Realm of Monsters

Chapter 93: Sticks and Stones

Chapter 93: Sticks and Stones

Stryg spread his legs out and reached for his toes, one foot at a time. He bent backwards then forwards, three times both ways. He hopped and let his body drop, sticking out his right palm to catch his fall at the last moment. He breathed in slowly as he got in a plank position and began his planche push-ups.

Come on, we dont have all day, Loh glanced up at the noon sun.

Im almost done warming up, Stryg switched to his left hand and continued his daily routine.

Rhian leaned her head near Maximus, Its crazy how he can do that right? Theres no magic either, its just his arm strength. I mean, isnt it weird how someone so small is so physically strong?

Thats what you think is weird about him? Maximus raised an eyebrow.

Im not so small, youre just chunky big, Stryg hissed.

Yeah, the hissing is definitely weird, Maximus grunted.

Ahahah, sorry Master, I meant to say youre a lovely size, just right, Rhian laughed. Did he just call me chunky? She muttered under her breath.

I did, Stryg stood up and wiped his hands together.

Gods, I shouldnt have taught him that word, Rhian rolled her eyes.

Enough talk, training starts now, Loh clapped. Max, youre up.

Gladly, Maximus cradled a pile of fist-sized rocks in his left arm.

Right, Stryg closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He could feel his body grow warm as orange mana began to flow through him. The veins in his entire body began to darken. He opened his lilac eyes, determination clear in his gaze.

Oh, a full body enhancement, ey? Someones being daring today, Loh grinned. Dont hold back, Max.

I never planned to. Maximus grabbed a rock with his right hand, pulled back his arm, and flung the stone with all his titanic strength. The rock was a blur as it sped through the air.

Stryg could see the stone clearly as it flew towards his chest. He moved his torso to the side with an agile twist, the rock sinking into the nearby grass in a cloud of dust. Maximus threw another two stones in quick succession. Stryg ducked under one and raised his leg above the other.

Not yet! Maximus began throwing all the rocks in an endless barrage.

Strygs eyes moved in rapid motion, taking in the assault. His feet shuffled in swift short steps. A stone soared past his arm, another sailed over his head. Two more shot right between his legs. He jumped in the air with a twist as four more rocks flew all around him.

Strygs left foot flared in heat and pain, the spell overwhelming him. His foot cramped as he landed. His body suddenly felt sluggish against the stony onslaught. He bent his torso low, a stone grazed his shoulder. He pushed away with his right foot, a rock glanced his thigh.

Stryg saw the final stone punch through the air towards his face. His body was too slow. He could not dodge this. His hand shot out and caught the stone, an inch from impact.

Not bad, kid, Loh whistled.

I really thought itd hit his face, Maximus grumbled.

I still wasnt fast enough, Stryg panted.

Yes, but it was still better than last time, Loh said.

You mean when the rock socked him right across the jaw? Rhian giggled.

That was a pretty good throw, Maximuss lips curled up just slightly.

Someday Im gonna break both of your guys legs, all eight of them, Stryg plopped down on the grass.

I look forward to our showdown, Maximus bowed his head.

Wait, what did I do? Rhian frowned. Come on, you wouldnt really want to break these priceless pristine legs. How will you ride across the Valley with a broken-legged centaur? You like riding right? Right? She twirled in a circle, kicking out one sleek black hoof at a time.

Why dont you two go fetch us some water, Loh said.

Yes, Mistress, Maximus bowed.

Aye, Rhian nodded.

They grabbed their water skins and left for the nearby stream.

Loh glanced at her apprentice, It was the left leg, yes?

Yeah, its still difficult to maintain a full body agility spell for more than a few seconds, Stryg began massaging the cramped leg.

Thats normal. You cant expect to be able to master a full body enhancement in just two months. Even if its only a simple agility spell, she smiled wryly.

I should at least be able to handle it for a few seconds, he sighed.

Cut yourself some slack, most novices wouldnt be able to hold a single arm for more than three breaths, let alone the whole body for a dozen breaths.

You told me you managed a stable full-body spell in two months.

