Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 66 What if....

66  What if....

I looked across the room from where I was lying in my cot, and I saw my sister Eve making funny expressions in front of me in an effort to make me laugh. She was pretty cute, and she looked really cute I believe she is between the ages of 10 and 12.

I was pretty taken aback when I realized that I wasn't dreaming, and I was glad, really truly glad to find out that I hadn't been.

The mere notion of my old life gave me the chills the thought of going back to that hospital bed that I stayed in for so long also gave me the chills the thought of this was simply terrible.

But, there are things that I do do not know about what occurred after my passing, such as whether or not they made an announcement about it. I do not believe that my previous family would permit such a thing rather, I believe that they would try to cover it up and then get rid of my body.

Is there any point in putting this much thought into it? Everything is in my... past. I mused to myself as I tucked this thought at the back of my head.

"@##@$ Elyon" big sis said, successfully grabbing my attention, and she picked me up from the cot. After that, she took me out to the balcony, and for the first time I looked out to where I was and what I saw made me realize that I had really been reborn, there were Trees all around us, all of them as high as skyscrapers back in my previous world.

All of them were connected with bridges that gave off the impression that they could easily accommodate two trucks side by side, giving the impression that the scene was taken from a video game set in a fantasy world that had high-end visuals.

It was on a completely different level, but it also made me realize that the family into which I had been born at this time was also the one that held a lot of authority. As I thought this, a feeling of discomfort washed over me because I knew that I would most definitely need to become some kind of heir here to, and I didn't really want to do that.

Should I try to blend in? I thought to myself as I looked down into the garden, and there was a fountain there with a black cat on top of it, and it had two tails and golden eyes. I pointed to the position with my hands, gesturing for big sister to look that way. When she saw that, she smiled at me politely, and then she said,  "@#$*&^! Nova" advancing her position closer to the edge of the balcony, and after that she........jumped.

I shut my eyes because I was too afraid to even see what would happen. I just waited for the pain, and I knew that this would be the end of my second life. My heart came to my mouth and came out as a result of the fear that I was experiencing as a result of falling off of from falling five stories castle.

However, after a while I didn't feel any pain, so I decided to finally open my eyes. When I did, I saw that I was standing in front of the fountain that I had been able to see from the highest floor of the castle.

My eyes locked with the cat's, but it did not respond in any way, as if it were a statue, so I continued looking.

"NOVA"my older sister said as she pointed at the cat with her finger, but even so, the cat didn't even budge, as if my cute big sister was of no significance. The only thing that I could figure out from this was that the name of this snooty cat was nova. I tried to reach towards it because I wanted to pull it by its ears and force him to watch my adorable older sister.

Big sister moved forward in such a way that suggested she was aware of what I was up to.

"@#$#@$%"She said that while she was pushing me through the water towards the cat. However, as I reached the water, it parted as if I were some sort of plague, and it did not touch me in the slightest. Although I was amazed by this, I had to direct my attention elsewhere because there were more important things to pay attention to.

As I got closer to the cat, I stretched out and grabbed hold of its ears, making it look in the direction of my sister.

But, it did not budge no matter how much force I applied, and I quickly discovered that the ears that I was gripping onto were as hard as stone or even harder. As soon as I noticed this, I understood that it was not just like a statue but a statue instead.

As my sister looked at me, she had an angry expression on her face, and she dropped her head slightly in front of the statue. Nevertheless, as soon as I realised what had happened, I was yanked back. "!@#$#$% #$% @#$%^%$#" She said, I couldn't understand why she was talking to a statue, but I could not ask her right out as I didn't know what she was saying. I really need to learn this language that they use since, without it, I would remain an illiterate person for the rest of my life, I thought.

When I was thinking this, my older sister took me back to my room or the room where my cot was located, and we just waited there as if we were waiting for someone else. Soon enough, a knock sounded on the door, indicating that someone was there my sister said something, and then the door opened, revealing a lovely young lady standing there with red hair and eyes, making her look really cute my sister went up to the girl and hugged her. "@#$%$#@ Ruby"she stated, and I guessed that her name was Ruby based on what she said.

When I was thinking this, our eyes met, and she smiled at me in the cutest way possible. As I stared at her, I couldn't help but feel the want to serve her.

What the heck! When I looked at my sister, the sensation that I had been feeling suddenly vanished, as if it had never been there. I thought about what had happened.

Ruby moved closer to me and then toyed with me for a time. As I glanced at her, I experienced the same sensation as I had in the past; consequently, I made an effort not to look at her and instead focused my attention on something else. After observing that I was not playing with her, she began to engage in conversation with my sister.

Throughout the course of their conversation, I became aware that they used the word Nova an excessive number of times, which piqued my interest regarding the significance of the statue of the cat. Despite my best efforts, I was never able to figure it out.

Almost immediately after that, there was another round of knocking on the door, this time it was an attendant who brought some food over for my sister and her companion.

As I looked at her, I noticed that she had green skin, and even her eyes and hair were green, which caused me to wonder what kind of species she belonged to. There were so many things that I wanted to see, so many things that I wanted to explore, that as I quietly looked at the green lady, I decided to keep a low profile for the majority of my life, doing my own thing while also travailing the world and meeting new people.

As I had been confined to bed for such a long period of time, the time had come for me to finally venture out into the world. Since I now possessed a young and healthy body, I reasoned that I should be able to engage in all of the activities that I had previously desired.

As I glanced at my pudgy hands when I was younger, the only thing that concerned me was the thought of what if...

What if I were someone who was able to take control of the body of an unborn child or even a child who had only recently been born?

As soon as this thought came to mind, it was as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over my head. This thought made me want to throw up, causing tears to come up in my eyes as I started to sob. Thinking about the possibility of this happening caused my baby stomach to churn, and as I started to cry my heart out, everyone in the room was surprised by my sudden outburst of emotion.

As soon as I started crying, my mother came running into the room. She scooped me up and hugged me in her loving embrace, which almost made me forget about everything and made me want to calm down.


Even after I had calmed down, it continued to torment me whenever I thought about it, asking whether or if there are other people who are similar to me. While I basked in the comforting embrace of my mother, I couldn't help but wonder whether or not there were any other reborn persons in the world. I mused to myself as the world around me began to lose its clarity little by little as more time passed, causing me to sink deeper and deeper into slumber and for me to temporarily forget everything that was going on.


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