Realm of the Night God

Chapter 6: Unexplained Chill

Chapter 6: Unexplained Chill

Guanhai ran this bar quite modestly, with only a few tables. He was a hands-off manager, leaving everything to the bar manager to handle, only showing up at the bar periodically to settle accounts and check on the inventory of drinks.

Although the bar was small, the atmosphere was pleasant. When Yang Haoran and his companions entered, the few tables available were already packed with people, indicating good business. Besides women, this small bar was Guanhai's sole source of livelihood in this world.

As soon as Guanhai stepped into the bar, he was surrounded by several beautiful women, chatting animatedly and giggling excitedly.

The music playing in the bar wasn't too loud, allowing customers to chat comfortably. However, due to the distance between Yang Haoran and Guanhai, Yang Haoran couldn't quite catch what the girls were saying to Guanhai amidst all the chatter.

With no available seats, Yang Haoran settled at the bar counter, ordered a bottle of beer, and began drinking casually.

Meanwhile, Mr. Liu seemed thoroughly intoxicated by now, his face flushed red as he staggered, his eyes fixated on the girls surrounding Guanhai.

"Yang, why don't you take a seat first? I'll be right with you," Guanhai said as he approached Yang Haoran, wearing a grin.

When no one else was around, Guanhai addressed Yang Haoran casually, but in the presence of others, he usually referred to Yang Haoran as "Brother Yang".

Yang Haoran glanced disdainfully at Guanhai and simply uttered two words, "Get lost!"

Seemingly excited about something, Guanhai had no intention of getting into a spat with Yang Haoran. After flashing Yang Haoran a knowing smile, he was dragged away forcefully by the girls.

Observing this, Mr. Liu appeared excessively thrilled and hastily shouted after Guanhai, "Hey, hey, hey! We came here together. Are you really leaving me alone here? Don't worry, I'll treat these lovely ladies to a drink!"

Guanhai wanted to retort that Yang Haoran was still here with him, but Mr. Liu immediately started chatting up a nearby girl.

Though the girl wasn't particularly interested in Mr. Liu, considering he was Guanhai's friend, she didn't say much. Guanhai didn't intervene either, as he had plans to fleece Mr. Liu later and decided to let him enjoy himself for now.

And so, Mr. Liu successfully immersed himself in a group of women, his face beaming with delight.

Observing all this, Yang Haoran couldn't help but feel speechless. Mr. Liu was already quite intoxicated, struggling to walk straight, but upon seeing beautiful women, he seemed to have gained a surge of energy.

"Men, they never change," Yang Haoran sighed inwardly, shaking his head with a faint smile, then paid no further attention to Guanhai and Mr. Liu, focusing instead on his beer, his mind heavy with thoughts.

Unbeknownst to him, Yang Haoran had consumed quite a bit alone. His face showed signs of intoxication, and as people came and went from the bar, passing by him, he remained oblivious, lost in his own thoughts and his drink.

"At thirty, a man should have found his path. Yet I seem so far from it. Is the road I've chosen right? Will it lead to darkness?" Yang Haoran pondered silently. He felt a hint of confusion creeping in, unsure if his persistence was justified, if he should continue down this path.

Engaging in his current occupation, dabbling in deceit day in and day out, was not a sustainable plan. Sooner or later, he would be exposed. If he encountered a genuine threat, he would be in serious trouble. Walking by the river, one's shoes are bound to get wet – he understood this principle well.

"Does effort always yield the desired outcome?" Yang Haoran asked himself, but soon, he chuckled bitterly and shook his head, feeling a sense of resignation. His answer was a definite no.

"If one doesn't strive, will life be easier?" A somewhat absurd thought crossed Yang Haoran's mind. However, before this notion could take root, he quashed it. He was disappointed with his current situation but hadn't reached despair. Deep down, a seed of hope still lingered.

Yang Haoran couldn't help feeling melancholic after drinking. At thirty, with nothing to show for himself and no family or career established, he felt a sense of urgency. His starting point was low, unable to compare with peers who had a better head start. If he failed to achieve something significant, his life might continue aimlessly. He might even remain single, spending his days alone.

Downing the last of his drink, Yang Haoran set his glass aside. Feeling a bit dizzy, he rubbed his temples and checked the time on his phone. It was already past ten. When he entered the bar, it was barely nine. Time had flown by unnoticed.

