Realm of Monsters

Chapter 56: First Date

Chapter 56: First Date

Chapter 56:

Loh looked at the group of students. Most were bloodied. A few were injured quite badly. One students head had been beaten to a pulp, his face was unrecognizable. Judging from the fearful looks the injured student's teammates gave Stryg, Loh could guess who the culprit was. 

8 out of 21 students left. Four teams have passed. Clypeus, despite your team not losing a single member, you still did not manage to achieve first place, Loh sighed.

That wasnt what bugged her. What annoyed her was that neither did Strygs team. She had hoped her apprentice would have done better. Instead he was the only one left of his team. 

I take full responsibility, Clypeus bowed his head. My teammates performed well. It was my incompetence that cost us the match.

Yes, well your excuse doesnt make much of a difference. Youre still going to have to take the final exam, Loh said.

Understood, Clypeus said.

The same goes for you, Loh looked over at Stryg.

He didnt respond. Stryg sat on the grass, head between his knees. Something was clearly wrong. Loh would need to talk with him.

We understand, Callum said. He sat beside Stryg and Kithina.

Well, then. Everyone who needs medical attention head over to the infirmary. The white magi will take care of your injuries. Class dismissed, Loh said. Stryg, I need to talk to you.

But, Stryg was already gone. He had run off the moment Loh had spoken. She frowned. Something was definitely wrong. 


Stryg? Hey, Stryg? Stryyyg, Feli said.

Stryg glanced up, Huh? What is it?

Thats my question. Youve been spacing out ever since we left home, Feli frowned.

Oh, its nothing, Stryg said. 

He grabbed a chicken kebab from a nearby food stall, Want one?

No, thanks, Feli shook her head.

Suit yourself, Stryg said. He grabbed another two kebabs and paid the vendor. He devoured them in a matter of a few seconds.

I know you can eat a lot, but please try to save some space for actual food.

Actual food? This is all real food. Back in Vulture Woods eating grass because you were being punished, now that was some fake food. 

They made you eat grass? Why?

I was weak. I still am I suppose, Stryg spoke in a downcast.

This wasnt going well. Feli planned to use their date in the trade district to seduce Stryg even further, to make him focus more on her. Recently he had been busy with his studies and hadnt spent much time with her. 

Just the other night he didn't come home. She had stayed up all night worried about him. He came back the next morning with torn bloodstained clothes. When she asked him about it, he refused to say anything, instead going straight to sleep. 

Today he was even more distant. This was bad. It was time she proved herself to be a capable spouse. She needed to show him her good points, that she was helpful, that he could rely on her.

Feli stopped walking. Okay, whats wrong? And dont tell me nothing. We are on our first official date. I wont have it be ruined because youre blue.

Im more of a cyan. Theres still a little green. Stryg looked at his hands.

Im not talking about your skin. I mean how you feel.

Since when is a color considered a feeling?

Feli rolled her eyes, Feeling blue means you're sad, depressed, bummed out.

Oh. Im not sad, Stryg said. He walked away.

Feli reached out and grabbed his hand, Yes, you are. Its all over that adorable face.

Im not adorable, Stryg hissed.

Feli had grown accustomed to the hissing. Others were scared off by it, for good reason she supposed. Stryg wasnt a particularly friendly person, quite the opposite. Feli knew that Stryg wouldnt hurt her, however. In fact, she had learned how to deal with this exact situation. She pulled him in and hugged him tightly, his face cuddled between her breasts. His pupils went as wide as saucers. 

Feli didnt mind the onlookers that passed by. She didnt care what commoners thought of her anymore. She had made it big. She was together with a mage, it didnt matter what any commoner thought, which was good since Stryg had a way of throwing people off. 

Stryg closed his eyes. His hands found her bottom and began to rub her butt.

Pervert, Feli whispered with a smile.

I can touch whats mine whenever I want, Stryg mumbled.

You really are adorable, you know that, Feli teased.

Stryg pinched her butt hard. 

Ow! She yelped.

Stryg pushed her away. Was that adorable? 

You didnt have to pinch me so hard, Feli rubbed her butt.

