Realm Wars

Chapter 190: Dungeons of the Undead

Chapter 190: Dungeons of the Undead

Rosa recalled her memories, but none had said that there were zombies and undead in the dungeons. The dungeon puzzles and traps changed with each new player, and it was unpredictable to guess what puzzle or trials awaited them from the hundreds more.

Rosa clicked her tongue. If it was simple as finding the exit to the next dungeon while being surrounded by hordes of zombies, then so be it.

She decided to use some of her precious items since she couldn't rely on her skills and spells. This was no time to be stingy. One bite from those zombies was enough to kill her.

"What a rotting dungeon," Rosa smirked amidst the trouble they were facing. With a snap of her fingers, multiple duds appeared in her palms. They emitted fogy smog of pale blue, and one hit from those was enough to freeze everyone within its fifty-meter radius.

"Halfbreed, get ready to run as soon as I tell you."

Ryu nodded and wiped another horde of undead who were about to flank them, creating breathing space around them, but it only lasted for only seconds before another flock took their place.

Rosa threw a dud in the hordes of zombies. It flopped on one of the zombie's heads before it dropped on the floor while the undead ignored it.


A chilling fog erupted from the broken dud, and all within its fifty radii froze.


Rosa shouted, and Ryu assisted her on his back before he ripped the zombies' heads with his bare claws as they pushed their way thru the chaos. 

Rosa assisted Ryu by throwing duds on Zombies who were about to flank them freezing them to a halt giving Ryu enough time to push forward while fighting the hordes of undead.

The others also used their items since their skills and spells were useless. 

Eventually, Ryu saw the end of the zombies as they went out of the large hall and he was shocked to know that the world in the fourteenth dungeon was utterly different.

They were gigantic buildings made of steel and glass covered in holes with interwoven metal framings that were about to fall from one mighty whoosh of the winds. At the same time, they were all sorts of metallic objects with wheels lying on the road.

Ryu didn't know what dimension they were in, but it was definitely not their world.

"Don't stop, idiot! We have to keep running and find the exit!"

Even though she said that Rosa too didn't know how to proceed, she was shocked upon the foreign place they were in, and finding the exit in this towering maze of buildings surrounded by hordes of undead was going to be a pain in the ass.

Not to mention that she couldn't use her spells. She was practically useless here in a fight.

They had to get away from this dungeon as soon as possible!

"Watch out!" Rosa warned at the approaching zombies in their front.

Ryu snarled and skidded against the cobbled winding path. He tapped a foot against the road and changed their direction without stopping his momentum.

Rosa held on tight on Ryu's neck, pressing her breasts against his back. She was afraid that she would fall off from his speed. Her eyes watered from the air splashing violently against her face, but she refused to close them, afraid that she might miss something if she did.

It might look like a romantic scene, but Ryu didn't feel the softness of Rosa's round breasts nor the hot air blowing on his neck. He was focusing on the undead who appeared out of nowhere and attacked them.

Fortunately, due to his fast reflexes, speed and power, he easily avoided those he could avoid while ripping the heads of those he couldn't.

Ryu rounded the corner and continued running without pause. He didn't know which way to go, the enormous buildings looked the same, and the many forks and paths were confusing.

Suddenly, he picked up a scent. A distinct smell that was different from the rotting flesh of zombies. It was the scent of mortals! 

Were they their companions in the large hall? Or something else entirely?


Rioting sounds of rubber skidding against the road pierced their ears, and Ryu halted when a large metallic wagon stopped in front of them. Its doors opened, and a young man with brown hair ushered them inside.

"Get in!"

Ryu was hesitant for a moment. He didn't know that man, except his scent was that of a human. But more importantly, the metallic thing he was riding was imposing with sharp metal spikes and blades covering all corners like an armor.

"What are you waiting for?!" the boy bellowed.

Ryu and Rosa looked at each other first, but the growing sounds of zombies in the back were enough to push them to get inside the vehicle.

Inside, Ryu saw a young girl with pink hair next to the boy, but it didn't matter for now as he and Rosa squeezed themselves in the backseat.

"Hold on tight." The boy grinned, showing his youthful age.

Before Ryu and Rosa could react, the vehicle hurled forward and hit a lamp post. It vibrated and slid back before it zoomed forward again.

Ryu and Rosa held on tightly to their seats when they were hurled forward and back and shook to the side when the vehicle rounded every corner.

It wasn't fast as Ryu, but it was enough to outmaneuver the undead and the many spikes and blades, armoring the vehicle helped with tearing and hurling them away from barging their path.

When they were out of the rocks, and the vehicle drove at a steady pace on a skyway, Ryu and Rosa relaxed and slumped on the backrest.

"Boy, I'm glad to meet adventurers again. I thought that no one would make it this far in the dungeon." The boy flashed them a smile on the front mirror and introduced himself. "My name is Fjord, and this is Mayla, my elf companion."

Mayla's stoic face didn't change when she offered a nod in their direction. She looked young, about sixteen, but an Elf's appearance could be misleading.

"Rosa, and this is Ryu. But anyway, what do you mean with your words?" Rosa inquired. "It sounds like you've been stuck in here."

Fjord face turned serious. "That's right. Me and Mayla are stuck here for years now."

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