Yes, but that was different. I was training in meditation and practical knowledge way before my magical abilities even awakened.

It doesnt matter. I should be better than this. Im a prime mage, he clenched his fists.

That doesnt make you all powerful, you know.

Not yet.

Prideful as ever, Loh shook her head.

She stared at the rock he had caught. Agility magic was one thing, but visual perception and acuity was another. Orange magic had nothing to do with Strygs visual prowess. Despite being incapacitated, Stryg was still able to accurately see the stone coming and catch it without trouble.

Whats more, Maximus was the most physically capable centaur she had ever met and he had not held back. Stryg should have at least been directly hit by a few of the stones, no matter the basic spells effectiveness.

Stryg was only using a novice-level spell, yet his dexterity and quickness were off the charts. Even a skilled adept would not be as agile. She had surmised Strygs abnormal physical abilities offset the regular effectiveness of enhancement magic.

Loh wondered to what extent vigor and durability magic would affect his body. She looked at the small goblin bending his cramped leg back and forth. No one was all powerful, but perhaps Stryg would be unstoppable, one day, maybe.

Can you manage some target practice? Loh asked.

Stryg pushed himself to his feet, Of course, I can.

Thats the spirit, she smiled.

He walked over and into the circle of sticks planted on the ground. The circle was about fifthteen feet in diameter, with each stick placed about one foot apart.

You may begin, Loh watched from afar.

Stryg summoned forth orange mana once more, the familiar heat coursing through his arms. He pictured the sticks as the faces of the dead Wild Knives gang. He pointed towards the stick directly in front of him.

Focus, he whispered to himself.

A plume of flame blasted from his palm and scorched the stick and the two next to it. They crumbled to charcoal and ash in mere seconds.


Only three sticks this time, not bad, Loh rubbed her chin.

Its the same as yesterday.

Better than last week, though.

That isnt a good standard to go by.

All Im saying is burning three sticks is better than burning half in one go.

Why am I so bad at this? He groaned.

No ones saying you are bad. You may struggle with centering your flame spells, but you have the explosive power behind them. In other words, you have the talent, all you need is practice. A lot more practice. Again.

Stryg sighed and raised his hands. After a few minutes all the sticks were burned to a crisp as was all the surrounding grass. His body was beginning to feel hot from the spellcasting and fire.

Im out of orange mana, he wiped his forehead.

Flame spells consume mana quickly. Itll be easier once you learn more control and can limit the amount of fire you create. Hows your temperature?

Ill manage, he took off his shirt.

Ew, no one wants to see your sweaty body, she stuck out her tongue in mock disgust.

I know I look weird, he fidgeted under her eyes.

Loh immediately regretted her words. She sometimes forgot how easily comments on his appearance could offset him. Despite what Stryg believed, he was in fact good-looking. Well, more beautiful than handsome, yet attractive nonetheless. An exotic beauty she would say.

Sure, he was short, but there were many who liked that sort of thing. Loh wondered how many women would be interested in having a tumble with the little guy. The lucky bastard.

Unfortunately for you, Im immune to your rugged charms, she winked.

What? He furrowed his brow.

Time to practice your drain magic. You can practice on the grass that isnt burnt.

Stryg nodded and walked out of the torched circle. He stiffened.

What is it? She asked.

Strangers at the river. Somethings wrong.

What do you mean? I need more details.

His eyes widened, Rhian.

He dashed towards their bundle of supplies. He pushed their bags away and grabbed his spear.

What are you doing? Youre already tired and you have no orange mana left, she frowned.

Stryg paused, Good point. He grabbed Maximus double-sided axe.

Loh couldnt help but grin. It was comical seeing the 4 4 goblin carrying the 6 ft battle axe.


What are a couple of centaurs doing out here all by your lonesome? A young man asked.

A group of seven men and women approached Maximus and Rhian from downstream. They wore simple leather clothes and hide wrappings. A few plates of metal hung from their torsos and limbs, a pitiful excuse for armor.

I mean, Max and I are here together, so were not actually lonesome, more like bored? Uninterested? Hm, how would you describe us, Max? Rhian placed a finger on her lips in thought.