Dont worry, next time Ill use my teeth instead. Then well see whos adorable, Stryg pouted.

Feli swallowed hard. She knew his fangs were small, but they were incredibly sharp. His love bites were less love and more bite. Still, she didnt regret her words. She enjoyed seeing his pouty face. His cheeks would puff up like a child. It really was adorable.

Well see indeed, Feli giggled. Seriously, though, something is clearly bothering you and its ruining our date. You might as well tell me. Were in this together now.

What do you mean in this together? Stryg tilted his head.

You know, together in life.

In life? As in a life and death situation? Stryg glanced around his surroundings.

I mean, technically, I guess if the situation arose. Id let you handle any bad guys wed encounter. You can use your magic and fancy dance skills to end them. 

How many times do I have to tell you, its not dancing. Its combat training.

Yeah, sure. What Im trying to get at is that we are together for whatever life brings our way. Battles, dates, cooking, whatever. Were going to have to face life as a couple. Preferably, from a nice mansion in the villa district. Oh, with nice velvet chairs and some fancy wine. There has to be fancy wine, not the kinda stuff the Merry Crescent carries, Feli placed a finger on her lips. 

So, youre saying we have to work together?

Yes. With silk sheets and sweet chocolate too, Feli added.

Working together, huh? Like friends? Stryg asked. He remembered how Kithina and Callum had come and helped in the grove. 

No, not like friends. Were a couple, its more than just friends, Feli wrapped her arm around Strygs shoulder. She knew the size difference bothered him, but she made sure her breasts were next to his face. He always liked that.

More than friends So, were like a tribe? Stryg said slowly.

Hm. Yeah, I guess we kinda are.

But Im an exile from my tribe, Stryg muttered.

Well, screw them. Lets make a new tribe, just you and me, Feli said.

What? Really?

Yeah, were a family after all.

I never knew my family. Not that any sylvan goblin really does. But, I wish I knew what they looked like. So, I could know why I look like this, Stryg said. He stared at his reflection in a nearby puddle. He hated what he saw.

Well, you didnt miss much. Parents are overrated, Feli sighed.

Stryg watched her face. There was pain in her chestnut eyes. He hadnt bothered asking much about her parents. He assumed they were dead, though he didnt know for certain. But, he was glad that he wasnt the only one who believed parents were unnecessary. He had gotten along just fine being raised by the goblin Mothers. 

I never really thought of making a new tribe. I suppose the gangs around here are quite weak. Maybe a two person tribe wouldnt be that strange. Especially, since Im a mage. How many gangs do you know have a mage? Stryg asked.

None, darling, Feli buried her sorrow under a smile.

Hmm, interesting, Strygs hand wrapped around Felis waist. Tribes are about being strong to survive. Since youre weak I suppose youd need me to survive.

Feli smiled wryly, Im more interested in living than just surviving. Though, yeah, same point I guess. Together were stronger.

Exactly. Strength in numbers. As First Mother used to say, a lone goblin would get picked off by the wolf packs, but a group of goblins could slay a dire bear. Im glad were in a loveless partnership. Otherwise, love could weaken our tribe, Stryg nodded to himself. 

Yeah. Loveless, Feli bit her lip. She had agreed to that when this whole relationship had started months ago. Her body for his future wealth. She was okay with those conditions. So, why did she feel a stabbing pain in her chest when he mentioned it now? Sure, she had grown fond of Stryg, she sometimes even enjoyed his bizarre mannerisms. But, it wasnt love. It couldnt be.

Feli cleared her throat, So, now that were a tribe, do you wanna tell me whats been bothering you?

I havent founded our tribe yet, plus I havent thought of a name.


He slumped his shoulders, I failed.

You failed your exams? Feli asked. Was that what was bothering him? 

No. Though, I didnt get 1st place either, but thats not the point. I used to be weak before I came to Hollow Shade. I know I already mentioned it, but you dont understand. I was a failure, no matter how hard I tried I always came up short. When I found out I was a mageborn I truly thought everything would be different. Even if I was a freak, I could use my hybrid nature as a source of strength. For once in my life I could be something, someone. There was a fight mock duel yesterday and I thought I was strong enough to defeat my opponents. I wasnt. Callum and Kithina had to come help me and then Then I was forced to run away, abandon my teammates.

