Realm Wars

Chapter 180: Statues

Chapter 180: Statues

Ryu was transported inside a dark area before sparks of lights blew from the torches on the wall. He found himself inside a room with enclosed walls on all sides and with nothing but multiple statues in the center.

Including himself, there were five beings with him. There was no exit nor entrance, and Seraphina was nowhere to be seen. This worried him, but Rosa was in sight, and he went immediately to her.

"We are separated after all," Rosa muttered and bit the nail of her thumb. This would be troublesome. Without Matt and Damon, who was going to be her cannon fodders?


Rosa's eyes shot to Ryu, and her face brightened.

"I want Ferris back."

Rosa wanted to slap Ryu in the head. Just because he wanted her back didn't mean that she would just give Ferris to him.

"How about this. Find the exit of this place, and I'll consider your proposal."

Ryu frowned. "Consider?"

Rosa nodded. "You want her back, right?"

Ryu's silence was all the confirmation she needed.

"Then do everything I tell you, and if we leave this place in one piece and find the God-tier items, then I'll give her back to you."

".. ." Ryu thought about it for a brief moment. "I want a seal of promise."

Rosa smirked. At least Ryu had grown wiser. "Fine then."

After the two exchanged the promise, Ryu immediately asks, "How do I find the exit?"

"Easy now. This dungeon is designed to solve scenarios by pushing big blocks and statues to activate switches or reveal a secret chest. But pushing the wrong statue might trigger a trap."

"Then do you mean that one of those statues might reveal a hidden door or something?"

Rosa nodded. At least the halfbreed was quick to catch up. "No one wanted to make a move first since everyone is wary of what kind of traps awaits them if they couldn't guess right."

Her lips then rose in a sweet condescending smile. "And that's where you came in halfbreed. You will be my personal trap checker. My cannon fodder for short. Are you still willing to do it despite the dangers?"

A growl vibrated in Ryu's chest. He didn't have a choice. To get Ferris back, he didn't care what he'd do.

"Just keep your end of the bargain." Ryu was about to check the statue when Rosa stopped him.

"Don't be hasty. Though I don't care what happens to you, this is just the first dungeon. There are plenty more, and I don't want to lose my cannon fodder early in this game."

Ryu's forehead creased. "Then what do you suggest we do? Wait for the others to move first?"

Rosa nodded. "Let them be the first to brave the throws of danger and trigger the traps while we stay afar. In this game, those who wait and remain patience is the victor."

Ryu grumbled, but Rosa was right. This situation called for brains, not brawns.

Unfortunately, the others also thought of the same, and none wanted to check the statue first for fear of triggering a trap.

"At this rate, will be stuck in here," grumbled Ryu. He then looked at Rosa. "Can I at least see Ferris and check if she's okay."

Rosa ignored him and closed her eyes while crossing her arms. "Don't talk to me. Wake me up when some idiot loses his patience."

Ryu groaned in frustration. If not for Ferris, he would very much like to snap Rosa's thin neck.

Ryu could only sigh at his current predicament. But at least now, he was closer to Ferris. Many thorns were plucked from his heart, and he could breathe easy knowing that he was one step in getting her back. And with the Lost Jewel, he might be able to revive her.

However, his brows twitched at the thought of Seraphina. In exchange for Ferris, he was separated from Seraphina, and worry flooded him once more.

Ryu heaved a heavy sigh. It looked like the more people got close to him, the more he was worried about them, and it bought none ending heaviness in his heart.

He wondered if he was stronger, he could protect those he cherished and keep them safe and closer to him.

If only he were strong enough. .. Ryu couldn't help but think of his inability to manipulate mana. If he could, would he become stronger?

He bitterly smiled at himself. He didn't even know what kind of beast his other half was.

Ryu emptied his mind and let none enter his thoughts. It felt like years that he lived a worry-free life. In the coliseum, he didn't even have to think, he'd just kill, and he'd get food and go to sleep.

But now. .. everything was different. He was thankful that he got to experience many things and felt emotions that were foreign to him before. He was grateful that he was truly living. .. but sometimes. .. he just needed a break from everything.

Ryu closed his eyes and let his mind be at peace. There was no use in worrying. He'd just get anxious and lose his concentration. For now, he would take this time to rest his body and mind.

.. .

.. .

Who knew how many days had passed, but none still dared to make the first move. They were trapped inside the dungeon with no sense of time, and Ryu felt like it was already days.

"Argh! I can't stand this!"

Finally, a bulky demon scratched his head and went towards the statue, spouting, "Bunch of weaklings!"

"This will be good." Rosa opened one eye and licked her lips.

Not once did Ryu see her with a face full of worry or trouble. She wore her confidence on her sleeve, and she was nothing but arrogant. And backing that arrogance was her devastating spells, so Ryu couldn't say that she didn't deserve to be conceited about it.

Back to the Demon, he was examining the statues. Eight statues formed a diamond, and whatever was inside their circle was hidden from plain sight. No one could leap nor hover above to take a look since the statues towered until the ceiling. No one knew whether to push or pull the figures to reveal whatever was inside.

There had to be a clue. Ryu thought and observed what the Demon would do next.

The Demon checked the floor for any traces of scraps from the precious players who moved the statues, but there were none.

"Useless," Rosa smirked. "Didn't he hear the rumors that every dungeon resets after all the players die or move to the next level?"

Ryu was beginning to worry after hearing Rosa say those words. "Then, there is no clue? How are we supposed to know what to do?"

"Simple. Let the others try it out first."

Ryu regretted that he asked. For a woman, Rosa lacked compassion. Like her heart was made of stones. There were two humans, including Rosa, an elf and a demon, and he was the only halfbreed in the group. But she treated everyone like they were nothing but stepping stones for her to use.

A scowl made way on the Demon's face when he couldn't decipher what to do with no clues left behind. He checked the statues, but there was nothing odd with them. There was also nothing in the ceilings, floors, and walls.

It was like the dungeon was all about testing their luck.

The Demon took another look at the statues. It took the form of a skeleton draped in cloaks. And its menacing eyes seemed to follow him around.

"Fuck it," the Demon spat. He was confident with his powers, and he believed that whatever traps awaited him, he could avoid them and live.

He pushed the middle-upper left statue to the right, and everyone heard a cracked and rustling mechanism.

Clink. . .

Clank. . .


Everyone held their breaths and took a peek at what was inside the inner diamond, but they only saw a statue on one side, an empty space, and then another statue, the center statue hidden by the eight other statues.


"What the?" the Demon didn't finish his sentence when the statues that he moved glowed red, and before he could utter his last sentence, he was struck by a beam of red light from its eyes, and he instantly turned into particles while his soul entered the statue.

".. ."

".. ."

The others' faces paled, and Ryu had difficulty swallowing what happened.

Just like that, a high-rank demon was gone faster than they could blink.

"Hmm. .. I see." Rosa skimmed her jawline. "If you pushed the wrong statue, then you'll instantly die by those beams, and those statues would capture your soul. Interesting."

Ryu didn't know whether to laugh or cry that Rosa could remain calm at a time like this while the others almost wet their pants. Her mental fortitude was really something else!


Ryu and Rosa's attention spun towards the Elf.

"Y-you're a halfbreed!" the Elf composed himself and said, "Since you're the weakest among us here, you go and inspect the other statues!"

Huh? Ryu didn't know what the guy was saying. But he suddenly had the urge to slit his throat.



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