Rhian, I think theyre raiders, Maximus muttered under his breath.

They can speak, a male raider noted in mock surprise.

And judging from the fact that they arent wearing any equipment or saddles, Id say they are runaways, a female raider added.

They are too well groomed. They must have just run away from their Masters a few days ago. Ive never met two such high quality centaurs, perhaps they were owned by a tribe leader or maybe theyre from Hollow Shade, the first raider and leader of the group, concluded.

Rhian dangled her filled water skins, Aaanyway we already got our water, so well just be on our way, buh-bye.

I rather you not, their leader lifted a clenched fist.

One of the women pulled out a bow and notched an arrow. Rhian froze in panic.

Maximus observed them calmly, If I had to guess, judging from the fact that you only have one bow and that sorry excuse you call armor Id say you bunch are the runaways. Deserters are you?

While the raiders had been talking, Maximus had been examining the seven of them, taking stock of their weapons. A small group of raiders would normally roam the Valley plains on the backs of centaurs. Yet, they had none. Rhian and him would easily be able to run away if it wasnt for that single bow.

Maximus needed to get rid of the archer and her bow. But, he didnt have his axe, nor his plate armor. All he had was a water skin, it would have to do.

Deserters? The leader laughed. More like the last true warriors of our tribe. But, those are matters too complex for an animal. Now, how about you two get on your knees and stay still.

I havent seen a mare as pretty as her before. Do you mind if I play with her for a bit, another male raider smacked his lips together.

Maybe later, just wrap their necks with makeshift reins for now. Well need centaurs to get as far away as we can. The stallion should be able carry four or five people easily, the leader said.

Rhian cleared her throat, While I may in fact be a paramount specimen and perhaps the most beautiful centaur you have ever laid your eyes on, I am afraid I must decline. Im already spoken for.

We dont have time for the beastkins chit-chat. Shoot her in the arm, thatll make her shut up, the leader commanded.

But, dont we need them? The archer asked.

We only need her legs, shoot her already, the leader ordered.

Wait, lets think about this for a moment, I can be very quiet! I promise! Rhian held up her hands, she glanced at Maximus.

Sorry about this, the archer smiled and pulled back her bow.

Maximus clenched the water skin and flexed his arm. A spear plunged through the archers chest and sank straight into the stream's rocky shore. The bowstring snapped forward, the arrow flew askew, missing Rhian.

Were under attack! A raider yelled.

Maximus did not waste a moment. He threw the water skin at the face of the nearest raider, knocking them to the ground. He bellowed angrily as he smashed his hooves over the raiders chest in a bloody splattering.

The other raiders jumped back and pulled out their weapons. One of them pointed towards a nearby hill. Loh sprinted down the hill with graceful steps, her feet barely touching the grass beneath her. Stryg skipped in large bounds behind her, Maximuss enormous axe bouncing behind him.

What the fuck is that? A raider squinted at the sight of the goblin.

Get away from Rhian! Stryg roared.

He vaulted seven feet up in the air, spun, and swung the axe in a low arc, slicing the raiders head clean off. Streams of fire curled out from Lohs palms and roasted another two raiders in an instant.

The lead raider lashed out his rope dart at Lohs chest. She swerved around the fluid attacks easily. Her agility enhanced body was almost a blur as she dashed towards him. He swung with a high kick, she ducked beneath, grabbed his leg and used the momentum to throw him to the ground. She pinned him down and used grey magic to drain his lifeforce in a manner of seconds.

The last raider saw the carnage unfold and ran away in panic.

You think you can have your way with Rhian?! Stryg raised his axe and aimed at the mans back.

Capture the last one alive! Loh yelled.

Strygs fingers slipped, the axe flew awry, and sliced off the raiders leg instead. The raider shrieked in agony, but with his last strength he threw himself into the water. The rushing stream carried him away.

Youre not getting away, you bastard! Stryg screamed in rage.

The water shuddered as the stream began to flow backwards. A sudden wave surged out and washed the raider ashore. Strygs vision swam, he dropped to his knees.

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