"Darn it, Guanhai probably forgot all about me by now," Yang Haoran muttered under his breath with a wry smile, preparing to leave the bar. However, at that moment, a stunning figure passed by him, and his body involuntarily trembled.

The woman who passed by Yang Haoran was exceptionally beautiful, tall and slender. Even in the dim lighting of the bar, her exquisite features and graceful figure couldn't be concealed.

However, Yang Haoran felt a slight shiver not because of her beauty or figure, but due to an inexplicable chill that enveloped him as she walked by. It sent a shiver down his spine.

The woman didn't notice Yang Haoran; she simply passed by him, taking a seat at a table, coincidentally where Guanhai was seated.

As Yang Haoran's body adjusted and the chill dissipated, he glanced at the woman who had taken her seat and then towards the bar's entrance, his brow furrowing slightly.

It was winter, and with it being past ten, the temperature outside the bar naturally dropped. Could the sudden chill he felt be because the woman had opened the bar's door, allowing cold air to rush in?

Yang Haoran chuckled at the thought, realizing how immersed he had been in his thoughts. It was a simple, natural occurrence, yet it had startled him. He even wondered if he continued this charade, would he end up becoming neurotic?

"Seems like I've had a bit too much to drink. I should head home for a good rest," Yang Haoran muttered, rubbing his temples again, planning to bid farewell to the bartender. However, at that moment, a woman stopped in front of him.

Seeing her, Yang Haoran smiled politely, acknowledging her. He knew her; she was a waitress at the bar. Due to his close relationship with Guanhai and frequent visits to the bar, he was familiar with the staff, the manager, and even regular customers.

"Brother Yang, Guan invites you over. He's tied up at the moment, so he asked me to invite you," the waitress smiled as she spoke to Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran maintained his friendly smile but cursed Guanhai inwardly. The bar was so small; a simple call would have sufficed. It seemed unnecessarily complicated. But Yang Haoran understood. Guanhai had once told him that to woo women, one needed boldness and attentiveness. Boldness meant no shyness, no hesitation, and no shame.

Attentiveness meant paying attention to details. One couldn't afford to be careless; a single oversight could turn off a woman. Conversely, getting the details right could leave a positive impression. If those details happened to be important to the other person, the impression would be even stronger.

With Guanhai entangled with several girls, he couldn't shout out without ruining his image. Hence, he sent the waitress to invite Yang Haoran.

Although Yang Haoran cursed Guanhai inwardly, he wasn't genuinely angry. He understood.

Thanking the waitress, Yang Haoran headed towards Guanhai's table. He had no intention of drinking further. He merely wanted to bid farewell to Guanhai before leaving.

Approaching, Guanhai immediately pulled him in, introducing him happily to the girls at the table.

Yang Haoran politely smiled at the girls, including the one who had passed by him earlier. However, the girls weren't particularly interested in Yang Haoran, offering polite smiles in return but not paying him much heed.

Yang Haoran was accustomed to such indifference. With his average looks, average physique, and poverty, he couldn't find anything appealing about himself, let alone others.

Yang Haoran didn't mind the girls' attitude. He glanced at the now unconscious Mr. Liu and then at Guanhai before addressing the girls at the table, "He's had too much. I'll take him home. You all enjoy yourselves."

Although initially indifferent towards Yang Haoran, the girls suddenly found him more favorable upon hearing his words.

They felt Mr. Liu, now completely intoxicated, was obnoxious. If not for Guanhai, they would have kicked him out long ago.

To ensure Mr. Liu behaved, the girls took turns toasting him, each offering a full glass, which quickly led to his collapse.

Despite Mr. Liu being unconscious, his presence was still bothersome to the girls. Hence, when Yang Haoran offered to take him home, they welcomed the idea.

However, Guanhai intervened, stopping Yang Haoran. "No need. I've sorted out his situation. Sit down. I have something important to tell you."

Without waiting for Yang Haoran's consent, Guanhai forcefully seated him. Yang Haoran found himself sitting across from Guanhai, with an empty seat on his left and the woman who had recently entered the bar on his right.

As soon as Yang Haoran sat down, or more accurately, as soon as he approached the woman on his right, the chill he had felt before resurfaced!

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