His throat tightened, ... Again. I realized Im the same weak goblin I was back in Vulture Woods. Im a failure.

Feli stopped in her steps. Stryg can you wait for a second?

What is it? Stryg grumbled.

Its just your shoes. Feli crouched down. 

His shoelaces were untied and tucked into each shoe. She really needed to teach him how to tie them one of these days. This wasnt what she had in mind this morning when she was planning her seduction date. Not that she minded helping him tie his shoes, it was kind of funny, actually.

Give me a sec to tie them for you, Feli said.

Stryg glanced at the crowd of people. Some glanced at the beautiful woman tying the young goblins shoes. A few laughed. That is until Stryg hissed at them, they quickly went on their way after that.

Are you done? He asked.

Almost. There. Feli said and stood up. Stryg, do you have any problem with me tying your shoes?

No. Why?

Because, people sometimes laugh while were out in public. They think its strange that you dont do it yourself, Feli said.

Who cares what they think. Youre mine, its expected that you take care of something like this.

Feli ignored him and pressed forward. Even if you cant do those tasks yourself?

Hmm, I guess, Stryg frowned.

Are you weaker now that I tied your shoes?

No, of course not.

Exactly. Sometimes its okay to get help from others when you cant do something yourself. It doesnt make us weaker, it makes us stronger. These two people, Callum and Kithina was it? Their help didnt weaken you, it made you stronger. Like that thing you said about goblins taking down a dire bear.

Yes, but I was referring to tribemates when I said that.

It doesn't matter. The point still applies. You dont need someone to be in your tribe to work with them and so what if you had to run away. Maybe you lost the fight, but you didnt fail the exam, right? Despite having it rough you managed to scrape through. Youll get another chance, and I guarantee youll be stronger for it. We all lose once in a while, its how we learn. Trust me, I made plenty of mistakes back at the tavern. Thanks to the help of a few coworkers, not Carla mind you, I was able to get better at my job. I think all you need is some time. Time to get better and maybe some time to rest. Like on our date.

Stryg closed his eyes in contemplation. Maybe. Just maybe, youre right.

Of course I am, Feli smirked. Now who are Callum and Kithina?

Oh, their classmates. Weve been placed in a group for the year as project partners. The professors believe it helps simulate teamwork.

They're just classmates then?

Yeah. Stryg paused, Actually, no. I guess you could call them friends. 

Feli laughed, Ah, friends. Got it.

What are we supposed to do on a date? Stryg asked, his mood finally lifting a bit.

Im glad you asked. First, were supposed to take a nice walk through the district, shopping at different stores, and enjoying ourselves.

Havent we already done that?

Im not talking about buying groceries. Were supposed to go to fancy stores. Youre supposed to buy me nice clothes, treat me to some fancy food. Maybe even share a sweet dessert. Probably chocolate, I love chocolate.

Oh, Ive done that before, Stryg nodded.

What? No we havent?

Not with you. Ive done that with Plum before.

...Whos Plum? Feli asked with a crooked smile.

A friend of mine. I dont have many friends, but shes the first, Stryg said.

You share chocolate with friends?

Just Plum. It was actually hot chocolate, pretty tasty really. I honestly dont like sharing, but I forgot my mug, so I had to share a mug with Plum. Now that I think about it, she drank most of it, Stryg frowned.

She sounds funny. When can I meet her? Feli grabbed Strygs hand.

I dont know. Were both kind of busy with finals coming up. Why the interest?

I just want to meet my fiances friends. Is that too much to ask? Feli frowned sweetly. 

Yes. Yes, it is. Im busy, Stryg said. 

Come on. How about after your finals?

I dont know, maybe. Stryg sniffed the air, he could smell the confectionary store from around the block. Im craving chocolate, wanna get some? Stryg asked, his mouth already beginning to water. 

I thought youd never ask, Feli grinned.  

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