work on livening up the place later. She strode into the kitchen. A brand-new cast iron pot hung over a stone fireplace. She wondered how complex the chimney system had to be in the complex to have a fireplace on the 3rd floor. There was even a built-in kitchen island table. Feli opened the kitchen oak cabinets, but was disappointed to find no food.

Theyre empty. Wheres the food? Feli asked.

I dont have any. I dont know how to cook, so I dont bother stocking the cabinets with food. I normally eat at the academy.

Ill have to change that. Lets go grocery shopping when you get the chance. Im not the best of cooks, but I can still whip up some decent meals.

Really? Thatd be great, Stryg was elated to have food prepared in his own home, he might even be able to eat in bed. The idea was tempting.

Let me show you the bathroom, he said.

He led her to a large tiled room. A marble toilet sat on one side of the room, while a wide marble tub stood proud at the other end. A copper wash basin sat on a granite counter between the two.

You turn this to get water, he pointed to an iron spigot above the tub. Then take out the plug at the bottom of the tub to drain the water when youre done. I normally dont use the tub since the water here is cold.

Stryg sighed, I guess Ive gotten used to the warm showers at the academy.

This place is amazing! Feli screamed in glee.

Stryg winced at the high pitch sound, but she didnt notice. Feli had never seen such nice hardware, and for a bathroom no less. Her life really was changing for the better.

I can use this whenever I want? Feli asked just to make sure.

Yup. I can stay in this apartment until I graduate, which will be around 2 years and a few months from now. At which point Ill have to find another place to live.

Feli grinned inwardly. When the time came shed nudge Stryg to get a house in the villa district. But, for now she loved where she was.

Wheres the bedroom? She asked.

Thats my favorite room, Stryg smiled proudly.

Like the other rooms, the bedroom was sparse, save for the largest bed Feli had ever seen. The titanic bed practically took up all the space.

My master bought it for me as a bonus to becoming her apprentice. Its my prized possession, Stryg jumped onto the bed, arms open wide. Its so soft. It beats the ground any day.

Feli smirked and fell on top of Stryg, Is it softer than me?

Strygs hands began exploring under her blouse, Why dont we find out?

Felli giggled and kissed him.

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