Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 55 REGRET!


He greeted me by saying, "Welcome to my mind. "

When I turned to look at my surroundings, all I saw were eyes of gold and dead bodies.

There were dead bodies piled on top of each other all around me, and their eyes were wide open as they stared at me. I could feel the eyes of the golden corpses following my every move.

"W-what kind of sea of consciousness is this?" I questioned. My words came out all at once, the air was heavy with the smell of blood, and there were unusual blades and other objects strewn about the area.

Every mountain of corpses had a dead person on top of it, their eyes closed, and they all seemed to be sleeping, the only difference being the non-stop blood streaming out of their wounds.

And in the very center was the largest collection of dead bodies, with a ball of green, red, and black floating on top of the mountain of bodies. Even from a distance, I was able to make out some kind of moving images that were being projected into that ball, and there was some kind of magic circles that covered the entire surface of the ball.

When I looked at the magic circle, it made me want to turn away as if I weren't good enough to see them, and when I saw the moving images, I immediately recognized them for what they were.

"Memories," I spoke out loud without giving it any thought.

"Come on, let's go," I heard him say from right beside me. When I turned around, what I saw stunned me the evil cat that had tried to attack me appeared despondent, solemn, lonely, and most of all regretful. I could see it in his eyes, the eyes that had shown very little emotion when we fought the creature that had laughed when he thought he was going to die appeared to be full of emoticons.

As I stared at him, I saw that his black fur was wet, saturated with something that made me want to turn around, blood, a thick covering of blood on the top of his fur and claws.

 As he walked, he looked about him, and I followed his gaze. As we approached the middle of the area, he paused for a while and cast his gaze toward the mountains of dead corpses and the five individuals who were perched on those mountains.

As we walked, I came to the realization that the golden vertical eyes, which were burning with rage and fury, had never been following me rather, they were following him. They observed his every move and every movement as if they were going to attack him at the first available opportunity.

"Who exactly are all of these human beings?"  I eventually worked up the nerve to question him, and as I did so, he paused. When he did so, my heart almost stopped, and I was scared because there was an extremely terrifying aura about him, which I couldn't see but could feel. When I was ready to speak once again, she reminded me that he did not have to respond if he did not like to do so.

I overheard him say, "all the people I had killed and the people I couldn't save," and as he said those words, my heart felt the sadness and helplessness that were in those simple words. I thought to myself as I looked at him that a creature as powerful as he was must have been so powerless at some point.

"The people who sat at the top of the mound of corpses....were they your friends?" I inquired, and for a brief second, I wasn't quite sure why I was asking him that.

I was very well aware that I had no business asking him any of these questions, but I just...needed to know.

"Friends?" he said as he took a quick glimpse at them. "No, they were more than friends they were my family and even more," he continued as he gazed at a pile of bodies that included a lady with blond hair and a hole in the place where her heart should have been. it was continuously bleeding, it looked as if it would never stop bleeding.

 She had a smile on her face, and as I looked back at him, I saw that the emotions in his eyes had deepened. There was an enormous amount of regret hidden in those golden vertical eyes. "However, by the time I realized what they were to me, it was too late," he said those last words as he started to walk again, however, I felt as if these words were not directed toward me.

As I continued to follow him, I stole one final look at the beautiful blonde human lady, but this time I refrained from asking any questions. I wanted to ask, but I was aware that it wasn't my place to question him in such a manner.

As a mind dragon, I could sense the emotions of others very well, and even more so when I was in the sea of consciousnesses, as we finally reached this mound of corpses in the middle. I felt as if I was going to pass out as soon as we arrived there.

It seemed as though I was going to suffocate to death, and the only thing that kept me from doing so was the requirement that I didn't to breathing in this area. I could see that there was a sense of great melancholy and regret emanating from this location. It had an atmosphere all its own.

He didn't stop, he walked and stepped on a skull that had golden eyes that were looking at him with hatred. As he stepped on it and then stepped onto the mountain of corpses, I wondered if all of the corpses with glowing golden eyes would pounce on him at any moment.

However, they never did, and the skull that he had walked on shattered into small peaches with golden eyes staring disparagingly from it the minute it died. However, the very next second it healed itself, and the eyes reappeared, following him around and watching his every move.

I hesitated before climbing up the mountain of bodies I wanted to run away at this point.

I wanted to leave this space, but I was afraid to do so because I was afraid of what he would say if I just left, would he be angry, would he simply kill me, I thought, but the thought of my brother staying in his paws was like cold water that had woken me up from my stepper, and I stepped on top of the corpses.

As I proceeded in this manner, they did not glance at me rather, they continued to follow him while completely ignoring me. When I re this, I felt a sense of relief since I had anticipated that they would all immediately lalizedook at me the moment that I trod on the first body.

I couldn't help but ask him, "A-are you not afraid, of all these gazes that follow you around, all the hatred that these gazes represent?" I knew that if they were to look at me, I would be terrified, just as I was terrified when those gazes from the dream looked at me.

I would be frightened, no, I was frightened when those eyes from the dream stared at me at that time, the mountain of corpses had no emotion in their eyes they were just blank eyes that stared at me he controlled it all at that time however, he cannot control those eyes here they moved on their own.

I couldn't help but think back to that moment at that time, he didn't even know what his sea of consciousness looked like however, he controlled that dream, that time it was all-natural no, now that I think about it he didn't create that dream as soon as he stole the control of the drama from me, it transformed it wasn't something that he did intentionally rather.

Simply thinking about this causes a chill to run down my spirit body; it was something that he did without even realizing he was doing it.

If a being's subconscious can transform a dream in such a way as to make it so terrifying, then just the mare's thought of him taking full control and weaving it consciously was enough to cause someone mental damage, and as I wondered this, "what can some dead people do?" When I heard his voice at that time, it jolted me out of my thoughts, and when I looked at him, I noticed that he was grinning toothily, just as he had done when he had entered that dream.

When I looked at him, I couldn't help but take a step back because his smile was like that of a predator who was getting prepared to tear and annihilate everything in his way. When i did so, all of the corpses that had been silent the entire time opened their mouths. Each of them had sharp teeth, and just by looking at them I could tell that they were capable of tearing even the most headrest thing apart.  each of the corpses began to grind its sharp teeth at the same time, making a sound that made me shudder. However, as soon as he spoke again,

"I have killed them once I can do it all over again if it means that I can fix the past, I will do it thousands of times, and I would kill even more"

As soon as he spoke, everything went quiet, including the corpses, and at that precise moment, at this moment I was aware of what this sea of consciousness represented,

It was REGRET!


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